CfaN Nigeria

CfaN Nigeria

Official Page of Christ For All Nations ( Nigeria) This is the Official page of Christ For All Nations in Nigeria


“Through the blood of Jesus, we have the right to walk in total freedom. We should never settle for anything less.” - Daniel Kolenda


Paul said, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12). If you aren’t being persecuted, perhaps you are so in line with the spirit of the age that you are no threat to it.

Photos from CfaN Nigeria's post 06/01/2023

2022 was a year of miracles! We passed a salvation milestone by registering 85,774,511 documented decisions for Christ in the last 35 years! That breaks down to:
• 2,450,700 salvations per year
• 204,225 salvations per month
• 47,129 salvations per week
• 6,773 salvations per day
• 281 salvations per hour
• 5 salvations per minute

Keep us in your prayers as we press into the harvest God has for us in this decade.


We’re still in awe of all God did at our CfaN Flagship Crusade in Kamasi, Ghana!

Watch as Evangelist Daniel Kolenda speaks to a young girl who was healed from epilepsy! For the first time in several years, she is able to speak clearly! One of the first words she spoke was the name of JESUS!!!


Jesus has defeated every rebellious angelic spirit! His life, death, resurrection, and ascension did more than give us a way to be forgiven of sins. His victory overthrew the entire host of dark powers.


Today we honor Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and the life he lived devoted to Jesus. Reinhard, along with his wife, Anni, lived their lives wholly submitted to God and to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“The Great Commission is for you. If you belong to Jesus, God is preparing a platform for you. He will gather your crowd, great or small, from one lost soul to a desperate crowd of millions. It does not matter, the message is the same. If you know Jesus, you know it as well as I do. Here is the baton. Take it and run your race.
Can you see the day of harvest that lies before you? The revival flame is igniting across the southern hemisphere, once called the Third World, and now into India, China, and the ocean islands. Christ is striding through the earth. Mere religious forces have no answer for Him. He is our message.
Scoffers say, why does the African harvest not happen in Europe or America? I say, why not in Europe and America? The ground is never too hardened. Africa for two centuries did not yield a harvest, though the noblest of God’s servants sowed the seed there. The Dark Continent became the graveyard of Christian workers, more difficult than America or Europe today. But in our time, we have seen the tide shift, as it has also shifted in South America and the Orient. If the tide can shift there, it can also rise like a great tsunami to overflow America and Europe once again. I believe it. Dare to believe with me.
… for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea - Isaiah 11:9 KJV” (Quote is taken from Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s book, “Living a Life of Fire”)
We miss him dearly. All of us here at Christ for all Nations, under the leadership of Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, continue to see millions come into salvation through the preaching of a clear gospel message through crusades in Africa and outreaches around the world.

Photos from CfaN Nigeria's post 23/11/2022

This week, all around the world, we witnessed a total of 15,932 salvations in 12 countries!
This was through CfaN Evangelists trained by Daniel Kolenda, who are preaching the gospel through crusades, outreaches, and one-on-one evangelism! They are part of the fruit of the CfaN "Decade of Double Harvest" vision.


Day two in Kumasi, Ghana, and WOW, is the Lord moving in our CfaN Flagship Crusade! Even though dark clouds surrounded the crusade field last night, we remained dry, and the Gospel was preached to a multitude of people. When Evangelist Daniel Kolenda prayed for the sick, miracles broke out all over the crusade field!

One woman who had come to the crusade last night with a growth on her leg had since vanished. She brought pictures of how her foot looked the previous night, and we were able to compare it. It looked like a totally different foot. In fact, the shoes she was wearing she said she was not able to wear on that foot yesterday at all!

Make sure to check back here for our daily crusade reports!

Photos from CfaN Nigeria's post 12/11/2022

Double Harvest - Kumasi, Ghana - Day 2

The second day of our Gospel Crusade in Kumasi, Ghana, has just come to a close. To see the recap from last night's crusade, click here:

Tonight dark, ominous clouds threatened our program and torrential rains soaked the area surrounding our field, but thankfully, we remained dry. The gospel was preached. The power of God touched thousands of people, and Jesus was glorified!

In addition to our Fire conference (in the mornings) and the gospel Crusade (in the evenings), the Bootcamp students have continued their local outreaches as well. As of today, they have conducted 2,862 separate, individual outreaches and have documented 350,693 decisions for Christ!! Again, this is all in addition to those being saved at the crusade (the numbers from which have yet to be tallied). This means that we will certainly surpass 3 million documented decisions for Christ this year before the week is over! This truly is the season of “Double Harvest.”

When I asked the crowd tonight how many people had received a physical healing in this crusade, literally thousands of hands went into the air.

* Tonight we heard from a woman who came to the crusade last night with a growth on her leg, which has since vanished. She brought pictures of the way her foot looked last night, and we were able to compare it. It looked like a totally different foot. In fact, the shoes she was wearing tonight she said she was not able to wear on that foot yesterday at all!

* There was also a 24-year-old young lady who had never spoken before in her life. Tonight, she began to utter sounds – not fully formed words yet. It is miraculous, however, considering she’s never been able to do this in her entire life!

* A woman with painful fibroids said that they suddenly vanished during the prayer tonight! She has no more pain.

* A young man who had fallen from a tall tree (he said it was “taller than a coconut tree”) said he had been suffering with severe back pain for the last 11 years. Last night he was totally healed. All pain is gone!

Tomorrow morning Reverend Peter Vandenberg and I will conclude the Fire conference, which will culminate in an impartation service. Please be praying with us for a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit in both the morning and evening services.

Photos from CfaN Nigeria's post 11/11/2022

Dangers, Toils & Snares - Kumasi, Ghana - Day 1 Mission Report

We have finally made it to the city of Kumasi in the nation of Ghana for our final gospel crusade of 2022. Have a look at the video of our arrival yesterday:

The road to get here has been fraught with many dangers, toils, and snares. Actually, it is miraculous that we have made it this far. One of the biggest challenges we had was with the crusade field. There was simply no place in Kumasi large enough to hold the massive crowd that we are expecting to gather—except for one. It’s a 29-acre field (equivalent of 22 American football fields) in the center of Kumasi, but it has been a “sacred” ground and has been off-limits.

If you read the report that went out a few days ago, I explained:

The major reason for the opposition is – that this field has never been leveled or prepared for a mass gathering (even though it’s in the center of the city), and there’s an eleventh-hour reluctance to allow it. Furthermore, it is the center of the Ashanti kingdom. (One the largest kingdoms in Africa, reaching far beyond Ghana.) For centuries, this has been the traditional venue for spiritism and animistic witchcraft practices . . . BUT {thank the Lord} the current king, and many others, DID want it to be used for other purposes (like our Crusade). And after extensive deliberations and negotiations, we prevailed.

Our crusade director said:

“When the bulldozers arrived to prepare the field, the caretaker, a practicing witchdoctor, called the police, and a long standoff took place. After further negotiations, they (finally) agreed for the work to proceed . . . as long as we erected four pedestrian bridges across their ‘holy stream.”

Another problem that we faced was getting our eight trucks filled with crusade equipment (speakers, sound equipment, lights, platform, etc.) across three international borders. At one of the borders, our team was stranded for nearly 10 days. This means that they only arrived on Monday of this week, forcing them to compress five days' worth of setup into two! The team looked exhausted tonight, but they have pulled off the Herculean feat. This is why they are the best on the planet. Where others would give up and go home, they rise to the challenge and do the impossible.

We also have more than 120 BootCamp students that have been here for nearly three weeks completing their training (what is called their “Initiation”). In less than three weeks, they have conducted 1,801 outreaches and seen 340,174 documented decisions for Christ! And that is before the crusade even started!

Now, the first night of our gospel Crusade has just come to a close. More than 100,000 people attended this opening service. The atmosphere was electric. The faith and expectation of the people was palpable. As I preached, the response to the gospel was overwhelming, and many tens of thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus tonight.

Right before it was time to pray for the sick, lightning began flashing in the distance, and rain began to pour on the field. The vast majority of the people never moved. I prayed for the sick and took testimonies in the pouring rain. Here are a few of the wonderful miracles that happened tonight:

* A man who had been on crutches for the last eight years as the result of a semi-truck accident was healed tonight and walked without his crutches!

* A man with terrible, debilitating chest pain was healed during the prayer!

* A little girl who suffered with epilepsy and had not been able to speak was healed!

* A man with severely limited mobility due to a back injury was able to move freely tonight, bend down and touch toes and move with perfect freedom!

This is only the first night of our crusade here, and I’m sure that over the next three nights, we will experience a mighty move of God. Please continue to pray for us and for our entire team on the ground.


This man was unable to walk properly for 10 years! But after attending our Operation Decapolis Crusade in Zambia, he and Evangelist Roselyne ran across the stage to show everyone how God healed him!

Bootcamp graduate Dr. Roselyne Aaron was one of our guest evangelists based in Kitwe. After praying for the sick, she invited those who had received their healing to come to the platform and testify.

Watch as Joseph shares his testimony!


We are so excited to announce that Christ for all Nations has passed 85 MILLION salvations! It only took one month to reach 1 million more people who responded to the gospel and received Jesus in their hearts! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

The harvest is ripe!


This woman struggled with sickness for 30 years, which caused one of her legs to be shorter than the other. She walked with a limp and was going to have surgery to fix it, but Jesus beat her to it! Healing her on the field of our Operation Decapolis Crusade in Zambia!

Bootcamp graduate Dr. Roselyne Aaron was one of our guest evangelists based in Kitwe. After praying for the sick, she invited those who had received their healing to come to the platform and testify.

Watch as this young woman shares her testimony!

Videos (show all)

“Through the blood of Jesus, we have the right to walk in total freedom. We should never settle for anything less.” - Da...
“If you truly want God’s will for your life, you cannot simply pray, ‘Your will be done.’ you must include, ‘Not my will...
Bible Verse with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Great Gospel Crusade Kumasi Miracle 2022
#TestimonyTuesday We’re still in awe of all God did at our CfaN Flagship Crusade in Kamasi, Ghana!Watch as Evangelist Da...
Jesus has defeated every rebellious angelic spirit! His life, death, resurrection, and ascension did more than give us a...
In Loving Memory of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
Day two in Kumasi, Ghana, and WOW, is the Lord moving in our CfaN Flagship Crusade! Even though dark clouds surrounded t...
What an amazing night in Kumasi, Ghana, where more than 100,000 people attended the first night of our CfaN Flagship Cru...
This man was unable to walk properly for 10 years! But after attending our Operation Decapolis Crusade in Zambia, he and...
This woman struggled with sickness for 30 years, which caused one of her legs to be shorter than the other. She walked w...
Healed of HIV at CfaN Gospel Crusade in Zambia


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00