Revival son's of GOD

Revival son's of GOD

This page is just to equip young people's for God's revival


Jesus loves you all
Don't get decieve if u
Are from a Christian family and you are ashamed of telling people about jesus
Oh what a pity
Satan and God almighty
Are interested in young people e.g youth and teen
Your young age is the time to make important decision for ur so that you won't suffer great loss when you are older
3 seas of LIFE: Choice, Chance, Change ' You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change..
Make a choice to follow Jesus and have enternal life tommorow might be too late
To my muslim brothers I'm deeply sorry but the truth is no one comes to the father
Except through jesus christ the son, he's the way, the truth and life

Revival son's of GOD Send a message to learn more.


Prayer is a tool just like a dangerous use to fire your
Enemy, so you can use prayers to disengage any plan of the devil 😈, so I urge you to pray in ur secret places fervently so that
Things and lives will be changed
Around you


The Lord is using this protest to reform this nation, to stop corruption and make this nation Nigeria a holy and great nation I urge you to pray and be at peace
