Interesting Stories by Princess

Interesting Stories by Princess

Bible Stories: Written In Words That Are Heavenly Inspired For Easier Understanding.

Photos from Interesting Stories by Princess's post 21/03/2024

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Photos from Interesting Stories by Princess's post 07/10/2023

Happy birthday to Me
God bless my New Age😘



Even if you are married to the best spouse in the whole world, if you do not guard your heart, you may end up "falling in love" with someone aside your spouse and eventually ruin your marriage.
No one gets married and plan to have affair but lots of married men and women are into affairs today because they slept when they should have been wide awake with their five senses alert.
1. Don't be too friendly with the opposite s*x. This is where a lots of married people land in trouble. Over spirituality and pride will destroy your marriage! You can't handle close friendship with the opposite s*x as a married person. Your heart is involved. Set boundaries. Be disciplined. Be cordial.
Be respectful. Be godly. Be holy.
2. Don't share your personal problems with an opposite s*x friend. It will bond you together. Problems bond people.
3. Don't contact any opposite s*x you are fond of. If you secretly admire them, you are fond of them and their is a tingling in your heart at the mere thought of them, don't contact!
4. Avoid unnecessary eye contact that lingers with the opposite s*x.
5. Don't tell an opposite s*x you are romantic or s*xy, that private information is for your spouse only.
6. Avoid discussions with the opposite s*x when you are tired, very sad, depressed, sorrowful, drowsy, sleepy or very sick.
This can cloud your judgment and make you say silly things.
Talk to your husband/wife instead.
7. Avoid unnecessary compliment of the opposite s*x.
8. Stop saying "I love you" to the opposite s*x, for what?
9. Work on your marriage. Keep the fire of love and romance alive in your marriage.
10. Protect your family. Don't share your marital problem with your opposite s*x friend, it will bond you.
11.Never flirt with the opposite s*x.
12. Mind the pictures you post on the social media. Limit pictures that show your curves or portray you as s*xy.
13. Do not contact all your EX after marriage.
14. Don't chat with the opposite s*x on the days you are h***y.
15. Stop focusing on your spouse's weaknesses and appreciate their strengths. If you always see the bad side of your spouse, you will be angry, bitter, critical and look for someone who can "understand" you and make you happy aside your spouse, that is the beginning of an emotional affair and eventual s*xual affair. It is the beginning of the end of a once glorious marriage!
FLEE from all appearance of evil is what the Bible says.

What you will not eat, don't bring it to your nose, don't smell it!
Don't start what you cannot finish!
Avoid all emotional and s*xual affairs, they will destroy your marriage!
May you not take a step that will lead to eternal regret in Jesus' name.


Thank you.


1, it's not a major sign of the Holy spirit but one among others. Mark 16:17
2. The first experience of tongues was on the day of pentecost. Acts 2
3. It's the holy spirit that gives the utterances of tongues and not a switch anyone can turn on and off anytime or anywhere. Acts 2:4
4. Tongues is not language of the Spirit but language of men of other tribes which one do not understand but yet speaks by the holy ghost. Acts 2:5-11
5. Tongues is also one of the gift of the holy spirit among others, which means not everyone has the gift but can covet for it if born again. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
6. Tongues is for sign to the unbelievers and not believers. 1 Corinthians 14:12
7. Tongues profit nothing when it's not interpreted in church or personal. 1 Corinthians 14:5, 1 Corinthians 14:27
8. Tongues is not learn, but given by the holy spirit, either by hearing the word or by laying of hands. Acts 19:6.
9. He that speaks in tongues is not more spiritual than he that prophecy or practice other gifts. 1 Corinthians 14:5-6
10. If tongues is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, that means a liar, fornicator, adulterer, defiled and unclean soul can not possess it and if any of such or more possess it. That means it's not of God.
The evidence of the Holy Spirit is to totally forsake sin, subdue the lust and desires of the flesh, separate yourself totally from worldly pleasure and life styles. Which includes fashions, tradition and pattern. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
It's to be transformed totally into a New being, letting the old self die. 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24
It's to be sanctified from within and without, thereafter all other signs and gift follows. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 2 Timothy 2:21.
It's to able to obey all instructions and commandments of God's word whether convenient or not.
Written by Jonathan Harrison


I agree that there are some brethren who are blessed with the extraordinary grace to connect to the spirit any second they which to. Try are those the zeal of the lord has consumed. But you can't expect someone who has been living in sin through out the week or who's going through a phase of depression due to frustrating experiences he has been through to automatically connect to the spirit.
You have to bring their souls back to the present with the help.of the holy spirit. Make sure their thoughts are connected to the present and to the activities going on around them. Let their emotions be directed to Jesus and once this is achieved, you don't need to shout prayers or Chant Ayaya Ayaya before they pour their body, soul and heart to God.
Dear Prayer Ministers,
Please and Please don't abuse the gift of the Holy spirit. God is not an author of confusion. I am writing this based on personal experience, so long its not a prayer conference or a special g*thering for core leaders and workers of the church, let's avoid unnecessary pressures.
Only request for such prayers when you are explicitly asked to by the Holy ghost.
The Church is not a Motivational Center.
The fact that you ask the congreg*tion to pray in tongues and you see them speaking unknown words does not mean you've succeeded in connecting them to the move of the spirit.
They could be literarily laying curses upon their selves, their families and even on you in ignorance.
When you ant to genuinely charge the atmosphere to bring down the presence of God, you have to let the holy spirit be in control, let him that charge and have his way. Have the mindset that you are just a vessel for the Spirit of God to manifest through don't do it the method you think is right. Don't Force it, Don't Control it, DON'T BE THE PERPETRATOR.
Just let the holy spirit move through you into the lives of those around you.
Don't be a copy cat of what you see others do.


(Note: This write up applies majorly to Sunday Services, Crusade g*thering and other Church activities that are not necessarily prayer conferences or Leaders & Workers g*therings)
When you go to a youth church today and the Minister or Prayer Coordinator mounts on the pulpit during the Prayer session.
He may begin to speak in tongues, you know, pray in tongues.
Most times when you look around, majority of the congreg*tions just stand as thou in a Cinema watching the scenario with a confused expression. A few members which include mostly the Pastors, leaders and workers of the church may be able to respond to this development.
The worst part is when the Minister request the congratulation to join him in PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT (Praying in tongues).
Firstly, I feel the church has terribly abused the gift of speaking in tongues. You should not expect every one in present in the church to be able to speak in tongues. Don't assume that everyone present has received the baptism of the holy ghost and even among those that have received such gift, the ability to speak in tongues may not have began manifesting yet.
So what do you expect such set of people to do when you bring up such a request. This can led to serious damages because firstly it would create a terribly uncomfortable feeling which may disconnect those connected to the move of the spirit.
Secondly, You shouldn't just mount the podium and expect the audience to automatically jump into into the level of realm you are operating in.
It does not work like that!!!
You have to bring them gradually up to mount Zion, No rushing, No Hurrying, and No Pressures. Take your time to slowly carry them along with you into the presence of God. These could be through a deep and sincere worship to God or through a short exhortation but let the holy spirit be the one to direct you in whichever metjod I'd the most appropriate.


I knew if I did not stop, it's only a matter of time before I lost count. Young people should be very careful. Once you start pre-marital s*x, it is difficult to restrict it to one person. Before you know what is going on, you will be counting names in your heart. People will see you on the outside like a good beautiful person but on the inside, you are rotten and dirty.

I was heartbroken and felt used. I felt stupid and thought many times of committing su***de. Eventually, I came across your messages that condemned my sins and invited me to repent and accept Jesus Christ. I finally did repent and rededicated my life to Christ. The peace of God filled my heart and I retraced by step back to Jesus. The fear of death and hell that tortured me daily while I was in sin vanished. I became filled with the Holy Ghost and my prayer life changed. it's so wonderful to know Jesus.

I started reading your posts on marriage and took your marriage course which transformed my life. I realized that I was going about relationship the Worldly way instead of the Kingdom way. I met my husband who happened to be a born again and a virgin. God gave me a man I do not deserve. He loves the Lord and together we are serving Jesus. We are happily married and blessed with kids. I now tell people about Jesus.
I just wished I did not waste my life in sin but I thank God that I am fully in Christ now. Sin is a deception. I advise every single sister and brother out there to keep themselves and stay away from s*xual immorality. Thank you for allowing God to use you to restore my life.


He would stimulate me with his mouth and I will rub my p***c against his until I get an or**sm. I will use my hands or mouth on him until he also ej******es. He wanted to go all the way but I was too scared to do that. I still had a little of the fear of God in me restricting me from going all the way. Nonetheless, I enjoy what we do. My heart wants to stop but my body wants more. I wanted so badly to feel him inside of me.

Finally, one fateful day, after a lot of caressing, kissing and touching, my body was ready to explode. He asked me if I wanted him in and I nodded gently. That was it! I had s*x! All my keeping myself for marriage has ended. Yet, I consoled myself it was okay since I was gonna get married to him. We started having s*x. I would make sure my pant looks best when visiting him. I don't visit him when I am in my period. He also made sure he always had a condom particularly on days when I was not safe in my circle. Initially, it felt so great. By this time, my conscience was dead. The young, serious, church girl I was had disappeared.

I still went about pretending I was a Christian but I knew deep inside me I was going to hell. I pretended everywhere that I knew nothing about s*x but behind the closed door, I was dirty and shameless. Gradually, I started noticing that he was pulling away from me. He had other women in his life. Initially, I tried to save the relationship. I doubled my effort, satisfied him s*xually and do any disgusting thing he wanted. Alas, he's had me and was tired of me. He was now moved by other women he was yet to taste.
In an attempt to replace him, I got involved in other relationships and each one descended very quickly into s*x. I could not believe I had slept with six men within a short while. I had hoped I would only sleep with my husband in life but I was already counting six. I knew if I did not stop, it's only a matter of time before I lost count.



A night will come like this, when you will feel h***y as you are feeling now and you will just go to the bathroom and take a cool shower. And you will wear a nice pant and bra.
It will be so ' seductive so romantic.

It will be showing your b***s and part of your butt and you will craw to your bed. And your king will walk in majestically. You will wink at him in a lovingly and romantic way. And he will be neat after taking shower too. And he will crawl to meet you on bed. And two of you will roll under the sheet and your will have a hot and sizzling and mind blowing s*x.

When this happen, God will be clapping for you, Because you are doing it legally and in a godly marriage. When you finish after getting to or**sm, then you will smile and sleep off in the embrace of your loving husband. No guilt, no sadness, no prayer and fasting to ask for forgiveness of sin. Because you are doing it at the right time and with the right person.

Please my precious princess, wait till that night! I will be proud of you and God will be proud of you. Wait and wait!

I hope this strengthens a lady who is going through s*xual temptation and s*xual raging urges. Keep calm, you will soon get to that night!

Mummy loves you😘
Thanks for reading.


A True Story (Testimony) With A Lesson!


It all started with a simple and casual hug each time we see each other. We would handshake each other and hug casually. This continued for some time until our casual hug became more prolonged and heavy. We would hug and hold each other for long. My temperature would increase as I feel his body close to mine. We both pretended it was nothing but I knew I was feeling something on the inside. Soon, we added pecking to our prolonged hug and pecking soon became french kiss. We began to kiss and cuddle amorously. Well, we were not having s*x, just two people in love, we said to ourselves.

Then we started moving our bodies against each other. It felt so good that we quickly progressed into smooching with our clothes on. This became our practice for a while.

We would meet, hug, kiss, smooch each other. I noticed that his trouser would get wet around his zip area. I figured out he was ej*******ng but I did not wanna talk about it.
Praying then became difficult. Guilt filled my heart daily as I could no longer read the Bible but I kept silencing the voice of the Spirit and the conscience that we were not having s*x. I no longer felt comfortable during church services and I started avoiding any post on social media that were against s*xual sin. I was only interested in motivational talk and any message that promises prosperity without disturbing my heart about my sins.
In the process of time, we advanced to the point where I would pull out my breasts for him to suck. The warmth of his mouth and the feeling of his tongue on my ni***es made me get wet easily. I wanted more. I wanted to see how he looks like down there. Before long, our clothes were completely off. He would stimulate me with his mouth and I will rub my p***c against his until I get an or**sm. I will use my hands or mouth on him until he also ej******es. He wanted to go all the way but I was too scared to do that.


AnGeLz Do WeEp
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Written by Horluwa~p1{•_•}
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••••Episode 14••••
{ And she’s in danger }
Do you know?
You can only be tempted with what you like, the probability of falling for temptation when what you like or love is used as the bait is very high,
But when you’re tempted with what you g*t no interest for or you don’t like, the probability of falling for the temptation is very low.
I heard that brother Luci always like to use temptation to divert people from their way of glory, but the one I witness that happened to me, I knew it wasn’t fostered by brother Luci, it was just someone trying to fulfil her unholy desire.
Did I overcome the temptation or did I fell for it, get your answer as the story of my life continues.
I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night when I felt a hand massaging my body.
” what “! I exclaimed when I saw the person doing it.
” Sophia ” I tried to scream her name but she quickly use her hand to cover my mouth and I was only able to muffle her name.
” shoosh, don’t scream,, you will wake everyone up ” she said removing her hand from my mouth
” what are you doing “? I asked getting up from the bed.
I saw that she wearing only pant and bra.
” why are you doing as if you don’t know what I’m doing ” she said coming to where I was, as she was moving closer to me, I was taking steps back, until I got to the wall and their was no place to go again.
She moved closer to me and placed her hand on my chest in a seductive way, that was when I knew that I didn’t have my shirt on again, I didn’t know how it got off.
” please make love to me ” she said rubbing my chest with her hand and taking it downward to my trouser area, I knew the destination where her hand was headed to.
” what do you mean by me making love to you, you just met me today ” I said grabbing her hand midway to stop it from going to the danger zone it was headed to.
” please just do it, I’m still a virgin and I’ve promised myself that I am going to make sure I get disvirgin by the cutest person I meet on earth ” she said almost pleading
” please stop it, I can’t do it, my body is the holy vessel of the supreme one and I can’t smear it and I’m not what you’re thinking I am ” I replied her moving back to the bed, I took my shirt and wore it and sat on the bed.
Then she did something that amazed me.
She took off her bra releasing her b***s, it was of normal size and it is fair like her completion.
I just sat where I was sitting looking at her like a dummy, I didn’t know what to do and I saw as she started moving closer to me again, when she got to me she use her hand to push me to lay flat on the bed, then she layed on top of me, I didn’t know what to do exactly, her b***s was directly on my chest and I felt her hand slid into my trouser, that was when my head rebooted.
I pushed her off me at once and she fell on another side of the bed and i stood up from the bed.
” please go now before I get the attention of others ” I said angrily and she stood up from the bed and picked her bra ,wore it and head out disappointed.
I heaved a sigh of relief as I lay back on the bed.
” I’ve not even used up to 24 hours as a human and I’m already going through this “I said to myself as I tried to sleep back.
I woke up to the sound of melody, someone was playing keyboard and it felt like it was near the room I was.
I stretched as I got off the bed and head outside,
I was surprised to see Peace ,she was the one playing the keyboard ,the keyboard was placed beside the guest room ,I wondered how I didn’t see it when I passed there yesterday night.
She stopped playing when she saw me, then she started smiling, she stood up and came closer to me, placed her hand on my cheek again
” good morning uncle Ben ” she greeted me not removing her hand on my cheek, she was staring at me again like she did yesterday.
” how can you be so pretty like this “?she asked rhetorically not waiting for me to answer her greeting.
She was looking at me with awe, then she started bringing her face closer to mine, I knew she was about to kiss me again,so I quickly freed myself from her.
” is this yours “? I asked moving towards the keyboard in order to change the topic
” yeah ” she said happily as she sat on the seat in front of the keyboard
” it was my dad’s own but he handed it over to me before he died since I was the only who showed interest in learning it and he thought me how to play it, all what my mom and sister like to do is always listen to it being played, they must be in their room listening to it before you interrupted me ” she enunciated smiling
” did I asked about all this you’re telling me ” I only asked it in my mind and forced out a smile.
” do you know how to play it ” she asked focusing her gaze on me
” yeah, no one can compete with me in the whole of this earth in playing it ” I answered her proudly
” what “! I exclaimed when my answer dawn on me, how could I tell her that I knew how to play it, tho their was no one on earth except brother Luci who can be compare to me in playing any musical instruments or singing, but I knew if I play it and she was awe by my performance, her next mission won’t be kissing me but having s*x with me
” brother Ben, you can lie o ” she said laughing mockingly
” what you meant is that you’re the best in playing it all over the world, your lie has impregnated me ” she added laughing mockingly, she placed her hand on her back and pushed her tommy out in a pregnant woman posture in order to mock me, what she did hit the nail on my head with her words,
I suddenly wish to show to her that I’m not lying, and make her regret mocking me.
” get up “I said to her in a serious tone and she did while I occupied the seat.
I started playing the tone of my best song, it was an heavenly song and I don’t know the translation in English, I could only sing it in heaven language.
As I was playing it, I lost myself in the tone and closed my eye as I started singing the song.
I didn’t know how long I closed my eye and sang but when I was finally through with it and hit the last key and opened my eye, I saw the three ladies and they started clapping and shouting
” wow, I can’t believe I just heard the most beautiful voice on earth and the grand master of keyboardist playing keyboard now,I don’t think I will be able to get enough of this voice ” Joyce said in awe, her behavior said it all, she really enjoyed it
” are you sure you’re a human being ” Efe said looking at me with a suspicious eye and I smiled.
I looked at Peace and saw that her mouth was opened and her eye was widely opened without blinking, she looked like she had turned to a statue, when Joyce also noticed her ,she tapped her and she startling respond to her.
” oh my God, I’m sorry for underrating you bro Ben, this is the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard and I don’t think anyone can challenge your skill in playing the keyboard ” Peace said looking at me with the eye that depicted that she wished to kiss me.
” but is that your country’s language you were using to sing the song you sang ” Joyce asked me and I replied yes.
” okay, which country do you hail from and you must answer me now, that cute face of yours can’t stop me from getting my answer from you now ” she asked with a serious tone.
I was placed in a tight spot, she looked serious and I can’t tell them that I was from heaven, they won’t believe me and I can’t lie to them. It’s a sin
When I ran out of idea of what I could do, I smiled cutely displaying my teeth in the process
” mom, I must kiss bro Ben, I can’t withstand this again ” Peace said moving closer to me and quickly ran away and she followed me while Joyce and Efe bursted into laughter.
The day was filled with fun, after Joyce gave me a new toothbrush ,I brushed my teeth, took my bath and wore one out of the clothes we got from the boutique.
We ate slice bread and egg coupled with hot tea as breakfast.
Sophia couldn’t make direct eye contact with me because of what transpired between us.
Joyce totally forgot the about her question after Peace chased after me, Peace was really keen on kissing me but I restrained her from doing so, she only agreed not to by making me promise to go out with her and pretend to be her boyfriend.
That was still okay than me kissing her so I concurred.
Efe was the hardest among them, she was acting like she wasn’t swayed by my beauty but I caught her many times stealing a glance at me and every time I caught her she will quickly pretend like she wasn’t looking at me.
After breakfast, Joyce went out, I didn’t know where because I didn’t bother to ask .
I spent most of the day on the keyboard, Peace wouldn’t just leave me alone, she threatened to kiss me if I stop playing it, she said she loved it so much so all I did was just follow her order.
I also thought her some skills on how to play it.
But she was really cool and jovial and loved to play ,apart from her threatening to kiss me, she is good.
I asked her why Efe didn’t go to her working place and she told me dat she’s on leave.
She asked me if I have eye for her and I told her no, her reply after that really sacred me.
” God save you ,I’ll just r**e you and make sure I get pregnant before I free you, then you won’t have any choice than to marry me ” she said in a mixed tone, I couldn’t tell if she was serious or joking with her reply, so I just smirked.
After she released me from playing the keyboard, we played and watch movie, she made me forgot about my present travail and I really enjoyed her company.
When it was 5 in the evening, she changed her dress and asked me to change mine I asked her why I should and she told me to remember what I promised her.
That was when I remembered about her threatening me to promise to go out with her and pretend to be her boyfriend.
I told her I don’t need to change my cloth and she said she’s okay with it.
She was very happy walking by my side, even tho she showed me her two awesome cars but she still forced me to trek with her , I knew it was part of her plan to show me off to the people.
We started walking from their house, it was situated deep inside the estate, I don’t know the estate but I know we’re walking inside an estate because of how everything was silent and how every house was fenced and all of them are beautiful.
We were chatting as we walked through the silent road.
When we were about to get out of the estate, she locked arms with me, I looked at her and she smiled naughtily at me.
She was getting what she wanted as everyone was staring at us.
I knew I was the one gaining all the attention but she was the one enjoying it.
After walking for like 1 & ½ hours she got completely exhausted.
She saw a restaurant and she asked us to rest there before we take a cab home.
I agreed and we went there, we sat near the place where we could see what’s going on outside clearly, it was already getting dark and she doesn’t seem to be standing up soon as we munched on the meat pie and ice cream she ordered for us.
Suddenly I saw an evil spirit walking outside looking for someone to possess, it was scrutinizing through the people passing beside it looking for a conducive abode to enter.
I was surprised because I didn’t know I could still see through the spiritual realm.
Then I suddenly remembered Tabitha, I couldn’t believe I completely forgot about her.
I excused myself from Peace to the restroom in order to check on Tabitha.
When I got to the restaurant’s restroom, I connected with Tabitha, and I was surprised with what I was feeling from her.
I could sense fear in her, she was very scared and frightened.
I knew at once that she was in danger but I did not know how I was going to save her
To be continue….


Angels do weep
••••Episode 13••••
{ Temptation knocking }
The supreme one was indeed merciful onto me, tho I lost my glory because of my disobedience but he was still kind enough to send an helper to me, I knew if I hadn’t come in contact with Joyce, I might have died, tho I didn’t know if it was possible for me to die, but even if I was
immortal, the pain that would be acquainted to me will know no bound.
But it seems the supreme one send Joyce to me for a reason because of who I saw in her house, maybe it was just a way to reconnect me back with Tabitha even in my human form, but I’m done guessing what’s on the supreme one’s mind.
He is the anchor of the boat, so anywhere he wish to sail towards, he should sail towards it but he should not abandon me or push me into the sea.
I sat on one of the chair in the sitting room to relax and she sat opposite to me, then I heard footsteps of someone coming to where we were,
” meet my oldest daughter ” Joyce said as the person got closer to us
I turned to look at the daughter and I almost screamed when I saw her .
She was none other than miss Efe, I looked at her face and looked at Joyce’s own and the resemblance was striking . They looked alike, but how was that possible, I remembered that miss Efe full name was Efe Ifedolapo Mobolaji and I was sure Mobolaji was her surname.
” Efe, meet Ben, Ben meet Efe ” Joyce did the introduction for us when I wasn’t talking and Efe too wasn’t saying anything as she just stood where she was staring at me.
” let me see you mom ” Efe finally uttered leaving the scene .
” I’ll be back soon ” Joyce said smiling as she followed Efe.
I knew it was because of me that Efe called Joyce, I was very curious to hear what she wanted to tell her but I knew I couldn’t hear, then I tried a trick which always work for me when I was still an angel, it just like sending a duplicate of me to find something out while the real me will be accessing the duplicate to know what I want to know.
The duplicate will serve as a spying camera connected to me, and I will be able to see and hear what it’s seeing and hearing.
I focused my energy in order to bring the duplicate out and it worked, I controlled it to where Joyce and Efe was and I started eavesdropping on their conversation.
” who’s that thing ” Efe asked Joyce with a curious look
” what do you mean, are you referring a human as a thing ” Joyce replied in the normal Nigeria custom ( using question to reply a question )
” how can you call that thing a human being, do you think your prank can work today? , that must be a robot and you want to fool peace and I into thinking it’s a human ” she replied smiling.
” why do you think he’s a robot ” Joyce asked again smiling
” have you ever seen a human being look like that, the people that created him must have gone through many stress of creating the skin that was pasted on him ” Efe replied Joyce with a tone that depict victory, like I got your prank
” he’s a human, a normal guy not a robot ” Joyce said with a serious tone
” are you serious mom ” Efe asked with surprised tone
” yeah, I’m 100% serious, it isn’t a prank ” Joyce replied her releasing the serious look
” jeez, I can’t believe you yet mom, how can a human look like that, even tho am American series freak, still I haven’t seen someone look like that before in any of their movie ” Efe said with disbelief tone
” that was what I also said when I met him, he’s just too handsome beyond human level, I can’t believe such a person exist on earth, I’m still surprised till now even tho I’ve been with him more than an hour so I understand how you’re feeling ” Joyce enunciated with smile
” wow, but with his blonde hair, crystal coloured eyeball and his completion, I know he isn’t from Nigeria and he can’t be an half cast, not with all that characteristics, so mom, which country is he from ” Efe asked with awe
” he refused to tell me, but his intonation when I was speaking with him was that of Nigeria, so I don’t know what to believe ” Joyce replied her with uncertainty voice
” did you not know him before “? Efe asked her raising her voice a bit
” no, I don’t, I just met him today, I gave him a ride when I saw him walking on the road and looked like someone who really needed the ride ” Joyce replied her almost in a whisper as if she thought someone would hear her say what she just said
” you’re unbelievable mom, you met him on the road and brought him home, so what’s your reason for bringing him home ” Efe asked with a.serious tone.
I was happy with Efe’s question, I was also curious to the reason she was helping me, as Joyce wanted to answer her, I felt someone tap me, I opened my eyes startled and my connection with my duplicate self was lost at once.
It was the maid that tapped me ,she had a tray in her hand which consisted of meat pie, doughnut and Hollandia youghourt .
” I’ve been trying to wake you up since but you didn’t wake up until I tapped you ” she said dropping what was in her hand on the table
” I’m sorry, I’m just a little bit tired ” I said and she brought out a small glass table which looked like a cushion but it wasn’t a cushion, she placed it in front of me and placed the tray on it.
” here’s the snack madam asked me to give you ” she said staring at me, it was like she wanted to bore hole into my face with her look.
I started eating what she gave and I noticed she was still there looking at me but I didn’t say anything.
She left when she heard footsteps of Joyce and Efe coming to the sitting room.
” hope you’re enjoying yourself handsome ” Joyce asked me as they got to the sitting room and I replied yes.
” I’m Efe ” Efe said moving closer to me stretching her hands towards me
” I’m Ben ” I said shaking hands with her
” yeah, she’s my first daughter,she’s now 28 and still single, I knew it’s her look and stature that’s deceiving her ” Joyce added smiling
” seriously mom ” Efe screamed irritably leaving the sitting room and I smiled.
That was when I understand what Joyce was trying to do, her mission was to matchmake me for Efe .
Joyce engaged me in some discussion about Efe, she told me how her heart was broken by her fiance four years ago, it was two month to their wedding as they’ve already gone through the introduction stage.
But the guy cheated on Efe with Efe’s best friend, so the wedding was called off and ever since then, she refused to give any guy a chance.
She told me that Efe finished schooling at the tender age of sixteen and instead of her to work in one of her father’s company ,she refused to do so and went to secure a job as a teacher in one of the reputable school in Aja,
We were surprised that she was able to secure a job there at that age and without using the connection of her father.
After two years of teaching there, it was discovered that the owner of the school was a ritualist, so she had to resign from the school.
Her dad because of that incident told her that he won’t allow her to work outside his wing again but the girl wanted to be a teacher because of her love for children.
She told me that her husband jointly own a school but her husband owns the highest shares of the school so she started teaching there, and now with her
own effort, she’s made it to the post of the principal of the school while she’s also part of the owner of the school.
Her story helped me to confirm all my unanswered questions about miss Efe.
I pretended as if I was grossly interested in her stories.
” but is Briana your surname ” I asked her when she was through with her story, and the reason I asked her was to know what’s wrong, because Efe’s surname was Mobolaji, so I wanted to know if their surname was different
” hell no, Briana Joyce is my name, I just love being called by the two because my surname is not English ” she answered neg*tively,
” what’s really wrong with Nigerians, I asked her if her surname is Briana but here she’s answering what I didn’t ask her ” I said to myself as I forced out a smile.
” so, what’s your surname ” I asked Her again smiling
” it’s Mobolaji, Mobolaji Briana Joyce ” she answered sophisticatedly.
Then I started hearing someone running ,it was like the person was running down a stair case .
” that must be my second daughter, Peace, her sister must have told her about you ” Joyce said smiling.
It wasn’t up to 20 seconds that Joyce said it that a young beautiful girl appeared, she should be of the same age with the real age of Tabitha, she was so beautiful and gorgeous, she stood in front of me and was staring at me like she has seen a precious jewel.
Joyce cleared her throat a bit in order to gain the attention of her daughter, and it worked as she stopped staring at me and went to her mother
” who’s that ” she asked her mother pointing at me
Joyce smile and hit her on her forehead playfully
” how can you be rude to my guest, go and greet him, that’s Ben ” she replied her smiling.
The girl did something that surprised me, she left her mom and came to sit by my side, she brought her face closer to mine as if she wanted to kiss me ,she was looking directly into my eyeball and was smiling, suddenly she brought her palm to my face to feel it
” wow, so smooth and soft ” that was the last thing I heard her say and what happened next was her lip was already on mine, I quickly close my mouth in order not to allow her tongue inside my mouth.
I didn’t know what to do next as I felt her trying to pe*****te her tongue into my mouth.
I shove her off me when it seems she isn’t going to stop.
I looked at Joyce and saw her smiling and I looked at Peace and she was also smiling, she had the expression that says that she was happy and proud of what she did.
” I don’t blame her Ben, for what she did, it took me all my strength and will not to have done the same thing since we’ve been inside the car together ” Joyce said not rebuking her daughter for what she did .
” Peace, go and ask Sophia if the food is done ” she said to peace, who stood up but gave me a seductive eye before she left to deliver her mom’s message.
I was treated like a king by Joyce throughout the day, tho I ate at some minutes pass 4 in the evening, when it was dinner time, she still served me like I haven’t eaten throughout the day, but the only threat I was dealing with is Peace, she didn’t allow me rest, always sitting close to me, even at the dinner table, she sat close to me and was using her hand to massage my thigh. Tho Efe and Joyce were also staring at me but no physical contact occur between us unlike Peace who was gluing unto me like a plague.
After dinner, I retired to the guest room at once.
I connected to Tabitha to know how she was feeling and I felt that she was cool, she was normal, not happy and not sad, but it kinda felt like she was empty.
I wish I was their with her to know what’s going on through her mind that made her felt empty.
I yawned as I lay on the bed, I was very tired, and I felt my eye getting blurry, I knew it was sleep knocking on my door, the first time such will be happening since twenty years ago that have being on earth.
I slept off.
I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night when I felt a hand massaging my body.
” what “! I exclaimed when I saw the person doing it.
To be continue….

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