Workready School

Workready School

We Help Graduates and Jobseekers Become Employable. Learn how 100+ graduates have landed their dream jobs here!


The best way to teach is to teach in simple terms.

The best way to make people understand what you teach is by using personal stories.

We understand the assignment.

Our lead instructor is a good storyteller.

The ESP feels more like an interaction than a learning session.

Many online programs feel more like learning, that's why you buy the course and never get to finish them.

But with the ESP, the case is different.

And you have heard it from our participants.

The ESP is delivered in simple terms that you will understand.

So, if you enjoy learning from personal stories and experiences, join the next Cohort.

ESP 3 is already enrolling,

You can enroll here.
Bank Transfer Option
Providus Bank
Pay NGN32,000
5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]



Let us re-introduce her to our new followers!

One thing you should do before you enroll in any program is to research the person you will learn from.

If you must learn a new skill, strive to learn from the best.

Chinasa Ezeogu has over 20 years of experience in Human Resources.

She is a coach per excellence.

She has worked for big brands like MTN Nigeria, British American To***co, Neconde Energy Limited, Jumia Group, and Century Group.

She knows the right skills that you need to find, keep, and grow in your career.

You can also check our testimonials from Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 of the Employability Skills program.

This woman is loaded and has poured all her valuable experience into this program.
Did you miss Cohort 2 this March?

No problem, Cohort 3 is enrolling now.

Join our Employability Skills Program today and discover the value for yourself! Our Cohort 3 is enrolling. Classes start 8th July.

You can enroll here

Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited.

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]



We are proud to celebrate Moyo, one of our amazing graduates from the very first ESP cohort back in November 2023!

Moyo spotted a job opening we shared on this very page last week, and guess what?
She used the valuable skills she learned in the Employability Skills Program (ESP) to land the interview AND the offer!

Moyo put everything she learned about resume writing, interview preparation, and personal branding into action, and it paid off in a big way.

She's already started her new role and is ready to take her career to the next level.
The ESP program was NGN26,875 then and she landed a job of NGN120,000.00, 3 months later,

Talk about value for money.

This is exactly why we created ESP – to equip YOU with the tools and knowledge you need to land your dream job.

Feeling inspired by Moyo's success? Here's how ESP can help you too:

- Craft a resume and LinkedIn profile that gets noticed by employers.

- Master interview techniques to answer questions with confidence.

- Develop essential workplace skills like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, canva, Ai tools,
communication, and professionalism.

P.S. A big congratulations again to Moyo! We can't wait to see what amazing things you achieve in your new role.

Moyo has been making big strides since after ESP. We are so proud of her.

Cohort 3 is enrolling.

You can enroll here.

Bank Transfer Option
Providus Bank
Pay NGN32,000
5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]


Are you shocked it only takes an average of 6 seconds for a hiring manager to scan your resume?

Imagine you are the hiring Manager, and you advertise for a role,
You only need 1 candidate for the role, 1000 people apply.

What will you do?

You either use an Applicant Tracking System to shortlist or you manually scan through for key things you are looking for in each resume?

So, when that happens, you will either end up in a pile for interviews or the pile to be trashed. Where will your resume end up? Be honest!

Bear this in mind before you apply for the next role. We can't say it enough.

Tailor your resume for each job!

We are enrolling for Cohort 3. Classes start July 8th.

You can enroll here.

Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited.

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]



If you don't learn how to sell yourself at interviews, you are still far away from landing your dream job.

But once you learn to sell yourself and your experience no matter the number of years of experience you have, Interviews will become a walk in the park and landing your dream job will only be one interview away.

So how can you sell yourself? Just a little preparation.

Here's how you can shine:

1. Tell your story: Prepare a short and clear explanation of your skills and experience. This shows them why you're the perfect fit for the job. Package your experience with numbers to show impact.

2. Practice makes perfect: Rehearse answering common interview questions beforehand. This will help you feel confident and speak clearly.

3.First impressions count: Dress professionally, arrive on time, and be polite. A positive first impression goes a long way!

Knowing how to sell your experience (no matter how much, or little, you have!), as well as your inherent qualities is going to get recruiters paying attention.

Let us teach you how!

Leave a comment below! What's your biggest interview challenge? Let's help you overcome it!

We are enrolling for Cohort 3. Classes start July 8th.

You can enroll here

Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited.

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]


Let me give you your Weekly Must-Do's! for your Job Search!

1. Cast a Wider Net (3-5 Applications): Don't just wait for the perfect opportunity to appear. This week, actively search for 3-5 jobs that align with your skills and interests. Apply with a customized cover letter that highlights your value.

2. Network Like a Pro (2 LinkedIn Connections): LinkedIn is your secret weapon! Reach out to 2 recruiters in your field each week. Personalize your message, ask insightful questions, and showcase your expertise. Build connections, not just applications! Dont beg.

Also, Track your progress! Keep a record of the jobs you apply for and the recruiters you reachout to. This helps you stay organized and measure your efforts.

Looking for more guidance in landing your dream job? We have the Employability Skills Program which lasts for 3 weeks. It's a fully online program, all you need is 30 to 45 minutes every 2 days for each module.

We are enrolling for Cohort 3, Classes start July 8th.

You can enroll by paying N32,000 to:

Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].

Let's get you hired!

Photos from Workready School's post 27/05/2024

You have been wondering what you will learn at the ESP?

See our full curriculum.

Value Loaded!

You will learn so many workplace skills and skills to land you your dream job!

What are you waiting for?

We are enrolling for Cohort 3, Classes start July 8th.

You can enroll by Paying N32,000 to:

Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].


Do you have a busy schedule?

Do you feel like you do not have the time for our Employability Skills Program?

Are you wondering how to juggle life, work, and an online course?

We know life gets very busy, especially when you're working hard and also trying to learn new skills.

Which is why our program was designed with you in mind. All you need is 30 to 45 minutes every 2 days to go through our 3-week program.

The videos are pre-recorded and bite-sized. We also record and share all live sessions so you do not miss anything.,

We have daily reviews for each module, which is another way for you to catch up with the program and also network with other people.

We have a mobile app where you can listen to your courses on the move no matter where you are.

So here are a few tips for us to follow along when you sign up to our program

- Set reminders so you don't miss anything!

- This online program is awesome because all the live classes are recorded! Can't make it live? Watch later, whenever it fits your schedule – perfect for late nights or busy workdays.

-Don't have a whole 45 minutes? Break it down! Find 15 minutes here and there to read some notes or watch a short recording. Every little bit counts!

- Use the program's tools! we have an app that lets you Learn on the go – study on your phone during your commute or lunch break.

- Even if you can't always attend live, check our Telegram Channel for all the discussions. Talk to your classmates and stay motivated!

Remember, this program is about boosting your skills and your future! With a little planning and these tips, you can crush it, even with a busy life.

We are enrolling for Cohort 3, Classes start July 8th.

You can enroll by Paying N32,000 to:

Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].


Have you watched our FREE webinar yet?

If not, link is in the comments Please click and watch.

Share your feedback in the comments.



She attended ESP Cohort 1, and ever since her career has taken another turn.

Before ESP, she struggled to get better jobs.

She met with some recruitment experts to find out what the problem was.

And even paid for her CV to be redesigned, yet she didn't get the result she desired.

But just after attending the ESP, everything changed for her.

She moved from not getting attention to attending several interviews back to back.

Now she has several job offers to choose from.

What changed?

Getting a job is beyond submitting applications.

Every jobseeker has something to offer.

You need your CV/resume to scream the value you bring.

And on top of that, you need to build your personal brand.

Nobody will see you in the dark.

That's why in the ESP, we teach you:

✅ How to develop the right mindset and see the value you carry.

✅ Tricks for building a captivating CV/Resume

✅ How to sell yourself during any kind of interview.

✅ How to build your personal brand and position yourself on LinkedIn

With these, you will be a job magnet.

Are you tired of looking for a job?

Enroll in ESP 3 to experience a career change.

Click the link below to join


Pay N32,000 to:

Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].


Our students come with expectations and leave fully equipped.

We are happy they are getting results and doing well for themselves.

If you are still looking for a reason why you should join our Employability Skills program, this is it o.

You'll learn how to create opportunities for yourself.

Cohort 3 is currently enrolling and classes will be starting on July 8th.

Join ESP Cohort 3 Now.

You can enroll today

You pay N32,000 into 5404095739
Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].

We also have a webinar where we will teach you how to build your network and negotiate the salary you deserve.

Get instant access here 👇🏾


You might be wondering, what are the skills you can learn when you come to the ESP?

For most participants including Idolor, ESP was the game changer.

But what's important to us is that no one leaves the way they came.

Here are 10 life-changing skills Idolor learned in the ESP that will change her life forever.

-Communication skills

- Interview skills

- Sales and marketing skills

- Resume and cover letter writing skills.

- Email writing skills

- Canva Skills.

- AI skills.

- Workplace professionalism skills.

- Record and Bookkeeping skills.

- Inventory management.

With all these skills, Idolor and every other participant are set to conquer the work world.

No more rejections.

We are graduating employer's dream employees, nothing less.

This could be you if you join the next cohort.

Join ESP Cohort 3 Now.

You can enroll today

You pay N32,000 into 5404095739
Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].


If you are tired of job searching without results you will do these 5 things.

They are nothing you have not heard before…

But you have failed to take action.

You can know 1 million things, but if you don't take action, you are the same as the person who doesn't know at all.

Feeling stuck in your job search is not a good thing, let's change that!

While landing the perfect role takes time and effort, there are concrete steps you can take today to boost your employability.

Here are 5 powerful actions to get you started:

1️⃣ Update your LinkedIn profile with a compelling headline, a professional-looking photo, and a detailed description of your skills and experience.

2️⃣ The job market is constantly evolving, stay ahead. Dedicate time today to identify a skill in demand for your field and start learning.

3️⃣ Reach out to industry professionals and build your network through online platforms or attend industry events.

4️⃣ Sharpen your interview skills, and craft a compelling resume/cover letter.

5️⃣ Sign up for our Employability Skills program to learn in-demand skills you can use to stay ahead in your career.

Becoming employable is something you should strive for daily.

Stop waiting for the best time!

ESP cohort 3 is currently enrolling.

We are starting classes on July 8th, 2024.

Send a DM to enroll NOW


When Amaka joined ESP 1, she knew nothing about a growth mindset.

She was unsure of her potential and lacked the tools to forge ahead in her career.

However, the ESP changed all that.

In just two weeks, Amaka not only learned how to build a growth mindset, but she also developed self-confidence.

She left with a new mindset that she was limitless.

The reason you are not making progress in your career is because you don't have a growth mindset.

You see every opportunity as being above you.

Each time you want to apply for a Job, fear grips you and you conclude that you are not good enough.

This was who Amaka used to be until she came to the ESP.

Now she has the confidence to knock on every door because she knows she has something to offer.

This is a new year, and you don't have to miss any more opportunities because of your limiting beliefs.

In the ESP, we'll show you what you'll do to become unstoppable.

It's not rocket science, it's just some practical steps you didn't know before now.

Are you ready to become unstoppable like Amaka?

Join ESP Cohort 3 Now.

You can enroll today

You pay N32,000 into 5404095739
Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].



If you are always in the comment section of every post saying "Please I need a job" " you are setting yourself up for failure.

You see, social media is a big marketplace and to succeed here, you must learn how to market yourself.

If you are actively searching for a job, resist the urge to beg for a job in the comment section of any influencer's post.

What you should do instead is to sell yourself.

So, a big shot on the social space posted a job and it's something you are qualified for…

Simply follow the instructions and submit your CV to the email address provided.

But if you want to even comment, just briefly mention your skills and experiences and how you are the best fit for the job.

All the "I'm interested" and "please I need a job" won't help you.

In the ESP, we teach you how to sell yourself.

If you want to start attracting jobs, you need to enroll Now.

Cohort 3 is currently Enrolling.

Classes will start on July 8th.

Click below to enroll


Pay N32,000 to:

Workready School Africa Limited
Providus Bank

And send proof of payment to the email [email protected].


'I want to enroll in this Employability Skills Program but I can't afford it. Can you reduce the price?"

A lot of people have shown interest in our Employability Skills Program but are having some financial constraints.

If you are one of these people, here's what we can do for you.

We understand that the economy is not at its best right now, especially for Nigerians,

But you can still be part of this life-changing program.

The truth is knowledge is never cheap or free.

Especially when it has the potential to change your life.

The Employability Skills Program is knowledge-packed and will take your career to the next level.

So, while we can't reduce the price, we have provided an option to ensure you are not left out.

You can pay in 2 Installments!

We created that option with you in mind.

Instead of paying outrightly, you can spread it out and pay either 2 or 3 times.

You can pay what you have now and complete it before classes begin.

Don't let money stop you from taking this life-changing opportunity.

Send an email to admin@workreadyschool to start your installment process.

Classes start July 8th, You still have ample time to start and complete payment before classes start.


Still wondering what employability skills are?

Hear it directly from our ESP 2 participants.

Employability skills are what you need to become employable.

It means that if you don't have them, you'll:

➡️ Keep searching for jobs for years without any results.

➡️ Search and search for jobs and even get frustrated at some point.

➡️ Think that only people with connections get the jobs.

➡️ Be left behind.

You don't want this to happen to you.

So the best solution is to learn them.

Employability skills you should learn today are:

✅ Communication Skills

✅ Interview skills

✅ CV and cover letter writing skills.

✅ Time management skills

✅ Adaptability.

✅ Leadership skills.

✅ Team collaboration and adaptability.

✅ Sales and marketing skills.

✅ People management skills.

✅ Workplace professionalism.

✅ Workplace tools mastering

We teach these skills in the Employability Skills program.

Once you graduate from the ESP, you are ready for the job market.

If you want to build your career, start by learning these skills.

ESP 3 is already enrolling, don't be left behind.

Link in Bio!

Final Webinar – Work Ready School 18/05/2024

Stop wasting precious opportunities.

Learn the secrets to landing the job you deserve in our FREE webinar.

In 50 minutes you will Discover:

-Why your interviews are not converting into offer letters.
-Powerful techniques to stand out from the crowd.
-How to confidently showcase your skills during an interview.
-Proven strategies to nail the interview and get the offer!

Click the learn more button NOW for instant access, it's FREE!


Click this link to watch

Final Webinar – Work Ready School I was sending out 100+ resumes, applying for jobs every day, and receiving 0 responses from recruiters and then I met someone who took me by hand and showed me how to become a job magnet.


An optimized LinkedIn profile will attract the right job opportunities.

But it takes time.

That's why you procrastinate and never get it done.

But what if you have a way of looking good on LinkedIn in a few minutes?

And you don't have to pay anyone to optimize your profile or pay for another LinkedIn optimization program.

That's what we teach in the ESP.

We show you how to leverage AI to build a professional profile.

You get everything in 1 package.

That's exactly how our ESP 2 participant was able to optimize her profile after putting it off for over 2 years.

What she couldn't do in years, she achieved in minutes.

Now, this is exactly why you need to be in ESP.

We teach, you learn, you execute, and you have results.

Just like that. Nothing complicated.

If you have been trying to learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile without paying through your nose, you should join our Next cohort.

ESP 3 is already enrolling. Classes Start July 8th.

You can enroll here Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]


Speaking in a crowd is one of the hardest things to do for some people.

The thought of staring at many people can even cause a heart attack for some people.

But this happens when your communication skills is still learning work.

In the ESP, we teach the in and out of communication.

From speaking clearly, to body movement, and eye connection.

These things are very important, and we don't joke about it.

Just 1 week in the program and our participants are already making a lot of progress.

If you are still struggling with speaking in the crowd or during work meetings, you shouldn't miss ESP cohort 3.

We are here to make you better.

Use the link below to join ESP 3.


Professionals with good jobs and budding careers always enroll in the ESP.

You will think that with their many years of experience, they don't need the program.

But every career person knows that to grow, you have to keep learning.

The ESP is carefully created for both early and late-career people.

This is why every professional who have passed through this program has something good to say.

They end up learning new strategies they can use to achieve more success.

In the ESP, professionals learn:

➡️ New Tools
➡️ Interviewing strategies
➡️ Workplace principles.
➡️ Personal branding
➡️ Proper positioning
➡️ Business ideas
➡️ Self and idea promotion.

There's so much to learn in the ESP and you shouldn't miss out.

Enrollment into ESP 3 has started.

Classes will start on July 8.

Now is the best time to get a spot o.

Use the link below and in the bio to enroll.


Ever wonder what catches a recruiter's eye when they scan your Resume? Here are the top 2 things that make a lasting impression:

1. Career Summary:

This is your elevator pitch - a concise overview of your skills and experience.

Highlight your career goals and how your background aligns with the position.

Use strong action verbs to showcase your achievements.

2. Skills & Experience:

Don't just list duties - demonstrate your impact!

Use quantifiable results whenever possible. (e.g., "Increased sales by 15%")
Tailor your skills section to the specific job description.

Bonus Tip: Proofread! Typos and grammatical errors can be a major turn-off.

Want to make your CV shine? Join the ESP, We teach you how to tailor your resume for each job!

Cohort 3 is enrolling.

Classes start 8th July.

You can enroll here
Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited .

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]

P.S. Share this post with your friends who might be revamping their CVs!


Welcome to WorkReady School, where we equip you with the skills and knowledge to land your dream job!

But how exactly do we do that?

We use 2 tools.

1. Our Powerful Cloud-Based LMS:

This is where you take your classes daily on your phone. Even when you are on the move, you can listen from anywhere!

Our LMS is:
Accessible: Learn anytime, anywhere, from any device.

User-friendly: Navigate with ease and focus on mastering new skills.

Interactive: Dive into engaging modules, quizzes, and assignments.

Comprehensive: Explore a wide range of topics to build a strong foundation for success.

2. Telegram:
Learning doesn't have to be a solo journey!

Our Telegram group provides a space to:
Connect with the coaches: Ask questions, clarify doubts, and get personalized guidance.

Engage with fellow students: Share experiences, offer support, and build a valuable network.

Stay updated: Get notified about new content, announcements, and upcoming events.

Together, these tools create a unique learning environment that fosters:

-Active participation: Take control of your learning journey. ‍♀️
-Effective knowledge retention: Learn, practice, and apply your skills.
-Confidence and motivation: Build the skills and network to achieve your career goals!

Join our Employability Skills Program today and discover the value for yourself! Our Cohort 3 is enrolling. Classes start 8th July.

You can enroll here
Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited.

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]


Your career success as an employee goes beyond doing your job well.

You must learn how to relate with your colleagues the right way.

Imagine being so good at your job, but you don't have good relationships with any of your colleagues.

That doesn't send a good signal.

The key to a productive and enjoyable work environment lie in how you relate with your colleagues.

You need to be a great team player in today's job world to succeed!

Especially now that remote work systems is becoming the new normal.

So how do you foster this positive relationship at work?

1️⃣ The first rule of maintaining good work relationship is clear communication.

Understand perspectives and find common grounds during conflicts or misunderstanding. Don't let issues linger for long.

2️⃣ Practice empathy and active listening.

Learn to listen to your colleagues' concerns and try to understand their feelings and thoughts.

3️⃣ Instead of viewing your colleagues as your rival, why not see them as partners in achieving the company's goals?

Share ideas, collaborate on projects and celebrate success.

4️⃣ Appreciation is a great tool for building good work relationship.

Small gestures like thank-you notes go a long way.

5️⃣ Give constructive feedbacks.

6️⃣ Seize an opportunity to get involved in the social activities organised by the company.

Poor relationship with colleagues causes a lot of friction at work.

This is why employers can't employ you if you don't understand some workplace ethics.

Are you a team player or a lone achiever?

Do you have what it takes to work in big companies?

There's only one way to find out!

We have put together the ESP for you.

This program teaches a lot of skills including workplace ethics.

Enrollment into Cohort 3 is ongoing.

Click the link below to join.


The best way to teach is to teach in simple terms.

The best way to make people understand what you teach is by using personal stories.

We understand the assignment.

Our lead instructor is a good storyteller.

The ESP feels more like an interaction than a learning session.

Many online programs feel more like learning, that's why you buy the course and never get to finish them.

But with the ESP, the case is different.

And you have heard it from our participants.

The ESP is delivered in simple terms that you will understand.

So, if you enjoy learning from personal stories and experiences, join the next Cohort.

ESP 3 is already enrolling. Classes Start July 8th.

You can enroll here Bank Transfer Option Providus Bank NGN32,000 into 5404095739 Workready School Africa Limited

Step 2 After payment, send proof of payment to the email [email protected]


Optimise your Linkedin profile and get the visibility you need to land your dream job!


Chima, fresh out of school, started on his career  journey with so much optimism and just a shiny degree.

He graduated with good grades and bagged several awards during his NYSC days.

He displayed his awards and certificates online thinking that that's all that mattered.

But when reality struck, he became downcast.

Several job applications with less than 1% response rate.

He attended a few interviews which ended in premium tears.

His dream of landing his dream job dwindled with each rejection.

Meanwhile, there's Ade on the other hand.

He graduated well but didn't just rely on a shiny degree.

He was prepared. 

He understood that the job market is not for the faint hearted.

The competition is fierce, and to win he needed more than just a degree. 

He didn't want to just take his chances.

When he learned that he needed certain skills to succeed, he enrolled in the Employability Skills Program cohort 2.

In less than 3 weeks, his life turned around.

He developed communication skills, crafted a killer resume, mastered interview techniques, and even built a personal brand online. 

He became confident, equipped with the tools to stand out from the crowd.

When he was finally invited for an interview,

He nailed it.

He told beautiful stories to answer each interview question.

He left the room knowing he'd made a strong impression.

The result? 

Ade received an offer.

He landed his dream job, not just because of his degree, but because he invested in himself and acquired the skills that truly mattered.

So, which job seeker are you?

Are you like Chima, relying on hope and a piece of paper? 

Or are you ready to be like Ade, prepared, confident, and equipped to conquer the job market?

If you're tired of endless rejections and unfulfilled dreams, then it's time to choose a different path.

The Employability Skills Program can be your key to landing the job you deserve.

Don't just be a job seeker, Invest in yourself, acquire the skills that matter, and watch yourself win.

ESP 3 is starting on July 8th.

Use the link below and in the bio to join.

Videos (show all)

If you have a virtual interview, you should test your zoom, google meet etc days before.Also make sure you have steady i...
Build these skills in 2024!We are here to help you.Click the link in the bio to know how.#employabilityskills#workreadys...
How to answer the 5 most common interview question.Which interview question makes your heart skip everytime?Let's hear i...
If you keep chasing after jobs and employers without equipping yourself with the right skills, they will keep running aw...
