

Diaries of Love is a platform that works deeply to restore the lost purpose of love in our lives.


The Greatest Beauty of any Woman is seen when She Braids All-Back with her Natural Hair.


Whatever u couldn't control in dating phase cannot be controlled in Marriage. Don't go to the altar. It's Suicidal!


The Greatest Mistake You can make in life is to end up with the wrong partner in relationship & Marriage.


I Love You, doesn't prove he/she sincerely mean that. Verify the character & actions towards you based on long term evidence!


To Succeed on Your Love Journey, begin your connection with your spouse in the following order.
Agape >Storge> Philia > Eros


When it's your Period of Reigns as a Woman, Don't Abuse it. You'll not be the Same always, because The Season of Glory Changes.


If You Think The Price for showing Love is too Much, Try Hate, Then You will know That You Were In Heaven Showing Love.


We might Set Specifications for the type of man or woman we want on love journey with us, but let it conform with God's purpose for your Life.


One Thing we should seek in a partner is the Knowledge of Truth in Christ and the willingness to abide by its rules in Relationship.


Don't Form a Relationship With a Man or Woman Who says You are Not a Match For Their Physical Standards! U Could Regret It for a Long Time.


Every Woman is Stronger than a Man in love. Your Relationship/Marriages Fails because You Underestimated your Power!


True Love is like a BULL. When you find one, don't let it slip off your hands. Take it by the horns! (A.O. Sylvester)


Please, pray and watch because behind the beauty and handsomeness lies the true colour that can destroy you in any romantic relationship


Rebuilding from the Rubble
The Impact of Broken Trust on Marital Relationships:

Trust is the very essence of any thriving marital relationship. Like a delicate glass sculpture, it takes time, effort, and care to craft and nurture. However, once broken, it shatters into a thousand pieces, leaving behind an intricate mess that can seem impossible to mend. Broken trust has the power to wreak havoc on the foundation of a marriage, but with determination, communication, and forgiveness, it is possible to rebuild from the rubble and emerge stronger than ever before.

Trust forms the backbone of a healthy and loving marital bond. It is the belief that our partner will be there for us, support us, and be faithful to us in both good and bad times. When trust is intact, it fosters a sense of security, intimacy, and emotional connection. It becomes the invisible thread that weaves the hearts of two individuals into a unified whole, guiding them through life's challenges and triumphs hand in hand.

However, just as a flower wilts without water and sunlight, trust withers away in an environment of deceit, betrayal, or neglect. Broken promises, infidelity, lack of communication, and emotional distance can lead to the erosion of trust, leaving behind deep wounds and scars. As the foundation of the relationship crumbles, the very essence of the partnership is threatened, and both partners can be left feeling vulnerable and lost.

When trust is shattered, it sends shockwaves through the relationship. Doubts and suspicions creep in, communication becomes strained, and intimacy wanes. What was once a source of strength and joy becomes a minefield of pain and confusion. Left unaddressed, broken trust can fester and poison even the smallest interactions, driving a wedge between partners and pushing them further apart.

Yet, all hope is not lost. Just as phoenix rises from the ashes, couples can rebuild trust if they are willing to put in the effort. It begins with open, honest, and vulnerable communication. Both partners must be willing to express their feelings, fears, and concerns without judgment. Listening to each other's perspectives is crucial in understanding the root causes of the broken trust and the steps needed to heal.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool in rebuilding trust. It does not mean condoning the hurtful actions, but rather letting go of the pain to move forward. Forgiveness requires courage and compassion, and it allows room for growth and healing. While it may not be easy, embracing forgiveness is an essential step on the path to rebuilding trust and restoring the marital bond.

Consistency and commitment are vital in the journey of rebuilding trust. Trust is not restored overnight; it takes time and effort to rebuild the broken foundation. Both partners must be willing to show through their actions that they are reliable, honest, and devoted to making the relationship work. Small gestures of love, support, and consideration can go a long way in rebuilding the trust that was once lost.

Above all, seek professional guidance if needed. A trained therapist can provide valuable insights, facilitate healthy communication, and offer tools to rebuild trust effectively. They can assist in navigating through the complexities of broken trust and guide partners towards a path of healing and renewed connection.

In my final view, broken trust can indeed destroy marital relationships, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. With genuine effort, open communication, forgiveness, and a commitment to growth, couples can rebuild their relationship from the rubble of broken trust. Embrace the opportunity to heal, learn, and grow together, and let the journey of rebuilding trust be the cornerstone of a more profound and resilient bond than ever before.


Building Trust:
In today's fast-paced world, romantic relationships have become both exhilarating and challenging. While love can be a beautiful experience, it often requires more than just affection to thrive. Trust is the foundation upon which any successful relationship is built, and when there is a question mark hanging over it, partners must carefully consider the path they are walking on. It is essential to pause, reflect, and address any doubts before deciding to live together or marry, as without trust, the relationship's sustainability is at risk.

Trust is the cornerstone of any meaningful connection between two individuals. It encompasses mutual respect, emotional vulnerability, and the ability to rely on one another during both joyful and challenging times. When trust is present, it fosters an atmosphere of security and open communication, allowing the relationship to flourish and grow. However, when doubt clouds the trust, cracks begin to form in the foundation, leading to emotional turbulence and potential turmoil.

One of the most significant signs that trust might be in jeopardy is a persistent question mark in the mind of one or both partners. This uncertainty can manifest in various ways, such as feelings of suspicion, jealousy, or doubts about each other's honesty and intentions. Ignoring these warning signs can be detrimental, as suppressed concerns will likely escalate over time, causing more significant issues in the relationship.

If doubts about trust are surfacing, it is crucial for partners to confront them head-on. Open and honest communication is key in addressing any concerns, as it allows both individuals to express their feelings and fears without judgment. Taking the time to talk openly about trust issues can help in gaining a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and finding a resolution that benefits both parties.

Additionally, seeking professional help from a relationship counselor can be immensely beneficial. A trained therapist can provide unbiased guidance and facilitate productive discussions, helping partners rebuild trust and strengthen their bond. They can also assist in identifying the root causes of the doubts, be it past experiences, insecurities, or unresolved conflicts, and work towards healing and growth.

However, if after all efforts, the trust issues persist and the doubts remain unresolved, it might be wise for partners to reconsider their decision to live together or marry. Rushing into a committed relationship without addressing trust concerns can lead to emotional pain, heartache, and ultimately, the dissolution of the relationship. Taking a step back to reassess the situation can be difficult but can prevent more significant heartbreak in the future.

Remember, living together or getting married should be a well-thought-out decision based on mutual love, trust, and commitment. Rushing into such a commitment with lingering trust issues may lead to disappointment and regret. It is essential for both partners to be willing to invest the time and effort needed to rebuild trust and create a strong, lasting bond.

In conclusion, trust forms the bedrock of any successful romantic relationship. When doubts arise and question marks linger, it is crucial for partners to take a step back and address these concerns openly and honestly. Seeking professional guidance and investing in open communication can be instrumental in rebuilding trust. However, if trust issues persist despite efforts, it might be wise to reconsider living together or getting married. Taking the time to foster trust before making a life-altering commitment is essential for a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.


Men, love isn't a 50/50 deal but a complementary relationship. Don't abuse it by competing with your wives. Act when needed!


Today I tell you, Wives, if you can treat your husbands as you treat your political leaders, pastors and priest or even more, the Devil cannot make your home fail! It's Biblical!


True Love comes in a disguised form. It does not always appear golden in most cases. Be smart enough with God's help to understand the language when you are blessed with one. Don't lose it out of ignorance...

Strength and Power of Love In The Face of Adversity 12/02/2023

Strength and Power of Love In The Face of Adversity Love is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings that a person can experience, and it gives us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way. In this article, we'll explore how love can help us stay strong in the face of adversity and provide us with a sense of hope, even when times ar...

Strength and Power of Love In The Face of Adversity 12/02/2023

Love is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings that a person can experience, and it gives us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way. In this article, we'll explore how love can help us stay strong in the face of adversity and provide us with a sense of hope, even when times are tough.

When we think of love, we often think of happy moments and feel-good emotions. But love is so much more than that. Love is strong and powerful, even in the face of adversity.

No matter what life throws our way, love always has the potential


Strength and Power of Love In The Face of Adversity Love is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings that a person can experience, and it gives us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way. In this article, we'll explore how love can help us stay strong in the face of adversity and provide us with a sense of hope, even when times ar...


Loveđź’• and Emotion: Save your Relationship!

Time, they say shows the true nature of men. It is expected that love should show its power and effect on us with time. Why does the feeling of affection fade off between two parties with time? It is a question that seems not to have a resolved and acceptable answer, yet. The situation most people find themselves sailing on the ocean of love is more alarming at some points than we can imagine. They tend to say, love has disappointed me. Love has failed me. Is there something not well-cultured? I guess Yes! Let's look at it.
Love has its root in God. 1 John 4:7-21. The Bible chapter above and its verses give the true definition of Love that we should consider in discussing topics related to love. It is the most perfect attribute of God. This is pure and selfless affection towards your fellow. It can be a being of the same gender or otherwise. The acceptance of God's view of love that defines him as Love (1 John 4:8, 16) is one of the fundamental steps we must take to become successful in our love quest.
Most individuals in the field of love built rules into their affairs. They expect each other to keep to the rules governing the relationship. Little did they know that none is perfect. I say this because as humans, we find ourselves doing the very things we ought not to do. You ask, "how did I get myself to this point"? So, we must keep working towards perfection to the last day.
Love has no rules. It has no bound. It seeks the welfare of the parties involved. It doesn't hesitate to protect each other at all costs. It is forgiving. It is like pure Gold refined without a stain. It has no conditions, so it doesn't depend on earthly forces to succeed or fail. It reacts solely to all situations based on the instructions from God. For this to hold in anyone's life, the being must be submissive to the authorities from Heaven. One must be in league with God's Spirit to be able to love sincerely. I say this because true love is beyond physical attributes.
Emotion, unlike its counterpart "Love", is dependent on the attributes exhibited physically. the affection it generates is dynamic. It tends to change over time the moment those entities that drew you to a being begins to fade away. It is like a volatile substance that can only be contained when not exposed to any environmental situation that can make exhibit its volatility power. In that, I say, my view - for emotion to be kept in check, true love must be its Jailer. Emotion is like a prisoner seeking means for a prison break. If it's allowed to succeed, it will never stop causing havoc on its victims.
Emotion always tries to overshadow the love God has proposed to all mankind. because love is not as explosive as emotions, people mistake emotions for true love for this reason. This act leads to failure in relationships.
We must learn to allow our hearts to be renewed by God's Words. His teaching on true love is the remedy to the crisis in Relationships and Marriages.Go for it.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00