African and International English Literature.

African and International English Literature.

Welcome to an Educational Institute for world-wide English learners and literature lovers! Promoting knowledge, history and the beauty of language.


What book comes to your mind when you read this?


Hello Everyone! 😊


"So far as you can sing, they will pick you" jeez! πŸ˜‚βŒ

How can your conscience allow you to say such?!πŸ˜‚

Simply say "provided you can sing, you will be selected"βœ”οΈ





Users of the English language do make errors using the above word and phrase when they write and speak. But, tonight, we shed light on them.

This means, doesn't have the ability(to)


He cannot kill a snake.

These are two separate words that require carefulness when used in sentences. The two words are however unified semantically, that's, by meaning. They have just an implication. CAN NOT means that, one doesn't only have the ability to do something, but also has the ability to do another thing(alongside).


Timothy Oyedeji can not only speak, but also write.

The above means that, Timothy can speak and write.

Lord Loner can not only play soccer, he can also run.

I hope you've just learnt about how to use the above topic properly in sentences and would stop making errors on them?
If yes, try putting down an instance on each.


Good day, groupies.

Let's engage on a journey of poetry.

At least, compose a tercet on 'NIGHT'.
Let's make our poems artistic, pls.

Mine: NIGHT.
Father, save me well on this evil night
So gone be my fright
As I escape these lion bite.



This morning, let's look into two words; topsy-turvy & magnicaudate.


This is an adjective which describes a disorderly situation, a disorganised setting or a shambolic operation. When things are supposed to be properly set, well organised, but rather are turned upside down so that they become confused, the official word to use is, topsy-turvy. In fact, it relates to objects. When a set of chairs that's or are supposed to be properly seated is/ are turned upside down, it's/ they're topsy-turvy, they're frenetic, or have been arranged in a chaotic manner. Public funds that are expected to be systematically managed by public officials are mismanaged, they're in topsy-turvy situation. Things not properly managed or put in the expected manner are said to be:



This is also an adjective which describes someone or something that has a long tail. For example, if you happen to see a tailed human, and their tail is long, the word is suitable to describe such a person. Likewise, animals.

Check your dictionary for pronunciations.
You may make some instance(s) in the comment box. Thanks!

Yours academically,
Β© Eniola O. OnayemiEniola O. Eniola Eniola O. OnayemiEniola O. Onayemi Onayemi


I am going for a night vigil by 10:00 pm. ❌❌

I am going for a vigil by 10:00 pm βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ


Kola went to Chile's shop to get a new trouser ❌❌

Kola went to Chile's shop to get a new pair of trousersβœ”οΈβœ”οΈ

Kola went to Chile's shop to get some new trousers βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ


That bird must be a specie of hawk❌❌

That bird must be a species of hawk.βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ


The nurse gave the patient series of warning. ❌❌

The nurse gave the patient A series of warning. βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ



Today's word is, 'cloying'.

The word belongs to the word classes, adjective and verb(in the progressive sense). But, we're concerned with its meanings as an adjective.

It's quite surprising that as simple as the meanings of the word are, lots of English users haven't been in touch with it. I meant, in its place, they use some other word or decide to express their mind in clause. In fact, when I first discovered it, it sounded like it's not existent. I thought it's some nonce. Many of us who go to the farm or buy fruits in town taste them and behold their sweetness. At times, we exclaim: "This is too sweet! Muah!" Lolls! That's life, anyway! Even if your mom is a good cook and you for the first time invite Timothy, your friend to a dinner with the family. After the feast, I'm sure that he'll not hesitate to praise your mom's ability to dish such a meal for the whole house. He could even jokingly say, "Friend, I'd not miss this kind of meal again. It's too sweet so that I licked my fingers perfectly." That means, the meal is excessively yummy, sweet and tasty. Again, if it's some fruit, Mango for example, the same description applicable. But, do you know you can rather say all these in a simpler and contracted form? Yes, you can. Anyway, that's not the end. Likewise, let's asses its other meaning. The word can also be substituted for 'unpleasantly excessive'. A show is organised in your neighbourhood and it goes beyond the expected time. Maybe it's supposed to be ended by 8pm according to the rule that governs social activities in that area, but the organiser takes the law into their hands and extends the time to 10pm. Such an even could be described as cloying, for the fact that it's been undertaken in an unpleasantly excessive manner.






Now, after you've learnt about the word, cloying, I hope you could make at least an example?



Now, let's carefully look into two words; REVAMP & SESQUIPEDALIAN.


The word, 'revamp' is a verb which means, to renovate, change, improve or restructure something or a system. That's, an old system of doing something or operating in a business organisation is restructured with the process of REVAMPING. A political system may be changed through REVAMPING or revolution. A school building may be renovated; this means, the building has been revamped. Likewise, REVAMPING occurs to traits or features, habits or attitudes common to someone. For example, Ade, who's a smoker might decide to revamp his wayward lifestyle. He then would put upon a new and refurbished lifestyle.


Mr. Wilfred has called the bank for a loan of to revamp his industry: it caught fire last weekend.

For Nigeria to be an haven, we'd need to revamp her systems through revolution.




This word occurs in two word classes; noun and adjective.

As a noun; it means, someone who uses big or long words to construct sentences, whether in writing or speaking. Also, it means, the word used by such a person.


Ada is a sesquipedalian: instead of saying 'fantastic', she used the word, 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'.

Soyinka is renowned for his bombastic use of sesquipedalians.

Polysyllabic grammarian
Long word.
As an adjective; it means, given to using big words; expressed in many syllables; polysyllabic, grandiloquent.


Soyinka's words are often sesquipedalian.

If you do study an encyclopedia, you'd find many sesquipedalian words there.



Check the dictionary for pronunciations and if possible, the antonyms.


Your person,
Eniola O. Eniola O. OnayemiEniola O. Onayemi



Now, let's carefully look into two words; REVAMP & SESQUIPEDALIAN.


The word, 'revamp' is a verb which means, to renovate, change, improve or restructure something or a system. That's, an old system of doing something or operating in a business organisation is restructured with the process of REVAMPING. A political system may be changed through REVAMPING or revolution. A school building may be renovated; this means, the building has been revamped. Likewise, REVAMPING occurs to traits of features, habits or attitudes common to someone. For example, Ade, who's a smoker might decide to revamp his wayward lifestyle. He then would put upon a new and refurbished lifestyle.


Mr. Wilfred has called the bank for a loan of to revamp his industry: it caught fire last weekend.

For Nigeria to be an haven, we'd need to revamp her systems through revolution.




This word occurs in two word classes; noun and adjective.

As a noun; it means, someone who uses big or long words to construct sentences, whether in writing or speaking. Also, it means, the word used by such a person.


Ada is a sesquipedalian: instead of saying 'fantastic', she used the word, 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'.

Soyinka is renowned for his bombastic use of sesquipedalians.

Polysyllabic grammarian
Long word.
As an adjective; it means, given to using big words; expressed in many syllables; polysyllabic, grandiloquent.


Soyinka's words are often sesquipedalian.

If you do study an encyclopedia, you'd find many sesquipedalian words there.



Check the dictionary for pronunciations and if possible, the antonyms.


Your person,
Eniola O. Onayemi



This morning, let's look into the word, 'regurgitate' to improve on our vocabulary world. When you mean to report exactly the way you're narrated an event to, which word do you use? When you've just poured what you just ate, which word do you use? e.t.c.

The word 'regurgitate' means, to repeat verbatim(what one's been told). That's, you tell 'in so many words' what Mr. Collins told you to Mrs. Evans.

Likewise, the word means, to vomit what one's just eaten. That's, a kid just ate rice and they had to pour it on the ground or inside a pit. It entails, to eject or throw up what's been swallowed. In the same sense, it means, to throw back or rush up or surge back. That's, food may regurgitate from the stomach to the mouth. Likewise, other materials if returned to where they come from, regurgitate. Extendedly, the word, 'regurgitate' may mean, passing down a legacy as it's passed to oneself. For example, my great grandpa wasn't educated formally, so he had to regurgitate the same legacy to my grandpa. That means, my grandpa wasn't as well educated formally.



Repeat verbatim




Check your dictionary for pronunciation.


Your person,
Eniola O. Onayemi.




It's not new that most English speakers; owners and second users of the language make errors when they use the two words - 'money' and 'monies' in sentences. Some don't even know when to use any of them in their sentences, and so they inevitably are ignorant of their proper usages. However, this morning, I'd shed light on it as I correct the errors usually made on the confusing two words. Let's take them one after the other.


I'm sure all of us know what money means; so, there's no need for definition. Rather, let's move forward to how it can be used in sentences and its form; singular or plural. 'Money' simply means, currency. That's, the Naira as used in Nigeria or the Dollar as used by some countries; the USA, Liberia... No matter how many Naira denominations you're given, it doesn't change 'money' to 'monies'. So far it's still a currency, Naira or Dollar, its form must be maintained to be in the singular. That's, Uncle Kola giving you #200 in ten pieces doesn't warrant you to make a sentence like the following:

Uncle Kola, after sending me on an errand, gave me some monies.


Just apply the above explanation in contrast to this one. Pls, be careful while you do so: if carefully checked and applied, you'd have a good result. Naira and Dollar can be referred to as 'monies'.


The monies of the world have different exchange rates in each country.

My bro who's just returned from the UK brought home some monies: Dinar, Dollar, Rupees...


Eniola O. Onayemi.



Good morning, sages. The word to take note of this morning is, 'agglutinate'. It means, to join together; to glue parts to become a whole. That's, combination or uniting of different parts to form a body of something. In mechanical engineering, parts of a mechanical product can be fixed to form the whole product. Extendedly, the word can also be used in other fields when we mean, 'unite'. For example, warring towns of a city can be agglutinated by the King of the whole city. Also, different opinions held by members of a union can be agglutinated to maintain the spirit of harmony and cooperation. Ideas brought to run the new government by a political party can as well be agglutinated to form a whole body of acceptable manifestoes. A broken part of a chair can be agglutinated to it to make it complete. It can also be seen in the medical field. Dr. Ben Carson is popularly known for separating the twins with agglutinated heads(Siamese twins).







I hope you've just learnt something very clearly? If so, I'd require that you make some instances of yours with the word.

Yours academically,
Eniola O. Onayemi


Sword word.

Today, very succinctly (briefly) I would love to comment on a notion relatively more concerning to our beautiful ladies.

Well, today's word. Is...


The word perm is a verb and also alternatively a noun.
As a noun, it refers to a stat in which someone's hair is curled and treated with chemicals so that it remains curly for a period of time.
It is a formal substitute for the word 'relax' in the sentence;
β€’ she relaxed her hair last week.❎
Rather, you could say:
She got a perm last week. βœ”οΈ

Please bear in mind that it can be used as both a noun and as a verb. The above example is its noun form.

Now, as a verb. Is simply means to make (hair) curly for a long time by using chemicals.

So, instead of saying go and relax your hair ❎
You can say
Go and perm your hair. βœ”οΈ
Or better still,
Go have your hair permedβœ”οΈ

Other Examples:

She had her hair permed at the salon yesterday βœ”οΈ
Note that I did not say saloon. ❎
As the two words do not mean the same thing.

My wife has a really long hair and perming it tops her beauty. βœ”οΈ

I will have my hair permed by the end of the month βœ”οΈ

I would love to hear more astonishing examples from you in the comments section.
Thank you very much.

Yours educatively
Eniola Onayemi.



Discord πŸŽ‰
Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform by Eniola Onayemi.
Ensure that you learn at least one USEFUL word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing, and even additionally , for productive and effective thinking. πŸ˜‰
Today's word is... discord!

As a noun, the word discord means lack of agreement between people or ideas. It is a lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas).

Examples of the word in use:

It is inevitable to for the legislators to fall into discord with all the jabber ( to talk in a fast, unclear, or foolish way) and babel ( a confusion of words or voices or a scene of noise and confusion) going on in the house of Representatives.βœ”οΈ

The word could also be used to express an active quarreling or conflict resulting from disagreements among persons or factions . I.e a very angry or violent disagreement between two or more people or groups such as a dissension; (disagreement that causes the people in a group to argue about something that is important to them).

Examples in use:

There are so many Marital discords these days.βœ”οΈ

The political discord between the two parties is rapidly increasing.βœ”οΈ

(Other ) Examples in use :

The city has long been known as a scene of racial intolerance and discord. βœ”οΈ

He's not friendly with her because of the discord between them. βœ”οΈ

β€’ Discord destroys Destinies. βœ”οΈ

Now, you know the meaning of the word discord, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with it to ensure that it sticks permanently up there. Researchers say that by constructing a sentence of your own with a newly learnt word, you stand the chance of never forgetting that word. πŸ™‚

Oh, dear reader, if there is discord in your relationship with people, especially the ones evidencing your fault, I'd advise that you grow penitent, and plant seeds of peace where disharmony reighened. πŸ™‚


Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform. ByEniola Oreoluwa Onayemii
Ensure that you learn at least one USEFUL word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing, and even additionally , for productive and effective thinking. πŸ˜‰

Today's word is... Rhotacism !

Imagine that members of a video crew come up to you and ask you the question: "Can you marry a man/woman that has derhotacization or rhotacism?"
I bet quite a number of people will be confused as to what their response should be. πŸ˜‚
Well, this one doesn't sound Chinese like the last word we learnt. It looks like some deadly disease or something. The truth is: it's a medical term. And many of your friends, or even you yourself have this slight πŸ‘Œ flaw without knowing what it actually called. πŸ™ƒ

Well then, what is rhotacism?
Plainly, it is the Inability to pronounce the letter R itself or the sound /r/ in words. It is a defective utterance of the /r/ sound.
For example: r’s may become burrs or guttural grunts [I.e unpleasant vibrating sounds formed or pronounced in the throat] or in some cases, r's may become w’s or l’s.
For instance, instead of saying
"This is the red ball"
People with this defect tend to say things like ''this is the wed ball" or ''this is the ghed ball" .
This defect [I.e physical problem or imperfection] can also be called rhotacismus or derhotacization.

Now, that you know what rhotacism means, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with the word to ensure that it sticks permanently up there. Researchers say that by constructing a sentence of your own with a newly learnt word, you stand the chance of never forgetting that word. πŸ™‚

Oh, by the way, dear reader, if I were asked if I could marry someone with the defect, my answer would be why not? I mean, just a simple defect in articulation wouldn't mean a no to me. As long as my long list of other quality have been checked. β˜‘οΈ πŸ˜‰
But it's quite hilarious (funny) that
the inability to pronounce the letter "r" is called rhotacism, making it impossible for the sufferers to pronounce their own affliction. πŸ€” I wonder who named it that way! πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜‚
Well, for the record, I pronounce my R's Rightly. 😁

Dear reader, can YOU marry someone with rhotacism?πŸ‘Œ
I would love you to answer the question too in the comments section below alongside your example of the word. πŸ€—


.Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform. By Eniola Oreoluwa Onayemi .
Ensure that you learn at least one USEFUL word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing, and even additionally , for productive and effective thinking. πŸ˜‰

Today's word is... Fawn!

It kind of sounds Chinese, doesn't it? Like ''chin Fawn''! πŸ˜‚ Or ''kin Chun fawn"! 🀣
Well, lol , it's not. It's an English word. A verb which means to try to get the approval of an important or powerful person by giving that person praise, special attention, or any other thing like it. It means showing affection and is most commonly used especially of a dog . E.g :The dog was fawning on its master. πŸ•
It could also mean to COURT favor by a cringing or flattering manner. E.g COURTIERS fawning ON the king.

Note : A courtier is a person who flatters or fawns in order to seek favour. So, rather than saying "whiner" or "winder", say COURTIER βœ”οΈ especially when such a person is evidencing an attitude of getting something or obtaining favour.

In the same vein, do not say she loves 'whining' ❌ πŸ˜‘
But say she loves fawning. βœ”οΈ Especially if the person in question wants to get some positive substance or response from who she carries the act on. πŸ™‚

Other Examples of the word fawn:

That's a sports star surrounded by fawning fans.

A student who could not wait to fawn over the new teacher.

Now, that you know what it means to fawn, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with the word to ensure that it sticks permanently up there. Researchers say that by constructing a sentence of your own with a newly learnt word, you stand the chance of never forgetting that word. πŸ™‚

Oh, dear reader, I'm glad that you know know that it's not a Chinese word. πŸ˜‚ So, if your Chinese neighbor says ''she fawns on every rich man she sees", you should know that what they mean is that she tries to get what she wants from rich people by praising them for that very purpose. It's pure English. πŸ˜‚

Your examples below. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ™‚


.Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform. By Eniola Oreoluwa Onayemi
Ensure that you learn at least one useful word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing.

Today's word is... GROUSE

As a verb, the word 'grouse' means to complain about something it simply means to grumble.


β€’She GROUSED about the higher prices of commodities in the coastal parts of Lagos.

β€’She's been grousing to her boss about the working conditions.

β€’Fans have groused that the higer prices are unfair. πŸ™‚

Now, you know the meaning of the word grouse, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with the word to ensure that it sticks permanently up there. πŸ™‚
Oh, dear reader, do not grouse that I said you should practice the word, by practicing the word, you have a better chance of committing it to memory faster. πŸ˜‰


The 20 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement in Standard English


6. If two subjects are joined by and, they typically require a plural verb form.
The cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.
7. The verb is singular if the two subjects separated by and refer to the same
person or thing.
Red beans and rice is my mom's favorite dish.
8. If the words each, every, or no come before the subject, the verb is singular.
No smoking and drinking is allowed.Every man and woman is required to check in.
9. If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words or, nor,
neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also the verb is singular.
Jessica or Christian is to blame for the accident.
10. The only time when the object of the preposition factors into the decision
of plural or singular verb forms is when noun and pronoun subjects like some, half, none, more, all, etc. are followed by a prepositional phrase. In
these sentences, the object of the preposition determines the form of the
All of the chicken is gone. All of the chickens are gone.


.Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform. By Eniola Oreoluwa Onayemi
Ensure that you learn at least one USEFUL word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing, and even additionally , for productive and effective thinking. πŸ˜‰
Today, we are going to be doing things a little bit differently.
We would be learning TWO new words!πŸ˜‰

The first word is...penitent!

β€’As an adjective, (i.e as a word that gives more information about a noun, )it is a feeling or an attribute showing sorrow and regret because you have done something wrong. It's a feeling or an act of expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offense committed. In simple comparison, it's quite synonymous to the word 'repentant'.
So, in this case an Example would be :
After slapping Mr Lucky, the penitent young lady was sad.

Here's the penitent cat who tore his new coat.

As a noun, it is a person who is sorry for doing something wrong and asks for forgiveness.
It is a person who repents of sin.

So, rather than saying something like this β€”which is circumlocutory :

John came back here and was kinda sad for what he did, his face was squeezed somehow, it's kind of obvious that he feels bad after what he did.

Too much beating around the bush. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘βŒ


John is penitent about what he did. βœ”οΈ

Now, you know the meaning of the word penitent, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with it to ensure that it sticks permanntly up there. Researchers say that by constructing a sentence of your own with a newly learnt word, you stand the chance of never forgetting that word. πŸ™‚

Oh, dear reader, if you have done something wrong, neither pride yourself about it nor be unapologetic, become penitent today, and see what difference it'd make. πŸ™‚


Do not say 'very poor' ❌
Destitute βœ”οΈ


Do not say 'more better'❌
Better βœ”οΈ


Do not say 'very painful'❌
Excruciating βœ”οΈ


.Sword word. πŸ™‚

A Vocabulary development platform.

Ensure that you learn at least one useful word everyday to improve your word bank; for effective speech and effective writing.

Today's word is... GROUSE

As a verb, the word 'grouse' means to complain about something it simply means to grumble.


β€’She GROUSED about the higher prices of commodities in the coastal parts of Lagos.

β€’She's been grousing to her boss about the working conditions.

β€’Fans have groused that the higer prices are unfair. πŸ™‚

Now, you know the meaning of the word grouse, I'd love you to make at least one sentence with the word to ensure that it sticks permanently up there. πŸ™‚
Oh, dear reader, do not grouse that I said you should practice the word, by practicing the word, you have a better chance of committing it to memory faster. πŸ˜‰

