Max International Cellgevity USA

Max International Cellgevity USA

This is an awareness that talks about health issues and gives information on how to develop a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.


*Prostrate Health.*
Are you 40 years and above? Then this article is for you. Read till the end.
The term prostrate has been used by a lot of people.
In this article you will know
1. What is prostrate.
2. Symptoms of benign prostrate hyperplasia.
3. How to prevent BPH.

What is prostrate?
This is a walnut shaped organ located between the bladder and the p***s. The prostrate squeezes fluid into the s***m cells, this liquid prevents the va**nal fluid (which is acidic) from destroying the s***m cells. The contraction of the postrate gland helps expel the semen into the va**na during sexual climax.
There are so many diseases of the prostrate gland but this write up focuses on benign prostrate hyperplasia (BPH). It occurs in 50% of men in their sixties and 90% of men in their seventies. However, symptoms start manifesting from the age of 45.
The prostrate gland has two ages of growth. The first is at the age of 12 and 13 while the other is at 25 years of age. After the age of 25 the prostrate gland continues to grow and causes problem at the later stages of life.

What is BPH
It is the enlargement of the prostrate gland, which leads to compression of the urine pipe (urethra) which causes urine retention.

*Symptoms of BPH*
1. Urinating, again and again less than 2 hours after you just finished urinating.
2. Sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate.
3. Stopping in between streams while urinating.
4. Having to push or strain while urinating.
5. Inability to hold urine.
6. A false feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.
7. Waking up several times to urinate

The above symptoms are not a diagnostic criteria that you have BPH. It could also be caused by prostrate cancer. However, studies have shown that 8 out of 10 patients with these symptoms suggest BPH. It is important to visit your doctor once you experience these symptoms.

*How to prevent BPH.
1. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake.
2. Eat meals high in fruits, vegetables, tomatoes and dark green vegetables.
3. Reduce overweight.
4. Exercise regularly
5. Reduce or eliminate fatty foods.
6. Increase your intake of lycopene : this is a dietary ingredient that reduces the growth of prostrate gland in men. Studies have shown that 80% men who consume high content of lycopene are BPH free.

*What is prostrate defence?*
This is a NAFDAC registered dietary supplement that contains high level of lycopene, saw palmetteo and beta sitosterol. It is used by physicians to pre vent the BPH and also manage patients who are suffering from BPH.

I hope you enjoyed this write up. Please if you want to recieve more articles like:
-Prostrate friendly diet.
-Excercise without stress and still reap the benefits of a gym rat.
-Loose weight without reducing your food portion.
And much more give us a thumbs up here and follow us on Instagram@healthedge_pharmacy and beauty.
You can whatapp us on 09038476939. Please share you might save a life.


I always open to any questions about your health issues.We hold your hands to guide you to flourishing health.


Hello guys happy Independence day.
Today,I will talk on hydroquinone.Hydroquinone is an only prescription medication used to treat hyperpigmentation on the skin,which can be in form of black spots,sun burn and so on.Hydroquinone is the most potent bleaching agent and it can be irritative to the skin.
Hydroquinone can be found as solutions and it is usually added to creams.The healthy concentration of this chemical is 2%max.So when you buy a cream and you don't see concentration of the chemical please don't purchase.Some hydroguinone come in 6%,you are required to dilute it before usage.
Hydroquinone is best used at night before sleep.Please avoid usage during the day especially under the sun.


Hello Guys
The basic rule behind purchasing a cream is 'anything you can't put in your mouth don't put on your skin'.So many creams contain chemical that will cause serious skin issues in the future.I will be using my discretion as a pharmacist to discuss ingredients,so next time you want to purchase a product you would thoroughly scrutinize it contents.Stay healthy always😎
