

Yoga teacher that helps people heal their body like I healed mine. For life sessions, check my Instagram @Yoga_with_Flo or my website


Asana Tutorial 🙏💪🧘‍♂️⁠
Here I explain common issues I encounter in my lessons very often ⁠

This week: Utkatasana - Chair Pose ⁠

Step 1: Stand straight in Mountain Pose, raise both your arms over your head. Keep your arms straight and your spine erect. You can clasp your hands or keep them at shoulder width. ⁠
Step 2: Bend your knees and bend your body forward at your hip so it as at a 45° angle to the floor⁠. Relax your calf muscles and keep your lower back straight. Let your weight sink into your pelvis and shift your weight to your heels.

⁠Step 3: Continue lifting your knees toward your face, and roll your back off the mat from your hips to your shoulders. Keep upper arms place firmly on the floor.⁠

This Asana will strengthen your lower back and quads and stretch our your chest and shoulders. It will help your reduce stress.

⁠Save this if you find it helpful 🙏⁠
What do you find tricky about this pose?


A daily practice is most important because it will make you see progress, it will heal your body and mind, it will help you look within... BUT a daily practice does not necesserily have to be handstands and splits as is often portrayed in Instagram. It can be as simple as a sun salutation, one minute of mindful breathing, one spare moment of making time for yourself and do the things that keep you mindful and healthy🙏
I am sure you can name a practice less than 5 minutes than someone can fit into their daily routine 🙌
Comment below 👇👇👇


Daily lessons, book here:

See you on the mat!


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Timeline photos 24/06/2021

“Asanas maintain the strength and health of the body, without which little progress can be made. Asanas keep the body in harmony with nature.”

Timeline photos 23/06/2021

“You do not need to seek freedom in a different land, for it exists within your own body, heart, mind, and soul.”


“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” B.K.S. Iyengar
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“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” B.K.S. Iyengar
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“The entire universe is just a creation of thought. The play of the mind is just a creation of thought. Abandon the mind which is only thought. Take refuge in the changeless, O Rama, and surely find peace.”
― Yogi Swatmarama, The Hatha Yoga Pradipika
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Don’t think about how to start best... just start doing something. You’ll find your way doing it...


It’s not always easy to find the discipline to practice. Sometimes it is also important to accept that.

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The way to eliminate ignorance is through steady, focused discrimination between the observer and the world.

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Intense Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana) a great way to increase hamstring mobility

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The Lizard is a great asana for leg strength and flexibility, it comes out of the low lunge. It makes for a strong base and stability.

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A great basic asana that increases upper body flexibility and possibly helps with backaches

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The mind is the lord of the senses, the breath is lord of the mind.

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Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness towards the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight for the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.
- Patanjali

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The downward dog... one of the basic Asanas, a great starting point for yoga journeys. The soft activation of lower abdominals at the center of the hips taught me their existence

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The half bound lotus is a nice asana. It stretches the back of one leg and twists the other leg to in the hip. It greatly improves mobility.

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Inverted poses are very interesting. You need to operate your body upside down. Your muscles need to work in reverse.

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There are several L-shaped Asanas. Each of them have valuable lessons for the yogi.

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"By enthusiasm one acquire unimaginable strength."
-Rig Veda

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“The longest journey begins with a single step.”

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Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists.

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One succeeds in all Yogas through energetic practice—even if one is young, old, very old, sick, or weak.

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“The real Guru of ourself is within us. The duty of the Guru outside is to make us realize the Guru within.”
- Vivek Arya

Videos (show all)

Asana Tutorial 🙏💪🧘‍♂️⁠Here I explain common issues I encounter in my lessons very often ⁠⁠This week: Utkatasana - Chair ...
Go easy on your self 🤗