The Man The Myth The Quintessence

The Man The Myth The Quintessence

Honouring one of Africa's most respected & celebrated spiritual leaders.

Arguably the leader of the 3rd day prophetic movement- Bishop Dr. Josef Bassey
Happy Jubilee Sir

Photos from The Man The Myth The Quintessence's post 25/09/2019

My greatest heart desire is to see you succeed and become sold out to God or I would have wasted my life and ran this race in vain ~ Bishop Josef Bassey

Every time a people fail to celebrate the gift of God to them, they bring the judgement of God upon themselves
Their future is not guaranteed
Their tommorow is a lie
The promises of God concerning them may never see the light of day
and God will still be God

We are atypical
we refuse to be carnal,
for the carnal man recieveth not and understandeth not
we refuse to be spiritually immature or walk in darkness
we celebrate God for thinking of us,
and for loving us
we are intentional in celebrating as it were the visitation of God
in the person of Bishop Josef Bassey

For if there were to be a price tag on the blessings we have recieved by our contact with God's servant,
which of these would we able to pay for?

Our thanskgiving is deliberate
We are humbled to know we do not have all it takes
we are determining what God will do next in our liveswe are setting the stage up for the next level

In discernment
our heart
tender in connection
our faith
teeming in concentration
Sure of the dividents to come
for God is The Rewarder

You see,
people of faith are foolish people
they may not appear to be smart
but they are used of God
to confound the wordly wise

This examination comes once every year
We have choosen never to fail
The exact choice that Caleb and Joshua,
Die hard believers in Moses, made
They had a different spirit
with totally different perspectives
and they were the only two that entered the Land,
promised to 3 million people
Mumuring against Moses was the undoing of the children of Israel
and God took it personal
He took them on a 40 year drift and left their bones bleaching in the wild

It is only those that recieve the prophet
In the name of the prophet
That get the prophet's reward

There is nothing we need from God that is not available through Bishop Josef Bassey, the agency of His gift to us
Its been disclosed and now made public
That when we come in contact with you,
There is no matter that is a matter
We have leanrt that
If we guard our hearts
relate right
stay sensitive
shun familiarity
keep keen to receive
plant seeds of faith
we get the balance right, we profit by default
we know these things, we are careful not to rob ourselves

God cannot not do one thing on earth without His men
we recieve this light in our best interest
so we do what we do with understanding
we refuse to miss out on the glorious opportunity
This season holds
Our gratitude is genuine
bursting and overflowing

Everything heaven will have us be
will never elude us
because we are trading on the mystery of understanding the gift of a prophet
whom we have profitted maximally from
and will only continue to profit



A week from now,specifically on the 25th of September. Gods heritage family worldwide will be celebrating their Father, Mentor,Teacher,Prophet, Blesser. This man has taught me tirelessly over the years on how to look beyond the surface. How to see opportunities when people see problems, how to do my homework and confidently take charge of the future by deciding to look where mere men fear to tread. He has taught me how to speak positively everyday about everything. How to choose my words wisely that they create reality and shape my ultimate destiny. My lovely father has taught me that as a CHAMPION I should speak one language.... SOLUTION,OPPORTUNITIES, STRATEGIES, RESULTS. ..You see why the devil can't dance around where I am...I am too LOADED. I LOVE AND CELEBRATE YOU SIR,THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.

Photos from The Man The Myth The Quintessence's post 19/09/2019

No one messes up with God or anything God
where God's servant is,
he will confront and discredit such a personality
regardless of who is involved - Be it a dignitary,a
public figure,a VVIP
He exposes even "Prophets" who try anything funny or
who teach off tandem wherever he is.


It is deliberate
There can never be a fake, without an original.
Charlatans may abound, but we have a man of God
with raw grace
who walks in the integrity of his high calling
preoccupied with the heartbeart of the Ancient of
Before you comment, find out the pedigree involved
The years, the dealings, the culture, the ethos
entirely verifiable, watertight, incontestable

The power of God resident in His Lordship
puts the devil and his cohorts to flight
every single time; morning, midday or night
Most times, he doesn't even need to be present
Most importantly, he does not need to repeat himself
And even you can use his ordained identity in proxy
and the same God will answer
with the same interest and attentiveness

How blessed we are to call you our spiritual father

We are the unique recipients of this exceptional
we are the beneficiaries of this uncommon anointing
We are them that profit from the rock-solid covering
We revel in walkover victories and irreversible
We are the Josef Basseys



1st Timothy 5:7
"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine"

Our spiritual father redefiness pricelessness
He is earnest and well-intentioned
His counsels are practical and expedient
His insights captivate and provoke stimulation

He is worthy of double honor!
You can not interact with him and recover in a hurry
By personalising to us the advantageousness of relating with the Holy spirit
He is our cheat sheet to greatness
Reinvention is unneccesary, when the wheel is made

God has given him a wholesome tongue
to invoke multiplication, fruitfulness and productivity into our world
to create and recreate the circumstances of our lives and align us with destiny

Ten times out of ten, we prosper
in all things
As documented in the Word
We are fruitful in every good work
We are held in high esteem
We are enviable in every space
We are imitated even by our superiors and those gone before us

Dearest father
Thank you for expositories on the truth of the Word
Thank you for teaching us how to rule our world
We are lighthouses, a beacon of hope in this dark era
We are dominating the hemisphere for God and raising Jesus'left and right

Because you said YES!

Happy Birthday to you, Your Lordship


Photos from The Man The Myth The Quintessence's post 14/09/2019

A man who has been in ministry for two decades now does not have a land or any property to his name. The cars he has are all gifts. This is one man who is selfless and is ready to die if need be for Christ. I will brag and won't care whose ox is gored because i have been around him for 15 good years and we the children know what we know.
He has never called any of his children to prophesy at night or day telling you what he saw or didn't see. He prays about anything negative in secret ,intervenes, intercedes until the story changes. We only celebrate positive praise reports... We only WIN WIN WINπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘in God's HeritageπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ Oh Yes.
He has NEVER put pressure on any one to bring money. He is there 24/7. Call on him at anytime he will answer and do what GOD called him to do. He relates with the low class, middle and high the same way, no discrimination.
His focus is GOD and ETERNITY.... no time for frivolities and hanging around or running around visiting people, begging or looking for what is not missing. He says if GOD CANNOT DO IT, LET IT REMAIN UNDONE.

Chaiiiiiii.... I too like my Papa
Watch this space oooooooo
50th birthday in few daysπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ


In Bishop Josef Bassey's vicinity,
The miraculous is the new normal
classic deliverances in the blink of the eye
Yes, it doesn’t take time
It only takes an encounter
He is no lightweight
It is what it is
Your turnaround is guaranteed!
Take it from this tribe, 20 year strong
that your life will NEVER EVER be the same again!

The God of Josef Bassey does not back down,
or withdraw in the middle
nor concede defeat
or back pedal in the battle
He belittles the devil
It is a fight to vanquish

Matter of fact He is always on the defensive
He does not suppress, restrain or conceal
He kills!
He can bless but
He can also be bloody
and brutal

What's your tall order?
What do you require?
What needs sorting out?
What must be tidied up in your life?
Is it a trial, a hopeless situation or merely a nuisance?
Let Bishop Josef Bassey lead you to Goshen

Prolonged pregnancy for 11 months delivered by the prophetic mantle from Bishop Josef Bassey's hands

Deliverance from 40 years of marine spirit captivity

Financial open door in the realms of the millions

Disproportionate limbs made equal by the anointing

8 years of dysfunctional pe**le er****on restored

Mouth watering contracts awarded on the ticket of favour

Brand new car delivered by prophetic utterance

Instant supernatural healing by contact with the Prophetic Advancement handbill

Healed of Acute cerebral malaria and amnesia by prophetic declarations

Miracle baby conceived and born by prophetic order inspite of infertility verdicts of renounced medical consultants

Yes, you guess right.
These are testimonials,
numerous and manifold
Eye witness accounts
Documented evidences in stills and videos
Affidavit that cannot be contested
Something to shout and scream about

The proof of the authenticity of the prophet
is that anything he says comes to pass
Because he is sanctioned and endorsed by heaven
Because He is one the Trinity can vouch for

Gear up, locate The Prophet of prophets and receive
Like we have, evidentially 20 years and counting
Happy Golden Jubilee, Bishop Josef Bassey



The last lap of the last days, birth the New Age
The rising of free thinkers and the non conformist,
the scorning of the Creator by the created
It also ushered in a parallel-
The Sold-Out Mandate, the Inheritance Movement,
The rising of an uncompromising breed of people whose
purpose for living is God
and will die, if need be, for Him
These uncommon believers manifest Godliness,
demonstrate power
and show forth excellence even in the mundane

The leading light, the set man, the presiding priest
of this global crusade is
His Lordship, Bishop Dr. Josef Bassey

The final harvest is a universal mission
For over the past 20 years,
God by Himself has painstakingly,
unrelentedly, very strategically brought us all to

From diverse walks of life
from different corners of the earth
from varied backgrounds and tongues
An appointment that had to be kept
an ordination that could not be overuled
A seperation by a divine election

You spoke our language
You resonate with our core
You found our buttons without an effort
How could we not answer the call?

Under your wing and tutelage,
we became acquainted with this new life,
we acknowledge The Burden, reevalauted our value
systems and located our offices as engraced

We submitted to refinement and fine-tuning
For most of us, major alterations were needful
of old belief systems and convictions
And as the ensuing days spanned into years
Momentous upgrades!
We adopted The Kingdom culture -
Fanatism about God
Obsession for souls
Zero tolerance for the devil
Deliberate imprinting of our heirship on the earth

Our mentality shaped up
Discipline surnamed us
Suddenly 24 hours in a day was not enough
but the revival would not let us stop

Today, we come to say, "Thank you o God for gifting
us a king, a star, a priest.
With the power of the Holy Ghost in our hands
and the authority in the name of Jesus on our lips
We know we are complete"




We can relate with this caption because you are living it
and we are obligated to thank God for such a vessel that is truly used of the Lord.
You are one of the greatest of all.
Indisputably, one of the greatest gifts of God from Africa to the rest of the world.
You operate securely in the five-fold ministry
Every indispensable ingredient for the perfecting of the Church, God deposited every one in you

the Apostolic - The Sent One
the Prophetic - God's Mouthpiece and representative
the Evangelist - Gap-bridger between Hell and Calvary
the Pastor- Nourisher, Rebuker, Exhorter
the Teacher - Pursuer of our maturity, making us the perfect example of Jesus.

It is inescapable that you are well-versed in every topic under the sun
Your uncommon and pragmatic approach and insight into the word of faith has brought us through many life seasons.
You are an example of determination and courage for everyone
You have a strong desire for people to know God more,
love God more, experience God more for themselves
You peep into our future, see where we are going and you invest in us
with the most priceless of possessions - time
You instill in us biblical principles to live sustainable successful lives as Christians
You are indeed a shepherd
Can't wait to see what you do during the next 50!
Your impact will exceed time
The world will still be shouting about the God of Josef Bassey
Much more than we are doing right now
Happy birthday, Your Lordship



Multitudes are stagnated in life
not because they haven't laboured and toiled
not because they haven't paid the price required
but because satanic forces have succeeded in hindering their harvest
thereby turning their glory to shame

But our case is different

We saw your shinning light
and like moth drawn to the flame
we came laden and vexed -

Unanswered Prayers
Vain Labour
Unfullfilled Prophecies
Delayed Breakthroughs
Aborted blessings
Outright Backwardness
Death Sentences

we came limping and hobbling
and you sorted us out
in our numbers
we heard you thunder the truth about the God who had already given us an inheritance
We believed your hallowed vow to force us into our prepared place in destiny, come hell or high water
Daily you were teaching,
mentoring, divulging, correcting and parenting
and we absorbed it all
then the miracles began!
for all
for every one of us!

You alerted us to the invisible battle
But you didn't just stop there
You rose under God and led us
Prophetic spiritual assualts on satan
A fight to the finish
You massacared the devil and his cohorts
what you prohibited,steered clear of us
what you permitted, drew near

When they see us now, how they flee
because we have The General of generals on board!
It is our time, all the time!

You silenced the powers against our harvest
You liberated us from curses-
Be it generational or ancestral? It didn't matter
You turned loose all that was held back
You released all that was seized
You ushered us into our due

Only by speaking the Word!
Only by using the instrument of your voice!
Only by declaring the mind of God

The miracles still abound
Dramatic turnarounds
Landmark visitations
Extraodinary change of story
Enviable encounters
Practical, tangible harvests
attends to us on command

Thank you for answering the call
Oh thank you for giving up all you knew, to take on this path of a deliverer
Happy birthday to God's choicest servant



The Holy Spirit inspires you
and you speak
At your words, spoken from the depths of God's
unction upon yourlife,we have
seen clearly,
heard distinctly,
feed our spirits,
revaluated our choices,
straightened up our mistakes,
cried like babies,
jumped in excitement,
covered our faces in thoughts,
prayed for hours,
changed our ways,
zeroed our minds,
strenghtened our wills,
made great decisions,
started out again from the scratch,
built legacies,
and also encouraged and fortified other children of
God in this race.

The thought of what you would do in a situation comes
as a fresh reinvigoration to do the right thing,
at the right time,
with the right intentions,
with the right people at the right places.
Wisdom rushes from your core like lava
red-hot and liquefied
tearing down our strongholds
filling our empty wells of longing
recarlibrating our thought processes
we scarely can keep up as we scribbles down notes for
We NEED to digest later
Its an avalanche with you!

We are respectable because we heard you
We are honourable because we learnt at your feet,
hours on end at every opportunity, seven days a week,
your voice playing over and over from our car stereos
and phones
We are principled because you taught us
Thank you for speaking.
We are laudable because we listened.
We are proof that God really called you, Sir.
And we love you for all time.


Timeline photos 07/09/2019

You are passionate about people
It only takes one encounter to grasp this
and it is one of the things we are thankful for
Your heart to restore people, to reconcile them back to God
and guide them firmly onto their path to fulfill destiny
especially those who have struggled and failed
We really see your heart in wanting them to get back on their feet and DIY
This is one thing really special about you
You genuinely care about God's people
There is no other agenda
You are not just trying to get the job done
you are not satisfied with going through routines
you fan the embers till the flames burn
you challenge the norm
you shake up the status quo
and it is not for name or fame
but because you are sent.


If only we could list all the accolades you deserve
What a great privilege it is to have you as our Father, Pastor, Teacher, Mentor and Leader!
Thank you for your love, dedication, sacrifices and the many lives you have positively influenced
You are an electrifying speaker, your words are reformational - like fire shut up in the bones
A visioner, the impact of your messages are trans-generational, cutting across gender, cultures, governments, carders, races
As you turn 50, we deeply celebrate you for all your labor of love towards us and for the Gospel.
Happy Golden Jubilee, Our Man of God
Happy Birthday, Bishop Josef Bassey

