French Expression Today

French Expression Today

We teach French for conversational purposes with diverse methods suitable to your needs and connect


It was a great privilege to teach this year and you made that possible. Thank you for following, liking my posts and for your trust and loyalty.

Your presence has made this year awesome for us at FET Online

Merci beaucoup


Bonsoir. French Nationalities have the masculine and feminine form. They usually follow a pattern so they are not that hard to learn.



Whenever you see “TU” in a text, know that the relationship between the persons is familiar and when you see “VOUS” being used for a person, it means the relationship is “formal”.



Take a sheet of paper and answer these questions honestly:
- Do you like to move a lot when studying?
- Do you enjoy problem-solving by doing and not just thinking?
- In your language class, do you prefer to answer questions and play practical games on the target topic?
- Do you like to do things rather than read them?

You are possibly a kinesthetic learner if you answered yes to all these. You can practice language learning by engaging in activities when you self-study. Dance, teach the wall, move around while studying the language.

If you prefer a classroom setting, engage language teachers who teach using demonstrations and real-life examples related to you rather than just theoretical textbooks which are not suited to your needs.


(how to learn)

In learning a language there are different approaches to learning grammar. Some persons think learning grammar can be a waste of time while others think it is the bedrock of a language and must be learned.

There are two thoughts to this called: implicit and explicit grammar learning methods.

The implicit approach is much rather like how we learned our mother tongue as children. It focuses on communication and conversation and less on grammatical rules. Learners who apply this approach can be unable to correctly make sentences or observe grammar rules as they did not learn them.

I think some Nigerians learn English with this method. Do you agree?

The explicit method makes focuses extensively on the learning of grammar. Grammar is believed to be the backbone of a language here. The traditional method applied in classrooms to teach French or an indigenous language for example supports this approach. However, students could have so much knowledge of grammar yet very little ability to use the knowledge contextually in conversations.

Which method are you acquainted with? Which do you prefer?
Share your thoughts


Happy new year.

Although you may not know it, there is more than one way to learn a language. The conventional and popular way is to learn in a classroom where you are taught grammatical rules at a stretch and occasionally have audio recordings played and texts read. This method works for a number of people and in certain contexts but not always.

Another method of language learning is called Self Learning. It is not a new method and is one that requires skill and discipline for advancements to be attained in the learner's journey. My first experience self-learning was in my secondary school as a French language student and over time I have learned a lot about this method and would love to share with you if you are considering applying it or have tried and failed.

Self-learning is most times learning without the help of a teacher and relies more on the use of textbooks, exercise books, and audio material. It is preferred by some because you have the ability to determine your schedule for learning and can be considered an economical option for language learning.

As great as this method is, it requires skill to be successful and over the next few days, I would be sharing my experience as a self-learner, the ups and downs, and tips to advance with this method of learning.

Turn on your notification to get alerts as I share daily and tag your connection or friend who might be interested to follow me.

This year I would like to help you on your journey to language fluency by sharing my experiences and knowledge as a language learner. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments and I will attend to them right away.

Bonne journée!

Photos from French Expression Today's post 01/12/2021

Joyeux Décembre!
Have you enrolled for our 12 days course?

Photos from French Expression Today's post 23/11/2021

Whilst studying the French language I found a popular method that has to do with learning grammar first before all else. The problem is this method is not always suitable for all learners and you can get stuck with learning grammar and never get around to conversations and actual usage of the language. You need to change it before you get frustrated. I almost did!

Since then, it has become a primary goal for me to help learners simplify their language journey until they become fluent as much as they desire (either to be able to have basic conversations or to be professionally fluent) in the shortest time possible!

Don't believe me? Enroll for Project Bilingue and see what can happen in 12 days of learning with FET Online!
Fill this form to begin your process or make inquiries:

Like our Page French Expression Today to get freebies!


Did you know that the meaning of some gestures you make normally, can have a different meaning in French?

👌This is one of them. Learn more in the video

Do you have anything you want us to talk about in relations to learning French, immigration or making conversations? Leave them in the comment section below

Oh la la! Les Exclamations 17/05/2021

How was your weekend?

Today we will look at French Exclamations.
French exclamations are different from English in most ways. For example, English would say "yummy" but French would say "miam miam"...

After you read the article, visit our FET test page for some practice😄

Oh la la! Les Exclamations French Exclamations


Bonjour à Tous.

Today we will be talking about two confusing verbs for French language learners. They are; " Connaître" and "Savoir".

In French, the both verbs means to Know but they are used in different context.

SAVOIR is used when talking about hard facts, Ideas, things you have learnt or things you can do and it is followed immediately by a verb.

Example: Je sais Parler Espagnol.
(I know how to speak Spanish).

Je sais que tu es Malade. ...
( I know that you are sick)

On the other hand, Connaître is used when describing things you are familiar with. I.e people, places etc. It is mostly followed by a Noun.

Je connais T**i.
(I know T**i)

Il connaît le Grand Bretagne..

I want you to conjugate the verb Savoir and connaître in the comment section.



Bonjour à Tous !

Bienvenus a Fetonline !!!

Today we will be learning how to make use of "Les adjectifs possessifs" This type of Adjectifs is used to show ownership of Items, Animals/ people same way we have it in English.

Les adjectifs possessifs sont:

(Mas)/ (Fem)/ (Plural)
Je =Mon /Ma / Mes (MY)
Tu=Ton / Ta/ Tes (Your)
Il/Elle =Son / Sa /Ses (His/Her)
Nous= Notre/ Nos (Our)
Vous= Votre /Vos (Your)
Ils/Elles,= Leur /Leurs. (Their)*

*However, One distinct feature in the study of Adjectifs possessifs in French is that adjectifs Possessifs agrees to Numbers and Gender.
NB: You need to master the gender of some French words.

*For example: Mon chien ( My Dog). Chien is a masculin word, so *Mon** is the most suitable possessive adjective for it. If you say Ma chien then you are wrong.
Same goes for My daughter. Fille (Daughter) is a feminine word. The possesive adjectif suitable for it is **Ma** Hence Ma Fille.

When it's Pluriel for either Masculine or Feminine words... Then we can either use Mes/ses/Tes/ vos/Nos/leurs.

Feel Free to ask questions on the topic.



Bonjour à Tous !

Comment vous allez aujourd'hui ?😊

Today we will be talking about Le futur Proche. Le futur proche is a tense used to express an action that takes place in the near Future. Thus, if you want to talk about an action that is yet to take place, FUTUR PROCHE is going to used.

Futur Proche is derived by conjugating the verb Aller in the present tense followed by the Infinitif of another verb(Raw verb not conjugated).

Example: I Will go to school later.

It becomes:
Je - I
Vais- First variant of the verb Aller in present tense.
Aller - verb to go.(Not conjugated)
À - to
L' école - School
Après- Later.

Je vais aller à l'école demain.

Here are few things I will like you to say in French. Write them in the comment section.

1. Bola will read the book.
2. We will listen to the music later.

Join group chat on Telegram 08/01/2021

Bonjour Mes Amis.
Comment vous allez?
Il y a une nouvelle tâche sur Telegram. Essayez!

Good day Friends!!! There is a new task on Telegram. Try it!

Join group chat on Telegram


Bonjour Les gens Plus formidables!

Bonne Nouvelle Année !😁😁

Today, we will be discussing a very important verb which is the verb "Aller" which basically means the verb to "Go".

The verb is known to be an irregular verb because though it ends with "er", it does not follow the "er" verb conjugation rule. We are going to learn how to conjugate this verb in present tense.

Je vais : I am going/I go
Tu Vas: You go/ You are going.
Il va: He is going/He goes.
Elle va: She is going.
Nous allons : We are going/We go.

Vous allez : You are going/You go (SB older)

Ils Vont : They are going (Masculine)
Elles vont : They are going (Feminine).

Example: Odogwu *va* à l'église
=Odogwu is going to church.

If I want to say *We are going to school*, how do I say that?

Please put the answer on the comment section.

WhatsApp Group Invite 30/12/2020

Salut Tout le monde !!!

We have an exciting task coming in tomorrow on our FET WhatsApp group...

You won't want to Miss it. Click on link to join.


WhatsApp Group Invite WhatsApp Group Invite


Bonjour à tous !!!!

I hope we all had a joyous Celebration?

In the light of the Festive season, we are going to be learning 7 Important Festive words in French Language that can be used in this season...Stay Tuned😁😁

1. *Joyeux Noël* ...(Merry Christmas) in French, Joyeux means Joyous and Noel means Christmas.

2. *Meilleur Vœux* which means Best Wishes or Good Wishes.

3. *Bonnes fêtes* which means Happy Holidays.

4. *Bonne nouvelle année et Bonne santé* which means Happy New Year and Good Health.

5. *Meilleur Souhaits pour le nouvel an-* Best Wishes for the New year.

6. *Je vous Souhaite d'excellentes fêtes* - I wish you an Happy Holiday.

7. *Que l'année -------- vous procure bonheur, santé et Prospérité.* - That the year ------ bring you happiness, health and prosperity. (Procurer here is the Verb to bring).

Tadaa!!!!😅. Here are the "importanter" words you can used during this festive period!

# BonnesFêtes
# *fetonline*


Have a very Merry Christmas
From FET Team

Join group chat on Telegram 17/12/2020

Comment vous allez?

Il y a une nouvelle
tâche sur Telegram. Essayez!

There is a new task on Telegram. Try it!

Just click on the link!

Join group chat on Telegram


Bonjour à tous ?

Comment vous allez ?

There are many words in English that looks quite similar to French words. 😅😅

Sometimes ago when I was still a beginner, I was usually excited seeing those English words in my French comprehension text because I thought those English words meant the same thing in French. Little did I know they were Faux Amis.

Faux Amis are French words that resemble English words but have a totally different meaning.

Examples are.

1.Pain which means Bread in French
2. La figure which means the Face
3. Grave which means serious
4. La lecture which means Reading
5. Rester which is the verb to Stay.

I wish you a fun filled week ahead.
Feel Free to drop any Faux Amis you have come across before.

Bonne journée !!!


Bonjour à tous !!!

Comment vous allez ?

Who else is super excited to participate in our Fet Task today???😅
Here is our task for today: *Translate this in French... It rained cats and dogs.*

Feel Free to make a research on this translation...


Bonjour à tous !

Comment vous allez ?

Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler des fruits en Français.

_Today ,we will be talking about Fruits in French._

Ici est une liste des fruits en français pour ceux qui aiment les fruits.

_Here is a list of Fruits In French for our fruits lover._

1. La pomme -Apple
2. La Mangue - Mango
3. La pêche - Peach
4. Le Melon - Melon
5. Un ananas - Pine apple
6. La banane - Banana
7. Une orange - Orange
8. La Lime - Lime
9. La Papaye - Pawpaw
10. La Tomate - Tomato

Which fruits do you know?

Bon appétit !!!

FET Test (Beginners) 12/11/2020

Comment vous allez? J'espère que vous avez assisté *Causons* samedi dernier?
Il y a une nouvelle tâche sur Telegram. Essayez!

I hope you attended *Causons* last Saturday? There is a new task on Telegram. Try it!

FET Test (Beginners)

Telegram: Contact @fettest 29/10/2020

Bonjour à tous !

Here's a little task for us!

Kindly provide answers to the questions on the link below by clicking the right answer from the list of questions.

You are encouraged to save your numbers with your names so we can identify the winners


Telegram: Contact @fettest

The online and offline payment platform for businesses. 27/10/2020

Salut tout le monde !

Today we will be giving some BASIC FRENCH PRONUNCIATION TIPS.

French pronunciation can be indeed very confusing for beginners because French has sounds that are not represented in English. Here is a brief general rule that can help you pronounce your French words well.

1. In French, all vowel words need to be pronounced, Ex: *Étudiante* (student) unlike English where you can swallow some sounds. Ex: medicine can be pronounced as [medcine]

2. In French, the stress is mostly on the last syllable Ex: FelicitaTION(congratulations) or DémonstraTION (demonstration)unlike in English where the stress can be on any syllable. Observe - OB/serve. NB The stress is on the first syllable.

3. Final consonants are usually silent except words that end with "c" "f" "r" and "l". Ex:. Le bâtiment( building) -is pronounced with the absence of the sound [t] at the end.

Excited about FET TALK coming up on October 31st? Join us as we discuss matters concerning language learning, networking as a bilingual, and immigration (such as to Canada).
Limited seats are available.

Register at

The online and offline payment platform for businesses. The easiest way to make and accept payments from customers anywhere in the world.


You want to be able to expand your business🤑, study abroad, gain a scholarship, improve your career or even immigrate🛫 to another country so you learn a foreign language (such as French). Often times however, language learners take the step to learn but skip several steps like advance networking🤝 with individuals from their target country or preparing for the immigration journey and always have to start this at a later date.

“How do I make the most of these opportunities? Do I learn the language first and then train on other skills? What other skills do I need to maximize these opportunities?🤔”

This conference will answer these vital questions with a focus on language learning, networking as a bilingual and immigration. It promises to be an impactful, educative and insightful conference which you don’t want to miss.

You can register here to attend live or get the video if not:
The video will also be available to those who attend live.

Photos from French Expression Today's post 25/10/2020

Yinka Maja is the Founder/Lead Strategist - SixthBreed NG, and curator of Connected Disruptors-Africa.
She is experienced in Public Relations and Project Management and has served with local and international organizations in facilitating development changes in media, business, and personal development.

She is a management consultant in training and has a track record of facilitating professionals and corporate training on team building to private organizations across the sectors.
She is currently a Project Officer at Wikimedia Nigeria Foundation (Wikipedia)

Yinka also advocates for connectivity among entrepreneurs and young professionals to enhance the growth of businesses and their ventures across Africa through her personal equipping course - The Real-Life Connector.

Title of her talk:
Importance of "Networking" in maximizing the opportunities provided by learning a foreign language.

She will be at FETTalk.
Don’t miss it! Register at https://flutter


FETTalk is focused on answering questions on language learning🗣, networking🤝 and immigration🧳.

This talk will focus on tips for language learning, networking as a bilingual, and the shared experience of a Canadian immigrant✍️

Register here 👇


Best Agofure is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant with more than a decade of experience of life as an immigrant in Canada.

He started his adventure in beautiful Vernon, British Columbia as an international student, then a worker, and now a citizen of Canada.

His rich and unique experience gives him a great understanding of most of the challenges immigrants go through and knows what it takes to help you thrive on your adventure to Canada before and after you arrive.

Best speaks both of Canada’s official languages, loves to travel,0 and volunteers as a photographer for charity events. His success makes him very thankful for the opportunity to immigrate to Canada: country with values that represent possibilities for anyone with the desire to utilize their talent to its maximum potential.

Don't miss the first edition of FETTalk! Register with ₦1000

(Link in bio)


The art of career networking just seems a little bit harder when it is to French connections.

On the 31st of October, we are inviting yinka_maja the Founder/Lead Strategist - SixthBreed NG to give a talk on:

Importance of "Networking" in maximizing the opportunities provided by learning a foreign language.

Here she will share her experiences and ways you can overcome this issue as a bilingual.

Register ASAP! Limited Slots available

Videos (show all)

Bonjour!Did you know that the meaning of some gestures you make normally, can have a different meaning in French?👌This i...
Bonjour à Tous. Today we will be talking about two confusing verbs for French language learners. They are;  " Connaître"...
