Her Health's Mini Google

Her Health's Mini Google

A platform where people get to read and learn about health and related subjects


VIP "Very important person" still wins always. Na wetin we sabi be that.

Bhet bhett bhettt... VIP " Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide" an hormone secreted in the stomach and in the intestines is far and more important 👀.


A very quick one

As a part of preventive care, individuals should be educated on the need to use drugs only when it's necessary.

The body has mechanisms that's in place to fight off diseases(by itself).

Sometimes all we need is good food and rest.

Every medicine comes with risks associated to its use.
You don't want to come in contact with risks when the medicine might even be unnecessary in itself.
At most, do not overuse any medicine.
Know this for yourself.

For cold, you don't have to first use all sorts of cough syrup... Breathing warm water v***r could be all you need to grant you relief.
Alright, people?

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


Hello beautiful people.

How are you doing?

I haven't dropped anything here in a really long time.

Consistency is a really big thing.
Discipline is uncommon.
I admire people who have mastered these well.

My absence here is as a result of many factors...
Laziness ranks number one.
Laziness takes the 2nd position.
Laziness ranks number 3
Laziness again ranks number 4.
The 5th position, we give it again to laziness.
School stress, workload, time and energy should take number 6.

The few family and friends that have asked when I'll be getting back, why I have stopped showing up...
I appreciate you all.

I'm saying "hi 🎉... Because I want you to prepare In shaa ALlaah for beautiful contents to come.

I'm off to my imaginary kitchen that's as beautiful as the one in the image attached.
Where I'll be cooking different delicacies meant only for your consumption.

Remember when your health is right, a lot is right.




For optimum growth and development, a baby needs not be overweight.

Even at that, any method you as a baby's guardian want to adopt to help the baby loose some weight has to be approved by a certified health care provider.
Also, the doctor should be well informed about the progress noticed or problems encountered in the process.

A child has a fragile system.

Truth is, experience is a very big part of it. Mums who already have kids might not have so many issues with babies.
Still put in mind that all children ain't the same.

Whatever piece of advice you get especially as a first time parent, if it doesn't sit well with you... Or you have your doubts. Consult a practitioner.
Paediatricians are only because of children's health.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


To maintain a healthy range of body weight.
One has to balance calories getting into the body from food and beverages with the calories expended.

(i.e, as you take in from food, you exercise to bur!n off).

If you're on a weight loss journey, make sure it's gradual (slow and steady does it).
By decreasing calorie intake while maintaining adequate nutrient intake and increasing exercise.

In very simple terms, don't starve yourself, eat, watch what you eat and still exercise to bur-n off calories.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google


For the fact that a meal in a particular portion is healthy for an infant child does not mean it is healthy for a pregnant woman.

Nutritional requirements has its specialities with age, se-x, state of health, body size, psychology state and sometimes even environment.

Some fruit which could be very good for the body might just be ba-d for an ulcer patient (say Apple for example).

Environment has its own role... (As a result of a person's daily activities, he might bu!rn calories better and quicker than a person in a different situation.

Therefore, when it comes to what to eat and what portion to take, you have to be sure it's exactly good for you.


Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


There's something I've been wanting to talk about...

It's about how people detest visiting hospitals.
For fear of ion know, some would say... "They'd always diagnose something in people" "Wetin person no know no fit kill person" vibes...

Okay you don't even have to visit the hospital if there isn't anything wrong with you.

But what about people who have been diagnosed with specific ailments... FOLLOWING UP IS AS IMPORTANT AS TAKING YOUR MEDICATIONS.

Some 2 weeks ago, I was out on a volunteer job at a new hospital that was opened somewhere around here.

There was a 2-day free medical checkup thingy for people. And I was lucky to stay with a nice doctor who made sure to explain, orient and advise patients.

First... Talking about HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (BP).

A number of patients came and from the routine check, we realized their BP was just too beyond normal.

Some who already know they had High BP said they are on drugs. They kept buying the drugs that had been prescribed for them.
When it finishes, they buy new sets without consulting any doctor or trying to follow up.

This practice is very dangerous please...

For yourself and if you have people at home with high BP, please let them always follow up with the state of the condition.

It's not sufficient to keep buying drugs.
As the doctor follows up, the patient might be advised to change drugs, reduce dosage, increase dosage and lots...
High BP isn't a condition to be taken with levity.

From the special cases that came to the doctor I was with.
We had to instruct some people to stay back and get someone to get them drugs immediately...
Some immediate cancelling of some of their drugs.
Some given later appointments.
Some people ain't even aware that their BP had shoot up that highly.

We all know it's something that could lead in stroke and even death.
Just someone could be walking, stumble on a stone, falls and he's gone. It's Qadar... then It could be High BP that isn't well taken care of.

If you have parents with high BP, please make that they go to the hospital for proper follow up...
They shouldn't just keep renewing their drugs.
They should not commence or stop any drug without the doctor's permission.

Today's not to orient us about High blood pressure.
Rather, it's too make us know how important follow up is...
Please, don't joke it with.

There are stages to these conditions...hence the type of treatment given to each.

Some people just keep using drugs with no improvement...
Some with recurring headaches... Yet, they just continue.

Inform your doctor (s)...
They're in the best place to administer you treatments.

High BP can be properly managed. It's not something to worry too much about, just pay attention to it.

Btw, it's not primarily caused by overthinking... Just it could trigger it.
It runs in family.
So, if you have a history of such in your family, you could try to check what your status is once in awhile.

I hope the message is clear enough?
Please... Please
Insist that people around you with High BP keep in touch with their doctors or hospital.

May The Almighty keep protecting us.
Please take proper care of yourself. It's important, very important.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


Stressed... Stressed out... That's like the most recurring mood for most of us. How do you then manage stress effectively? Check attached photo, just something you would like to see!.

Photo ref : Home Doctor.
This from;
Her Health's Mini Google.


So is it true that many of us still clean our ears using cotton swaps (buds) or with other objects?

Do you know it's a HIGHLY DISCOURAGED PRACTICE to put objects including cotton buds into the ears?

You're probably thinking, "Okay no cotton buds, then how should I take care of the earwax in my ears?"

Earwax is produced in little quantities that protect the ear canal and it disperses naturally.

Truly, if too much wax is produced, it can build up and cause blockages which is bad as well.

A buildup of wax can cause discomfort, a feeling of fullness or hearing loss in the ear. It may come with itching, dizziness...

If you feel there's a buildup of wax in your ears.
See a doctor to confirm especially if you have ear problems normally.

Also, wax buildups is common in elderly people and people who wear hearing aids and even headphones... Should I mention you people's names ahbi I should keep quiet?
Incase you're wondering why you're always getting wax in your ears... Could be the excessive use of airpod, thank you🤌🏾.

So... If the earwax ain't giving you problems. You don't have to see a doctor.

And you know the good thing?
You'll know when it's out already so you take care of the rest.

Don't insert anything in your ears please.
Aside from pushing wax
farther into the ear canal, you may damage the ear canal lining, causing irritation and infection, or even damage the eardrum itself.

There are earwax drops and other things you could use to soften the earwax.
But has to be with the approval of a doctor or a pharmacist because they could come with reactions.

It's very simple...


And that's all for this.
I hope you had a nice read.

The health of your ears is the health of your body.
So... It's a big deal.

Take care of yourself, okay?

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


I woke up with 'HEARTBURN' but a very minor one... Atleast not as severe as the ones I used to have.

That's a big plus for me...
I have something to talk about now.

How are you with heartburns?
Do you have it often?
Once in awhile?
Let's see what you can do...

HEARTBURN is a burning discomfort felt behind the breastbone.

This discomfort is made worse by meals, bending over or lying down.

Fatty foods,spicy foods, peppermint, coffee, alcohol and cigarette smoking may also cause

People in the above condition would get heartburns almost everytime.
Some would get less often.

Those who suffer from severe or frequent heartburn may need regular medication to controlsymptoms.


When heartburn is accompanied by difficulty in swallowing.

When you've started a new medicine and it's been causing heartburn for you.

If there's sweating, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness or chest tightness.

If you've passed bloody or thick black faeces

If you've vomited blood.

If you've used an antacid and the symptoms persists severely without relief.

When you have heartburns too often.

If any of those hasn't occured.

1- Take an antacid.
(Liquid or tablet).
Antacids provide rapid relief..
They usually will help you fight over the discomfort not necessarily provide long lasting effects.

2- Some medicines containing alginic acid may prevent heartburn symptoms. Not like antacids, but they create a barrier which prevents the acid from coming back from the stomach.
(Ask a doctor for suggestions).

3. You can help yourself feel better by making some changes to your daily habits.

• Do not lie down for 2 hours after meals
• Do not eat within 2 hours of bedtime
• Raise or elevate the head of your bed 6 inches on blocks. Propping yourself
with pillows won’t be as helpful and may actually cause more trouble.
• Cut back or eliminate your caffeine intake. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea,
chocolate and most cola drinks
• Eliminate the use of alcohol and ci******es
• Cut back your use of ASA and anti-inflammatory medication if possible.
• Cut down intake of fatty foods: high fat meats, fried foods, gravy and sauces
• spicy foods and peppermint often cause heartburn
• if a food causes you discomfort, avoid eating it a second time.

4- if you develop new symptoms after starting a new medication. See a doctor.

# REF... Do I need to see the doctor. The home treatment encyclopedia written by medical doctors.

If you have to take an antacid more than twice a day... See a doctor.
More than 3 heartburns episode a week... See a doctor.

Personally, when I take enough water after meals, it helps me against heartburn.

Have a very beautiful day✨.

Go strong with your activities... And take care of what's yours (your health).
If you don't, no one will help you do that.
You know right?

Have it great 🤲🏾 today...
I'm rooting for you always!
All the best ✨🫂.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


I THINK ALMOST EVERYONE WOULD HAVE HAD A 'BURN' ACCIDENT BEFORE! however little it might have been. Or haven't you?
At that time, what did you do?
What should you have done ? See 👇🏾

Burns are usually caused by home accidents.
It could be minor or severe.
Could be as a result of touching a hot oven, splashing of hot water or any hot substance.

Severe burns should seek medical attention immediately (after first aid).

From burn, the skin turns red, it might feel tight or sore and it could even form blister (swollen and very painful).

In case of minor burns, YOU SHOULD HELP YOURSELF BY ;

Staying away from the source of the accident.
(Putting it off if necessary).

Immediately cool the burn (let the affected area stay under running water).


Cover surface with a sterile,nonadherent dressingor any clean, nonfluffymaterial, and bandageloosely. Or put plasticwrap lengthwise to protect the burn.


If it forms blisters, don't break them.

Take pain relief medications for pain (i.e if it's painful) and you could rub moisturizers if it itches to prevent it from drying out.

When burn leads in BREATHING PROBLEMS or UNCONSCIOUSNESS... The victim should be made to see a doctor immediately.

Almost all minor burns can be managed without seeing a doctor, however when it occurs in some cases, the victims should see a doctor.
Cases like;

-When a baby or young child has a burn.
- When the burn is on the face, hand, feet and ge****ls. When the burn is deep and extensive.
- When it's caused by electrical or chemical means
- when you're unsure of the severity of the burn.

N:B; regarding cooling as a first aid, if water isn't available, you could use any harmless liquid available.

REF (Home Doctor by Dr. Micheal Peters).

((special corner))
Being careful can not be overemphasized.
The kitchen especially can house a number of accidents if one isn't very careful.
Don't allow kids in the kitchen, don't play around too, avoid distractions as much as you can.

When accidents occur too, do what you have to do and seek help.
Urgent help helps the scar from burn heal faster and even better.

Stay careful and healthy.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


You'd have at one point or the other found yourself rushing to the toilet frequently emptying everything you have in your stomach.
Making you lose all the strength in you.

At those times,
What should you have done?
What could have caused it?
How should you help someone in that condition? What if it was a baby?

See this...



It is an infection disease characterized by frequent passing of stool that could contain blood and (/ or)mucus.

It involves the inflammation of the intestine.

Types of dysentery according to the causative organism



The BACILLARY DYSENTERY is the most common type therefore dysentery could generally go with the name BACILLARY DYSENTERY.

It can be contacted when a person takes in food and water that has been contaminated with bacteria e.g in human faeces.
Poor hygiene and lack of environmental sanitation are ways it could spread too.

Sign and symptoms of DYSENTERY.

1. Frequent passing of stool with mucus /and blood.
2 Severe abdominal pain
3 severe pain during defecation.
4 Anorexia and vomiting
5 Dehydration
6 Loss of appetite
7 General body weakness

Laboratory diagnosis (to ascertain the condition).
1- Through stool analysis
2- Through the signs and symptoms.


Remember, prescription is strictly the duty of the physician.

1- Antibiotics to fight the infecting bacteria.
2- Fluid e g normal saline (ORS) to regain lost electrolytes (strength).
3- An Analgesic could be given to relieve pain.

DYSENTERY is not a condition to be played with.
Because the victim keeps passing out nutrients without replacement and that's quite dangerous.


Because it's a condition involving the intestine, if not handled well... It puts threat to the intestine and its part.
And that can be very dangerous.
It could lead in
Perforation, intestinal hemorrhage, haemorrhoid (pile), pr*****ed re**um.

When nutrients is continually lost without replacement, it could lead in death too.

Preventive measures;

Ensuring a good personal and environmental hygiene.

Eating and drinking of food and water free of contamination by faeces.

Food should be well cooked before consumption.

Take only treated or boiled water.

Be careful of vendors too.

Again, only the doctor should prescribe.
As a first aid, taking ORS can be very helpful. It helps the patient gain lost strength.
For babies, ORS and Oral Zinc can be given.
Anything else must be prescribed by the doctor.
Babies cases should be treated with utmost importance, if you feel there's anything to be concerned about the baby... Please see a paediatrician.



It is an infection disease characterized by frequent passing of stool that could contain blood and (/ or)mucus.

It involves the inflammation of the intestine.

Types of dysentery according to the causative organism



The BACILLARY DYSENTERY is the most common type therefore dysentery could generally go with the name BACILLARY DYSENTERY.

It can be contacted when a person takes in food and water that has been contaminated with bacteria e.g in human faeces.
Poor hygiene and lack of environmental sanitation are ways it could spread too.

Sign and symptoms of DYSENTERY.

1. Frequent passing of stool with mucus /and blood.
2 Severe abdominal pain
3 severe pain during defecation.
4 Anorexia and vomiting
5 Dehydration
6 Loss of appetite
7 General body weakness

Laboratory diagnosis (to ascertain the condition).
1- Through stool analysis
2- Through the signs and symptoms.


Remember, prescription is strictly the duty of the physician.

1- Antibiotics to fight the infecting bacteria.
2- Fluid e g normal saline (ORS) to regain lost electrolytes (strength).
3- An Analgesic could be given to relieve pain.

DYSENTERY is not a condition to be played with.
Because the victim keeps passing out nutrients without replacement and that's quite dangerous.


Because it's a condition involving the intestine, if not handled well... It puts threat to the intestine and its part.
And that can be very dangerous.
It could lead in
Perforation, intestinal hemorrhage, haemorrhoid (pile), pr*****ed re**um.

When nutrients is continually lost without replacement, it could lead in death too.

Preventive measures;

Ensuring a good personal and environmental hygiene.

Eating and drinking of food and water free of contamination by faeces.

Food should be well cooked before consumption.

Take only treated or boiled water.

Be careful of vendors too.

Again, only the doctor should prescribe.
As a first aid, taking ORS can be very helpful. It helps the patient gain lost strength.
For babies, ORS and Oral Zinc can be given.
Anything else must be prescribed by the doctor.
Babies cases should be treated with utmost importance, if you feel there's anything to be concerned about the baby... Please see a paediatrician.

Proper Hygiene is a big deal.
Take charge.
I hope you've learnt something?

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


Yesterday... I was racking my brain thinking about what to write because I really wanted to. I got no idea but I kept hoping something would come.

Then close to this time yesterday, after my friend finished eating, a small piece of meat got stuck in her teeth... She tried everything to take it out then it started bleeding.

And wow, I got an idea!
I could write a little about toothache.

I don't know how many pieces of Sallah meats you've had but should we talk about 'toothache' ?

Toothache ;
Meaning... a pain or an ache in a tooth.

A toothache can be as little as a mild pain and it could get really severe.

Tooth decay, gum disease, and other tooth related problems should see a dentist.

Here's what you could do to manage it still... 👉🏾

-Avoid too hot and cold water. In general, avoid anything that makes it get painful.

- Take an analgesic (like Ibuprofen etc) to relieve pain.

- Dilute some quantity of salt in warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it.

- Oil of cloves as a natural remedy has been said to work in relieving tooth ache

Ref (Home Doctor by Dr Micheal Peters).

- Try to maintain a good mouth and dental hygiene to aid and prevent future tooth issues ;

_Use an age appropriate toothpaste, brush your teeth regularly, don't use a toothbrush for too long, don't share your toothbrush with others, treat existing toothaches._

Anyone suffering from toothache should see a dentist...

Your teeth matters.
The health of your teeth is the health of your body.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


I told my sister that I won't be eating too much meat this Ileya because I'm into healthy eating and she was like 'okay I think me too'.

I told her ehn ehn ' you think ahbi'.
And she's yes, yes... Coz of my teeth and all.

Then, I was like I trust my people.

All of us at Her Health's Mini Google are law abiding.

The way she did me that 'yinmu' gesture ehnn...
Following it with "who told you that, keep deceiving yourself o".


And she's like even in your mind, you know you're deceiving yourself.

Shee you people will eat plenty meat true true?..

Sheb we're always "keeping it Halaal (Healthy)?

Okhayy shaa... Enjoy this festive period. Still try to watch what and how you eat.

Someone's saying "After all these wahala, washing, frying, cooking... Zaynab you want to say I should not eat to the fullest... You're joking👅".

It's you bah 🤲🏾👅...
I know pé ko easy...
Even one part of my head told me when I was frying.

Eat, enjoy 🤲🏾.

Let me carry my book and pen, lemme look for one nice health practitioner to ask pé after all the 'Eid thingy... What can we do to get back to our "keeping healthy self".

As you're preparing to go out...

Remember to shaa do the ice cream small small 🤏🏾.

I have sent my Eid greetings to everyone in "Her Health's Mini Google" inner circle. Better comman join us.

If I haven't reached out to you in anyway...
It's because you people didn't tell my daddy to get us an olopo (a caterer)... Oh, I mean because I've been a little busy and my phone's not been on like that.

'Eid Mubaarak fam.
TaqabbalaLlaahu Minna wa Minkum.

May ALlaah grant us the mercy of witnessing many more to come upon Khayr.

Continue having a very beautiful 'Eid.
And... And Stay Healthy but please ENJOY !

Moderacy is priceless✨

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google


The first time I heard the term "RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS" was say when I finished secondary school.
I have heard of "RHEUMATISM" earlier though, my friend who used to learn/intern at a pharmacy then mentioned it to me about some leg pains... That was all I knew about it then.
Until now, I didn't know it goes far beyond that.
Now, I can read you a speech of facts about RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is said to be a chronic progressive inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects (attacks) the peripheral synovial joints.

That is, the immune system (for unknown reasons) ATTACKS the body's own tissue at the joints instead of PROTECTING them.

ARTHRITIS will imply a kind of inflammation in a joint.

(The response of the body to injury is what we refer to as 'inflammation'. It could be in form of pain, redness, swelling.)

And when this occurs at a joint, it's called ARTHRITIS


1 Joint pain
2 General body weakness)
3 Fatigue
4 Decrease range of motion as a result of joint stiffness
5 Swelling of joints
6 Fever

1 Autoimmune dysfunction (when the body attacks its own tissues).

2 It's more common in women than in men usually between the age of 35-55 years.

3 Family history

4 Vitamin D deficiency


1 Radiological examination of the joints will reveal destruction of the joints especially small joints

2 positive serum test for rheumatoid arthritis factor

3 Symptoms of stiffness and joint pain.

Methods of prevention.

1 Incase of injury to joints, apply warm or cold compress to the site to promote range of motion and prevent it from swelling.

2 Encourage adequate diet to boost immunity and provide body with vitamin D

3 Restructure (stressful) home activities to decrease stress on joints i.e activities of daily living.

TREATMENTS ( only the doctor prescribes, REMEMBER!)

1- Analgesic and corticosteroids drugs could be given to reduce pain and inflammation respectively.

2- Immune suppressive drugs would be given to suppress the immune attacking its own tissue.

Or 3- a surgical method called Arthroplasty which is the surgical repair of the joint. This surgical means is done if sign and symptoms are not alleviated after the use of drugs.

COMPLICATIONS (if it's not been taken care of). It could lead in ;

1 Joint deformity
2 fracture.

If your joints hurts always.
It's important that you check your activities.
If you can't still explain why!
Visit the hospital.
The health of our joints is as important as the health of our body.

Take care, guys✨🤍.
Thank you!

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


Do you have problems getting good sleep?

Is it how long one has slept or how well?

Well... You may want to see this!

Sleeping disorder can come in different forms.
The most common type is INSOMNIA.

The number of hours one has slept is not as important as how one feels after waking up.
It's not always how long but how well!

To know a person has had an adequate sleep...
They must feel a sense of refreshment and absense of tiredness after waking up.

The length and pattern of sleep could change as one ages... The most important is that the person feels well.

Sleeping disorders could lead in mental or physical problems.

Symptoms of Insomia

-Difficulty in falling and staying asleep even when tired.
-Problems with -concentration and low productivity at work.
-Problems with memory
-Falling asleep during the day.
- Making too many mistakes (accidents).


Such individual who (feels) he has this condition should try to discover what could cause the problem and pay attention to it.
It could be emotional stress, physical conditions, too noisy or light environment, lifestyle etc.
Taking care of those things might help.

He should try maintaining a particular sleeping routine ( going to bed and rising at the same time, everyday).

Avoid eating too heavy and late before sleeping.

Prepare properly for good sleep (take a shower, arrange your bed and room etc).

Breathing exercises could help too.

Sleeping pills EXCEPT PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR should NOT be used.
It can be very addictive, have short span of effectiveness and have a lot of underlying side effects.

When the condition doesn't improve after all of these, you should consider seeing a doctor!

That's it, guys ✨🤍.
Have a very good day.
Stress yourself less 🫂.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.


It's a very common health condition...
Now tell me,
How much do you know about this condition?

Come... Let me tell you!

ASTHMA is a CHRONIC REACTIVE AIRWAY DISORDER that causes airway obstruction resulting from bronchospasm, increase mucous secretion, mucosal oedema and airway inflammation.

Here, it simply means, the space for air exchange has been squeezed up, then there's accumulation of mucus ; it will then result the situation where there won't be a free flow of air which will now IMPEDE breathing.

What happens is, when mucus accumulates, it causes inflammation (a shoot up) and as a result CO2 cannot be given off, O2 cannot be taken in (Proper respiration would not occur), then stiffness , then there will be difficulty in breathing. And that's what is known as ASTHMA.

It is a common childhood disorder that may continue till adulthood.

Asthma exists as different types, (this classification is as a result of how it is contacted.)

1- Extrinsic type (atopic) : This type results from specific EXTERNAL allergies like dust.

2- Intrinsic type (non atopic); This type results from INTERNAL NON ALLERGENIC factors like infections.

3- Drugs induced asthma ; Some are caused by particular drugs taken like Aspirin and it's related compound.

4- Exercise induced Asthma : This is caused by extremely stressful activities e.g 5-20minutes of sustained exercise.

5- Occupational Asthma : This type is caused by Inhalation of industrial fumes, gases, dust and allergens.

Asthma may be caused by any of the following factors ;

1. Environmental stimuli like (Air pollution, dust, gases, dandruff, fumes and lots )

2- Familiar tendency that is, it could be inherited.

3. Infection especially those ones that are specific to the respiratory tract. Like, Rhinitis

4. Emotional stress

5. Fatigue

6. Smoking

7. Endocrine changes

8. Exercise (physical activities).

Sign and symptoms of Asthma

1. Wheezing respiration (a whistling-like breathing).
2. Cough
3. Chest tightness
4. Difficulty in breathing/shortness of breath
5. Respiratory distress
6. Low oxygen in tissue
7. Exhalation of CO2 (carbon dioxide) more strenuous and prolonged than inhalation of O2 (oxygen).
You know as human, we breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.

It's diagnosable in the laboratory using Chest x-ray, by knowing the oxygen level in the blood.

Complications of Bronchial Asthma.

When Asthma is not well managed;
It could lead to...
1- Status asthmaticus (shortness of breath)
2- Heart failure
3- Shock
4- Coma. Then,
5- Death.

Medications (medically)

1- Bronchodilator (INHALER) like Aminophylline is given (Bronchodilator - a drug given to dilate and relax the Bronchial passages so as to improve smooth flow of air in the lungs)

2- Mucous expectorant (they ease the removal of mucus) like cough syrups.

4- Antibiotics like erythromycin etc to treat infection

Prescription remains the duty of the doctor.

Ways to prevent and manage asthma ;

1- Minimizing exposure to irritants like dust, fumes, pollution
2- Advising people to stop smoking
3- Keeping the home dust free and keeping it clean to prevent infection.
4- Use of INHALER and medication as prescribed
5- Encouraging asthmatic patients to be with the inhaler everytime.

That's all, guys.
I hope you learnt.
Send in your thoughts/ questions regarding this...
And share with your friends.
Let's all learn together.

Have a very good night ✨🤍.

Zaynab Bint Sulaymaan
Health Educator ✨🤍
Her Health's Mini Google.

