
Our toolkit: the enjoyable combination of brand management, (social media) marketing and business development.


Is it friday yet? 🙃
Anyhow... Kindly reminder that people do not just buy products and services. They buy stories, relations and magic. 🎩

Creating the Brand Book for KREW - KREW 28/01/2021

With a heart for creativity, telling stories and building brands 🙌😁 Read more here⬇️

Creating the Brand Book for KREW - KREW KREW Collabs Creating the Brand Book for KREW The very first step of the KREW Brand with Shewska as star of the show. BY MARC RODAN Posted: 14 January 2021 Every week, we feature one collaboration between KREW Members and/or Partners to inspire new meaningful connections and to show off our awesome....


"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world".
- Robert McKee 🖋

Writing is more than just making some words happen. Writing is also how you communicate, how you will be perceived and whether you will be understood. 💡

Have you asked yourself why is storytelling so popular lately?

Using content marketing aggresively to sell will not deliver the same results as first building trust by using content that deepens the understanding and connections to your brand.

Storytelling is thus, the differenciation of sale copy. 🖋

It is important to find or become a storyteller that knows that there are essential elements of storytelling that must be included for content to matter & that there should be goals and expected outcomes for storytelling to be successful.

Storytelling writers focus to provide prospects a firmer grap on who the brand is as if it were a human character. Through storytelling it will be clear to the prospects how having a relationship with that "character" (brand) can add value to their life. 🗝

"Storytelling writers are professionals whose intrinsic value is in the experiences of past work and experimentation, plus the soft skills of audience empathy and maintaining the audience POV."- Stiles

The Challenge is how to share the value of your company and product, which is in your head, with your audience. To get them as aware and impressed as you are with your brand.

Just writing something isn’t the job right? You want to make something that matters. Which is why who you gets to craft the narrative matters! 🎲

Would you like some guidance? Contact us we are more than happy to help ✍

Photos from shewska.v's post 26/09/2020

May you have a wonderful saturday☀️

"No matter where you are in life, inspire and empower the women around you. Success is never reached alone. Wisdom and wealth are sweeter shared." 🌷

SMV Consultancy is committed to empower female entrepreneurs. We stand for equality and for equity. 🌎

Meet our business & branding consultant .v and our sustainability & finance consultant 💫

Would you like some guidance? Contact us we are more than happy to help. ❤
Let's do this💪👠

Photos from shewska.v's post 05/09/2020

May you enjoy the weekend🎉

👩‍🏫We already know that brand recognition equals value, this is why it is so important to increase brand awareness.

Besides a great name and a great logo we need something to make our brand stick in the mind of our customers; we need a great tagline and slogan. 🔥

Everything should work together to deliver one cohesive message that communicates the values of our company. Taglines and slogans are similar, but there are differences that set them apart. 👇

🔎Definition of Tagline; a reiterated phrase identified for an individual, group, or product. It is a final line, especially one that serves to clarify a point or create a dramatic effect.

Taglines are more permanent and reinforce your brand by conveying the tone and feeling you want for your product and services. A successful tagline becomes synonymous with a brand name and logo. Taglines are usally used at the end of every advertisement.

🔎Definition of Slogan; a word or phrase used to express a characteristic position, a stand point or a goal to be achieved.

Slogans are more temporary and are particular to a specefic marketing effort. So different slogans are used for different purposes/ campaigns.

Taglines and slogans are both short and used to identify your brand, if one hits the market, it can make your brand unforgettable!🚀

Need some guidance? Contact us we are more than happy to help🙌.


💭Is recognition your greatest motivator?

Well, we believe that recognition is for sure one of the greatest motivators. It is not a secret that every brand needs attention to thrive, no matter the industry.

🔍Brand recognition is an ingredient of brand awareness and it is what pairs up with brand recall to make your brand a memorable name for your customers! Okay, too many official terms. Let's break it down and focus first on brand recognition.👇

So, brand recognition is exactly what is says; it's all the features/ characteristics/ elements of your brand that customers use to pick your company out of a line-up. The elements that define your brand are in this case like your logo, motto, colors, tone of voice, etc. 💡

One of the goals of a great brand recognition strategy is to make the name of a company become synonymous of what it represents. So when people hear the name, they associate the brand with what it is supposed to represent (the right perception of a brand). 🏷💭

In short: brand recognition focuses on making sure that your brand stays in the eyes and minds of your ideal customers, by ensuring that your customers have a consistent and the proper idea of what makes your brand;
"The Brand." 👁=🧠

Some examples of strategies for brand recognition are;

1. Website optimisation.
2. Content (content marketing, content strategy).
3. Applying social influencers marketing.
4. PR Campaigns.

Next time we will talk about brand awareness and brand recall. 😃

Need some guidance? Contact us, we are more than happy to help. 🎉

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

❤ The heart is what leads the way and it is what makes us be alive. So does your brand to your company!

If you want you can read our previous post which explains more about creating a brand, a brand heart and brand messaging. ➡️

So, back to the now. Branding is the ex*****on of your brand book. After we create a brand identity (name, logo, mission, vision and more, way more) we step in the definition of your content and context (the creation of the content would be your content marketing, but that is a post for another time😋).

When we already know the tone-of-voice, the values and the personality of your brand, defining the content and the context should flow easier. 🤞

But, of course you have a unique brand, therefore your branding should (must) materialize the authenticity of your brand. Easier said than done. 🙃

However, there are tips to convert the authenticity of your brand in your brand book into your communication channels (like social media). Here are three tips:

1. Be honest! Only through sincerity you will stick to your ideals. When you try to be someone else you disrupt your authenticity, it's the same with your brand. Let your brand be itself. Don't copy and avoid becoming superficial.

2. Reliable and consistency; two important values that you can't ignore.
Reliable: how do you behave when your clients need you? Do you meet their expectations? Are you involved enough? In order to answer these questions you need to really know your clients and understand what they need. Thus, be informed.
Consistency; well, be consistent with who you are as a brand. Communicate in a consistent form and be consistent with what you believe and what you do.

3. Create unique ways of communication. To build strong relationships with your clients and partners, you need to create unique communication ways and paths. Don't just focus on the message but also on the channel and the frequency. Be consistent in your tone-of-voice, don't only sell pitches, communicate genuinely and avoid ominous communication.

Need some guidance? Contact us, we are more than happy to help. 😁
By the way, our website is almost done! 🎉

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

🌱Let's say that the seed is your Business Idea, it is the service or product that you want to provide. In other words, your seed is your craft. Now, from that seed a strong and firm trunk should grow, which will later grow many branches and beautiful leaves.
The Trunk is your Brand. 🌳

Your Brand is the core of who and what your company is. It is the "why" you started your business, what your business stands for, its values and its purpose of existence.
It is the "being"; it creates value and it defines and guides the trajectory. 🛤

Therefore, it is important to create your brand book together with your business plan. Your brand book will be your instruction manual detailing the brand's identity of your company. 📜
We divide the brand book in two main parts;

The Brand Heart: This is the methodology to build and define your brand foundation. It is the heart that leads the way, where the brand comes to life and what attracts people.

The Brand Messaging: This is a full messaging framework that will guide your marketing across every piece of content and every channel.

💡 Dedicate time and space to develop an authentic brand. Plant your Seed (business plan) and nurture your Trunk (brand book) this will be your foundation to harvest a healthy and strong tree.🌳 (We will proceed with the branches and leaves in another post)😄

Need some guidance? (someone to draw the answers from you?) Contact us, we are more than happy to help. 💚
By the way, Our website is almost done!⏳

Timeline photos 22/07/2020

🌍"The environment is where we all meet; where we all have mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share." - Lady Bird Johnson

♻️ To conclude with the topic Sustainability & CSR we will share with you 5 easy steps to incorporate CSR in your company.
(Read the previous post for more information).

Companies can do good while doing well!
We have been talking about how social missions shouldn't always have to be difficult and complex, specially not for start-ups and small companies. Remember that even a modest effort can add value and have an impact where there is a need. 💡

Here are 5 suggestions:

1. Define you core values: chose some values from your branding that are aligned with your sustainable goals. Research for causes, projects or programs that represent your goals. Chose causes that resonate with your business culture. Pick one and stick to it (one is enough for small companies). Research the kind of support that your selected cause needs. Don't feel pressure to fund or support with more than you can afford.

2. Involve your employees and customers.
You can start by sharing a list of alternatives if you haven't chosen a specific cause yet. Ask your clients on which they would like to support. You can also directly involve your clients, for example by asking them to donate reusable products for people in need (think of usable technology, clothing, educational tools)

3. Create a scorecard. Break it down in achievable and measurable objectives and track your progress. Keep it visible on your website.

4. Communicate. Use your social media to communicate and involve your community. Ask for their ideas, experience and advice. Use also traditional marketing methods like press releases, communicate about fundraising events or your plan to reach your sustainable goals. Be honest with your publicity.

5. Partner up. Form an alliance with a non-profit, support their cause. You will gain knowledge and will benefit form their experience in philanthropy.

Need some guidance? Contact us we are more than happy to help💚

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

♻️Yesterday we posted about CSR and Sustainability. As we explained, sometimes it might seem a bit overwhelming to apply a corporate social responsibility program.

An easy and great way to break the process is to highlight three main stages:

1. Create and Initiate. We have to be aware that CSR is not a one-size-fits- all. As any other program, we believe it should be customized to your business and objectives. It is important to keep the three pillars of sustainability as a guideline: People, Profit, Planet.

Simple programs are: volunteering, recycling events, peer to peer fundraising and disaster assistance (raising money or specific support during a disaster, for example: covid-19).
One example of a tool to raise money for a specific cause is: "TheGivingMachine", which help to generate cash donations for a range of charities. Nowadays, social media platforms are also offering these tools. It is important to do your research first and communicate this clearly with your audience.

2. Commit and implement. Once your concept is done, you should measure the impact of your CSR program. Answer these questions:
- How does your cause driven program impact your sales? - How will this affect your employee and brand loyalty? - How will this affect your customer satisfaction? - Are you really helping the cause?
Track, measure and communicate the impact that your program will make in your society, environment, economy and your overall profitability.

3. Share and Inspire. It is critical to communicate the impact and successes of your program internally and externally. Communicate frequently about the progress of the program and the accomplishments (you can use this as content for your social media platforms). Convince internally (employees, shareholders, managers) and your customers to make CSR "the cause" a priority and encourage your customers to participate and get involved. Track and share the outcomes of the program to build program recognition, loyalty and momentum. But above all, inspire your community and other companies to create CSR programs. 🌍💙

💡Find it interesting? Stay tuned for more ✌
- Source: Frontstream.

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

"Balance is not something you find, it is something you create". ⚖

♻️When we talk about sustainability we often think of green, nature and environment. We often forget the one essential part: balance.

Sustainability represents the ability to maintain and balance three main pillars; environment, society and economy. Through this ability we thrive to reach consistency and coexistence.

It is true that it originated in natural resource economics, but it has gained broader attention in terms of social equality, equity and sustainable development.

CSR, Corporate Social Responsability; refers to a company's commitment to practice social, economic and environmental sustainability.

The word corporate does not refer only on big companies and organizations, every entrepreneur can work with a CSR approach!
Whether you own a beauty salon, a restaurant or you're an artist.

It all starts by being conscious of the kind of impact you have or you can have on all aspects of society through your company, and then determining the factors you would like to favor in ethical decisions with your service or product and the best practices for developing ethical culture in your company (Even if your company consists of just you).

Sometimes, these business models seems to be complicated or to sound "expensive", however in the simple course of business, CSR means that a company operates in ways that it enhances society and environment.
And yes, enhancing the world through our craft is awesome!

We believe that we should all be socially accountable to ourselves, our stakeholders, our clients, our community and our environment.

💡Find it interesting? Stay tuned for more✌


No le tengan miedo al fracaso.
Pero 👁 hagan su plan de negocios! 😁😄
Un poquito del podcast con 🎉

Alguien más necesita sus manos para hablar? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️ Que tengan una semana más liviana y más feliz que las anteriores. 🙏🌎
(perfect angle 🐽🙃)

Podcast: Spotify
Unravelled podcast by pricilla.
Link ⤵️


☀️Queridos y queridas, los invito a escuchar un podcast en el cual fui invitada 🎉
Temas entre otros ; 🖋
- La practica de crear un nombre, un símbolo o un diseño que identifique y diferencie un producto, un servicio o una idea. 💡
- El propósito, la misión, la visión, la historia, y el concepto que deseas que tus consumidores tengan de tu marca. ♻️
- Para más información escucha el podcast😁😄 📍Spotify
P.s esta chevere!


💭We are going through a lot...
And while we are reconnecting, fighting, uniting for our rights, let's not forget about our house, our home the earth.

🌎 "Our planet provides enough to satisfy everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed" ❗
As I consult my clients about creating sustainable brands, not for popularity or for great marketing, but because We Need It!
I also remind you everytime I can to be a Conscious Consumer!

Be aware of what you buy, from where it comes from, and where it "ends".

We have been "locked" for three months so;
1. Don't let the anxiety make you an impulsive buyer!
2. Don't let the anger of these times make you destroy the environment or someone else property (this just creates waste).
3. Don't throw waste on the streets because you are mad. By this we are not punishing the government, but our environment and therefore ourselves.

🍔Just some statistics:
The global volume of food wastage is estimated at 1.6 billion tonnes of
"primary product equivalents."
- During the lockdown, the takeaway food waste rises. (Estimated from €111 to €148 per restaurant per week).
- During the lockdown, supermarkets were empty but the food waste from households also rised the first two months.

Food wastage's carbon footprint is estimated at 1.6 billion tonnes of CO2! equivalent of GHG released into the atmosphere per year.
The amount of food waste yearly is enough to feed world's hungry Four Times!
And this just about food waste, now think about the package of the food
(mostly plastic), and all the other things we are buying impulsively.

♻️We saw beautiful environmental healing happening all around the world during the lockdown, let's not destroy the little that was healed now that we are outside again. Yes, it's been hard times for retail, and you might feel that you are helping. But, help with a conscious mind.

Happy 🌎💚
This year hosted by 🇨🇴❤ Theme is biodiversity; a concern that is both urgent and existential. "Recent events, demonstrates the Interdependence Of Humans and the Webs of Life, in which they exist." -


💭We often limit our self to explore our whole being due to the thought that we are defined by the characteristics of a specific representation of ourself (sometimes based on our profession, our nationality, or even our gender). 📦

We are afraid of sharing, liking or doing things that do not belong to the representation of what we must be for our society. 👜 (out of the box).

We complicate the simplicity of being a human. We add so many expectations to a certain role and "God forgive us if we want to act multiple roles simultaneously". We forget that life needs a balance! And God made us infinite. ⚖

I truly believe that to find our purpose, to connect deeply with our being, it is important to be true to our intuition. To provide our spirit the freedom to explore all the disciplines that might be calling it. 🔮

Oppressing a talent, a skill, a creative desire just because it might not be a correct representation of your specific ‘’role’’ in life, means obstructing the infinite power and the unlimited essence of a human being. 🧘‍♀‍🧘‍♂‍

What I miss the most during this lockdown, is being a chameleon. That rush of going from a blazer to a training outfit. From meetings to dance classes and performing during the weekends. Everything started to truly flow, when I allowed myself to fulfill all my passions. I was more productive, I was more creative and I was happier.💖 .

We are going through some strange times. It is true that with everything happening, it is sometimes hard to focus on the positive side of things.☯️ .

However, there is time now to connect with our intuition! Leave your phone and laptop for one day (or days). Listen to your spirit; ask yourself what are you missing? What would you like to add in your routine? What are the things you loved to do and that you are not doing anymore? .

Try new things, find new talents, and please do not limit yourself. 💫

Happy Tuesday. 🤗


🖌Art: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. 🖋

I really love and enjoy connecting my creatives with the essence of their product or service. 🌟

It is important to attach the primary emotion that guides creators through their creative proces with the end-result.This provides consumers with an understanding of the artpiece and leads to reflective consumption. ⚛

That freedom of shaping an idea and the courage of sharing it with the world, is also what motivates creatives to create and innovate. 🎨

Today, I reflected about the importance of creating Art. The true expression of our emotions and experiences as human beings. 🌍

I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with amazing and talented artists. To support them and guide them in the process of telling their story to the world. 📜

Times like these remind us of the beauty in art. That magical connection it creates, is what the world needs right now. More union, more inspiration, more stories, more colors, more poems, more dances, more paintings, more crafts, more Art. ❤

Thank you artists, thank you creatives. ☀️


The Foundation 22/04/2020

🔥Let's lay down; the foundation

Check it out!
Firs release by The High Society Of The Lowlands. 🎙
Poets with passion for music who happen to make Hip Hop.🖋

The Foundation The Foundation is the first official release by The High Society Of The Lowlands 🔥 🎼 Soundcloud: 🎵 Produced by: Restles...

Photos from shewska.v's post 13/04/2020

✨We are created to create🖌Think about it 😊
Blessed New Week ❤️
Read more about our services below ⤵️

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Mediabedrijf in The Hague wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

''I'm a creative consultant, whatever that means.''- Jimmy Kimmel.

As a consultant, I am very goal oriented, someone who analyzes every possible scenario and has an eye for detail. With creativity and enthusiasm I translate ideas and desires into successful branding and business plans. As an entrepreneur myself, I understand the journey, I am a good listener and a problem solver.

It is important for me to build a trusting relationship with my clients. Transparency, loyalty, coherence and unity are important values in my work.

Working with me means;

  • Structuring and translating ideas into strategies, business models and plans.
  • Telefoon


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