Castor Africa

Castor Africa

We are Agro-Commodities digital hubs in Africa serving as (P2P) &(B2B) Marketplace for millions.


••Castor Seed Demand
We need all your castor seeds,just send us a message or call then we will be at your door step to pay for your castor seed.
Contact us today to sell ,we also buy other varieties especially the seed.

We also welcome farmer clusters to cultivate and supply us directly in larger quantities!


When we allow ourselves to fail,we also give ourselves permission to succeed.


🚰 Research Alert! 🌾 Exploring farmers' perspectives on water scarcity in sub-Saharan Africa's irrigated rice schemes. Our study reveals key adaptation strategies and influencing factors. 💧🌍 Learn how we can enhance local technologies and shape policies for a sustainable future👉🏾
✍🏾 By Jean-Martial Johnson, Mathias Becker, Elliott Ronald Dossou-Yovo & Kazuki Saito

AfricaRice Launches Multiple Harvest Rice for Africa Project 03/03/2024

🌾 has recently launched the Multiple Harvest Rice for Africa project, aiming to increase rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa. 🌍🌱Learn more on this impactful project 👉🏾

Gates Foundation IRRI Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

AfricaRice Launches Multiple Harvest Rice for Africa Project AfricaRice officially launched the Multiple Harvest Rice for Africa (MHRA) project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at the Mbe station in Bouake, Cote d’Ivoire. MHRA aims to boost rice production in Africa with key outputs that include an inventory of r...


Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS) Training to Support for Smallholder

The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program ( ), a joint initiative of the African Development Bank and the Global Center on Adaptation, in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), will host a two-day seminar for the DCAS community of practice.

The two-day session will take place in a hybrid format. Arabic, English and French interpretations will be available.



Knowing how to manage water sustainably and ensure effective soil moisture is vital for plants' growth.

Here are 4 actions to preserve soil moisture 👇


🚀 Big News!

International Potato Center is thrilled to launch the AI-griculture Challenge Hackathon. Dive into the world of AI and agriculture 🌱, tackle real-world problems, and make a lasting impact.



Photos from CGIAR's post 03/03/2024

Climate-related risks for natural & human systems are higher for of 1.5°C than at present (1.1°C) but lower than at 2°C.

In land ecosystems, 3 to 14% of the tens of thousands of species assessed will likely face a very high risk of extinction at a global warming level of 1.5°C.

🦒This figure from 's Synthesis Report shows the risk of species losses when exposed to potentially dangerous temperature conditions beyond 1.5°C.


Photos from IPCC's post 02/03/2024

🫘 Raise your forks & celebrate 🎉

Yet, pulses aren't just nutritious for us, they're also superheroes for our soil & planet. From boosting soil structure to sequestering carbon, pulses are essential for a sustainable future.



•••Now available: Crude Hot/Cold pressed
Do not look too far to obtain your crude castor oil for several applications such as cosmetics,plastics among others.. Contact us today to obtain quantity in litres or tons.

We available to sign contrast to produce your desired castor oil derivatives such as hydrogen castor oil,turkey red castor oil, etc. Depending on your desired quantity and specifications.
Contact us today!


•••Urgent Demand:
We are here for castor value chain development from castor seed to castor oil and other castor oil derivatives.
Supply in average of half ton to a ton and above.


Sign up to cultivate and supply castor seed in tons
We sign MoU for:
• Brazilian White Castor Seed
•Any Indian Brown Variety
•Chinese varieties etc.
Sign up as soon as possible as we prepare for 2024 cultivation season.


Contact us for castor seed and other commodities market!
# castormarket


welcomes you to !


wishes you and your entire family a prosperous new year in advance.

See you in


••Castor Seed Production •••
••Production of castor is not according to its potency due to lesser availability of irrigated water and proper application of nutrients at marginal lands (Arif et al., 2015).

••According to estimation, one ton grain yield per hectare removes 30 kg of Nitrogen, 12 kg of Phosphorus and 10 kg of potassium (Kumar et al., 2015).

••NPK nutrients play major role in yield, so the optimum amount of these nutrients needs to be identified for better yield of castor at marginal lands.

Read more:


••Castor is grown for its seeds. The oil extracted from Castor seed is being used widely for various purposes. It is used as a lubricant in high speed engines and aero planes, in the manufacture of soaps, transparent paper, printing­inks, varnishes, linoleum and plasticizers etc.

••••Sign with us to cultivate castor against next season!
••Contact : +2348062210810 (Call/WhatsApp)


••••Yield of Castor•••
Generally, yield of any crop depends on factors like cultivar (variety), soil type, irrigation, climate and cultural practices. On an the following yield can be obtained.

• From rainfed castor crop: 250 to 500 kg/ha.
• From mixed crop castor : 100 to 200 kg/ha.
• From irrigated castor crop: 550 to 800 kg/ha.

Your yield might be above this range...per annum under perennial farming based on the years the castor has been on farm..the more the branches the better your yield!


•••Harvesting of Castor•••
••Time: The maturity of the crop depends on the variety. Most of the improved cultivars mature in about 140 to 175 days.

••Maturity symptoms: The easy indication of Castor maturity is when 1 or 2 capsules in bunch show signs of drying. The whole cluster should be removed and stacked. The harvesting of unripe capsules has an adverse effect on the oil content of the seed and these should be avoided. It is recommended to collect the fruits when they ripen.

••Threshing: After collecting entire crop, it should be dried in sun for couple of days and threshing should be done by beating the dried capsules with the help of stick. In rural areas, farmers use bullocks for threshing these crops. Winnowing should be done in the usual manner. One can use Castor Sheller as well to separate the seeds.



••••Varieties of Castor•••
The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules, duration, the size of seed and oil content.

•• Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH­1, GAUCH­4, YRCH 1, TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 and TMVCH.


••••Soil pH for Castor Cultivation•••
Castor seeds can be grown on a wide range of soils which are fairly deep and well drained.

°The most suitable soils for castor cultivation are deep, moderately fertile with slightly acidic conditions and well drained sandy loam soils.

°The ideal soil pH of soils should be around 6.0 for better yield. However, it can be cultivated on soils with pH range of 5.0 to 8.5.

••Castor can be grown well on fairly deep, moderately fertile, slightly acidic, and well-drained sandy loam soils. Heavy clays with poor drainage and marshy soils are not suitable for castor cultivation.

••The soil with low water holding capacity, pH > 9 and pH < 4, electrical conductivity (EC) >4 dS/m, and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) >20% is not suitable for castor cultivation.

••Moderately fertile soils are preferable than excessive fertile because excessive fertility favors vegetative growth in the expense of seed yield


: and
• is generally propagated through seeds and sown during June and July. However, it can be cultivated year-round under irrigated condition.

•Under rainfed conditions, the seeds are sown by plow furrow, and the seeds are dibbled by maintaining proper spacing under irrigated condition.

•The emergence of seedling is easy due to its epigeal seed germination behavior. Deep sowing (8–10 cm) is recommended in light soils under rainfed conditions, and shallow sowing (6–8 cm) is preferable under irrigated condition and heavy soils


: ,
•••••Seed Rate•••
•To cover one hectare of land, a seed rate of 10–12 kg is recommended, but it varied upon cultivars and sowing method.

•The seed rate will be 8–10 kg/ha for hand dibbling and for intercropping; it depends on sowing proportion component crops.

•••Castor plant spacing ••••
•The spacing of castor plantation varies with growth habit, duration of variety, and sowing time.

•Early and medium duration cultivars are sown at a closer spacing of 90 cm × 45 cm, and

• long duration cultivars are sown at a wider spacing of 90 cm × 60 cm under rainfed condition. 90 cm × 60 cm spacing is favorable under irrigated condition.

• However, under late sown situation, a narrow spacing (60 cm × 60 cm) is practiced to realize higher yields
>>read more from:


: Time, Dose and Method of Application

•The method of placement and the distance between fertilizers and seed may vary considerably depending on the crop, soil, region and fertilizer end.

•Mixing fertilizers directly with the castor seed, or using planters which place seed and fertilizer in contact in the seed bed, should be avoided, the thin testa of seed is easily damaged, causing seed to rot in the ground, reducing germination, and resulting in poor or uneven stands.

•The depth of placement of the fertilizer affects root development.Deep fertilizers placement also tends to produce a deep rooted plant better able to with stand drought, but since plants can only obtain their main supply and nutrients in solution, the soils in this region must be damp.

•For rain-fed castor, application of 20 kg N and 40 Kg P205 / ha as basal dose followed by top dressing with an additional 20 kg N/ha each at 30-40 and 65-70 days after sowing gives good economic response.

•In the event of a dry spell during first 50 to 55 days apply the first top dressing of N at the time of initiation of secondary as and when rains are received.

•Besides a basal dose of 40 kg N and 40 Kg P205/ha, irrigated castor of more than 180 days duration requires the additional application of N at the rate of 20 kg/ha at each successive picking starting from 90 days of harvest of first order spike i.e. intervals of 30 days.

Avoid higher levels of N than recommended, as it results in excessive vegetative growth and weak root system.
>>More info:


One of the reasons for low castor yield is the lack of sufficient amount of water available for the crop to mature and improper fertilizer inputs availability for this crop.

Whilst, castor is drought tolerant plant and can be grown on wide climatic regimes and is an ideal crop for arid and semi-arid zones with humid climate (Falasca et al., 2012), the availability of balanced nutrients is very necessary for high yield.

The amount of seed input or rate per ha (plant population density) ,seed type and farm management strategies employed are also among factors affecting castor yield.


Exciting News! 🌾🌍 We are thrilled to announce that Africa Rice Center is part of the 6th edition of SARA (Salon International de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales) from September 29th to October 8th, 2023! 🎉
Join us at our stand as we showcase the latest innovations and advancements in rice research.

🌾📚 Discover how we're working towards a more sustainable and food-secure Africa.
Save the date and come visit us! 🌾👩‍🌾👨‍🌾


Learn about prioritizing agriculture sectors in adaptation with this infographic!

Via Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Videos (show all)

Jesus Christ is the reason for the season...We celebrate Christmas with all the community members .All of us at #CastorA...
Main challenges for the biofuel production industryFeedstocksSourcing economically viable feedstocks is a big challenge ...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 13:00