Bravoking music org. Videos

Videos by Bravoking music org.. A song writer/ live band/ performer/ systematic juju creator/ IG: Jb_live9ja/ Tiktok: Jb_live9ja/

JBlive and band at the wedding ceremony of Titilayo and oyebade.
#owanbenaija #owanbeparries #explore #explorepage #exploremoreportraits

Other Bravoking music org. videos

JBlive and band at the wedding ceremony of Titilayo and oyebade. 15/4/2023 . . . #owanbenaija #owanbeparries #explore #explorepage #exploremoreportraits

JBlive thrilling the audience at the 80th birthday party of evangelist Beatrice Modupe Adetona at Ijebu ode yesterday . PC: @krhyme_lens . #owanbenaija #explore #owanbeparries

We keep it real good #jb_live9ja

I stand on a solid rock

Jblive beats

My son is now a drummer boy ooo

Make I run am small like @mega99official

Thank God for another month of august #alanukanonitsway #musicminds #liveofanactor

I’m unstoppable Ikeja thanks for having us yesta @jb_live9ja @mpro_sound_consultant @dfamousliveband @boyebest @mr_hyenana @segunnabiofficial @bygdonald22 @officialayuba

Don’t be bothered Make yourself happy No one wants you happy

FB records geng

Is getting more serious & clear now… Madira ooooo

Dance na

Gig at Pa Ezekiel Sonaiyas final burial ceremoy #oluwaloniglory🎶

Cook & cooker 😂😂😂

Music is what we know doing best and through this, we thank God that a soul was favoured today by #ebutecastle #auntyramota_authentic. Though the video was being recorded for fun but God turned it to be a favor 🙏 there's no waste in anything we do in this life. Thanks to all fans that has been posting this video, keep posting it but try to tag me also o 🙏🤣 #tundeednut #gossip

Baptism 🔥🔥🔥😂😂🤣🤣