Triumph of mediocrity

Triumph of mediocrity

A frank assessment of the capacity-deficiency that paralyzed Naija


*Disdain, Cosy-Territory For Atiku !
Outrage still resonates among, especially, indigenous-Nigerians yet to come to grips with reality. And sad-reality is that the presidential-candidate of the PDP and former vice-president, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has so low opinion of Igbo and Yoruba folks that he urged northerners not to consider them for leadership. The allegedly-Freudian-slip which desperate candidate made in Kaduna assumed definite-form after video of flag-off of his presidential-campaign in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State capital, emerged. And story of his emergence as party candidate can conveniently be compressed in compendium for disdain. For instance, in the video taken at the Godswill Akpabio Stadium, venue of the event, the Oku-Ibom Ibibio and pre-eminent traditional-ruler in the state, is seen withdrawing his hand from handshake which Atiku offered. The impudence in offer of handdshake which subject would not dare make to an emir in the northern part of the country certainly- confirmed disdain as his basic-character. The significance is that ifthe self-confessed "well-traversed northerner who built-bridges across other parts of the country" could conceive offer offer of handshake to the Oku Ibom, asking northerners to disregardany candidate of either Igbo or Yoruba extraction was legitimate follow-up. Atiku is a bigot. And his actions confirm fact. It is sad and unfortunate that Governor UUdom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom found himself awkwardly- positioned as host of sacrilege which was averted. As Chairman of the PDP Presidential-Campaign Council, the governor presided over initial-demonstration of fact of disdain as basic-ingredient in the character of the symbol/ambassador of his party. But consolation is delivered in fact that, as committed and dedicated-son of Ibibioland, the governor did not deliberately set-out to invite tragedy which was averted, luckily. The damning-sequence and timeline of events categorically and emphatically-confirm that disdain is familiar, not alien territory, to subject. And therefore, prediction of a hectic-time, ahead, for spin-doctors certain to be hired to manage the muddle cannot be difficult to make !


*Well-traversed Disdain, in closet !


*Legitimate-Mistake !
It's in human-nature to want to extend a brag or swagger into unconscionable-behaviour which is certain to attract attention. Including hostile-attention which is completely-outside your control. And hostile-attention was never a good-thing. In the condition, anything was possible. The Ibibios have the best word to describe situation: "yak yaknsasanga, isidoho eti isang". Under compulsion, it is possible to do wrong. And that is why it's necessary that we consider what type of attention we draw to ourselves, wether consciously or otherwise. The appeal, therefore, is that since it is legitmate to crave attention, an individual consequently-earned responsibility to be wary of attracting hostile-attention which was neither good nor worthy of consideration !


Definitely Ploy To Bury Evidence !
Even wirhout Mr. Femi Falana, saying so, any idiot knew that burning evidence in middle or beginning of investigation is a sneaky mive. And attempt to bury evidence. So if the military, which is alleged to sponsor the highly-lucrative oil-theftp racket, burnt v
essel caught in crime, ,the logical-step to take would have been to reseserve the principal-evidence. Not burn the ship caught lifting stolen-crude oil, as the military did. It is a strange and suspiciois, lemove which demands proper,, investigate, not next-level whitewassh to further bury and kill eveidence


Beyond Desperation !
A clever and courageous-ploy by spin-doctors hired by the presidential-candidate of the PDP and former vice-president, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, to explain his outrageously-anti-Igbo and Yoruba recommendation to northerners is imperative. Not necessarily-because prominent Nigerians, including Gov. Nyesom Wike of Rivers, said so. But because coherent explanation is required to manage the Freudian slip/ethnic-slur which is capable of undermining confidence in subject's political-prosal to Nigerians. If ignored, consequences could be catastrophic and calamiytous. For one, the statement (northernersdo not require a Yoruba or Igbo leader), regrettably-revealed that his convenient-claim of having traversed country, and extensively, did not purge him of ethnic-bigotry. And that is theissue with and reason why country consistently-failed to evolve into a nation. Thus necessitating need for capacity to replace bigotry as condition for leadership. Only Atiku can correctly and confidently-say this legiti.ate-conclusion is far from truth and reality which he exposed involuntarily. Some damn-good and creative spin,doctors fortified with requisite-courage. to concede blunder are required. And now !


So What, If You Traverse Country ?
Pls, when did "I have traversed this country", significantly, qualify anyone for leadership,
even as wonky and obtuse as they degraded the country, stripped naked and bare by incompetent and corrupt leaders ?


*Hunger-Level In Nigeria:
103 out of 122 countries:
Definitely-bad situation. Yet, a nightmare-legacy some are proud, enough to want to expand and consolidate, that is, if Nigerians make the terrible-mistake. Thank majority echo "tufiakwa" (God Forbid) !


Simple as spirit-science !


Next-level failure:
portion of East-West Road, Ahoada !


*From Minor-Menace To Cause For Significant/Maximum-Concern !
The number might not qualify as much. But in wrong-hands, whatever few appliications for gun-licences the Katsina State Government may have approved can create cause for signiificant-concern. Probably, it's still too early to trust, completely, latest-promise by terrorists whom establishment patronises as bandits. And so, more applications from justifiably-apprehensive residentswill have to be approved in exercise of legitimate right of citizens to defend themselves. But care shouldt be applied otherwise it's also legitimate-possibility that from terrorists, guns're acquired by folks who may morph into bigots of even viler-intensity and variance !


*Sufficiently-Desperate To Go Dirty !
Did desperation to achieve his greatest-ambition push former Vice-President and Presidential-Candidate of the PDP, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, to make statement which will definitely-haunt him for some time ? Sure, the self-acclaimed bridge-builder to derive enormously-obscene and maximum- advantage, will seek to review and adjust alleged slur against Ndigbo and Yorubas. Yet, the intensity of his desperation for the position was inevitably-definitively-exposed as sufficient to employ dirty-tactics to further his chances which do not amount to much, in the estimation of patriotic-Nigerians !


*Dangerous-Injury Atiku Self-Inflicted !
Even if he did not know, let fact be made known to the presidential-candidate of the PDP and former Vice-President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, that leaked-video in which he identified inability to build bridges across stakeholders in Project Nigeria as greatest-hurdle to individuals hungry for power from the north qualified as one of reasons country consistently-suffered set-back. He defined himself as an accomplished bridge-builder who will find little difficulty fitting into desired position as president. In the video, Atiku specifically-identified inability to build-bridges as greatest challenge to power-seekers from the north. However, he neither identified nor recommended any for southerners in similar capacity; perhaps, just as hungry, for power. The significance is obvious. But it is legitimate and possible that Atiku, the bridge-builder, is ignorant of heavy-injury he self-inflicted in the Freudian-slip. Very-serious injury !


*Carreer-Sychophants !
Very many imagine they will make carreer out of sychophancy. A nd if you think possibility is far-fetched, review footage on award of national-honours to some deserving-citizens and foreignerss who distinguished themselves. Now, even if President Buhari was not closet-tyrant, idea was definitely-sold to him by transparent- enthusiasm of many beneficiaries to go beyond requisite-courtesy to the presiden. From exaggerated-demonstrations and activities at the ceremony, including definitely-obsequieous genuflections by many recipients, it was easy and tempting to suggest that person handing-out awards was some sort of principality, perhaps to be worshipped. And adored. Perhaps, deity to which adoration was demanded and must be paid. Very likely that President Buhari was amused by the exaggerated and profuse-show of zealotry which inevitably-became sickening. My take from travesty is that sick-show of indecent-enthusiasm to deify an individual probably provided origin and inspiration for lucrative but evil-industry of psychancy and blind-partisanship jointly-promoted as poltical-correctness. Injury done to establishment by devotees/ blind-partisans is huge. And devotees of evil-fetish constitute major-reason and inspiration as well as inducement for the administration of President Buhari to fail. Many recognised huge opportunity for prfit in psychphancy and therefore encouragd degenaracy until carreer-psychophants tenaciously- promoted what is despicable into lucrative-industry !


*Pastor Umo Eno, After Nightmare !
The luxury of dwelling on possibilities after savage-attack by critics and enemies of the PDP governorship-candidate, Pastor Umo Eno, is legitimate. No doubt, onslaught of negative-opinion against him came particularly-hard, with many almost-fixed on conviction that his West African School-Leaving Certificate (WASC), was sham. As human-being, Pastor Eno cannot claim not to have been flustered by the tenacity of attack. Yet, he survived and probably achieved victory and his ambition. It is therefore legitimate to feel genuine-concern for those who inspired and sustained political-hostility against the latter, under his authourity. Worry over the fate of those in unfortunate-category therefore becomes legitimate. Probably, legitimate-concern cannot also qualify as luxury because most human-beings on planet earth will readily-seize opportunity of success and victory to return favour. And if triumphant Pator eno seized opportunity of possible-victory and success to return favour done to him by his political-enemies, surely-many will flee the state into possible-exile, in fear of retribution for their roles in savage-attack. It is absolutely-legitimate to wonder about situation where tables-turned. And harried and harassed Pastor Eno, went further to secure maximum- advantae, as governor. How his traducers fared under his administration and authourity compells legitimate-curiosity. And also cause for worry. It certainly- transcended privilege ! !


Crank-up the deception-machine !


Deceive them, as usual !


The Easiest-Stunt To Pull !
Very easy. Script it in Chinese. Nobody'll understand a damn word. And you get away with stunt !


Stale-ritual of deception !


Tenacity Of Bull-dog !
Bulldogs just don't know when to stop. There've been instances when bulldog dealt less than friendly with their owners. The Rivers State Governor, Chief Nyesom Wike, is not a bulldog. Yet, the embatlled-Chairman of the PDP, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, can attest to pain in tackle by the governor. Perhaps, exactly-like a bull-dog, Wike chased his prey into a corner. And probably neither expecting tackle so ferocious nor tenacity so intense, Ayu scrambled-up the ladder. But bull-dogs don't give-up easily. If the Third-Republic Senate-President imagined that scrambling-up ladder would win him freedom from vicious-tackle from bull-dog, his nightmare just uncorked. Wike went for broke. And spilled beans and alleged-sludge from bribes the. PDP Chairman allegedly-took. From different sources. And in humungous-amounts. The bull-dog did more than just bite. Wike then posted his trademark: hilarious-threat to expose more sludge that will make Ayu's children embarassed with their father. It is not certain if the threat w will force Ayu to resign, as demanded by the governor and his supporters. However, even if Ayu successfully resisted his traducers, he will never forget the scars he sustained from tenaciously- vicious-tackle by bull-dog !!


*Apparition Who Frightened Journalists !
If allegation of an "area-boy" who matured into a principal-bogey to spook journalists in Lagos is true, then fresh perspective of what to expect in campaign for up-coming elections is provided for members of the Fourt Estate of the Realm. The principality with humble-beginning, it's whispered, nurtured most evil-intention for reporters who persisted in writing negative-stories against a particular presidential-candidate. And on his behalf/for him, any bone could be broken. It's not confirmed if the candidate is aware. That may not be important because as far as the alleged- bogeyman's concerned, even senseless/unprovoked- aggression against innocent- journalists whose offence is writing negative-stories against the bogeyman's principal, qualify as act of appreciation to be paid to candidate !


Ritual of deception, recycled !


Pipe-dreams !


*What Will Become Of Case Against Kanu Will Be Decided In Coming Days- National Security Council.
Gallery: moderating the rule of law takes couple of days !


Nearer Than You Imagine !


Time To Terminate Fascination With Folly In Open-Grazing Is Now !
Only morbid-fascination with folly can inspire anyone to thrust mundane-topic as open-grazing in public-space, even for consideration. Talkless of debate. That the presidential-candidates in the shambolic-elections that will be conducted under shadow of parallel-governments imposed by terrorists even considered issue fit for public-debate emphasized how detached, hence irrelevant they are in momentum by Nigerians to recover their country. Meanwhile, serious-societies are focused on relevant issues which confer additional-value on existence and human-life. And here we are, splitting-hairs over whether to accept reality which is that open-grazing (by man and animal), is emphatic-index of a primitive-society. For clear reasons of selfishness, successive-governments dominated by ethnic-bigots consistently and successfully-undermined and prevented stability and development by encouraging convenient- distraction which regrettably-elevated mundane-folly into national-issue, for debate. Other than dishonesty and selfishness, nothing else qualified snon-issue of open-grazing for consideration among folks who claim to be cultivated. Even smaller countries like Rwanda outlawed the primitive-practice while irresponsible-leaders in Nigeria kept recycling mischie which consistently-frustrated genuine-development. No country serious about achieving development, Islamic or Christian, encouraged at outdated practice as open-grazing which many denounced, decades ago. But for reasons they owe their sponsors, presidential-candidates in the country considered it appropriate to further wear Nigerians down with agony which they can do without. There are more-relevant issues to discuss than dramatize morbid-crave for what is primitive and outdated !


This Thanksgiving Get As E Be !


*Morning After Daniel Kanu Was Released !
Ironically, the FG which originally-questioned his relevance will superintend his undeniable-delivery into phenonal-pre-eminence magnitude of which it never imagined. From this side of the gallery, the honest-advice is that rather than pursue folly of inadvertently- making more heroes, exercise of constituted-authourity should be achieved without resorting to desperate-tactic of denying alleged-menace freedom. This strategy never failed to win more-sympathy for the presumed-underdog. Agony from accommodating new-status which the FG won for Kanu was avoidable !


*Bold-Admission, Then Honest Effort To Secure Remedy !
After the INEC admitted possibility of the regime of insecurity prevailing in country influencing outcome of the 2023 elections, it became unrealistic for the authourities to continue to pretend otherwise, as was the case. Until admission of reality which the FG would rather not acknowledge, at least publicly, it was convenient to further-feign capacity to control circumstances and environment in which exercise will hold. Most unsolicitedly, however, the INEC boss, Prof. Mahmood,Yahaya, barged-in to shatter the facade. And now, it is in the public-domain that not only lavish-projections for elections will lack integrity but also census which the FG also considered appropriate under the shadow of parallel-governments imposed by terrorists in many states. This information was given to President Buhari by governors of states in the North-West. Even while the FG considered whether to further-pursue folly of chasing symptom rather than cause of legitimate- challenges confronting the country, news of the release of hero the authourities made and Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Daniel Kanu, will continue to resonate, along with his effortless-stroll into culthood-figure status. Still, the substantive-issue of instability promoted by well-known causes the FG would rather not address, for selfish-reasons, remains. And perhaps, continue to self-perpetuate- sad procedure which sustained and guaranteed degradation for the giant. Yet, conversation can be changed dramatically if the right-thing is done. Probably why cynics insist that things can never be done-ribght in Nigeria !

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Next-level failure:portion of East-West Road, Ahoada   !
Butchered- by corrupt-leaders !