
Merk- & marketingstrateeg | 20 jaar ervaring | Demand Generation | Growth Marketing | Branding


Time to get your marketing and sales back on track and build momentum?

📾 Just like this train I captured, steadily moving towards its next station, consistency in your marketing and sales is key to reaching your next level.

How do you stay in momentum?
→ A solid strategy
→ consistent ex*****on
→ and quality work

Too busy to manage it all?
Team up with the experts, and we’ll make sure your marketing gets back on track.

Let’s keep things moving.đŸ‘ŠđŸŸ


A sunflower in the middle of the concrete jungle of Rotterdam – now that stands out!

I snapped this picture while walking with my son through the city, and it got me thinking.

Just like this sunflower, your business needs to pop in a busy market. If your target audience doesn’t see you or know you exist, they’ll never buy from you – no matter how great your offer is.

That’s why a solid branding and marketing strategy is crucial. You don’t just want to be there; you want to be noticed among all the noise.

How are you making sure your audience sees you and chooses you?


Ever wonder what makes great SEO? It’s simpler than you think. Let me share a game-changing tip with you. 👇

One of my favorite SEO quotes is: "Think about what the user is going to type." 💡

At its core, SEO isn’t just about algorithms or keywords. It’s about understanding your audience’s mindset. What are they searching for? What questions do they need answers to? If you can nail that, you’re halfway there.

When you start with the user in mind, everything else—keywords, content, even your site structure—falls into place. It’s like having a conversation with your potential customers, where you’re anticipating their needs and offering exactly what they’re looking for.

So next time you’re working on your SEO, pause for a second and think: What would you type if you were looking for your product or service? Start there, and you’ll see the magic happen.

Curious to see how your website stands SEO-wise? Send me a DM, and I’ll provide you with a deep SEO scan, no strings attached. I’ve already helped many entrepreneurs get a clear picture—let me help you too!


Ever wonder why some goals stay dreams while others become reality? Here's the secret sauce: What gets measured gets accomplished.

Let’s be real—if you’re not tracking it, it’s probably not happening. Whether it’s your sales targets, marketing KPIs, or even personal growth, putting numbers to your goals makes all the difference. When you start measuring, you gain clarity, focus, and a clear path to success.

Think about it: When was the last time you set a goal and really tracked your progress? How much more motivated were you to hit that target?

So, take a moment today and ask yourself—what are you measuring in your business and life? And more importantly, what aren’t you measuring that you should be?

If you’re ready to turn your goals into accomplishments, start by measuring what matters. Need help setting up those key metrics? Drop me a DM, and let’s make your goals a reality!


🚀 You're all set to grow your business, ready to shoot for the moon like an astronaut. But soon you realize....

you can't do it all alone.

I came across this image in Valencia, and it really hits home. Many entrepreneurs try to handle everything themselves, but when it comes to marketing, that's where things get overwhelming. You end up short on time and feeling the pressure.

Bringing in a team of marketing experts to accelerate your growth allows you to focus on running your business while the experts grow your brand.

Need more focus on what you do best?
Want instant access to top marketing expertise?
Looking for faster results with targeted strategies?

Stop trying to do everything yourself. Let a team of experts support your growth so you can confidently scale your business.

Need help? Shoot me a DM!


While exploring the seafood section at a fish market in Valencia, I came across this striking display of jaws, reminding me that in both the ocean and business, survival is about strategy.

Just as sharks rule their waters, a well-crafted marketing plan ensures you stay ahead of the competition.

In business, just like in nature, survival isn't about being the biggest or strongest. It's about being the smartest.

These fearsome sharks serve as a perfect metaphor: the ones that dominate the deep waters are those that have mastered their environment.

In business, it's not enough to simply compete; you need to outthink and outmaneuver your competition with a strategy that bites harder than theirs.

→ Study your competitors closely. Understand their strengths and weaknesses, then strike where they're vulnerable or inattentive.

→ Stay agile – Just like the currents in the ocean, markets shift constantly. A successful marketing strategy is one that can adapt and evolve quickly.

→ Find your niche – Instead of competing head-to-head, focus on a unique angle or underserved segment of the market where you can dominate.

→ Build brand loyalty – It's not just about having a superior product; it’s about creating a compelling brand story that resonates and builds lasting relationships.

→ In the end, it’s not the sharpest teeth that win, it’s the smartest moves. Be the one that’s always one step ahead, always thinking, always adapting.

What’s your strategy to stay on top?


Chasing quick wins in your business?

Let’s talk about what really gets you traction!

Many entrepreneurs who start a journey with me have one goal in mind: gaining traction ASAP! They want fast customers, fast revenue, and the ability to reinvest in their business growth. And who wouldn’t?

But here’s the thing—getting that traction isn’t about overcomplicating things. The strategy that works is often a straightforward mix of branding, marketing, and sales. One naturally follows the other. It’s linear, not rocket science.

So why do so many struggle? It’s the lack of consistent action. The process tends to slow down because many entrepreneurs aren’t sure what steps to take next, especially when it comes to sales. Let’s be real—who actually learned sales in school?

That’s where an integrated approach comes in handy. It’s not just about knowing what to do; it’s about seeing it in action. Sometimes, all it takes is someone showing you the ropes so you can really understand the process.

Are you ready to take those consistent steps toward growth? Let’s chat about how to make it happen!


Have you ever thought about what you’d do in an emergency?

Last week, I spent a morning at First Aid Assist, and it was an eye-opener.

I learned the basics of CPR, and while it’s something I hope I never have to use, I’m incredibly glad I now know how. It’s one of those skills you never think about until you need it— and then, it could make all the difference.

A huge shoutout to Soedjai and the team at First Aid Assist for not just teaching, but creating an experience that sticks with you.

It's funny how stepping out of your usual routine can equip you with knowledge that might just save a life.

Have you ever taken a course like this? How did it change your perspective?


Are you using AI to boost your productivity and make your work more enjoyable?

It’s wild how much AI can transform your day-to-day tasks! By integrating AI tools into your workflow, you're not just getting more done, you’re doing it smarter, faster, and with way more fun.

Whether it’s automating those repetitive tasks, streamlining communication, or finding insights in data you’d usually miss, AI is changing the game.

But here’s the thing: it's not just about working harder, it’s about working smarter. And trust me, when you start using AI effectively, your productivity goes through the roof, and your work feels a lot less like a grind.

So, how are you using AI to work smarter and enjoy your day more?

Not sure where to start with AI? Let’s connect, and I’ll show you how to integrate AI into your workflow for maximum impact.


Ever been tempted by those quick-fix sales promises from the gurus?

Did you ever work with those fast-talking sales cowboys who promised you rapid growth, but never bothered to ask about the true length of your sales cycle?

Maybe you wanted to believe that a quick win was just around the corner.

But here's the thing.
Real growth rarely comes from shortcuts.

If your industry has a longer sales cycle, no amount of flashy tactics will bypass that reality.

It’s all about playing the long game, understanding your market, and building genuine connections.

So, ask yourself—are you ready to stop chasing quick wins and start focusing on strategies that actually work for the long haul?

Let’s chat about how to build a sustainable growth plan that respects your sales cycle. 🚀


Time for a Reality Check?

Are You Hungry for New Marketing Results?

Let’s be real—marketing is a long game, not a quick sales sprint.

If your marketing efforts aren’t bringing in the leads or sales you expected, and you know there’s untapped potential in your market, it’s time to take a step back and ask yourself:

→ Did you lose patience and pull the plug too early because the results weren’t instant?

→ Were you sold on the idea of fast fixes by marketers who didn’t tell you the truth about the long-term commitment?

→ Did you hope against hope that marketing was a quick fix when, deep down, you knew it requires consistency and a long-term approach?

💡Real growth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s built through consistent, strategic efforts that compound over time.

So, are you ready to commit to the long game and see real, lasting results?

Let’s talk about how you can make that happen. 🚀


Are you stuck in "paralysis by analysis"?

Let's get moving! 🚀

Just like my two boys exploring the streets of Rotterdam with endless energy, marketing is all about taking action.

→ First, map out where you want to go: set your goals.
→ Next, decide on the route: create your plan.
→ Then, it's all about taking action and moving forward.
→ Whatever obstacles come your way, you adapt and keep going.

💡It’s easier when you’ve got an experienced team by your side—ready to jump in with strategies, advice, and swift ex*****on so you don’t lose momentum.

How clear are your goals?
Do you have a concrete plan?
Are you in action mode?

Or are you stuck in the dreaded "paralysis by analysis"?

Let's chat about how to get your marketing moving in the right direction!


Ben jij ook toe aan een duurzame marketingstrategie?

Marketing is een marathon, geen sprint.

Dagelijks heb ik strategie sessies met ondernemers.Van MKB’ers in de installatietechniek tot SaaS-ontwikkelaars, praktijkhouders, coaches en zelfs fine line tattoo artists.

Iedereen heeft zijn eigen unieke doelen en wensen. De Ă©Ă©n wil zo snel mogelijk nieuwe klanten binnenhalen om te groeien, de ander wil top of mind blijven of een nieuw product lanceren.

Een strategie sessie helpt je niet alleen om je richting te bepalen, maar geeft je ook frisse inzichten in de huidige marketingwereld.

We duiken in de nieuwste technologieën, online innovaties, AI en meer.

Samen bouwen we een strategie die perfect aansluit op jouw doelen en situatie, met een concreet plan voor uitvoering.

Klinkt dit als iets voor jou? Wil je eens sparren over jouw marketingdoelen?

De eerste sessie is op mijn kosten—geen verplichtingen, gewoon waarde.

Stuur me een DM, dan plannen we snel wat in. Let’s get to work! đŸ’Ș


"Good things take time"?

Well, that's marketing in a nutshell.

It’s not about quick wins or overnight successes
it’s a long game
a marathon
not a sales sprint.

In marketing, consistency is key.
It’s about building relationships, nurturing leads, and creating value over time.

You can’t rush trust, and you definitely can’t fast-forward credibility.

Sure, a well-placed ad or a limited-time offer might give you a short-term boost, but real, sustainable growth? That comes from playing the long game.

It’s about being present, showing up for your audience day in and day out, and delivering content that resonates.

So, if you’re feeling the pressure to sprint, take a deep breath and remember: the race isn’t won in a day.

It’s won by those who pace themselves, stay focused, and keep their eyes on the horizon.

Are you ready to embrace the marathon mindset in your marketing? Let’s go the distance together.


Ever had your work show up in a newspaper?

A while back, I stumbled upon one of my photos in a newspaper. It's always a great feeling to see your work being appreciated and used in different ways.

This particular shot was initially taken for a budget coach's website, but seeing it chosen for publication by a newspaper was something special.

I took that photo during the summer—a time when I'm often busy with photoshoots for entrepreneurs focusing on their personal brand.

Nowadays, it’s evolved into full content shoots, capturing both photos and videos to build a rich visual library for their online marketing strategy, website, or social media.

I love creating authentic images, using natural light as much as possible. Of course, I always bring some lights along, just in case I need to soften a few shadows on the spot.

Editing those photos afterward is like a zen moment for me, and with more shoots lined up soon, I can’t wait to dive back into it.

Ready for some authentic visuals for your online marketing? Feel free to slide me a DM. 📾


Doubled a jewelry shop's conversion rate in just one session?

A while back, I sat down for a free, no-strings-attached strategy session with the owner of a B2C jewelry webshop. He was frustrated with his website’s performance—plenty of traffic, but the sales just weren’t adding up.

We dove into some CRO basics (at least, basic for me), tweaking a few elements on the homepage. Nothing groundbreaking, just the essentials: clearer CTAs, simplified navigation, and a bit of psychology to guide visitors to the right place.

Fast forward a few months—I get a message from him. His conversion rate had doubled since our session.

Yup, doubled. Now, I’m not saying that’s always the case, but sometimes, when everything aligns, you hit the mark perfectly.

What’s the takeaway here? Sometimes it’s the small, seemingly simple changes that make the biggest difference. You don’t always need a complete overhaul—just a fresh set of eyes and a bit of strategic tweaking.

Now, I'll be real with you - this kind of result isn't an everyday thing. But it just goes to show what can happen when you're not afraid to share your best ideas, even in a free session.

Curious about what simple changes could improve your conversions? Let’s chat. You never know what might happen in just one session.


Every day, I dive into the "boring" side of marketing.

You know, the stuff that needs to get done:
đŸ’» Optimizing your website
🚀 Speeding up load times
⚙ Keeping the tech up to date

Alongside the creative work, this less exciting part is crucial.

More and more, we’re taking this off the hands of the creative minds who’d rather not wrestle with it.

How do I handle this?

Well, I'm a creative mind myself, but I’m also super curious about the tech behind a well-optimized website. So, I dive into all the information I can find.

Plus, I’m part of a team that’s both creative and analytical, so I never do this alone.

I’ve got experts around me who help out and collaborate to support my clients perfectly. 🧠

Struggling with the "boring" stuff too?
Want to know how your site can perform better on Google and Bing?

Shoot me a DM, and I’ll give you a free website scan.
You’ll quickly see where the improvement opportunities lie.
It’s pretty in-depth, so don’t worry—I’ll guide you through it if you need.


Our little Dylan is 3 today! 🎉 Time flies when you’re having fun. 🎂


Vacation’s over...

Time to get back to work, but not without some great memories made with the family in some pretty inspiring places.

This summer, I explored various cities in Spain. Now, it’s full steam ahead with exciting new projects:

Taking over the "boring" marketing tasks like SEO and CRO.
Coaching and advising on how to make your marketing do the heavy lifting to bring in new clients.
Demand generation strategies for B2B companies.
Personal branding projects for knowledge experts.
How do I manage it all? Simple: I don’t do it alone.

This was a big mindset shift for me because I tend to want to handle everything myself. But with a solid team of experts, handpicked over the last 15 years, I know I’ve got the best in the game by my side.

We’re a small, tight-knit boutique agency with a few VIP seats available. We love sinking our teeth into challenging marketing projects.

And the best part? I get to work with amazing experts and clients. It’s what makes this entrepreneurial journey truly priceless.

As they say, the journey is the destination. I’m really feeling that.


"Warm, isn’t it, Dad?"

My youngest son is making his move

I know exactly where this is going. (Him: “Warm, isn’t it, Dad?” Me: “Sure is. Time to cool off?” Him: “Yeah, good plan—how about an ice cream?”)

He’s learned this classic trick from his older brother—the same trick I once taught my oldest son.

The classic sales move: How do I convince Dad to get me an ice cream? "Address an urgent problem."

The truth is, we’re all in sales. Whether you're pitching an idea, concept, product, or service, you’re always selling something.

Struggling with sales? No worries. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Sales isn’t as complicated as those old-school ideas from 20 years ago make it seem. Often, it’s just about being authentic and understanding a bit of psychology.

In my coaching, I dive deep into how to approach sales in a way that feels natural, not awkward.

If you’re looking to bring in new clients over the next few months and want to upgrade your sales skills, shoot me a DM.


I’m Navien, and I help you boost your sales by letting your marketing do the heavy lifting.


De vakantie is voorbij.
Het perfecte moment voor een frisse start!

Nieuwe kansen liggen voor het oprapen.

â–ș Is het tijd voor een nieuw game plan?
â–ș Hoe gaat jouw marketing eruitzien de komende maanden?
â–ș Welke campagnes gaan echt impact maken?
â–ș En hoe lanceer je dat nieuwe business idee?

Grijp deze kans om samen te ontdekken welke strategie je verder kan helpen.
Het enige wat jij hoeft te doen, is je tijd investeren—de kosten zijn voor mij.

💡Geen verplichtingen, alleen concrete plannen die je direct kunt inzetten om je doelen te bereiken.

Vragen die vaak voorbij komen:
→ Hoe kom ik aan nieuwe klanten?
→ Hoe haal ik meer uit online marketing?
→ Hoe vergroot ik mijn zichtbaarheid?
→ Hoe werk ik slimmer met AI?
→ Hoe word ik beter vindbaar op Google?

👉 Boek nu je gratis sessie en ontdek wat echt werkt.
Laten we samen jouw game plan maken!

🚀 Klaar om te starten? Stuur een DM of reageer met "GAME PLAN"

Ik zie je snel!


I recently captured this shot for Stefan, who runs an orthodontic practice in The Hague. He needed a new website, and that meant new photos as well.

It was a great project, but we didn’t stop there.

We also created an online form that transformed both the customer and employee experience.

What seemed like a small change ended up saving a ton of time for his staff and made things much easier and clearer for his patients.

Why did we do this?

Stefan noticed that his staff was spending too much time on scheduling, transferring emails to a CRM, and then planning appointments. He asked, “Can’t this be done smarter?”


Now, with the form, patients fill in their information, it’s automatically entered into the system, and the system instantly checks if they can be scheduled.

No more back-and-forth for the staff, and patients get instant clarity.

A simple solution that made a world of difference!


SEO isn't worth it anymore.

"SEO takes way too much time and doesn’t get me to the top of Google," a frustrated business owner told me at a networking event the other day.

I hear this all the time. The truth is, SEO (search engine optimization) is a long game, and the results don’t happen overnight. But when you do it right, it’s one of the most powerful ways to drive organic traffic and steady growth.

So, where do you even begin?

To make it simple, I’ll give you a free SEO scan that shows you exactly where your site needs improvement.

Does it work? Absolutely. My SEO projects have been taking off ever since I started showing clients the hard facts about their websites.

Want to see what your site needs to succeed? Let’s dive into your SEO and unlock its full potential. Shoot me a DM for your free scan today!


🌍 I'm Moving to Spain!

That’s what a client recently told me. And honestly, he wasn’t the first person in my circle to make the leap to another country.

I’ve always had a strong opinion about Spain, shaped by experiences from many years ago. But my client’s advice was simple: "You should check it out first, then draw conclusions." So, this summer, we did just that—we spent our holiday exploring the beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities of Spain.

It was hot, no doubt about that, but each place had its own unique vibe. We encountered a fascinating mix of cultures, meeting people from the Netherlands, England, Russia, Morocco, and more. The expat community is thriving, and I can now understand why so many people are drawn to living in Spain.

Moving to another country can be incredibly enriching, offering new perspectives and experiences you might never have imagined.

What about you? Have you ever thought about moving to another country? đŸŒâœˆïž


Struggling with the overload of marketing strategies you find online? Want clarity on how marketing can specifically drive growth in your situation?

💡 A strategic session can often be a real eye-opener.

→ It brings clarity and provides insight into the specific marketing opportunities available for your unique situation to grow.

→ During such a session, we dive deep into your business, looking at where you are now and where you want to go.

→ The best part is that, after the session, you’ll know exactly what steps to take to achieve your goals.

🧭 No vague advice, just a concrete approach tailored to your business and your market. The feeling of walking away with a clear roadmap is priceless.

Curious about what a session like this could look like for your business? Let me know, and we’ll schedule something!


☀Walk in the park with a skyline view đŸ“·


☀Terwijl anderen nog op gang moeten komen na de zomer, heb jij al een gedegen plan om nieuwe klanten aan te trekken 🚀

Waarom een 1-op-1 strategie sessie?

★ Maatwerk advies die volledig is afgestemd op jouw business en doelen

★ Zodat je sneller en effectiever nieuwe klanten aantrekt.

★ Praktische tips en tools die je meteen kunt gebruiken om je marketing- en sales te optimaliseren.

Klaar om je sales te boosten met slimme marketing? Stuur me een DM en we prikken een datum. De sessie kan op locatie of online.


This photo taken in Rotterdam reminds me that with the right branding and marketing, your business can be an unforgettable ride that stands out in any landscape.

★ Just as this motorcycle sculpture is meticulously crafted to reflect creativity and attention to detail, your brand should reflect your unique identity and values.

★ In a sea of competition, a distinctive brand ensures you don’t blend in.

★ This motorcycle doesn’t just sit on the street; it commands attention and invites admiration.

★ Just as this motorcycle catches the eye of passersby, effective marketing strategies capture the attention of potential customers and drive engagement.

★ Like a well-maintained motorcycle ready for a long journey, a strong marketing strategy fuels your business growth and keeps you on the road to success.

Are you prepared to craft your unique ride to success with branding and marketing? đŸš€đŸïž

Let’s connect and build your unique path to success:

Photos from Navien's post 12/08/2024

â˜€ïžđŸ“· đŸ‡Ș🇾 đŸ“·

Photos from Navien's post 11/08/2024

Check out the creative wall art I found on Costa Blanca, Spain ☀

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Bedrijf in Rotterdam wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

Have you ever thought about what you’d do in an emergency?
Marketing is een marathon, geen sprint.
Wil je groeien en heb je nieuwe klanten nodig? Boek nu een strategie sessie.
Waarom een 1-op-1 strategie sessie?
“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”
Networking to connect with your target audience is still incredibly effective.
Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a networking event at the Jakarta Hotel in Amsterdam, focusing on blockchain ...



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