Promiseland Motivation

Promiseland Motivation

Our purpose is to build a positive community of hopeful persons through Christ



The joy of being successful is thrilling and everyone's desire is to be successful in everything they do.

As much as everyone desires to succeed, falling down is all part of the journey, although the act of falling can't be controlled but staying down after a fall is an individual choice.

Falling within the context of today's write-up means the act of moving to a lower position from a height you have gotten to in your area of pursuit.

Long ago, a courageous captain led his armies to battle, though the enemy nation were few in numbers, they defeated the troop led by the courageous captain and along the line the captain lost thirty six of his valiant men in the battlefield.

True be said, this captain had never lost a battle once, so this event touched his heart, he had to go back and do his homework very well and went back to fight with a different approach and it ended in victory this time.

The story ended with victory because the captain refused to stay down and accept defeat as the final verdict, but he went back to build momentum and gather more intelligence to guarantee victory.

Falling is inevitable but staying down is an individual choice, though the act of falling is not desirable and very hurtful, but when it happens you must do everything possible to get back on track.

The falling period is not a time to give up or quit, but rather a time to turn the stumbling block to a stepping stone, a time to bounce up higher, time to build momentum so that the journey ahead can be attack with a new level of energy.

The Bible clearly said in (Proverbs 24:16|MSG- "No matter how many times you trip them up,God-loyal people don't stay down long;Soon they're up on their feet,while the wicked end up flat on their faces.".

Although falling is inevitable we all have a choice to get up on our feet, don't be among the group that stays down and quit, but rather be determined, resilient and remain focus, because the moment you attain that desired goal after all the fall, the fall then becomes a reference point while sharing your story with the world.

On a final note, falling is inevitable but staying down is a choice, make choices that you will not regret years from now, and never forget the world only celebrate winners.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire


informed decision than I, so I humbled and asked what their secret was and they told me, they read to learn and apply, whereas I just read to have a name that I was the first person to finish the book.

Many are like me, whose heart desires, is to get to their destination and tell people they have arrived. The beauty of any adventure is the fun in the journey, the pictures you took, the friends you made, the places you visited, and the lessons you learnt whether good or bad.

However, I am not saying anticipating the destination is bad, but don't be too destination-minded that you forget to learn what will keep you at that destination.

I imagine a medical student whose heartbeat is to be called a doctor but want to skip medical school, I imagine what would have become the fate of Isreal if king David did not go through all he went through while in the desert, I bet your brain is adding the solutions together, so please focus more on what you are becoming, learn from the failures, the disappointment, and other experiences that are in the journey.

Before I drop my pen, I will end with this quote, "if you don't have a story don't bother telling me about your glory".

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step says the old Chinese proverb. To start means to begin or to set in motion.

There are people we admire to meet, places we wish to go, conferences we wish to host, concerts we wish to attend and a host of things we fantasize about in our head.

The walls were very high, but It looks like the only thing hindering us from getting to the promised land which has been our heartbeat for the past forty years, the instructions were very clear, walk round the walls once a day for seven days. Though the instruction were very clear what mattered most at that point was the action to start the walk around the wall, the moment they started the walk the rest was history.

The version you wish to become will only come to reality if only you can start. There is greatness within you no doubt about that, but all those greatness can only be birthed in the corridor of starting, don't just sit down, to talk, to plan or strategize only, but rather stand up and take action.

That song you are planning to write start it, that initiative you are planning to form start it, that video you have been contemplating shooting start it, don't just sit back and wish things coming to reality but set things in motion by starting.

Before I drop my pen I would like to end this write-up with this quote by Mark Twain the secret to getting ahead is getting started.
Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire
# iamspecial
# Brokenbutbeautiful

# Goddoes



Pressure to some has a bad connotation, but from a broader spectrum, it was designed to help us fly. Gold only looks attractive after it has passed through the furnace, the diamond is hidden underneath the earth where they are subjected to a level of force for a purpose.

In the same vein, problems are permitted to pressure us into shining, but this would not happen until you have the right perspective, because if you are still in the other lane of negative thought you will still see problems as a license to give up.

Just like every other regular young man, we went about our regular activities until we heard the attack on the Jerusalem walls, and unaware of what next to do, we surrendered.
On getting to Babylon, there was a scholarship opportunity, we seized it and got to school.

While there, we noticed the teachers were very strict and the king himself very hard to please, with this in mind, we worked as hard as possible and during our finals, we graduated as the best graduating student and we were ten times better than our contemporary not minding the fact that we were nothing but slaves in that land.

The above story is a paraphrased excerpt from the biblical story of Daniel and the three Hebrew children, the following did not allow their background to relegate them to the ground. They never allowed the pressure from teachers and the King himself to crush them, rather it gave them the courage to spread their wings and fly.

In life, challenges are bound to come, but the way we respond to them matters, we can either allow them to crush us or help us spread our wings, don't feel frustrated by challenges but rather look within and bring out that potential that will help you soar high.

In conclusion, don't give up because of challenges, disability, background or experience, but rather let it propel you to spread your wings.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.



A famous Henry Ford quote goes thus " whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.

We all question ourselves at some point in our lives, but our response to those questions matters a lot. Many of us have stopped living to merely survive because we doubted our abilities with the question, can I?

The land was thoroughly endowed with natural resources that could sustain the nation's economy, it was well fertile for plant cultivation, and the grasses were suitable for animals to graze on.

Although the benefits outweigh the seemly challenges, though their chances of securing the land were very great, they missed out because they ask the wrong question, can we? therefore undermining their military prowess and their Creator's promises.

There are companies, schools, initiatives, musical pieces, and medical discoveries that had gone into oblivion before they ever had their chances of being birthed because the person designed to birth them shrank into the red zone of can I?

Switch the question from, "can I" to an affirmation "I can". Yes, you can, you can do all things as long as there is an alignment with the Giver of inspiration.

If you have the thought of singing, writing, speaking, acting, and other positive things, the answer is yes you can.

On a final note, before I drop my pen, I would love to rubber stamp this into your subconscious, yes you can, stop placing limits on yourself all you need is to start and the rest will be history.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire
# iamspecial
# Brokenbutbeautiful

# Goddoes



A beautiful masterpiece means work done with extraordinary skill of supreme intelligence. It is known as a masterpiece because it is an embodiment of excellence.

A masterpiece is not done by an amateur but by an experienced artist, who will put in all his efforts, expertise, and commitment.

Gather, gather, gather, I can imagine the Father beckoning of the Son and the Spirit, I want to create a masterpiece one of its kind, distinguished from all other known creatures, since the beginning of my creative activity on Earth. This Masterpiece would be a reflection of my creativity, ingenuity, and an extension of my authority. I know am the all-knowing God, but at this point, I covet your assistance.

The brain should be like this, the mind should be like that I can imagine the Son and the Spirit contributing their quota. After a lot have been put in place, there was the masterpiece made from the collaborated effort of three incomprehensible Supreme being and that masterpiece was a man.

There are many out there, who think they are worthless, non-entities and are just merely occupying space because of their present predicament, disability, background, or experience. If you fall into this category that means you still have a myopic idea of who you are and what you possess.

You are a masterpiece handcrafted by God himself, your worth is not determined by circumstances, you are loaded beyond your wildest imagination, stop all the pity party and look inside and reach out to the well of greatness flowing within.

A man was never licensed to define you, because who you are, is beyond the jurisdiction of men, arise and shine.

Before I drop my pen, I want you to align yourself with the masterpiece maker himself and always remember that your creator is too loaded, too busy, too intelligent, and so purpose-driven to invest his energy, time, and resources into a none-entity, as long as you found your way to planet earth you have what it takes.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.



"You have something" is a sentence that contains a key that can unlock the potential within if it can be carefully meditated upon.

To have something means to possess a gift that can take you to seemingly unthinkable heights. But the painful part is that many today have commonized what they have and this has led to untold hardship and stagnancy in life.

The banging on the door at an early hour of the morning was very unusual, and for someone who just finished the burial rite of her late husband was quite disturbing, but since it was not at night the fear was on a low key. Open this door before I break it the unfriendly voice echoed, not left with much of a choice as a single mum and a widow, she opened the door.

However, before the thought of greeting the other party wander through her head, the following words punched her, we are so sorry for your loss but as much as we will like to sympathize with you, the reality of life cannot be overlooked, your husband before he passed away borrowed money from us and you have until next week to pay up the debt, failure to do so, your two son's will become our salves.

She was confused and ran to the Prophet, she told the Prophet the problem, and the Prophet sighed and asked her what she had, the following were her response " nothing," well, I do have a little oil.". What! You have oil and you are saying nothing, many of us are like this woman, because of the challenges of life we have commonized the gifts that are within us.

Regardless of how disadvantaged you are either because of your background, health, disability, environment, trials, or experience, there is something you have to always offer. You have a gold mine within, an oil well is within, this is not a function of your problem, they are there to help you rise and cause a wave in your generation.

For Joseph it was dream Interpretation, for Esther it was her beauty, for David it was his battle and musical skill, so stop commonizing your gift, it is your only ticket to rise and make an impact. I talk too much is a pointer, I like singing is a sign, I like writing none sense stories on my dairy is a guide, work on yourself and fly high.

Before I drop my pen, let me finish my story, the Prophet told her to pour out that oil on vessels and sell them, to her greatest surprise, after she did as she was told, she was able to raise money and pay off her husband debt and the rest of her success story is history.

Dearly beloved, don't commonize your gift they were given to you for a purpose and don't conclude your life because of what is currently happening around you. As much as possible, align yourself to the will of your Creator and the sky will become your springboard.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.



There is a cliche that goes thus " tough times don't last but tough people do". Tough times are difficult periods in one's life, where it seems everything is working against you, you are putting in the effort but nothing seems to be working as planned.

As frustrating as this might be, it is a very sensitive duration, some who did not understand this timing have ruined their life, but others who understand it have built muscles and wings that have taken them far.

Mr. Joseph had his share of tough times, he was the beloved of his father gifted with a coat of many colors. He also had a dream that was crystal clear, the blind could see it, and the deaf could practically hear it, in short, he had his life planned out.

However, the reality of life dawned on him when his brothers sold him into slavery. These became his tough times, he spent eleven years as a slave and two good years as an inmate for a crime he didn't commit, but amidst all this, he never gave up, his trust was firmly rested on God and he was triumphant.

Similarly, we all must go through this phase of life and to think otherwise is sheer self-wickedness. Tough times are not originally designed to break us but to help us build muscles and wings to fly.

So regardless of what you are presently going through, either academically, emotionally, financially, or background-wise, brace up and keep pressing because after tough times comes the trophy of triumph.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes


Prepared For Greatness

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," says the famous quote. With great power comes great responsibility, and the ability to handle those responsibilities is not magically manifested in a moment, but rather takes time and effort to build.

Long ago, there lived a man who had eight sons, the mantle of leadership landed on his family and he have to present one of his sons to become king.

As expected, he presented seven of his sons, those that we're considered physically, mentally intellectually fit and had a solid connection with the military in the land. Unfortunately, the kingmaker did not choose anyone but requested the youngest among them.

At this point of the story, I want you to pay rapt attention, the youngest of them was nobody but a shepherd, and via this occupation, he had learned the act of taking care of sheep, he could oversee their excesses, limitations, and insubordination, he also learned how to combat with lions and bears thereby developing his empathy and protecting instinct.

In life, most times we find ourselves in places that look like the field where we take care of sheep instead of doing the main thing. Dear beloved always remembers that where you are now is a preparatory phase for the main task, so stop complaining and comparing your life with others.

Before I drop my pen, I want you to always remember you are a King/Queen and until you can handle responsibility, the crown will destroy you, so stay there and do the needful until elevation comes.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes



A puzzle means anything difficult to understand or make sense of, though a puzzle might be tough to fathom there is a thrilling sensation that comes once it can be deciphered. There I was on a sunny afternoon in a puzzle store looking for the best puzzle to buy, don't ask me why, ask those experts who said it is good for the brain. After spending so much quality time at the store my eyes landed on this dog jigsaw puzzle, I picked it up with all enthusiasm and ran to the counter to pay for it. On getting home I was expecting something arranged that I can devour, but to my greatest shock, I saw different puzzle pieces with numerous pictures of a dog. It was then done on me why it was a puzzle, the part that captured my attention was that they were all different and I need all the parts to produce the original picture predicted by the designer on the game Carton. Just like this puzzle game Life is no different, life has different pieces, which include you and me, though we all are not meant to solve the same part of the puzzle but are all relevant in the area where we are needed. Many today only see the disadvantages in their lives, therefore, neglecting the best they can offer. I know your background is not helping issues, you are broken, frustrated, tired of living this life, and a host of unnamed negative chants, but just like the puzzle piece, you are perfect, you too can produce an elegant image if you can only find your spot and align yourself to the intent of the designer.
However, before I drop my pen, I want you to know you are not a mistake, the creator created you for a purpose beyond your imagination, the puzzle will remain unsolved if you give up, don't give up keep believing, and do your best.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promiseinkspire
# Brokenbutbeautiful



Going is an action word that denotes a condition for advancing in any way, we have to keep going to maintain our balance like a bicycle, if we will ever attain any place of importance the only option is to keep going, if not we will be stagnant, depressed and frustrated.
I was scrolling through my social media news feed and I came across this story. A daughter and her father were on a journey, the girl was the one behind the driving wheel, on their way a storm aroused and very other car started pulling over one after the other, the girl wanted to join the tradition but the father told her to keep going, the girl obeyed and kept going, after a while the stormed was cleared then the father asked the girl to pull over. It didn't make sense to the girl, however, she pull over, and the father asked her to step down from the car and look behind her, she did and noticed that there was no car coming. This is the harsh reality of life, if we pull over and fail to keep going because of the storms of life we will be left behind and we can not make the impact we were originally designed to make. The reality of life cannot be overlooked or derided, the background factor, loss of a loved one factor, personal limitations factors and a host of others, however, we can't afford to pull over, we must attempt to keep going despite the prevailing struggles.
On a closing note, we must always place the following at the back of our minds, what is possible for one is possible for all, if others kept going and made it we too can.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promisecares
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes


"After quitting what next". Quitting means deliberately ending something. Many quit living and start merely existing because of life challenges, life has hit many back to back and the only viable alternative that appears best to them is to quit believing that anything good can ever come out of their broken piece. Long ago in a distant land called Moab, two women got married, but unfortunately life contingent occurred, and they both lost their husbands. While deliberating on the next course of action, their mother-in-law decided to go back to her land of nativity, both of them made up their minds to follow her, but on their way going Ophrah quit but Ruth stayed. While Ophrah's name was forgotten that of Ruth was etched on the hall of fame. The following phrase is true, quitters never win and winners never quit. You can't afford to quit because you have tried your best in life and nothing seems to be working well, you can't settle to merely exist when lives are waiting for your arrival, story, and encouragement. You are too packaged to quit, and an eagle is within waiting to find expression if you can just continue, a Creator is working behind the scene to produce something phenomenal, for the world to see, don't jeopardize his effort, by quitting.
Let me drop my pen, with the following quote from a teacher of mine, " if God didn't give up on a void and formless earth, you should not give up on yourself( a masterpiece handcrafted by God himself" ) easily.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promisecares
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes


"Too soon to conclude" To conclude in the context of today's write-up means to bring a matter to a final decision and not go back to it. Sit tight let me give you a gist, there was a lady who was sent out of her mistress's house because she was misbehaving, the reason she was misbehaving was that she gave birth to her master before her mistress had a child. Many people today have closed important doors in their lives because of similar attitudes, many have made mistakes that have cost them their pride, purpose, vision, dreams, health, education, and other things of value just to mention a few. Although these mistakes have broken many, it is not a license to conclude one's life. After being sent out with her son with a bottle of water, the water was used up, and this was her statement " let me not see the death of the child", Haba just now just now, how did dying became part of the discussion? Just like her many have concluded in their own lives, because I have made this mistake and am broken my life is finished, am useless, and as good as dead. Excuse me, let me bring to your notice there is a creator who is still in the business of mending broken pieces into a beautiful pieces of art.
As I drop the pen, let's see the ending part of the story, an angel appeared, showed her a well of water and the child became a mighty man. Don't conclude on your life yet, though you are broken, you still be made beautiful.
Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promisecares
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes


"Readjust your lens" Geez, what are they even saying 😩😩, is this not the land we went to survey together, were are they getting their update from, till the extent they have the effrontery to say the land is unconquerable and openly affirm they are like an ant before the inhabitants of the land Caleb heaved a sigh, this is unbelievable, his mouth he could no longer shut but busted out and correct the wrong information passed out by the other ten spies.
"Lens" in the context of today's writing means the way we look literally at something. How is your perception, how do you view things, and how do you see your present job, circumstances, and environment? Many see things only from the negative point of view like the ten spies that brought evil report, they only see the awful side of things, you will often hear them say "I can't amount to anything because I was born into a poor family, or my dad died while I was still an infant, my life is a waste because my environment is toxic. But it should not be so, I can tell you stories of men and women who had a similar situation like yours but they saw life from a positive point of view, they re-adjusted their lens and focus on the colourful side of life, just like Joseph, who viewed life from this angle "I know am in the prison but I am gaining intelligence on human resources and management". So today I plead with you to stop viewing life from a negative aspect readjust your lens and focus on the optimistic side. Let me drop my pen with the following, "leave the group that sees the glass half empty to the group that sees it half full.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promisecares
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes


Join us on the 14th


"Your confession your possession". Within flashes, under the heat of the Sun, those tickling sweat became torrents of water, on my kneel after all the effort and belief she must have exclaimed. The Shunammite woman came out intending to meet the prophet but was attacked with a powerful question " is it well with the child". This is where most people get it wrong, they fail to understand the power of confession. Your confession is your possession, stop 🚫 those negative confessions of "am not good enough, " am finished", "am a mistake", or " this problem will kill me". But rather say though the problem seems insurmountable with God nothing shall be impossible, instead of saying by default my circumstances place me at a disservice rather say Kings shall search for my light and they will be privileged to dine with me, instead of saying my post engagement is low say the world is my stage, instead of am not sure I will pass that exam, say I shall be the head and not the tail, instead of the child is death say it is well. Today replace every thought of negative confession with an intentional affirmation of positive words. Let me rest my pen ✒️, with the following quote, while thoughts are very important, your confession is the most powerful.

Please do well to hold out your candle and go light your world, like and share

Remember a life without Christ is in crisis, and to avoid that crisis, all you need is acceptance, believing, and confessing.

# Promisecares
# Brokenbutbeautiful
# Notafunctionofmybackground
# Goddoes

