Pastor. Abel Inumidun, Ayenomuro

Pastor. Abel Inumidun, Ayenomuro

Pastor, Prophet & Evangelist
Conference Speaking
Leadership Developmental Coach. Geoscientist

Photos from Church Gist's post 04/02/2024


Watch out!!!
Jehovah has promise to encounter every man on this day....


's your turn to shines




So deep yourself in the Lord and you have no reason to be afraid of .

Photos from Pastor. Abel Inumidun, Ayenomuro's post 19/04/2020

2Tim 2:15



Except we pray, the world will perish and spiritual life of the church will die. It's heart staggering truth that The Omnipotent God has limited His power to the prayers of the saint. God cannot touch the human today except through the church, the body of Christ, His saints. We are God's hands, Legs , voice in our generation. We represent the Almighty.

🚩 If we fail to heed this CALL to assume our obligation in the place of prayers, The Omnipotent hand becomes powerless. To Esther, Mordecai warns

🚩Esth.4.13 - 14
Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.
For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

🚩Our world is shaking and vast majority among us are sleeping with the keys to the Omnipotent power in our hands. Hundreds of thousands are being buried through out the earth , the jurisdiction of our operation and yet we are relax. Is the heaven not His Throne and the earth He has given to the sons of men ?

🚩Why close we our mouths when the host of heaven and Earth await our orders. They fought from their courses, the stars and starlions in the days of Deborah because one who knows her responsibility ordered them.

🚩How many more will die and from whose family are they going to come from? Is God now please with the death of sinners that some of us think this pandemic is a judgement from God?

🚩Let's leave the matter of judgement to God and arise to our obligation. The height of the assult from hell is the shutting of the church doors.

🚩 Many of us is seeing the government 🇳🇬 but I see the assult from hell, the world is fighting against virus but the truth is that Corona is an agent and angel of death fashion from the pit of hell with the mission to populate hell.
Oh! Saints of this dark hour and age, where is our light to pe*****te into the darkness of this hour and haul back this agent of mortality back into the pit of hell where it belong. Where is the Lord God of Elijah and Elisha ? Some one asked.

🚩 The answer is simple, He remains where He was when Elijah called on Him, waiting for the Elijah's of this age to Call on Him again. Where are the Elijah's of this age to call down 🔥 from heaven and crush the host of hell , pray down rain to wash and cleanse the surface of the earth from this deadly beast of hell. The time to act is now. The time to pray is now "becuz the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avails much."

🚩15-30mins or an hour consistent prayers a day can be a great tool in the hands of The Almighty.
🚩Let's take side with The Almighty in this day of The Lord's Battle against His enemies for our enemies are God's Enemies. Let's wipe tears out of God's eyes as He behold battalion of souls hit and dump inside hell with a speed that makes our fastest plane look like a snail.

🚩Remember prayerlesness is taking side with the devil against God.
Oh! Let's rise and save our world, our nations, cities and above all our families on our kneels.

🚩May Grace abound for us all as we rise on our knees to reign with God.



" No matter the agenda of this present Government & CORONA VIRUS. We are more than Conquerors."
~P. AmazingAbel.~


"Your price has been paid for on the cross, so all you need from now on, is to start receiving the prize"
~P. AmazingAbel.~

