pecky bee

pecky bee



Life transition and stress may breaks relationship

Life transitions, such as moving from living together to being married, having a baby, children leaving home, and moving into retirement can put strain on a relationship, and the couple can start feeling less ‘connected’ to one another.

Personal stress can also place strain on the relationship. When people are stressed, they find it more difficult to be positive or to be forgiving with their partner, which can increase their sense of dissatisfaction in the relationship. Work problems or financial difficulties, difficulties with in-laws or extended family, or balancing the needs of aging parents with the needs of caring for one’s own children can spill over into the relationship and increase stress between couples.

Couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship often avoid expressing their emotions , they may criticize or blame each other. Sharing private thoughts and emotions, and encouraging caring, understanding, and acceptance from a partner, can be helpful in building closeness within a relationship.


There is difference between a BOSS and a LEADER

A boss is someone who is in charge of an organization without a leader's technique. While a leader is someone who lead his or her people to the right path. A leader is also someone you can learn from.

As a Boss, you must also be a Leader and as a Leader you must be a Boss.


In this world some people hate you to extent of destroying you but when you have God no man can destroy you or destroy the plan of God for you .

Be careful of haters they can do anything to bring you down.


Don't let the darkness of the past cover the brightness of the future.


Past experiences may cause relationship problem

A person’s family and upbringing can play an important role in his or her future relationships.

People whose parents have divorced are more likely to experience relationship breakdown than those whose parents remain together and seeing high level of conflict during childhood and adolescence or experiencing abuse in the early years has been linked to relationship problems later in life.

To avoid relationship problems, past experiences should not be brought into the future. Work on reducing relationship problem in your life, which might be putting strain on your relationship.


Sometimes when we need someone to comfort us but I know God is our first comforter


How to improve to your relationship

1.Take time to talk with your partner👫 about life stresses and how to manage these together. Seek to support each other in times of difficulty.


My success isn't a result of arrogance - it's a result of belief.

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