Dr.R (MD)

Dr.R (MD)

Hi i am Dr.Rhoda Asuquo and i welcome you to the official page of Health with Dr.R which is all abou


Love Letter Series:
Dear R,

The greatest disservice you can do to yourself is make promises to yourself and go awry on them.

For example, promising to read as many books to boost your performance and failing to meet up with just one a month.

R, you owe yourself the honor of growing, making promises, and keeping them.

Love Always,
🖼️:My little reading corner.


Congratulations on your journey into 2024.
I pray for a smooth ride and a soft landing for you this year.
We start the year with this preventive keyword *KNOW!*

Know your limit and learn to say NO!

Know what your body can carry and do not stretch beyond your capability.

Know a better approach to things and carefully map out your moves one should put you under undue pressure that may land you where you never imagined.

Know this, most of the "after a brief illness" talks are stress-induced though an underlying cause would have been there.

While we may not be in control of everything, the ones we can, have a reasonable measure of control.

Have a beautiful year ahead.


Hey Look!
This year has been one of a kind.
Very eye opening !
Had a deeper and quite frankly pragmatic approach to life,a flicker boss!
You see health matters? prevention is key!!!
There are single words to explain prevention.
This week's command word for me is

While we can't completely be in control,we can look!

*Look before you cross the road!
*Look to be sure you're on the safe lane!
*Look to be sure you're not alighting from the wrong side of the road!
*Look to your left and to your right, be sure no one is driving in the wrong lane!
*Look to be sure your vehicle is in good condition before you step out!
*Look out for just any sign of inconvenience before you proceed,a tummy ache may be it,a headache may be a danger sign,a slight push and heaviness in the chest maybe all it takes to knock you off to the other side,a wheeze may be all you get to hear before that distress comes!

Don't let the mistake of not looking reap you off today!

Have a beautiful day and may the remaining days of the week be as radiant as this picture!
Congratulations to Ekikere Ikator Ern and El Maurice on sealing it legally.
This Saturday we go traditionally.
God is in it!!!


Sickle cell awareness is key. While speaking on care for special needs children, I made emphasis on care for children living with sickle cell. This was in line with the theme of world sickle cell day 2023.

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 15/10/2022

Another day to mark the global hand washing day-16/10/22 as I take the children of joy prime schools on the importance of hand washing, the WASH project activity of by Rotary Club Uyo Municipal.

It was an interactive session as I used the stories from book 1 to teach them.

Have you ordered a copy of this engaging storytelling book to improve health amongst children within your community?

Order a copy today!


Mental health is a very crucial global concern
I remember when I started creating awareness on it,some persons slid into my dm to ask if I was okay.
You see the spirit-man and its agent,the mind are the strongest weapon ,followed by the tongue.

In my few years of medical practice,I have come to understand the relationship between one's state of mind and one's physical being in response to treatment.
The state of mind determines the outcome of treatment,for e.g a man who's thinking in his head,he's going to die ,no matter the length you go in treating him,he will end up dying anyway.Sad right?

That's why chronic disease management should be managed multi-systemically ,depression and other mental alterations should be considered,so mental rehabilitation can commence immediately for a favorable outcome.

With sickle cell sufferers and observing the trend pattern of pain,I have come to understand that the strongest form of pain for them is mental pain(still undergoing research).

A child's performance in school or outside school environs,a baby's growth and development,is highly influenced by his or her mental surrounding,an unloved or underappreciated child automatically develops a feeling of resentment towards the ones he or she expects love from,and would do anything and everything bad that will get their attention,and if he or she doesn't succeed ,would grow up resenting and even hating them.

A mentally abused child becomes a social menace as an adult,I tagged them as "wanted" adults.

The performance of an employee depends on the treatment he or she receives from his or her workplace.
A man or woman who commits su***de didn't wake up one morning to go hang himself or drink poison,it started some years or months ago from a thought conceited in his or her head by a constantly nagging or abusive family member,negative pressure from work,friends or an unstable society.
The high rate of su***de and crimes will increase in Nigeria if nothing is done about the state of leadership for those who don't have a way out,hence in 2023,we have do right by ourselves.
So you see,mental health is a global problem to be taken seriously.
I am Health with Dr.R!


Photo taken while giving a welcome speech at the unveiling of the Swahlf Sickle Cell Club ,Ikot Ekpene by Sickle Cell And Healthy Living] on the 27th of September,2022.

Often times I have been asked why sickle cell?
There are speculations about me having the SS genotype and some persons have even asked my mother.

Could this be the reason why?
My answer:It is not about my genotype or about loosing a close family to sickle cell complications,it is about the fact that malaria has drugs and in many centers are given free,drugs to control hypertension and diabetes are readily available,drugs for HIV are given for free and this is because there are many voices raised to the fight against these conditions.

How many voices are raised towards the fight of sickle cell and while this alongside cancer are due to genetic misplacement with no fault of the sufferers, there's a lot to be done and this is why I say YES as a voice,it may be small today but I am positive that in no distant time, I will a be global SCD voice bringing solutions in the areas of prevention and control through genetic interventions.

I am Health with Dr.R,the founder of Sickle Cell And Healthy Living] and I remain grateful to God for making me a restless youth,yearning to solve a public health problem -Sickle Cell.
Thank you.


Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 09/09/2022

My two areas of focus for change and impact :Health and Education.
So Help me God!

Meanwhile ,a new school session is about to begin hence I plead with parents and guardians who come for certificate of medical fitness for their wards to stop avoiding carrying out essential investigations especially blood group,genotype and others.
It can help save a life in future!

Ensure your child has a clean bill of health!
To my colleagues,ensure all necessary investigations are done and a thorough clinical assessment made before issuing out a certificate of medical fitness.
T for thanks.


Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 25/08/2022

The Thick Process:Help for warriors.
(With full consent obtained)
Here's one of my trying times and I have these pictures and clips to show forth as evidence
There are many times I have felt like giving up but moments like this keep me going.
I was asked a question by the Intercontinental boss Bush this evening ,"Why Sickle Cell?Is that your line of practice as a medical doctor?
My answer was simple ," I do my work as a medical doctor but this right here is me fulfilling God's work as a human being with ofcourse my personal experience !"
I am doing my quota,how about you?

Emediong ,17 year old indigent sickle cell sufferer who with her consent and her parents,is appealing to the public"s consent to enable her walk again.
She would love to continue her education as she couldn't cope with school having been hospitalized for 9 months due to her condition (a damaged hip and collapsed vertebrae).
She needs surgery,your token can go a long way to help her get her life back.

Dunamis is a 36 year old graduate to a poor mother who cannot make good use his certificate.
He was laid off work (work victimization) due to his condition.
Sickle Cell Complication has left him with two damaged hips and he needs a hip replacement surgery.
He currently puts on just a pair of shoes carefully tailored to suit his shortened limbs and battles daily with painful crisis.

Listen to a playback on the Michael Bush show on xl106.9fm as these warriors tell their stories and how far we have come to raising funds for their surgery.

Do you want to help get these two warriors fully back on their two feet without the unpleasant daily pain crisis?
Send a donation with description to
Sickle Cell Warriors'Care and Healthy Living Foundation
Keystone Bank

Post Scriptum:
Take Note of my struggles now so you don't get surprised at my victories later!
God bless you!

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 18/08/2022

Yesterday, my attention was drawn to a WCW post made by my darling friend and colleague Dr Uduak Nkanta on most of the medical groups I'm a part of.

Babe, I feel so honored for this and many other congratulatory messages from members of the platforms.
God bless you,dear!

This is one of the reasons why I won't give up on my dream on seeing the Nigerian health care system restructured.

I am Health with Dr.R


Still very valid and more worrisome as this is becoming a trend.

THE DISTURBING TREND OF BABY SKIN BLEACHING AND HEALTH IMPLICATIONS BY RHODA ASUQUO M.D A three-year-old child I will love to call Susan was rushed into the emergency center by her father and her aunt, her mother’s sister. She had sustained a cut on her forehead following a fall.

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 30/06/2022

Grateful Thursday!
This year,I have been blessed to learn so much from and the opportunity and ability to put these lessons to good use has been the icing on the cake.

I will love to share one of the things I learnt :How to get back to donors ,to compile an impact and evaluation report for donors.
One of the things my foundation has gotten around to do this year is pening down a proper evaluation report of the funding we received late last year and early this year.

I have also developed myself as a brand through the lessons learnt from every IHA social impact webinar and though I don't post much due to time constraint,a lot has been birthed and I shall share soon.

Thank you,Thank you .
Still yet to join the Social Innovation School?You are not late,you can still be a part of this life-changing programs.

P.S:These pictures were taken during the sickle cell Nigeria 2022 organized by to commemorate the world Sickle cell day.

I am Health with Dr.R.

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 06/06/2022

Today's Monday,find your mental space and make good use of it....!

Life's too short,learn to take a break and learn to say NO.

Haven't you noticed that whenever you fall Ill at work,there's always someone to fill in or take your space?

Studies have linked work-related stress to a significant cause of depression.

Stop giving up yourself for victimization and bullying at work,SPEAK up but respectfully...!!
I am Dr.R ,an apostle of preventive medicine.I advocate for childcare,sickle cell and mental health.

Photo:Took a stroll to Ibaka Deep Sea Port after setting up The sick bay at Golden Schools Ibaka,bought plenty fish(es) for my mum.....🤗

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 01/06/2022

A sick bay is an important facility that helps to monitor the health condition of both pupils and teachers. This should not be absent in any school be it private or public and as far as education and the performance of a child in school is concerned, health plays the most vital role(both physically and mentally).

It is my utmost wish that every child irrespective of location or background is fully equipped to attain any educational heights hence no child’s educational journey be cut short.

This in tandem with SDGs 3 and 4 projects my reason for Adopt A School program in partnership with well-meaning individuals and organizations to build a sickbay per time per school, especially ones in disadvantaged communities whose closest primary health facility is not within reach.

I adopted the Golden Schools, Ibaka in Mbo as my first school, and with gratitude to God for an opportunity like this, I have fulfilled my promise. My team and I went to the school to set up The kid’s sickbay on the 17th of May,2022 as part of our Child First Project of the Sickle Cell Warriors’ Care And Healthy Living Foundation.

The School was given a copy of The Kids’ Health Book One with a workbook as a health guide, bought by Idongesitout of love for six schools in disadvantaged communities.

You too can be a part of this because every child deserves to learn in good health. No child’s grades should suffer because he or she did not have access to a basic facility like a sick bay. You can donate in cash, basic medications, sickbay items like bed, locker, and first aid kits, or be part of the team.

You can send an email to [email protected] or a WhatsApp message to +2347032293681.

I am Dr. R, a childcare and sickle cell advocate, a preacher of the gospel of preventive medicine.
God bless you and have yourselves a beautiful June!


Reposted from The Relief fundraising to mark our founder's birthday was possible and successful because of her precious friends, family .4.joy uduaknkanta and the Rotary Club,Uyo Municipal.

Our dear warriors in need received the kind donations with excitement and appreciation.


Dr Rhoda and her team setting up The Kids' Sick Bay at Golden Schools, Ibaka. Her first adopted school.


Adopt A School is the pet project of Health with Dr.R with the aim at improving education through health promotion in all schools and set up sick bays in disadvantaged communities.

Dr Rhoda and her team setting up The Kids' Sick Bay at Golden Schools, Ibaka,her first adopted school.


Dear parents,teachers and other child caregivers,
There can be a lot of good accomplished by men if we have more responsible and accountable men and this starts with training the boy-child.

It starts from the home,it starts from the school ,it starts from the churches and mosques.It starts from the boy's community.
The boy-child deserves a stable mental health too

Today,I learnt of a primary 5 boy who smokes and drinks...haba!!!

Dear Parents,
Stop assuming he's strong and will be fine,he's a mere child and probably getting the strength you expect of and from him from somewhere or someone who's abusing him or teaching him bad habits like smoking or drinking ;maybe he's learning from you that irresponsible parent who has failed to understand that children learn by watching!
Enough said!

I celebrate every boy child out there and every fine young man who didn't succumb to the pressures of the society nor allow the troubles of their childhood days turn them into a public menace!


Sometimes,the solution we so seek are within!


Grateful for all the wishes 🤗 and I am super pumped for the year ahead!
Meanwhile,ever heard of circadian rhythm?I had to adjust activities in my life so I can age better,You should do same.
One day,I will explain the relationship between this rhythm and stress levels.
In the meantime,try and get as much sleep as you can,trust me,you don't want to die frowning or sad,you want to die smiling!
P.S: A smiling dead man is one who died after a fulfilled life on earth!


Dear School Directors and Caregivers,the taught school curriculum is not enough,your kids need extra value.
They need to learn about health,safety ,protection and values .

As a caregiver of kids,you need to be up to date on the standard of care for children.

I know it may be overwhelming but through programs,we can help build great kids from your school to the society today and tomorrow.
P.S Health Education at Nuco Schools.


Prayerfully and Hopefully!
Welcome to your best month yet!


Thank you Ideation Hub Africa] for the opportunity to learn at the social innovation school.

If you are a young social innovator or a young founder of an organization,the social innovation school is for you.

Out of the many lessons I learnt,I'd love to share a few.

As a social saviour,I learnt
1.About The value in teamwork, collaboration and partnership.
2.About The power of consistency
3.That passion will not be enough,you must bring your heart and head to the game.
4.About the power of meaningful storytelling
5.Having the ability to be flexible but still staying within your core.
6.About solving a problem using the onion model.
7.About getting the right business model for sustainability.
8.Understanding the balance between impact,purpose and profit
9.About the seven mistakes social saviors do and one is the blanket approach to finding solutions.
Are you looking for the best school online to up your game as a social innovator,look no further.
Kindly check out Ideation Hub Africa] .


A reality that has come to stay!
We need each other to stay alive.We need to look out for one another.We need to check up on one another and we need to ask one another "How are you?" and wait for a damn reply!

Apart from the things we already know about the effect of mental stress,do you know that it affects the speed of healing and response to treatment especially in patients with long standing Illness and conditions with no straightforward cure?
Mental Health is important.Let us talk more about it!
Yours truly


A word is enough for the wise!
Good morning and have a beautiful week ahead!
at all!

is key!

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 08/03/2022

Locate me if you can.
Thank you for celebrating me.Happy International Women's Day to every strong woman out there.

Rhoda Asuquo is a medical doctor from Akwa Ibom State with a deep-rooted passion to change the status quo in her field of specialization.

She is the founder of Sickle Cell Warriors'Care And Healthy Living Foundation, an organization creating awareness on sickle cell and supporting individuals living with sickle cell.

Over a period of three years, Rhoda through her foundation has educated and conducted genotype testing on over 3000 children in Akwa Ibom State.

She alongside volunteers and devoted caregivers and individuals has supported over 50 individuals living with sickle cell in Akwa Ibom.

The foundation through her leadership has opened a sickle cell center in Akwa Ibom State solely to tend to the needs of sickle cell sufferers.

Through , Dr. Rhoda has written a kids' health series book to educate children and their caregivers on taking care of their health through fun learning stories.


Source:Health line
Pls hold your hearts in one place.We the health workers want to enjoy Monday too .
I am still dishing out health tips because I am health with Dr.R🤪
Have a great weekend

With 💕
Dr R.

Photos from Dr.R (MD)'s post 25/01/2022

Day 2 of the Capacity Building of Health Workers in Medical Emergencies organized by Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Health in collaboration with Ministry of Health...(23-29th January,2022)

Capacity Building for me is simply learning,unlearning and relearning skills and I am glad to be a part of this.

This year for me will be about personal growth and development,community development and kingdom investment.What will this year be about for you?

Yours in Health


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Dr Rhoda and her team setting up The Kids' Sick Bay at Golden Schools, Ibaka. Her first adopted school. #healtheducation
Adopt A School is the pet project of Health with Dr.R with the aim at improving education through health promotion in al...
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Uyo Obio