Universal Temple of the Holy Trinity

Universal Temple of the Holy Trinity

Welcome! We offer hospitality and companionship to those who are connected to any faith tradition and those who are spiritual pilgrims and seekers.

Universal Temple of the Holy Trinity Ministries offers resources for supporting the development of inner and outer wholeness, and spirited living, rooted in the healing, reconciling, and liberating gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian spiritual tradition. The Charles Arinze, the founder of Universal Temple of the Holy Trinity Ministries, is currently the only active spiritual director associat


You can make the kind thoughts and good wished you send out achieve more just by altering your intentions.
Energy follows thoughts and thoughts conform to intentions and virtualization.
Will your intentions for the goods you wish for yourself to also manifest in the lives of others.
With this change in intension, you will not only achieve more with this same volition, but the reciprocal reactions for what you sent to others will attract much more towards you.


The Help/Power of God is closer to us than even our own hands, feet and even our breathe, so there is no need for us to shout for Him to hear us.


A new beginning is on your horizon but you must have the courage to push through. Declare your struggles over. Declare your enemies defeated. Declare yourself victorious. Do this with passion. Your own self-talk is a very powerful tool in cultivating your belief system and ultimately your results. If you are defeated in your thoughts you will be defeated in your life. If you are a champion in your thoughts - your success is inevitable.



Good ideas are worth very little until they are implemented. And the gap between knowledge and its implementation is bridged by discipline and self-control.
One important factor that correlate to success in every field of human endeavour is self-control/ discipline, based on the attribute of WillPower.

Proficiency in every field of human activity is directly correlated to two qualities of the personality: Intellect and Willpower.
While the intellect is limited and may not be developed to excellence, willpower is something that is in our hands and can be developed to untold power. Willpower grows with use and resilience at upholding a resolve.

The best exercise for the enhancement of selfcontrol is meditation. Meditation entails avoiding distracting thoughts though they may be pleasurable and keeping our focus on the object of meditation though it may not be pleasurable.

Utilize this to grow your self-control and subsequently your willpower to increase your proficiency in all fields of your activities.

Those who find it difficult to engage in meditation may still achieve proficiency by developing their power of habit. This is a discus for another day.
But I must emphasise that while the willpower is a tool of the human spirit, habit is a quality of the human intellect with all it's limitations.




As long as you can free up your mind and intuitively focus your thoughts on a single objective, you can become or achieve anything.
Plants need sunlight and water to survive, but there are still plants that thrive in the dark and dry places.
This is because there is a neutral natural form of energy all around us that can be converted to any form of need. But you need to eliminate the limiting bias in your mind in order to sense It. It is infinitely large and inexcusable.



A curse may not always be an illusion or a fragment of our imagination as may assume. Some may be real and could have gotten to us through our actions, inactions, weaknesses and none observance of certain laws and customs/traditions. It doesn't matter whether you believe in them practice them or not until you have succeeded in removing yourself from them.

Some claim it is only in our thoughts, but our thoughts are not everything especially when we are already guilty or have some spiritual debts to pay.
Free will is free when one is not already compromised or encumbered by his past misdeeds.

This said, I want to assure you that YOU can lift yourself out of any unfavorable condition, be it curse, adversity or afflictions.

Every Law in Creation swings in the Will of God. And the Will of God supports any motive and intention that are intended for good of all.

A confident looking upwards to the Omnipotence of God that is always with you is number one condition.

When this is assured, we can then follow the process below:

1). First, resolve to do good and only good under any condition and circumstances.
This power of good volition for only what is good and noble has the power to break and heal any sins attached to us from the past and set us free if we could maintain and uphold the resolution, continually praying for strength from God.

2). Forgive all who may have hurt you and pray for forgiveness for all you may have blamed for your condition. Instead, put all blames on yourself. The law say we only reap what we sow. Curses got to us because we formed a fertile ground for them to germinate, grow and operate or because we were guilty, insensitive, careless, afraid or did nothing The Law of Nature will not allow it otherwise. A curse can never manifest on the innocent who has a bold confidence in the Power of God.

3). Elevate your vibrational Energies and thoughts above the dark realms of fears, curses, and base desires whose gratifications lower your defenses. Bear nothing within you of like nature of the enticements of your enemies so that they may still not get to you through the Law of Homogeneity. Do not let anyone enslave you through expectations of promises.

4). Reduce the times you brood and pounder on your condition and situations. Dull brooding is a waste of time. Get involved in joyful activities especially in the helps and services to others. Expect all helps only from God. When you always internalize your thoughts, you short-circuit the energy flows and the law of give and it shall be given onto you will not be fulfilled on you.

I send thoughts of help and peace to you all.

Charles Chinedu Arinze
Ogbugorigori (Mmiridoredo)

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