Growth with Okanlawon

Growth with Okanlawon



Envisioning a life of wealth and success,

You work tirelessly, giving it your best.

But as time goes on, doubts start to creep up,

No signs of progress and frustration runs deep.

You begin to believe that wealth is not for you,

Wondering why your dreams never come true?

The answer lies in your programmed mind,

In the past, resistance made you leave it all behind.

Years of this pattern have shaped who you are,

Leading to the belief that you won't go far.

But here's the truth that you must embrace,

Your personality creates your own space.

If you want to change your reality, my friend,

You must transform and let your old self mend.


What do you think I can help you with tonight?

Money Excluded
Let's discuss


Get access to the most sought 330+ digital courses where you can learn different kinds of digital courses and have a license with reselling it.

Get it at a discount price of 1k today

Photos from Growth with Okanlawon's post 26/04/2023

WhatsApp Shadow Banning: A Growing Problem

The prevalence of shadow-banning people's WhatsApp accounts without violating the rules that govern the conduct of the community is increasing day by day. Many people have been lamenting regards the issue of being shadow-banned, especially digital entrepreneurs who solely rely on WhatsApp for their business. Even those who use it just for fun have also been affected.

A friend of mine had his WhatsApp account banned more than four times with different SIM cards. He kept purchasing SIM cards and opening new WhatsApp accounts, but they kept getting banned. It was frustrating for him to keep spending money on SIM cards.

When we chatted about it, I told him that he could also use Telegram for his business, but he said he didn't like Telegram. Funnily enough, he got banned again.

Yesterday, I stumbled upon the issue of shadow banning when a commenter said that it took four months before her WhatsApp account was unbanned. Other commentators were also haggling with the same issue, not knowing that they could unban their WhatsApp in just a few minutes or hours with a simple strategy.

I share my friend a video on how to unban a WhatsApp account for my friend yesterday, and his account was immediately unbanned after using the tactics. If you are also in the position of having your WhatsApp account banned, reach out to me, and I will help you.

PS: If you are a digital entrepreneur, WhatsApp is not the only platform for your business. I recommend using Telegram, and if you can afford it, email marketing is also a good option.


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Every morning you wake up, remind yourself that you have another opportunity to experience your greatest day, to push yourself, to set an example, to learn something, and to enjoy life.

Make the most out of it and create the best version of yourself.


16 weeks of 2023 is almost over and there are men who wasted this time.

This is for those men.

Nobody cares about lazy losers. Start now.

Good evening and have a jaunty day.


• Poverty will lick you like a pear,
• Frustration will be your companion
• Hunger will keep wiping you oriamo cord

The pain and anger that comes with being broke are top-notch 😂

You can't afford to still be broke oh.


A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest.

And poverty 😃 will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.

Poverty will always find its way to the lazy man's door post.


Growth can't be forced, it develops itself when you reach the track.

Forcing growth is like intentionally seeking constant worry, depressions leading to a situation of despair.

Growth can't be a force, it develops when you are doing the right thing without giving up.


You don't need anyone's opinion to succeed

You don't need others' affirmation before you take action

You don't need criticisms of others to affect you as long as you believe you will succeed.

Don't let others determine your success or failure for you, you're both responsible for your success and failure.

Take action now.


Don't be scared of taking risk, the risk you are scare about to took is the one that might change your life entirely. Taking risk and implementing is what gives you a driven positive , risk taking without implementation render you a failure.



Was it you? Or someone else that would break that barrier of being an average or creating an average family. Be obsessed with success, be that single person that will break that barrier so you could liberate the whole generation of yours. Don't wait for 20-40 years expecting someone to do what you have to do years ago. Start doing it now.


You are being seen all over social media binging, chatting, and scrolling all unnecessary videos that won't add value to you instead of making money with that smartphone and an internet connection, you prefer to remain broke.

If that is you, there is a solution for you if you are willing to learn.

Check the comment section to have something you could offer and sell to make money without leaving your home.


Unlock the Power of Your Smartphone: How Learning Digital Skills Can Transform Your Life and Your Wallet.

As the digital age continues to evolve, more and more people are discovering the amazing opportunities available to make money online. And the best part? You don't need a college degree or any specific qualifications to start earning a living through your smartphone.

By learning digital skills, you can transform your smartphone into a money-making machine. There are countless skills to choose from, such as graphic design, affiliate marketing, video editing, Amazon kdp, copywriting, social media management, email marketing, and more.

One of the great things about learning digital skills is that you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. There are plenty of online courses, tutorials, and resources available that can teach you everything you need to know. Many of these resources are free or low-cost, so you can start learning today without breaking the bank.

Once you've learned your digital skills, it's time to put them into practice. You can start by creating your portfolio or website to showcase your work and attract potential clients. You can also join freelance websites, social media platforms, or online communities to find opportunities and connect with people who need your services.

The key to success in the world of digital skills is to keep learning, growing, and adapting. Stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, and continue to refine your skills and expand your knowledge. This will not only help you attract more clients but also help you stay ahead of the competition and maintain your edge in the industry.

Learning digital skills is a great way to start making money with your smartphone without any degree of qualification. With dedication, practice, and perseverance, you can transform your smartphone into a powerful tool for earning a living online.

So what are you waiting for? Start learning today, and unlock your full potential as a digital entrepreneur.


Unlock the Power of Your Smartphone: How Learning Digital Skills Can Transform Your Life and Your Wallet.

As the digital age continues to evolve, more and more people are discovering the amazing opportunities available to make money online. And the best part? You don't need a college degree or any specific qualifications to start earning a living through your smartphone.

By learning digital skills, you can transform your smartphone into a money-making machine. There are countless skills to choose from, such as graphic design, affiliate marketing, video editing, Amazon kdp, copywriting, social media management, email marketing, and more.

One of the great things about learning digital skills is that you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. There are plenty of online courses, tutorials, and resources available that can teach you everything you need to know. Many of these resources are free or low-cost, so you can start learning today without breaking the bank.

Once you've learned your digital skills, it's time to put them into practice. You can start by creating your portfolio or website to showcase your work and attract potential clients. You can also join freelance websites, social media platforms, or online communities to find opportunities and connect with people who need your services.

The key to success in the world of digital skills is to keep learning, growing, and adapting. Stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, and continue to refine your skills and expand your knowledge. This will not only help you attract more clients but also help you stay ahead of the competition and maintain your edge in the industry.

Learning digital skills is a great way to start making money with your smartphone without any degree of qualification. With dedication, practice, and perseverance, you can transform your smartphone into a powerful tool for earning a living online.

So what are you waiting for? Start learning today, and unlock your full potential as a digital entrepreneur.


The Road Less Traveled: Why Sometimes the Right Path to Success is the Toughest One.

In life, it's common to come across obstacles that make the path to success seem daunting and challenging. However, it's important to remember that sometimes the right path to success is not the easiest one.

The road to success is often a bumpy one, and it's not uncommon to face failures, setbacks, and challenges along the way. These obstacles can make it tempting to take the easy way out or to give up on our goals altogether. However, the path to success is rarely straightforward, and it's important to be willing to take the road less traveled.

When you choose the easier path, you often end up sacrificing your long-term goals for short-term comfort. You may miss out on opportunities to learn, grow, and challenge yourself. In contrast, taking the more challenging path can help you develop resilience, determination, and grit. It may be more difficult at the moment, but the rewards can be far greater in the long run.

In addition to the personal benefits, taking the more challenging path can also have positive effects on the world around you. When you pursue your goals with determination and perseverance, you inspire others to do the same. You become role models for those around you, and you can help create a culture of excellence and achievement.

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, and everyone's path will be unique. What's important is that you stay true to your values and your goals, even when the going gets tough. You should embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and you should never be afraid to take the road less traveled.

Success is rarely easy, and it often requires you to take the more challenging path. However, by embracing challenges and staying true to your goals, you can develop the skills and resilience needed to achieve greatness. So, the next time you face an obstacle, remember that sometimes the right path to success is not the easiest one.

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5 Life Changing Lessons From best selling book “RICH DAD POOR DAD”

Lesson 1.“Pay Yourself First”

Pay yourself first” is a golden statement of personal finance. It means when you receive your paycheck at the end of a month you should put about 10-20 percent of money into voluntary provident funds, banks, or any other saving tools before you spend on daily expenses, bill payments, paying debts, etc.

The advantage of paying yourself first out of your salary or paycheck is that you build adequate wealth and secure your future. It creates a shield against financial emergencies, such as car breakdown, financial crisis, or unexpected medical expenses. When people don’t save money before spending they experience a lot of stress.

Lesson 2: “The rich don’t work for money”

The rich don’t work for money. What does it mean? It means the rich don’t get paid for their hard work, but they are paid for their smart work. Okay, let’s understand this in a more precise manner.

You have seen many entertainers, singers, sports players today are income earners and most of them go broke after their performance days are over. They earn a lot but for a limited time. If you’re working for money you will become a high-income earner at best. That doesn’t make you rich.

If you’re rich then you have an income of a million-dollar per year without doing any effort. Warren Buffet, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway says, “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”. So, you need to create a system of passive income that can generate a huge amount of wealth and assets for making you a true rich.

Lesson 3: ” Identify your assets and liabilities”

According to Robert Kiyosaki, an asset is something that puts money in your pocket while a liability is something that takes away money from your pocket.

Most of us think that our house is an asset. Besides, our financial planner, real estate agent, and accountant all call our house an asset. But, In reality, our house is not an asset, it’s a liability.

If you live in a house, paid for or not, then it isn’t an asset since it doesn’t put money in your pocket, instead, it takes money out of your pocket in the form of a mortgage, utility payments, taxes, maintenance, and more. That is what liability is.

Lesson 4: “Buy luxury last, not first”

Poor and middle-class people ( including myself) tend to buy luxuries first immediately after receiving their paychecks. I have observed many of my friends rush to shopping malls to buy expensive clothes, new smartphones, and many other liabilities immediately after they get a salary.

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like. ~Will Smith

Most of us buy unnecessary things just to impress other people. We are unaware that wealth is created by maximizing earnings as much as possible, saving those earnings wherever possible, and maximizing returns.

When we invest our savings intelligently and apply the laws of compounding within few years we see our desired wealth growth.

The wealthy mindset saves now and spends later.

The middle-class mindset spends now and saves later.

Lesson 5: " Read a Lot"

Just like eating a balanced diet every day keeps you healthy and fit, reading books keeps your mind sharp and makes you more skillful and knowledgeable. Successful people feed their minds every day by reading both fiction and nonfiction books. Besides, they solve many other kinds of brain games such as crossword puzzles and brain teasers.

The more you read and learn, the more you become wiser. Reading helps you to retain information and knowledge.

"I had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot." -Bill Gates

Thanks for Reading 📝👌

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You are told "No condition is permanent", Kai I wonder how you want your life to look if you believe in that cliche.

Yes, you have been told the truth and at the same time, you have been lied to Because Why?

Try not to do anything and see how permanently your condition will be. You think to say you dey wise believe in that cliche and see how your life crumbles and collapses BUT to safeguard that Beloved, do something, leave that comfort zone.


5 Most Essential Apps for Small Business Owners

1. Canva

Canva is a graphic design app that enables small business owners to create designs on the go.

You can create several designs like Fliers, Logo, Business Cards etc for your business with Canva.

The app is also perfect for creating images for social media posts.

2. Dextrac

This app helps small business owners track their daily expenses and incomes.

You can know if your business is doing well or not with the help of this app.

You just need to record your daily expenses and incomes and the app generates a comprehensive report for you.

One beautiful thing about this app is that it works without the internet so you don’t need to worry about having data on your phone to use it.

3. Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows you to save files online and access them anywhere from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

The app allows you to share folders/files with multiple users.
You can also view and edit your files when you’re offline.

4. RemoveBG

RemoveBG is an app that helps you remove the background of any photo.

5. CamScanner

With this app you don’t need a table scanner device anymore.

You can use this app to scan your business documents. The app works in conjunction with your smartphone’s camera to scan text documents and turn them into digital copies.



No success happens by mistake! ❌

It must be desired! ✅

It must be pursued! ✅

It must be attractive! ✅

It must be deliberately worked for! ✅

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How to stay poor: Believe you can figure everything out by yourself, don't pay for courses.


Not everyone will make it in life and that is the bitter truth.

Start now and take full responsibility for your life


Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) – The story of the man who never gave up on his dreams.

Rowan Atkinson was born in a middle-class family and suffered terribly as a child because of his stuttering. He was also teased and bullied at school because of his looks. His bullies thought he looked like an alien. He was soon marked a strange and became a very shy, withdrawn kid who didn’t have many friends, so he dived into science, one of his teachers said. There was nothing outstanding about him. I did not expect him to be a brilliant scientist, but he has proved everyone wrong. Admitted to Oxford University during his days, he started falling in love with acting but couldn’t perform due to his speaking disorder. he got his master’s degree in electrical engineering before appearing in any movie or TV show after getting his degree, he decided to pursue his dream and become an actor so he enrolled in a comedy group but again, his stammering got in the way.

A lot of TV shows rejected him, and he felt devastated but despite the many rejections. He never stopped believing in himself. He had a great passion for making people laugh and knew that he was very good at it. he started focusing more and more on his original comedy sketches and soon realized that he could speak fluently whenever he played some character. he found a way to overcome his stuttering and his also used there is an inspiration for his acting. While studying for his master’s Rowan Atkinson co-created the strange, surreal, and now speaking character known as Mr. Bean.

He had success with other shows, Mr. Bean made him globally famous and despite all the obstacles, he faced because of his looks and his speaking disorder, he proved that even without a heroic body or a Hollywood face, you can become one of the most loved and respected actors in the world. The motivational success story of Rowan Atkinson. It’s so inspiring because it teaches is that to be successful in life, the most important things are passion, hard work, dedication and never giving up, because without caring about our feelings and weaknesses.

Moral of the story:
No one is born perfect. Don’t be afraid. People can accomplish amazing things every day in spite of their weaknesses and failures. So go and do the best you can with the one life you’ve got...


Stop trying to explain everything to everyone.❌❌❌

Excessive explanation wastes time and burdens the mind. ⏳

It makes you a slave to other people's approval.

Be wise 🥷


If you have to have an addiction, choose self-improvement.

Lukewarmness is a quality that many losers share. Only those who are excessively passionate can excel in their chosen vocations.

If you want to become enlightened, make meditation a habit.

If you want a Greek god physique, train and diet to the point of obsession.

Give up your free time and sleep if you want a huge fortune.

Your commitment must be as great as your aspirations.

Likely, you are not working hard enough if those around you don't think you are exerting yourself excessively.

Stop living life half-heartedly. Invest fully!

Decide whether to be a maniac or a normal person.


Everyone of us has a tiny weak guy inside.

His nickname from David Goggins is "The Inner Bitch."

• He advises you to view p**n.

• He advises you to take advantage of IG models.

• He advises you to "choose the simple path."

All successful men have either subdued him or utterly destroyed him.


Haters help you see your weaknesses and your blind spots.

You may ignore these people but don't ignore their message.

When something hurts, it's usually true.

When starting out , you will see a lot of discouragement even from your family and friends including your inner soul but don't heed and stay focused.

Photos from Growth with Okanlawon's post 16/02/2023


This morning I stumbled on a post posted by Sir Emeka Nobis . Going through the comments I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing that some people do not know what digital products or skills mean in this 21st century. I was left in awe when I saw a lot of commentators sharing their experiences with some people. Some people do not even know the meaning of Dm, PDF, Virtual meetings, or Virtual Interviews.

Imagine someone doesn't know how to open a Gmail account, I was shocked not even in his 60s but in his 20s. I asked him again, you don't know how to open Gmail, and he said yes. Meanwhile, he's using a smartphone and internet connection. Someone even posted in a group what digital Products or skills mean and person don't even know how to exist a group on WhatsApp and this is the set of people that label digital courses scam when they have invested in MLM and Ponzi schemes.

Well let's cut ✂️ the long story short and delve into the matter of A DIGITAL PRODUCTS SKILLS MEAN.

What are digital Products?

Digital products are products that are sold out and delivered online. In just simple terms, they are intangible items delivered digitally in a form of Audio, Ebooks, PDFs, Video, or Downloadable software. Examples are e-books, music files, software, digital images, Web site templates, manuals in electronic format, and any item which can be electronically stored in a file or multiple files.

Digital goods may also be called electronic goods or E-goods. For example, our Bank Apps are birthed through digital.

What are Digital skills?

Unlike physical skills like Bricklaying, Fashion designing, Catering, Hairdressing, and Barbing amongst other Physical skills which are rendered physical, digital skills are rendered online without hassle.

Digital skills are the skills virtually operated digitally or online without the need to render the skills physically with the use of digital devices and lots more. Examples of digital skills are as follows, Copywriting, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Data Analytics, Web designing, Video editing, and Search Engine Optimization to mention a few.

You rendered all these helpful skills that will solve people's problems when you learned the skills and you make tons of money with any of these skills.

Trying to learn new things

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