Tanya Z - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen

Iyengar yoga in Amstelveen,
Lindenlaan 75.
0627979300 Tanya.

My classes are:
Amstelveen, Lindenlaan 75 (Shiva Yoga Center), 1185 LC
Monday 09:30 - 10:45
Tuesday 20:00 - 21:15,
Saturday 11:10 - 12:15

2 trial lessons - 15 euro, 10 lessons - 125 euro (valid 1 year)

Photos from Tanya Z  - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen's post 31/12/2020

Happy New Year, dear friends!!! I wish you all to be happy and healthy! This year was very different and disappointing. But I’m a lucky girl, these lockdowns helped me to go deeper in my self-practice. I have met so many fantastic teachers online, all the way from India, US, Russia... I’m so grateful! On the photo is a little surprise from today from my body. I never managed this asana before. big thanks to from your online pupil! 😘😘😘


From 05.11 till 18.11 zoom only! All levels are welcome! Link in comments.


My dear followers of this page. I don't post a lot of things on this page and feel sorry. I would like to invite you to follow my personal page https://www.facebook.com/tatiana.zanina.9/. Last days I was using it for all the news. The new schedule of my yoga classes in Amstelveen is Monday 9-30 (Russian and English), Tuesday 20-00 (English), Saturday 11-00 (English).

Photos from Tanya Z  - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen's post 21/06/2019

Today is International Yoga Day! Have a good practice! The pictures are taken from Celebration in December in India. Copyright RIMYI, Pune. Photograph Shael Sharma.


Summer!!! Where are you?! We need you! We love you! And yes tomorrow (08.06.19) we practice in Shiva at 11:15. See you on the mat!


При артрозе... очень полезная и ценная инфо. Спасибо!

Друзья , статья Ольги Ильинской
"Методы йоги айенгара против артроза и других проблем
с тазобедренными суставами" опубликована на нашем сайте.
.. Тазобедренный сустав это самый крепкий и прочный сустав, он несёт на себе вес всего тела. У него огромный диапазон действий, например, он отвечает за перемещение тела в пространстве. Проблемы внутри сустава и в окружающих его мягких тканях могут возникать из-за травм и нефизиологических нагрузок...



Sequence for low blood pressure. You can look at the pictures if you don’t speak Russian.

Статья Ольги Ильинской про особенности практики при низком давлении выложена на нашем сайте.

НИЗКОЕ ДАВЛЕНИЕ, или гипотензия, связано с пониженным жиз­нен­ным тонусом организма. Причины низкого давления могут быть разные: недавно перенесённая болезнь, побочный эффект лечения, общая слабость. Низкое давление может вести к системным расстройствам организма...



Some wisdom words from Iyengar yoga convention with Abhijata Iyengar in May 2018 in Amsterdam. She was asking us to lift the chest, and she showed even how we think about lifting the chest - physically pushing the breast bone forward, but it’s not what is needed. And after she explained: in Prāṇāyāma you have to lift the content of the chest to meet the container, and then the container lifts to meet the skin. I must say it made a big change in my breath, in the way I felt. It moves attention very deep. And definitely you can think about your chest this way not only in Pranayama. Try it!



Funny Friday


Hi guys! I am very happy to announce my decision about expiration of your passes. Now 10-lessons pass is valid for 1 year. And if you use your 10-lessons pass within 6 weeks you will get 2 lessons for free! Hope you like these ideas. See you on the mat!


Wow! That’s fun! Looking forward to try!


A lot has happened this year, I passed Intermediate Junior I exam and I went to India for the first time in my life. The most impressive thing from India was teaching of Geeta (the daughter of Guruji), who passed away 2 days after I got back. So we were taking the last wisdom words from her, she was very sharp in her teaching and in her judging, she saw people with problems and she didn’t need x-rays to help them. She inspired me a lot, so my new year resolution is to start joining a medical yoga class as an assistant. We all know that therapeutical help in yoga is a side effect. It means yoga itself is bigger than physical exercises. We all know it, but I want to bring more attention to it in 2019 on philosophical aspects of this ancient art too.
So I hope that next year will bring us a lot of good classes, full of self-realization, self-awareness and self-study. As well of course I hope we all will be healthy and happy.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and my best wishes for the New Year!


On the 18.11.2018 I have passed my Intermediate Junior I exam. All poses with Padmasana (lotus) legs are not easy for me, you can see it on the picture: the knees are still not resting on the feet. Very happy I did it! Now I am looking forward to my trip to India.

Photos from Yoganusasanam - Iyengar Yoga Delhi's post 19/11/2018

Good reminder!


Sorry guys in Russian... С научной точки зрения о стойке на голове. Очень доступно.


Hello everyone! Next week is a herfstvakantie. So I cancelled 2 lessons. 22.10.18 Monday at 9:30 and 24.10.18 Wednesday at 9:30 are not happening. But on Tuesday 23.10 at 20:30 and on Saturday 27.10 at 11:15 classes are ON! Please drop by as I think it won't be crowded.

Photos from Tanya Z  - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen's post 11/10/2018

People! I need you! My class on Tuesday, the first one I run in 2014 is struggling because of little number of students. It’s a great time slot if you like coming home after work spending time with your family and after leave. It’s 20:30, till 22:00. What I can promise: yoga is making your body strong and flexible, it’s improving your mood, clears your head, yoga improves your immune system and you will learn how to relax after the day full of stress. All levels are welcome!


Iyengar yoga focuses on good lift of the arches of the feet. So for example as an idea to improve flat feet practice Virasana.

Virasana – A Cure For Flat Feet

Virasana, when done daily and for a good length of time, can aid in curing a common condition known as flat feet.

Flat feet can be a major obstacle to an effective Iyengar yoga practice. This condition occurs when the inner arch of the foot collapses, and can lead to all sorts of complications, including unstable ankle support and lower back problems. From an Iyengar yoga perspective, when the inner arches of the feet are dropped it becomes difficult to activate the inner legs and consequently the whole inner body remains dull. Virasana is an essential pose in addressing this defect.
In BKS Iyengar’s classic text on yoga, Light On Yoga, each asana is presented visually and descriptively, as well as defining its effects. Virasana is a basic sitting pose where one sits on the buttocks, tops of the feet, and shins, with the hips positioned between the ankles . It is a pose that, with more experienced practitioners, can be taken at the beginning of a practice, most commonly in the lying position, supta virasana, in order to soothe the thighs and quieten the mind before taking more vigorous poses. It can also be a useful pose to take at the end of a standing pose sequence, to ‘refresh’ the legs. At other times it can be taken as part of any sitting pose sequence, or used as a pose to take when doing different arm variations (parvatasana, gomukhasana, etc), or even as a sitting pose for pranayama.
In the ‘effects’ for virasana Iyengar states: ’The pose….. is good for flat feet. Due to the stretching of the ankles and the feet, proper arches will be formed. This, however, takes a long time and requires daily practice of the pose for a few minutes for several months.’ That he states for the effects of this pose to be fully appreciated the pose needs to be done regularly over a long period of time is important. Recently a class taken by one of Iyengars daughters, Sunita, and she explained that BKS would, when required, take the poses like one takes medicine. And for the poses to be taken medicinally they often need to be held for a good length of time, at least five to ten minutes.
To be able to take a pose daily for a good length of time on a daily (or at least regular) basis requires another ingredient. This ingredient is essential for anyone to maintain a regular practice generally . ‘Sraddha’ is translated as trust, and this is necessary in order to have faith in the process while the ‘long time’ plays itself out.
BKS Iyengar lists a number of other poses as being useful for curing flat feet, such as all the standing poses, head and shoulder stand, and numerous other poses . Most of the other poses have a virasana component to them, so this could be considered the cornerstone pose for this condition. Thus virasana, mixed with consistency and faith, is the key in Iyengar yoga to treating flat feet.



From 23.07 till 17.08 no lessons.

Saturday 18.08, 25.08 (11:15),
Tuesdays 21.08, 28.08 (20:30) and
Wednesday 22.08, 29.08 (9:30) - CLASSES are HAPPENING.

01.09 (Saturday) - no class due to study.

Wish everyone lovely summer!
On the picture is my home town Saint-Petersburg and Hermitage Museum. It's the second-largest museum in the world.


Before a summer break I am gonna teach a workshop about twists! Save the date: 15.07.18 (Sunday) from 12:00 till 15:00. All levels are welcome!

Abhijata Iyengar - Convention européenne - Mai 2018 - Marseille 28/05/2018

Abhijata Iyengar - Convention européenne - Mai 2018 - Marseille Entretien en anglais avec Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar, petite-fille de B.K.S. Iyengar lors de la Convention européenne 2018 à Marseille (18-21 mai).


I am going!!!! So happy!!! Who is with me?

IYVN Convention Archieven - 05/05/2018

The granddaughter Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar is coming to the Netherlands very very soon! Now you can buy a 'light' ticket for the convention for 24.05 and 25.05. It's a great and unique opportunity! When will you go to Pune to try yoga with Iyengar family?! Hope to see you there!

IYVN Convention Archieven -

Treating Parkinson’s with yoga - Mumbai Mirror - 04/05/2018

Treating Parkinson’s with yoga - Mumbai Mirror - The ancient Indian practice could help alleviate some of the debilitating symptoms of this progressive neurological disease, say experts.

Photos from Tanya Z  - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen's post 03/05/2018

Why I am so in love with Iyengar yoga that you don't need to be "special" to experience the fruits of yoga. I am simply stretching my arms on the pictures but I am achieving much more than straight arms. I am fully involved and intense, the inner awareness is developing. Of course there is a physical aspect to it to. Our Guruji BKS Iyengar always laid extensive emphasis on keeping the arms and legs straight by extending of the tendons. When these tendons are extended they reduce the strain on the muscles which perform the same action with less effort. And effort become effortless. The picture is taken in Iyengar yoga Institute of Amsterdam with the great teacher Delilah King.


I would like to thank you all for your support! The workshop about balancing asanas raised 500 euro! I'm extremely grateful for your donations. Will send it very soon to Artem's family!

Photos from Tanya Z  - Iyengar Yoga - Amstelveen's post 06/04/2018

Tomorrow at 18:00 I will teach a workshop about Balancing asanas! And I will definitely mention some of these pictures. The more I study the subject, the more I realise how amazing our body is. And there are still places left, so you can take a friend!

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Our Story

My classes are:
Amstelveen, Lindenlaan 75 (Shiva Yoga Center), 1185 LC
Monday 09:30 - 11:00
Tuesday 20:30 - 22:00,
Wednesday 09:30 - 11:00
Saturday 11:15 - 12:30

2 trial lessons - 15 euro, 10 lessons - 125 euro (valid 1 year), 4 lessons - 55 euro (valid 6 weeks.

Video's (alles zien)


Lindenlaan 75


Maandag 09:30 - 11:00
Dinsdag 20:00 - 22:00
Zaterdag 11:00 - 12:30

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