Rhema Nigeria

Rhema Nigeria

An International Campus of RHEMA Bible Training College, USA aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries Rhema Bible Training Centre has come to Nigeria!

First session started in Abuja in October 2010 - keep checking here for updates!

Photos from Rhema Nigeria's post 13/06/2024

Highlights of Biblical Perspective of Supportive Ministry
Instructor: Rev. Adebowale Osunlalu
Campus: Nasarawa Campus
Class: Level 2

✅ When God wants to intervene on the earth, usually these 4 things happen:
➡ He raises up a leader. He never starts with a group.
➡ He gives the leader a specific assignment. Such assignments could be in phases or stages.
➡ The leader panics, is challenged, feels overwhelmed.
➡ God answers, getting the leader not to trust in themselves but God.
✅ God always starts with a leader but finishes with a team to help the leader in the fulfilment of the plan and purpose of God.
✅ God raises up leaders and gives them teams of people coming together to accomplish something that neither of them could have accomplished alone.
✅ The Bible provides enough details on Timothy as the ultimate team player. And from Acts 16:1-3 , we see how Paul selected him and that he was willing to sacrifice greatly. Other characteristics that made Timothy the ultimate team player were his loyalty, faithfulness, accountability, a servant's heart, possessing a true reflection of the heart of the leader (Phil 2:19-21). Timothy did not need to be perfect for God to use him just as there are no perfect leaders as well. He still had some growth areas. Acts 16:1-3, 1 Tim 4:12, 2 Tim 1:6-8.
✅ Timothy is a great pattern for every Christian to emulate in serving and assisting leaders in the Body of Christ. This is achievable by cultivating values, commitments, priorities and character traits - becoming more like Timothy. By having Timothy on his team, Paul became better. Paul could do more. Timothy could represent Paul well thus giving Paul confidence that he could represent the heart of Paul, his values, priorities for the Churches.
Our October 2024 school intake is open for applications. We have campuses in Abuja, Lagos (Island Campus), Port Harcourt, Kaduna, Nasarawa and Enugu.
To apply, visit www.rhemanigeria.com/apply and rhemanigeria.com to know more about Rhema Nigeria.
For enquiries, call: 09034841366 or 09135832866


RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 2 Holy Ghost Meeting - The Visionary, MGM


RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 2 Faith Seminar & Prayer Clinic


Health Food Devotions

June 13

God Has Promised You Long Life

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.—PSALM 91:16

We used to have divine healing services every Saturday night in our church, and Grandma Jeffcoat would be carried in. Sometimes she would have a spell, and we would think she was dead. Then somehow she would start breathing again. Those were some experiences!

That went on for about six months. We can get faith into people by teaching them, but we also need to get them into services where God is manifesting Himself.

One Saturday night, Grandma Jeffcoat was at the service, and as we came to the close, I had a little quick vision about her. I saw her out of her chair dancing. I looked over at her and told her it was her time. I walked down off the platform, laid hands on her, and prayed. At the moment, nothing happened, but ten minutes later, she let out a yell, jumped out of the chair, and started dancing. She was healed!

Several years later, my wife and I stopped by to visit her when she was ninety-one years old. Her daughter said that she was away visiting some people and that she was always busy running around. Grandma Jeffcoat’s doctor had just examined her and said that he had never seen anything quite like it before. Her heart was perfect, and there wasn’t a thing wrong with her! The doctor was fifty-five and said that he wished he was in as good a condition as she was!

Grandma Jeffcoat died when she was ninety-three, without sickness and disease! She just fell asleep in Jesus. I’m so glad I didn’t let her die of that cancer.

I will live a long life on the earth. And I will die without sickness and disease.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.

RHEMA Store Home page 12/06/2024

Faith Food Devotions

June 13


He restoreth my soul . . . . — PSALM 23:3

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. — ROMANS 12:1,2

Writing to born-again, Spirit-filled Christians in Romans 12, Paul tells them to do something with their bodies and their minds. Man’s spirit is born again at the New Birth, but he still has the same body and the same soul. He is to present his body to God, and he is to see to it that his mind is renewed.

The Hebrew word translated “restoreth” in Psalm 23 and the Greek word translated “renewed” in Romans 12:2 have just about the same meaning. For example, a valuable, antique chair which looks like a wreck can be restored. Afterwards it’s still the same chair, but it has been renewed. A man’s spirit is never restored; it’s born again, or recreated.

But his soul is restored when his mind becomes renewed with the Word of God.

The greatest need of the Church today is for believers to have their minds renewed with the Word of God. It is the Word of God that restores souls, renews souls, and saves souls!

I see to it daily that my mind is renewed with the Word of God. Therefore, I am not conformed to this world. My mind is renewed to think like God thinks.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright ©️ 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.

RHEMA Store Home page Find Prayer, Faith, Healing and Bible study topics in MP3s, Books, CDs, DVDs, Pastoral resources and more. The Believers Authority and Peace CD are favorites! Shop at rhema.org/store, the official store of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, RHEMA and wholesale Faith Library Publications, and increase in fait...

Photos from Rhema Nigeria's post 12/06/2024

RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 1 Holy Ghost Meeting - Rev. Toks Adejuwon


If you’re in ENUGU, don’t wait to be told about the experience.
The time is 5pm.

Rhema Conference starts today in Enugu.
Don’t come alone


Health Food Devotions

June 12

You Can Die Without Sickness and Disease

Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.—GENESIS 25:8

Older people are eventually going to live their life out and go home to Heaven, but they don’t have to die with sickness and disease. Grandma Jeffcoat is a good example of this. She had stomach cancer. She came to live with her daughter who attended my church. Grandma Jeffcoat had just come from Brother J.R. Goodwin’s church. He was her former pastor.

Grandma Jeffcoat was so far gone physically that her family had already called Brother Goodwin to preach at her funeral. Her daughter said to me, “Brother Hagin, I want you to go see Mom.”

Well, I began to talk to her mom, Grandma Jeffcoat, about healing. “Brother Hagin,” she said, “Just leave me alone. I’m eighty-two years old, and I’ve suffered so with cancer of the stomach. Please leave me alone and let me die. I’m saved and ready for Heaven. Let me go on.”

I said, “I’m not going to do it. Let God heal you and then die if you want to. It’s not the will of God that you die with stomach cancer.”

I knew that she was not going to be healed by my believing she was going to live while she believed she was going to die. There was no agreement there. I didn’t pray for her healing on the first visit. I didn’t pray for her healing on the second visit.

I just kept pouring the Word into her. I would kneel by her bed, lay my hand on her, and pray, “God, help Grandma not to cast away her confidence. She knows healing is right. Healing is the thing that brought her into the Pentecostal movement many years ago.”

I don’t have to die with sickness and disease. No, God can heal me, and THEN I can decide if I’m ready to go home and be with Him.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


Faith Food Devotions

June 12


Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. . . . Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. — JAMES 1:18,21

What about our souls? Aren’t our souls saved when we’re born again? No. There are many Christians who have been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit for years whose souls are not saved yet!

Some have lived and died without their souls being saved. Did they go to Heaven? Certainly. They were children of God, and their spirits were born of God.

The soul, you see, is not born again. The saving of the soul is a process.The Epistle of James was written not to sinners, but to Christians. And James was telling us that our souls are not saved yet. James 1:21 bothered me for some time, until I found out the difference between the spirit and the soul.

A man’s spirit — the innermost man — receives eternal life and is born again. But his intellect and his emotions — which constitute his soul — still have to be dealt with. They must be renewed.

I am a spirit. I have a soul. I live in a body. “I” am begotten of God by the Word of truth. “I” am born again. Now I receive with meekness the engrafted Word which contains the power to save the soul which I possess. My intellect is being renewed with the Word of God.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright ©️ 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


It's 1 Day to Enugu
We're enthusiastically counting down

RHEMA Conference features Faith Seminar, Prayer Clinic, and Holy Ghost Meeting and it continues in Enugu from the 12th of June to the 15th of June 2024 at GRACE OF GOD MISSION INC. 2B Owerre rd, Asata, Enugu (opposite Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, behind First Bank, Enugu.

How to prepare for the conference:
1. Praying 🙏
2. ⁠Giving 💵 💴 💰
3. ⁠Make time to attend all sessions🚪
4. ⁠Watch online if you are not in the city 💻📱
5. ⁠Invite your friends and family👬
6. Prepare your mind to receive 🙏
7. Be on time ⏰
8. Come expectant.🤩

To register, visit www.rhemaconference.events/register.
For enquiries, call 08179268949, 08057324610


Health Food Devotions

June 11

It Pays to Obey God

And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.—1 SAMUEL 15:22

I remember a dear, precious saint of God. She was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. It was a joy to sit down and talk to her about the things of God.

I don’t know how many times over a period of several years that I prayed with that dear woman for healing. I could help her momentarily, but I never could get her completely healed. She would be all right for a little while, and then she would lose it.

I wondered why she had been in such bad health for so many years. She was eighty years old, and for many years, she had never really lived. Sickness and disease had incapacitated her. One day while standing over her bedside, she said, “I never did what God asked me to do. I wasn’t willing. God called me to be a missionary when I was twelve years old.”

She loved the Lord, but she was never willing to obey Him. She was never willing to do what He wanted her to do. That hindered the flow of God’s healing power. I understood it all then.

You see, disobedience opens the door to the enemy. Satan has a right to come in if the door is open. I’ve heard people talk about what it costs to serve God. It doesn’t cost to go all out—it pays! But it will cost you to disobey God. It will cost you not to be in the will of God. It will cost you heartache and sadness. It will cost you sickness and disease. It will cost you money. Sometimes, it will cost you premature death.

If there is something you need to deal with, deal with it. If there is something hindering the healing flow, get it unstopped. Be willing to do anything God wants you to do.

I am willing to do anything God wants me to do. Father God, show me any area of my life that is not right with You, and I will correct it. I will line my life up with You and Your Word.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


Faith Food Devotions

June 11


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. — ROMANS 6:23

God contacts men through their spirits.

When the Word of God is preached to a sinner who has never heard the Gospel and conviction comes upon him, it’s not a physical feeling — neither is it a mental something, because he may not even understand it — but it’s down deep on the inside. The Spirit of God through the Word of God is contacting the spirit of that sinner!

When that man responds to the call of God and the Gospel message, his spirit is born again. His spirit is recreated by receiving eternal life.

Receiving eternal life is the most miraculous event in life. It’s called the New Birth. It’s called the new creation. It is, in reality, God imparting His very nature, substance, and being to our human spirits.

It is described in Second Corinthians 5:17 and 18.

The New Birth is God actually giving spiritual birth to a man. And this instantaneous New Birth takes place, not in the body, not in the soul, but in the spirit of man! The spirit of man becomes a brand-new, miracle creation in God!

I am a brand-new, miracle creation in Christ. God gave me the gift of eternal life. He imparted to my spirit His very nature, substance, and being. Residing in my own spirit is everything I’ll ever need to put me over in life.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright ©️ 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


Why is healing God's will for you?
Find out why.


It's 2 Days to Enugu
We're enthusiastically counting down

RHEMA Conference features Faith Seminar, Prayer Clinic, and Holy Ghost Meeting and it continues in Enugu from the 12th of June to the 15th of June 2024 at GRACE OF GOD MISSION INC. 2B Owerre rd, Asata, Enugu (opposite Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, behind First Bank, Enugu.

How to prepare for the conference:
1. Praying 🙏
2. ⁠Giving 💵 💴 💰
3. ⁠Make time to attend all sessions🚪
4. ⁠Watch online if you are not in the city 💻📱
5. ⁠Invite your friends and family👬
6. Prepare your mind to receive 🙏
7. Be on time ⏰
8. Come expectant.🤩

To register, visit www.rhemaconference.events/register.
For enquiries, call 08179268949, 08057324610


Hello Beloved,

This is introducing to you our FIRST EVER WOMEN’S CONFERENCE in Rhema Nigeria and it’s open to ALL women. Single Married Mature Single Lone parents Senior Citizens Career lady, Entrepreneur or Minister.

Just hit the form below 👇🏾

or use the web link 🔗 https://rhemanigeria.com/womenconference/ to register for the conference and equally avail yourself the early bird registration of N40,000.00 that ends on the 6th of July.

The good news is that you can register from now until September in 4 installments of N10,000.00.

After July 6th, registration reverts to N50,000.00
Reach out to the numbers on the google form for any clarifications.

You cannot afford to miss this Conference
See you in October💃💃💃💃💃


Health Food Devotions

June 10

Act on Your Faith

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.—JAMES 2:17

Years ago, when my mother-in-law had a goiter, the Lord said to me, “Tell her to go to the altar at your church on Wednesday night, and I will fill her with the Holy Ghost and complete her healing.”

Now if you stopped to analyze some things, you might talk yourself right out of God’s blessings. Why did she have to go to the altar at the Full Gospel church on Wednesday night in order to receive? I didn’t know why at the time, but I told her what the Lord told me.

On Wednesday night, we had a time of testifying and singing. I ministered a short sermon. My mother-in-law could tell that I was about to finish. She didn’t even wait for me to say anything. She suddenly stood to her feet and said, “I can’t wait.” She came out from between the pews and just sprawled out on the altar. By the time her knees hit the floor, she was talking in tongues.

Later I learned why God had her go to the altar. She testified, “I’d always said, ‘I’d like to have the Holy Ghost. I can see that it’s in the Bible. But there’s one thing I’ll never do. You’ll never catch me in the altar of that Full Gospel church.’”

You see, my mother-in-law was Methodist, but she was in the altar of that Full Gospel church that Wednesday night! And when she got up from the altar, the knot on her neck that was the size of a quarter was gone; it disappeared! Her healing was completed.

You’ll find that very often healing will begin in people’s bodies, but it won’t be completed until something is done—until people act on their faith.

I act on my faith. I believe God’s Word. I obey the voice of the Spirit of God. I do what He tells me to do.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


Faith Food Devotions

June 10


And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. — JOHN 6:35

Before Adam sinned, he walked and talked with God. Adam had fellowship with God.

But when Adam fell, his spirit became estranged, or separated, from God.

Since that day, in the life of every person born into this world, there is a heart hunger — a spirit hunger.

This heart hunger causes men to seek something to satisfy it. Some look to worldly possessions. Some look to false religions of this world. Yet nothing can satisfy this heart hunger but God.

Although this heart hunger may have driven a man to all kinds of things, it ends when he finds Jesus Christ. When he becomes acquainted with the Lord Jesus Christ and receives eternal life and is born again, he becomes the child of God. Man then has a relationship with God! He can fellowship with God! His heart hunger is satisfied!

I come to Jesus. Therefore, I shall never hunger. I believe on Jesus. Therefore, I shall never thirst. I am related to God. He is my father. I have fellowship with Him. My heart is satisfied!

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright ©️ 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


We are grateful to God for RHEMA Conference 2024 in Kaduna.
It was such an experience to be relived again.

We use this medium to appreciate our partners; you are absolutely the best.
To our Students, we say thank you!
To our Alumni, God bless your hearts!
To our volunteers, You all rock!
To our campus coordinator, God bless your heart!
Thank you to the people of Kaduna State for receiving us warmly and for attending.

We want to especially appreciate our host, the senior pastor of RCCG Revelation Towers, Kaduna Province 4 HQ for Kindness, magnanimity of heart and great hospitality.

UP NEXT is Rhema Conference Enugu.
It will take place on the 12th - 15th of June at GRACE OF GOD MISSION INC, 2B Owerre Rd. Asata, Enugu (opposite Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, behind First Bank, Enugu).

It is 3days away.


Health Food Devotions

June 9

The Hand of Faith

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.—PROVERBS 3:5

I said to this pastor when I laid hands on him, “Will you be healed now as I lay hands on you and pray?”

He said, “Brother Hagin, I sure hope so.”

“Well,” I said, “you won’t be.”

He responded, “I’m not going to say I’m going to receive something when I don’t know whether I am or not.”

I said to him, “Let me ask you a question.” I held up a hymnal and said, “Let’s say this songbook I’m holding is mine. And let’s imagine that there are some songs in here that no other songbook has. You’re a pastor and you’d like your congregation to learn some of these songs, but the songbook is out of print. So I decide to give it to you. It’s yours. Would you say, ‘I don’t know whether I’m going to receive it or not. I hope I am’?”

“No, I’d just reach out and take it,” he answered.

“Well, when it comes to spiritual things, you can’t reach out your physical hand and take it,” I said. “But there is a man living inside your physical body—your spirit man. The Bible calls him the hidden man of the heart, or the inner man. That inward man has a hand too. It’s called the hand of faith.”

He said, “Well, I’m not going to believe I have something I can’t see or feel.”

He wanted to see it first. He wasn’t trusting in God with all his heart.Instead, he was leaning to his own understanding. He was relying on natural human reasoning.

I said to the pastor, “Well, you go sit down and do without healing, because you’ll never get it as long as you’re thinking that way.” And he never did receive healing. Now if he had changed his thinking, his believing, and his talking, he could have been healed.

I trust in the Lord with all my heart. I don’t lean to my own understanding. I believe I receive healing before I ever see it with my physical eyes. I reach out and take healing with the hand of faith.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.


Faith Food Devotions

June 9


And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 THESSALONIANS 5:23

It will help your spiritual growth immeasurably to know the difference between your spirit and your soul.

Many people believe that “spirit” and “soul” are the same thing. Even preachers believe this! They preach about the soul as if it were the spirit.

But they can’t be the same thing. It would be just as scriptural to say that the body and the soul are the same, as it would be to say that the spirit and the soul are the same. But Hebrews 4:12 says that by the Word of God, soul and spirit can be divided.

To help you understand the three dimensions of man, go through this process of elimination:
(1) With my body I contact the physical realm.
(2) With my spirit I contact the spiritual realm.
(3) With my soul I contact the intellectual and emotional realms.

Man is a spirit. The spirit is the part of man that knows God. Man possesses a soul — the intellect, the sensibilities, the will. And man lives in a body.

I am a son of God. I am a child of God. With my spirit I contact my Father in the spiritual realm.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright ©️ 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.org for additional materials.

Photos from Rhema Nigeria's post 09/06/2024

Highlights of Great Commission 2 Class.
Instructor: Rev. Ebiye Koko
Campus: Port Harcourt Campus
Class: Level 2

It is written in Matthew 24:14 "‭And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." As believers, we can actually hasten the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ or we can delay it by our disobedience to the Great Commission.
Great Commission is a command to the Church to reach all people groups on the earth. It therefore follows that our activities in the Body of Christ should be more missions focused than ever before. It is said that, "Missions is the sole purpose of the Church.
We must intentionally disciple the saints to take up missions and missionary works. The Great Commission is for all believers and not only for those called into the five fold ministry offices. It's either we are going or we are actively supporting those who are going for missions with our financial and material resources. God blesses His children so that they can be a blessing.
In Genesis 12:2, God the Father, told Abraham, "‭I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing." However, the descendants of Abraham failed to be a blessing to other nations - they failed at influencing other people's groups to obey and worship the Almighty God. They took the blessing from the Lord, but they were unfaithful in blessing humanity. Sadly, we see this happening in our day too.
You too can be a part of this wonderful experience.
Our October 2024 school intake is open for applications.
We have campuses in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Kaduna, Nasarawa and Enugu.
To apply, visit www.rhemanigeria.com/apply and rhemanigeria.com to know more about Rhema Nigeria.
For enquiries/ complaints, call: 09034841366 or 09135832866

Photos from Rhema Nigeria's post 09/06/2024

Highlights of Intro to Evangelism 2 Class.
Instructor: Pastor Levi Olukayode Afolayan
Campus: Port Harcourt Campus
Class: Level 2

Evangelism is every believer's task . It is not sole responsibility of the fivefold ministry. Jesus Saves , Jesus Heals, Jesus fills with the Holy Spirit and Jesus is coming back again.( Lk 19:10; 1 Pt. 2:24; Jn 16:7 and Acts 1:11) Jesus did not give the Church a great Suggestion, it was a Great Commission He gave us and that is to go and evangelize the world.( Mt. 28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20) The purpose of Jesus Christ has become our purpose. That is the bottom line of evangelism.To seek and save the sinners ( Lk. 19:10; Mk. 16:15-20) Every believer in Christ ( Born again child of God) has been divinely called into the ministry of reconciliation. Christ and Him crucified is our message. The Word of God that we preach is the incorruptible seed which when planted in the hearts of the lost as we consistently take the gospel out to them will germinate in their heart and they shall be saved..( 1 Pt. 1:23) We are in the world but we are not of the world, therefore we are not to ruled by the world system..(Jn. 15:15-16) Our motivation for evangelism is love and compassion. The Gospel is GOODNEWS. There are different ways, types and styles of evangelism.. There are elements that makes for successful outreaches. There are tips for effective evangelistic preaching.
You too can be a part of this wonderful experience.
Our October 2024 school intake is open for applications.
We have campuses in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Kaduna, Nasarawa and Enugu.
To apply, visit www.rhemanigeria.com/apply and rhemanigeria.com to know more about Rhema Nigeria.
For enquiries/ complaints, call: 09034841366 or 09135832866

Photos from Rhema Nigeria's post 09/06/2024

Highlights of Manifestations of the Spirit Class.
Instructor: Rev. Ade Olowoshoke
Campus: Port Harcourt Campus
Class: Level 1

In this class we discuss the gifts, manifestations, administrations and operations of the Holy Spirit.
1 Cor 12:1-11 tells us about the 9 gifts of the Spirit:
1. Revelation gifts. These are Gifts that reveal something:
A) Word of wisdom
B) Word of knowledge
C) Discerning of spirits

2. Power gifts.
These are Gifts that do something:
A) Special faith
B) working of miracles
C) Gifts of Healings

3. Utterance Gifts. These are gifts that say something:
A) Prophecy
B) Diverse kinds of tongues
C) Interpretation.
You too can be a part of this beautiful experience.
Our October 2024 school intake is open for applications.
With campuses in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Lagos, Kaduna, Nasarawa, and Enugu; we have a seat for you in RHEMA.
To apply, visit www.rhemanigeria.com/apply and rhemanigeria.com to learn more about Rhema Nigeria.
For inquiries/ complaints, call: 09034841366 or 09135832866


Sights from Rhema Conference 2024 finale in Kaduna





- Rev. Tokunbo Adejuwon


RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 2 Holy Ghost Meeting - Rev. Joshua Tende

At our Rhema Conference meetings, the Word of God is preached and taught in simplicity and clarity, and the Spirit of God is in demonstration and manifestation.

The morning sessions feature a time of teaching on Faith and secondly, a Prayer Clinic where we are instructed on prayer and we pray.

The evening sessions are Holy Ghost meetings with emphasis on the move of the Holy Spirit.

Videos (show all)

RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 2 Holy Ghost Meeting - The Visionary, MGM
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 2 Faith Seminar & Prayer Clinic
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Enugu - Day 1 Holy Ghost Meeting - Rev. Toks Adejuwon
If you’re in ENUGU, don’t wait to be told about the experience.The time is 5pm.Rhema Conference starts today in Enugu.Do...
WE ARE LIVE!!! Kindly follow up across all our Social Media platforms.
How we should all be running to attend the last day of the Kaduna Rhema Conference 2024!Don’t miss the day 4 Holy Ghost ...
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 2 Holy Ghost Meeting - Rev. Joshua Tende
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 2 Faith Seminar - Rev. Joshua Tende
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 3 Faith Seminar - Rev. Joshua Tende
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 2 Holy Ghost Meeting - Rev. Joshua Tende
RHEMA Conference 2024 - Kaduna - Day 2 Prayer Clinic - Dr. Akunna Adejuwon
Please Lord, HELP ME!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 16:00
Thursday 09:30 - 16:00
Friday 09:30 - 16:00