

SIDE -A; strategy, Insight, Development, Ex*****on - Achievement.


What is a vision? How's it different from talent and ambition? Listen and be blessed.


Lessons from Genesis 1:1-3

- God created the heavens and earth because He wanted them to exist. If you want something to exist in your life, you can create "it" (whatever may be your "it"). Don't wait on anyone to give it to you, start creating it.

- what you created (or are trying to create) my suffer a setback and or become destroyed; to bounce back, you have to rebuild, and you do so by starting all over again to create what you want to bring into existence.

- To be able to engage in the process of creating or bringing things into existence in your life, you must address or interrogate three primary issues; (1) you must look at the issue of form (or structure) of what you want to create (because there is a right and wrong structure for anything), (2) you must consider the issue of content i.e. what value you want to add or protect (because being "filled up" may not necessarily translate into being fulfilled), and (3) you must move out of darkness into the light (i.e. get illumination).

- To create, you need to build or restore a structure, define the right content and seek illumination though which to gain new perspective. Structure is about shape, form, strength and identity of who you are and what you want to bring into existence e.g. a medical doctor cannot create a space craft because his mindset and training isn't structured for it. This makes structure essential to being able to create what we desire in life. Content is about inherent value, not just occupation with things. Let's seek to fill our lives with precious and pleasant things, not just things. What must your life contain or have within it to be able to create what you desire? Illumination is about having access to the right kinds of perspective that empower your creative capacity. You cannot become create "in darkness", you must first come into the light; this is why God said, "let there be light".

Don't just be a critic and complainer, become a creator, a solution provider and a problem solver. Create your happiness, self-esteem, career, relationships, wealth, health etc. by meditating on some of these principles.

- Order is the law of life, seed time must precede harvest, or there will be no harvest. The natural cycle of life has a sequence; become sequential in your thinking, become process driven, not just hasty. Let patience have her perfect work by following your process and trusting in it. Don't try to run before you walk or crawl; don't seek to be understood before seeking to understand. Appreciate the power of the right sequence to ease your journey and work in your favor. Become a student of process and sequence; learn the right sequence for what you want to create and stick with the process.

Of the three areas of focus mentioned above, God adjudged that "the darkness" needed to be addressed first, as no one can be creative in the dark, hence God said, "Let there be light ". God put the power of sequence to work in guiding the process of recreating the heavens and earth from its devastated state. Please learn the principle of sequence and let it serve you to create the life you desire in God.

- Please understand that spiritual warfare is not necessarily about defeating the devil or perceived "enemies", it is about moving out of the darkness and into the light. The greatest enemy isn't the devil, it is the darkness used by the devil to keep us ignorant and oblivious to our God given power to create whatever life we desire in God. Satan is an enemy, but not the greatest enemy. Even God could not rebuild the earth's structure or content in the midst of the darkness. God had to first turn on the light, hence saying, "Let there be light". Spiritual warfare is about letting there be light in out spirits and souls, so we can come into a new perspective and realize how powerful we are. No spiritual warfare is greater than that. Let the primary focus of your spiritual warfare be to "get into the light", not kill your "enemies"; because you might need such "enemies" for your elevation in life. Once in the light you don't stumble or fumble, your steps are sure and steady. Keep confessing "let there be light" in my spirit and soul concerning every area of my life that needs to be recreated. Do it consistently in faith and see what happens over time. Engage spiritual warfare with intelligence - not just aggression.

it is well with you.


Hello. If my videos encourage, inside and strengthen you, kindly share with your friends and let them also be blessed by it. Also, kindly comment on how it has impacted you. It will also encourage me. Stay blessed.


Part 3: differentiating between awareness and focus in our effort to rebuild our lives. And more. Enjoy and share.


Part 2 of how to rebuild our lives after a set back. The power of sequence and learned blindness. Enjoy and share.


In this video I share ideas on what we must do to start rebuilding our lives after a set back (part one). The reality that we are creators and can bounce back from any set back.Be blessed and share.


This message is about vision; what it is, enables it and why we need it in our lives.


There are different kinds of lights in this world. Lights have been developed for achieving many different things. Lights control traffic, illuminate the vehicle path at night, laser lights are used for surgical operations, studio lights are used for creating amazing video effects. These are all different expressions of the very same thing - "light"!

The light of God's word has a similar nature; it can express itself in a variety of ways depending on the purpose God wants to use illumination to achieve in or through our lives e.g. navigation towards destiny (like traffic lights), illumination of our path when natural sight is inhibited (like vehicular lights at night), healing and restoration (like laser lights) and making "amazing" effects possible in our lives (like studio lights) .

The expression of "the light" that we each need in our lives, often depends on the season we are in and what God wants do in or with our lives. After God said, "Let there be light and there was light" (Genesis 1:3-4), God still went further to "see the light, that it is good". Meaning, it wasn't the "brightness" of the light that caught God's attention, but its goodness. This is something to think about, especially if we tend to be more naturally inclined to see the "brightness" of a light but not its goodness. Or, if we don't realize that there is a difference between the two. A "light" (e.g. an argument, a perspective, an ideology, a suggestion etc.) may seem bright, logical and compelling, but that doesn't make it necessarily "good" for us (in the light of God's purpose for our lives). Proverbs 14:12..

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to embrace "as good" whatever "light" God is shining on you right now - be it for navigation (change direction), illumination (look out!), healing (let it go) or possibilities (take that step). It may not seem bright and exciting to you, but if you can embrace it as "good" (as God did), you will give it a chance to transform your life. It may come with correction and demand humility from you, but if you can embrace it as "good" (the way God did), it can transform your life. It may not make logical sense in the moment, but you must embrace it as good in order for it to change your life. To embrace "the light" as good means to "walk in the light as He is in the light", and not walk as we feel or as we please; 1John 1:7, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin".

Let's not continue to be carried away with "shiny objects" and fail to appreciate God's goodness in bringing us the light to walk in. Let's not take "the light" for granted whilst we pray for a transformation in our lives. Destiny is calling, let's walk in the light!


Who would have known that a day will come when Bill Gates would be referred to as the second richest man in the world? This life.....


The difference between freedom and liberty. Enjoy!


To confess and say, "My gift will make room for me", without identitying the "gift" you have and putting it to work, is like having a shovel and then expecting a hole to show up in the ground just because you one, without doing the work of digging the ground. The "gift" that will make room for you is the one that you put to use to create the room. Let's get to work!


How you believe > what you believe


Knowledge says: since I know how to cut the wood and have an axe, I will just keep swinging at the wood with all my strength, until am able to cut it.

Wisdom says: so what if I know how to cut the wood and have an axe to do so? If I take the time to sharpen my axe will I not be making it easier on myself?

Which of these two mindsets are we operating in?

Videos (show all)

What is a vision? How's it different from talent and ambition? Listen and be blessed.
The creator at work part.  Enjoy and share
The creator at work (part2)
The creator at work (part 1)
Working with vision

