All about health - DIY

All about health - DIY

Learn health tips you can use to optimise your health when there is no doctor.


The best part of life is that you can never predict the next stage right.

Enjoy the mystery

It makes life fun.



A pattern of compulsive and repeated actions that a person engages in despite negative consequences is referred to as addictive behavior.

It can have an impact on one's physical, mental, social, and financial well-being. Some examples of addictive behaviors are substance use, gambling, gaming, s*x, shopping, and eating.

Addiction can develop for a variety of reasons, including genetic factors, environmental influences, mental health issues, or coping mechanisms. Addictive behaviors can provide temporary relief, pleasure, or a means of escaping stress, pain, or boredom.

However, they can also cause harm to oneself and others, such as health problems, legal troubles, relationship conflicts, or loss of productivity.

Addictive behaviors can be treated with professional help, such as therapy, medication, or support groups. The first step is to recognize and admit that one has a problem and needs help.

The next step is to seek appropriate treatment and follow the recommendations of the health care provider.

The final step is to maintain recovery and prevent relapse by avoiding triggers, managing emotions, and finding healthy alternatives.

Addictive behaviors can be challenging to overcome, but they are not impossible to change.

With the right support, motivation, and strategies, one can break free from the cycle of addiction and live a happier and healthier life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addictive behavior, do not hesitate to reach out for help. You are not alone, and you deserve to get better.

You have the power to change your life for the better. You deserve to be healthy, happy, and free from addiction. You can do it!


The tracks have been set again, and the race has started.

Many will not start at the same time as you.

Many will fall off track.

Many will also reach the end of the track but not win the race.

At the end, we will have just one winner, but we will celebrate all who reach the track.

Their persistence, consistency, and determination differentiate the winner from others.

How the winner starts the race does not matter.

But how he keeps up with the momentum during the race matters.

You may define your strategy now for the year, and you may have a winning vision and goals for the year, but are you willing to keep up with things to come during the year so that you can focus on your goals?

The year is just unfolding my advice is to keep up with your vision and goals no matter the obstacles, difficulties, and tribulations don't lose focus.

I have tagged 2024 as my year of "NO MORE EXCUSE."

I don't no about yours.


Few hours to go, it time to let everything go.

I know you have been let down and disappointed.

I know you have been wounded and hurt.

I know you have been broken beyond compression.

I know you won't want it to repeat itself, so you have to be careful about your decision.

I applaud you for that.

But what have those taken from you—your happiness, your sound mind, your trust, and your devotion?

Also, think about it what have you again in return?

Your freedom, which matters most,.
An experience that will make you a better person.
A life that cannot be given.
The hope of a greater tomorrow.

With this, you have become immovable, and you have experienced more joy and fulfillment.

Why not leave all those experiences behind and become a better person?

If you are so worried that you can't leave those experiences behind, think of those who pass through those experiences that are no more or are mentally ill.

You still have life and hope of having a happy and fulfilling life.

So take a chance now and purge those hatred, sadness, and bitterness you have within you and let go of everything.

Fill your new year with great joy, happiness, peace, and blessings.

You have come this far, you are strong and courageous.

May 2024 be a year of much-fulfilled life and greater achievement.



Every day, it's crucial for humans to consume a specific amount of water to survive. This varies based on age, gender, and location. Typically, an adult male requires around 3 liters (3.2 quarts) per day, while an adult female needs approximately 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts) per day. It's essential to ensure that the water we use is clean and safe for daily use to maintain good health.

According to Mitchell and colleagues (1945), our bodies are mostly composed of water. Our heart and brain consist of 73% water, our lungs are about 83% water, our skin contains 64% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water, and even our bones are 31% water. Since water is a basic need that keeps us going, it's crucial to have clean and safe water taken up by our body.

Unfortunately, over two billion individuals live in countries with inadequate water, as per the World Health Organization. This situation is not expected to improve in many regions due to climate change and population growth. Therefore, it's vital to take measures to ensure individuals learn how to access a good water supply.

Here are some tips to keep water clean at home:

- Boil water at a rolling point, as it's easy and costs less.
- Chlorination: Add eight drops of household bleach (5 to 6% sodium hypochlorite) to non-chlorine water.
- Purification: Dirty and contaminated water can be purified by using a filtration method and alum.
- Electric water purifiers: They use multiple stages of filtration, including UV and UF, carbon block, and advanced technology to effectively remove impurities and chemicals, providing pure drinking water.
- Protect stored water from light and heat. Some containers may also require protection from freezing. Most containers produce chemicals into the water when exposed to heat.

The best way to maintain a healthy lifespan is to prevent ourselves from ingesting unhealthy substances that will contaminate our systems.


Develop your mind to bring out the best in you

