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Food For Thought

Confidence is not thinking you are better than everyone else, it’s realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else.

Good morning to you


Endeavor to pick up your PVC (permanent voter's card) from your various ward.

Photos from Atigbin Abiodun Stanley's post 26/09/2022

If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.


The world is becoming more dangerous and scarier by the day. People die more frequently in every region of the world.
Crazy things are happening on the streets, in the market, in our homes and even in social places.
Safety is not guaranteed anywhere.

People are becoming too scared, uncertainty filling the hearts of many.
Today it was someone else, Tomorrow could be anyone and nobody wants to die! at least not this way.

This is the time for a vigilance, a time to be more cautious than ever.
These are times when you watch your back every second because you might be a target to person next to you....

Dearest people of our fatherland,it is time to guard jealously whatever and whoever you hold important in your heart.
Be security concious,be at alert ,be sensitive ,be wise.

This is not the time to shift blames or point fingers, this is not the time to curse and insult, this is the time when all head must be up.
Mindful of strange people in your environment, work place and wherever you find yourself because these are critical times.
Keep a sound mind and don't be a victim of the unknown.

I believe in a greater tomorrow where there will be no bloodshed or terror or any reason to be displaced from our homes and land, I believe in peace and unity in diversity, responsibility and a bright future.

what do you believe in?


A wise man once said'👇


Sometimes things fall in place when we least expect.


How do you make a choice between being right or being true?

Right and wrong are perceptions, while the truth is reality. Our perception is learnt behaviour, which can change with time and situation. Being true, you are led by your conscious; it remains the same.

Sometimes, we are caught up in a situation where we don't know which path to follow. You may see many people walking and following each other on one path because they perceive it is the right one, while your conscious doesn't agree with it. If you choose a different path, you may be considered wrong, but consciously you feel it is the right one. Remember, most people are disconnected from their conscious; you need to be true to yourself to create a strong connection and understand the guidance.

Be led by your conscious, not by other people. Sometimes, truth takes time to be revealed, and as it does, their perception also changes.

Dr Bhawna Gautam


Do efforts always yield results?

Every time we make an effort, we contribute toward building something in our lives. At times, it may seem like a wasted effort because until we see the final results, we feel we are not there where we wanted to be.

Sometimes in life, we have done everything we can, but in the end, we feel our hard work has not paid off. The lack of success that we desire can bring a lot of disappointment. Even at that time in life, there is a reason to feel successful. Your efforts never go in vain; they bring you closer to success in another way.

Always appreciate your effort. Success doesn't always come to us in the way we want, but if you have worked hard and spent time and effort, you will always receive the return.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

The abused husband at Fathers Day 20/06/2022

The abused husband at Fathers Day As shocking as it may sound, men are not the only gender that can be abusive in marriage. Ladies too are equally abusive. The woman is usually the one that is known to be the victim when we think of domestic violence. However, there are men that are being abused by their wives that we don’t get to...


Sumerians Looked to the Heavens as They Invented the System of Time… And We Still Use it Today. One might find it curious that we divide the hours into 60 minutes and the days into 24 hours - why not a multiple of 10 or 12? Put quite simply, the answer is because the inventors of time did not operate on a decimal (base-10) or duodecimal (base-12) system but a s*xagesimal (base-60) system. For the ancient Sumerian innovators who first divided the movements of the heavens into countable intervals, 60 was the perfect number. The number 60 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30 equal parts. Moreover, ancient astronomers believed there were 360 ​​days in a year, a number which 60 fits neatly into six times. The Sumerian Empire did not last. However, for more than 5,000 years the world has remained committed to their delineation of time. Follow Ancient History & Mystery


A giant ship's engine broke down and no one could repair it, so they took it to a Mechanical Engineer with over 40 years of experience.

He inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After seeing everything, the engineer unloaded the bag and pulled out a small hammer.

He knocked something gently. Soon, the engine came to life again. The engine has been fixed!

7 days later the engineer mentioned that the total cost of repairing the giant ship was $ 10,000 to the ship owner

"What ?!" said the owner.
"You did almost nothing. Give us a detailed bill."

The answer is simple:
Tap with a hammer: $ 2
Know where to knock & how much to knock: $ 9,998

Lessons to Learn

The importance of appreciating one's expertise and experience ... Until
The words "it's easy" and "that's all", should be set aside. Why? Because maybe the experience is the result of struggles, experiments and even tears.

Like the picture above:
If i do a job in 30 minutes it's because i spent 10 years learning how to do that in 30 minutes. You owe me for the years, not the minutes.

(If I can finish a job in 30 minutes, it's because I spent 10 years learning how to do it in 30 minutes. You paid me for those 10 years, not 30 minutes).

This sentence reminds me of someone’s advice on respecting and wisely respecting the work of others.

There I also learned to see people ...
When they do not respect others, at the same time he has humbled himself.

Expertise and experience, that's expensive.
Unfortunately, our people still look down on that.


Talk about innovation, Jetpack Aviation, which already makes vertical people propellers just announced a successful test flight of its jet-driven flying motorcycle prototype

Expected to be commercially available by 2023. The Speeder's design team said the sci-fi sky-bike recently passed flight tests.


A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner.His father is quite old and therefore ,a little weak too. While eating, food occasionally fell on his shirt and pants. The other guests watched the old man with their faces contorted in disgust,but his son remained calm.After they both finished eating,the son quietly helped his father and took him to the toilet. Cleaned food scraps from his crampled face and attempted to wash food stains on his clothes, graciously combed his gray hair and finally put on his glasses.
As they left the restroom, a deep silence reigned in the restaurant. The son paid their bill but just before they leave, a man, also old, got up and ask the old man’s son , “Don’t you think you left something here?”
The young man replied “I did not
leave anything.”
Then the stranger said to him,”You left a lesson here for every son and a hope for every father.”
The whole restaurant was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop!
One of the greatest honours that exist ,is being able to take care of those who have taken care of us too.Our parents and all those elders who sacrificed their lives with all their time, money and effort for us, deserve our utmost respect ❣️♥️❤️


When a man loves his woman so much that he shows it everywhere he goes, people say she used kayamata, juju, love portion, charm on him. So he's not loving her in his right sense.

When a woman loves her man so much that she shows it every time and wherever she goes, people say it's because he gives her plenty money.

When a female student finds favour in the heart of a male lecturer, or she always makes good result, people say she warms his bed all the time hence the good results.

When a woman is very rich and owns properties to her name, people say she has sugar daddies sponsoring her LIFE as a whole!

When a man makes money and eventually flees from poverty, people say he is a Yahoo boy or a thief or he used his relation for money rituals. LOL.

When you aren't poor and looking tattered or begging for food or means of livelihood, people tend to know why you aren't in a bad condition and tries so hard to block it, or gossip about it, then spread rumors about you.

You know why people believe rumors? They do because they actually never liked your person/personality. That's why they're swift and eager to believe anything about you.

People will always TALK, people will always SAY, you will always HEAR things about yourself and wonder if there's a second U somewhere, people will try to PULL you DOWN with negativity, people will not sleep until they've made you CRY. People will HAWK your LIFE and spread rumors about U.

Live life and forget about whatever they say! Enjoy life and YESssss Give them something to talk about.

Care Less Of What PEOPLE Say OR Think About You!

Care More Of What GOD SAYS YOU ARE🥰

Hope I Am Communicating;? 🙏


1. He drops you off and drives back to his wife and kids.
2. He throws away used Condoms as he goes home.
3. He buys sweets to clean your fragrance no matter how expensive it can be.
4. He forgives himself for cheating as he is driving to the mother of his Children.
4 He first takes shower to remove your unwanted sweats.
5. He then convinces him self that he can't leave his Wife and Children because of you.
6. He hugs her and ask of his children education.
7. He eats food cooked by his wife not two pieces of KFC he bought for you.
8. After eating he relax on the couch, and they both go to the bedroom.
9. They discuss about the future while she is lying on his chest.
10. Then they make love (Not s*x which he had with you).
11. He doesn't take bath after it because he is used to that Aroma of his Wife.
12. She continues lying on his chest while discussing their investment, policies and planning their Anniversary.
13. And you are alone struggling with s*x because he just did it fast.
14. He gave you 100k and your Mother is boasting that she has a discplined daughter not knowing that you are slowly turning to the resting zone of a bored Husband of some one.
My sister it is not too late, know your values and have goals that Man will never take you anywhere. Find your own Man and God will surely bless you.


This girl bought an iPhone. When her father saw it, he asked her "what was the 1st thing you did after buying the phone"?

She said "I put an anti-scratch sticker and bought a cover for the phone".

Did someone force you to do so? She said "No".
Her father asked her “did you think it was an insult to the manufacturer?" She said "No that it was recommended that a cover be used on the phone".
Did you cover it because it was cheap and ugly?
"No daddy, actually I covered it because I did not want any damage to it or what would devalue the phone".

"When you put the cover on, did it reduce the iPhone’s beauty?"

"Daddy I think it looks better and worth it for the protection it gives to my new iPhone".
The father looked lovingly at his daughter and said, “if I had asked you to cover your body which is much more precious than your iphone, would you have readily agreed?".

She was mute . . . .

Indecent dressing and exposure of your body reduces your value and respect.
Am I talking to somebody???



When you are going to open your mouth to judge a mother, bite your tongue first.
Gestation hurts.
In labor, it hurts.
Breastfeeding hurts.
Seeing your child cry, it hurts.
Not sleeping good it hurts.
Serving everyone and being the last, hurts.
Not bathing in peace, it hurts.
Having a very hard day and no rest, it hurts.
Not getting your nails and hair done like you used to hurts.
Not having time for yourself, it hurts.
Mom needs help, not to be criticized, she needs affection and not to be judged, she takes care of everyone but she also needs to be taken care of.

Motherhood is not as tender as it seems to be, motherhood is beautiful yes but it's very hard.
What is beautiful is the love a mother has for her children, that love is able to endure everything!! ♥️♥️♥️

God bless All the Mothers


Tell Mama
I kept my home
I followed all her teachings on marriage
Every word she spoke to me about keeping my home, I obeyed them.

Tell Mama
I was very submissive
A virtuous wife
Her husband's pride
An obedient wife.

Tell Mama
I was punched daily by him but I kept my home
He stopped me from working with my certificate
He cheated on me with different women.
I lost three babies as a result of his blows.
I kept my home.

Tell her I never stopped praying as she advised me anytime I complained to her.
I kept my home.

Tell Mama
that I know she will be very proud of me for keeping my home.
I never brought shame to her by running back home.
I didn't ask for a divorce, I protected my husband's image by not telling anybody else.
I followed her curriculum of making my marriage work and remaining a Mrs.
that I never for once questioned my husband.

Tell Mama
That I have finally left this world full of chaos.
Tell her that I fulfilled her wish of keeping my home.

She should make merry.
She should smile.
Her daughter remained married till death.
I didn't disgrace her by running from that beast of a husband.

Tell Mama
I kept my home.
She should be proud of me.

- Angela Onoja.


"I remember when i took in, the guy that got me pregnant, ask me to abort the child because he wasn't ready to be a father yet, saying he's too young to be a dad & that, the baby will only be a distraction to his future. According to him, he planned on becoming rich first before having to think of making a family.

I wasn't ready for an abortion either, so i refused. He stoped picking my calls & abandoned me with the pregnancy. I couldn't find him anywhere. He's very close friend disclosed to me that, he had traveled to Dubai. I was 4months gone that time & when ever i went to school some of my friends & classmates will mock & laugh at my condition. They came a point when I couldn't handle it anymore coz am a shy person so i dropped out.

Just in time, few months after i gave birth, i went back to school & still graduated & got my degree. Few months after graduation, i got a job with good pay.
Now i have 3 precious achievements to thank God for; A graduate with a lovely son & a well paid permanent job.

Abortion is never an option. Children are a blessing from God, i believe my blessings came through my child♥️.
Sometimes, that baby in your womb might just be your ticket to God's abundance blessings in your life♥️🥰." - Lady writes.

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Listen To Yourself From Within!
Come Get Some!
She said she rejected poverty What did you reject inside love 😂🤑
Beauty Of Nature: The Sea
Uncle Cut The Goat Na! 😂 #comedy #funny
There Is Always Something To Be Thankful For! #thankful #life #love #family
Never Use Your Mobile Phone While Walking On The Road.  This Is Most Dangerous Thing To Do! #safety #phone #accident #de...
Best Breakfast Cereal. #breakfast #food #drink #will
Tell Me You Love My Butterfly Face 😍
God's Love And Grace Is Amazing! Watch Till The End.💖
I Feel Beautiful Because I  Have A Mighty God!💖
Live In The Moment And Trust God Always!

