Embodied Jung

Embodied Jung

Bouchra Arbaoui Ph.D
Embodied Jungian therapy
Online and in person
[email protected]

Helping you to be who you are.

Beyond #shadowwork and #trauma towards #individuation and #community

The power of love and loving💛


Love doesn’t make sense, it makes Life.

Embodied Jung

Are you frustrated in your ? Diving into your unconscious needs and limitations can help make your relationship more nourishing.

Closeness may be scary and or never feel
Get to know: how “close is your close” !

Embodied Jungian sessions can help in understanding how you relate and what do you really need in a relationship.
I will work with you to develop and in-depth and

➡️[email protected]


Change of email adress:
Email me as of today on:
[email protected]

Photos from Embodied Jung's post 10/07/2024

Conversation with the unknown

As I walk, the poetry of life is present.

Holding a conversation with myself, I listen to that what wants me to relate to it. To see it, hear it, let it surround me from inside.

I take a walk, slowly it comes in, enters my consciousness: I am penetrated.

I discover a language that speaks to my soul and body. A natural language: the poetry of existence.

It says: See.

See the beauty.

My soul and body resonate: I am it.

I resonate.

and by
Embodied Jung


What is the EchoComplex? Listen to video to See what I mean by this concept.
How and why and are making some women becoming like a of energy.

Embodied Jung


What has and to do with ?

your relationship with the from to

Reach out if you need therapy or teachings in via dm or [email protected]

Photos from Embodied Jung's post 16/06/2024

A joint is a bridge.
A bridge is a boundary.
There Truth and illusion meet in a relaxed tension.
They vibrate, oscillate and adjust till a form is born.

In de grens tussen en vindt plaats. De dood ontmoet het leven en de derde is de dynamiek ervan: waar zal het gaan: het rijk der doden of des leven?
Tijd en timing is belangrijk hier…
Te snel gaan is niks ander dan en te laat zou kunnen beteken dat je blijft zitten in de buik van . Dit betekent verder regressie in het onbewust.
Het is key hier.
Wil je eigen te leren kennen? Schrijf je in de in : Ik-Bewustzijn:
⬇️link in comments


and by
Drawing from:


Son: Mother! I am doing well
Mother: yes you are.
Son: I am coming back bringing you the light
Mother: yes you are.
Son: Mother, How are you?
Mother: I am Good, don’t you worry. I know the way.
Son: Mother, I miss you.
Mother: I am always with you.
Son: Mother, are you really ok?
Mother: Listen to your voice it will tell you
Son: I am listening, It takes a while to hear.. I am listening.
Mother: Follow the rhythm of day and night, I am watching over you with loving light.
Son: Mother!
Mother: yes my child.

has been a for much more more than
A symbol for

and by Embodied Jung


"Conscious femininity, as we will be discussing it in this book, has to do with bringing the wisdom in nature to consciousness. For too long we have taken the instinctual Mother Goddess for granted. In our own bodies, in our Earth, we have assumed she would nourish and protect us. We have wallowed in sentimental images. Over centuries, we have forgotten her, reviled her, r***d her. Now we will either integrate her laws into consciousness or we will die. There is an evolutionary process at work on our planet and we can only hope that out of this present death, sanity will come. Thus far in our history, the unconscious feminine has been associated with instinct; now the conscious feminine is bringing light to instinct, illuminating nature with new images that conic to us in our dreams and in creative work."...


Wil je veranderingen en connectie met je ? meld je aan voor de 3 daagse : Ik-Bewustzijn 5-6-7 juli 2024. Inschrijven op:


:Somethng is Not over Yet ©BUSHRA ARBAWI


Women have to deal with strong in society.
is the concept that used for the feminine side in men: all images and ideas about the feminine in men’s psyche. He even argued that the anima is the soul of men.
Usually men project those images on other feminine objects! These objects include women. Women are not seen for who they really are but are filtered through these images. Note, that projections are by definition unconscious. This process may be unconscious at the individual level but commercial, religious and nationalistic powers at the collective level do use this consciously to their advantage.

I believe because of power dynamics women have lived their life as a reaction to this anima. Yes!! It is a collective structural phenomenon. Going on as long as patriarchy goes.

I don’t think most of us (women) realise this consciously. But we have learned different ways to find our way to deal with it in order to free ourselves from this powerful projection. Women have done this by manipulating there external image in different ways.

The matter is far more complicated because the more the focus is on the external image ( the reaction to the outer world) the more we loose sense of who we truly are. So and our engaging with it in this way is not liberating at all, it keep us in the realm of the which is from the perspective of a women of flesh and blood a dream state women! If a woman is Earth an anima is nothing more than a ghostly figure: that is why this ghost needs you to make it real!!!
A lot of women can resonate with this ‘ other woman’ aqa the ghost. A few know how to use her without being infected by her! To be fair she can teach you a lot but she is not real. When tou realise the importance of in your life you start to change how you relate to her and that is when you start relating differently to men. Mature men know the difference between a women that is skilled ( unconsciously often but sometimes consciously) in reflecting there anima. In my research I come to see this ( reflecting the anima of men) as a survival strategy of women in a history of .

from an ad that showed on my fb today. If you have its credits please post in comments.


Parfois nos oreilles ne peuvent pas entender, alors on écoute avec nos entrailles.


The archetypal energy can be so overwhelming that we are not aware of it by our ‘usual’ senses but if we are tuned to our body and the space we sense it clearly and to some of us it is physically visible.
You feel it but the use of logic wont help you navigate this current: keep listening with you gut.
Can you contain this energy without getting into reaction? Can you discern the right response/attitude to ride this current?
Especially now as our societies go through a very polarised transition, the currents may be hard to navigate.
Key : can you separate what is yours and what is not yours? What is your responsibility here? Are you a witness? Are you asked to speak or listen? What collective space are you navigating? Sometimes it is a test to you if you are willing to make space for silenced voices to speak without you getting defensive! In other words: it is not (always) about you because of this or that (collective or personal) wound.



defind by as the for the in women is expressed in non personal facts, anecdotes and especially judgement. To me this stage is a stage of nonsense in the sense that this intellectualism is often not our own. In a later higher stage manifest itself as and when integrated it has and is not only exteriorised.

I believe that the is not only something women are struggling with but our society as a whole regardless of .
The house of spirit is the earth: embodying the Animus is the journey of embodiment. Without earth the Animus has no house and is wondering lost and seeking a home: this can be very challenging and in different cultures is seen as .
The earth is so without a present feminine our spirit is without a true healthy refuge.



How can it be that imagination is necessary for a state of presence?
I don’t have a complete answer for this question yet but I know this is true for me from experience.
Invite yourself to imagine and stay present with this state. Ask yourself what am I creating? What do I really like to create? Enjoy ☺️

Everything created is imagination: are you aware of your imagination (s) ?

is about this gaining access to it first and establishing a relationship to the imaginal be it personal, societal, cultural of on a another level of the collective.

I still have 3 places left for you if you are interested to work with me.

[email protected]




What is your relationship to your body? How your body practice can tell you about it?


You often hear from some so called spiritually awakened persons : “don’t judge!” Or “you are judging again!” .
This kind of ‘recommendations’ or rather ‘commandments’ are not helping at all and in fact are misleading.

It is essential to be able to make judgment and it is a practice to be able to be aware of what judgement are we making and a bigger practice is to decide if this judgement is really yours!

Judgement affects what you value and indicates your likes and dislikes. Therefore start listening and knowing the fundamentals that build your judgement: are they sound and are they yours.
This is the way to connect and own what you feel. Feeling is nothing more than a value judgment! And yes that is why feelings can be not only warm but also very cold.



In Person workshop: “Writing to Consciousness”

“I write in order to become conscious” Marion Woodman

As a Jungian Analyst, writing and drawing have been part of my process to heal and build more consciousness. Every time I am in awe about what writing brings to the surface.

I invite you to dive with me in a process of revelation through writing.

From an embodied experience of space and body we open doors of creativity to write.

The focus will be gaining more insights in your process.

In the workshop I will be introducing some archetypes and embodied practices to stimulate you and to gain an entrance to the unconscious.

This workshop will nurture you in different ways:

*awarness and clarity
* creativity, expression and play
* Wholeness

Join me every Sunday 21 of April in Amsterdam from 13 h to 16h. Limited places. Door opens at 12H30.

Investment 90 Euro.

Place: Mahara : De Clercqstraat 123, Amsterdam, NL

Register by sending an email to : [email protected]

No previous experience with writing is needed.
We dive into the collective unconscious and how you relate to it. The collective unconscious has images and metaphor as its language and not a certain tongue persé.
You write in the language you are comfortable with. Bouchra is multilingual ( Berber, Arabic, French, Dutch and English) and it is part of the city of Amsterdam to welcome this multilinguality that enriches our consciousness. The main language of the workshop will be in English.

I hope to see you at the ‘Writing to Consciousness’ workshop.

✅link for tickets:


Dr. Bouchra Arbaoui
Researcher, Jungian Analyst and Artist


Aligned Resistance is not a reaction. It is embodying your own stand and staying with it. When you understand this, resisting gives you energy instead of costing you energy.



Hallo allemaal,

Zondag 24 maart nodig je uit voor een circle rondom je in ons. Spreekt dit onderwerp je aan en wil je in veilige circle van vrouwen hiermee verbinding maken? Stuur me een email naar
✅info@ soulmatter.nl

Ik heb een ruimte in MaHara in Amsterdam helemaal voor ons.
Stuur me graag je motivatie om mee te doen.

Foto uit expositie in


A loss of feeling is not about a lack of emotions, it is about a lack of connection to inner meaning. Often this can be seen in people who don’t connect to a deeper layer of the psyche of the imaginal realm. There might be fear of it or trauma or simply an incapacity to relate to the imaginal and symbolic nature of the psyche. The wanting to understand, clarify and a search for functionality and usefulness inhibits from embracing the richness and playfulness of the inner world. Ultimately this is a disconnection from the dream world.
With you can and reclaims the .
I developed the to guide you.
You can make a free of charge appointment directly in my agenda.


With love,
Picture: Miniature from Cotton MS Nero A X. The Dreamer stands on the other side of the stream from the Pearl-maiden. ( from link in comments)


Reality is revealed by shadows,
light and mist.
Enchanting our senses
to see the beauty of life.

Confusion is a result of not wanting to see, avoiding using a language that simply describes your experience. Confusion is an avoidance of the full experience. There is a part of you that refuses to be in the reality of the now. Confusion is part of your experience. When you embrace the not knowing, the stream of the unconscious is allowed.

With love,
and by


An awareness of the shadow is only possible when we are aware of the other. To be aware of another we have to be aware of the ‘I’ . In this distinction ( ultimately an illusion, a tension) a possibility of a dialogue.

⚡️Illusions are not to be banalised as they are powerful teachers.

⚡️The shadow is always present.

How to to meet your shadow and the collective shadow? a process you are engaging in everyday but are you conscious of it?

With love,

Ps: I am offering for people in


“Let it rain, let the wind blow, let the waters flow and the fire burn. Let each thing have its development, let becoming have its day”

If you are in conflict it hard to find that place where movement/life can take its due course. You may hold the tension too much of give in to soon. How to let it all become what it is?!
Holding the opposites is having the courage to be in paradox and confusion. Can you not seek premature answers? Can you stay curious? Life is handing you a gift even it may not seem always so.

With love,

[email protected]
in and


“Every one in your life, every one you encounter, is a part of you that tries to emerge into your consciousness.”

This is why are a great way to meet and engage in by developing a capacity to reflect and !

Try instead of or to in in . Notice your tendency to such as or becoming . Are you awake or or are you drifting to ?

so for the experience is often needed: ? Is it possible for you to feel safe in this contact? Don’t push it!
Be gentle and kind with yourself.

With Love,

oline and in person
[email protected]


“Only what is really oneself has the power to heal”


When we listen to the unconscious guiding us in attempt to healing, we say yes to healing beyond the ego mind.
This trust in the unconscious requires a conscious mind that is not controlling and not submissive either : a responsive agent!

Work with me I will guide you through unconscious difficulties that might manifest in unexplained dis-ease in your body and/or mind. If you want to get rid of whatever is keeping you away from the freedom to be who you are.

With love,
[email protected]



“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no universal recipe for living. Each of us carries his own life-form within him— an irrational form which no other can outbid.”

I was a frequent shoe dreamer. Are you?

I used to regularly dream of shoes.

In one dream I still remember vividly I insist to wear two different shoes for the left and right foot. I walked uncomfortably but I walked happy in this dream. I felt like I am a clown who knows something others do not know. It was the realisation of the differences between the masculine and feminine in me and the dream was an invitation to integrate them.

Dreaming of shoes are very common and we can speak of the shoe as an

To me shoes are related to the walk I walk. What is this walk and how I walk it?

in the uses to travel from one realm to another.

I am curious about your ideas about shoes in or outside your dreams.


With love,


Change is a process that requires a continuation of awareness. Can you let the unconscious develop and rise to consciousness? Can you hold the urge to solve? The will to fix? Stay with it.
This is a feminine quality of presence that allows space to be created and transformed from within.
It is a practice.
With love,
and in


What do we breathe if not each other?

With love,


When you feel it, you heal it.

and in by


No wonder the mirror as a metaphor but also as an object keeps fascinating people. The mirror Promises to open to us that what is hidden, that we know is there and long to touch and see. The mirror promises to give us the crack or passage to the other dimension ( ex. Alice Through the Looking Glass ).
The mirror I associate with Hermes (greek mythology) the intermediar between life and death. In Arabic they have the concept of برزخ (barzakh) to talk about that place that is in between heaven and earth. They say it is the place of the imaginary. The 'Barzakh' is believed to be bigger than Heaven and Earth because it is the place where the impossible exists.

⚡️ coming soon: Narcisme a different story ⚡️

Do you want to receive information about this workshop and my other activities? Send me your email in dm and I will keep you updated.
With love,




“There is a child that was brought up by a mother, probably father as well, where the feminine was not present. Now, I have to make clear what I mean by feminine in so far as one can make that clear.You have to experience the feminine to understand it. And I know that is the hardest thing to say because so many people say, 'I don’t know what you are talking about', and they don’t. And how do you talk about something or try to live something that you have not experienced. But let me just try here.

When I use the word feminine, I am not talking about gender. I am talking about an ‘energy’. It is as ancient as the Hindu religion. Shiva and Shakti. And those two energies go right together. Shiva, the masculine. Not patriarchal. I don’t think patriarchy has anything to do with masculinity. It is a power principle that becomes a parody of itself. You know as well as I do that women that are trapped in patriarchy could be worst patriarchs than men. So patriarchy has done as much profound damage to men as it has done to women. If I ever get to write another book, that what I’ m going to write about, is the patriarchal handling of men. And I mean handling.”

Self Portrait by ©️

⬇️read further in comment


Wanneer je je realiseert dat je niet een andere bent maar echt iemands anders die je noemt ik, realiseer je je eigen singulariteit. Dat is bevrijdend. Maar de weg daar naartoe is beangstigend want je voelt gevoelens van verlatenheid,eenzaamheid en angst. Het kan je brengen naar dimensies die je je niet kon voorstellen daarvoor ( hier hoor je me niet over praten in dit platform) Bovendien lijkt alles te verdwijnen want je onthecht je steeds aan dingen en ook aan mensen, en liefde wordt niet meer ontvangen als adem ( je kunt ook letterlijk ademhalingsproblemen ervaren). Het onthechten voelt als dood gaan. Dus de ik (s) gaan steeds dood en je lijkt je zelf steeds op nieuw kwijt te raken. De ik is namelijk de grote illusie die er is waar men aan hecht.
Het accepteren van een menselijke toestand van verlatenheid en een staat van ‘alleenheid’ is op een paradoxaal manier de weg naar echt verbinding en compassie. Dit leidt tot een bessef dat ik is wij samen. De dood is de weg naar verandering. Het weigeren van de dood is het weigeren van het leven.
(Easy said than done)
Deze weg gaat samen met het verslaan van verschillende draken ( illusies). Elke draak/illusie is een lerraar. Je leert en je ziet en je gaat door naar het volgende. Ja het houdt niet op.
Het zijn uiteindelijk lessen in liefde. Ja echt waar:)
Wat betekent dat. Tja dat weet je dan zelf:) een ding is zeker je blijft verwonderen en je kunt het niet grijpen met 1 antwoord.
En misschien vraag je je af wat blijft er van mij over? Alles wat niet waar is gaat weg tenminste als je niet vals speelt:)

With love,

Videos (show all)

Conversation with the unknown As I walk, the poetry of life is present. Holding a conversation with myself, I listen to ...
What is the EchoComplex? Listen to video to   See what I mean by this concept. How and why #Animaintrojection and#animap...
Echo Complex
#digestion in #thepsyche
What is your relationship to your body? How your body practice can tell you about it?
Some body practices lead to dissociation!
Talks with The Animus
Talks with the Animus
Mireille Steenkamer and Bouchra Arbaoui Both Jungian Analyst in Amsterdam continue the talks with and about The Animus. ...
In Gesprek met De Animus  Aflevering 4
"The unconscious is a process, and that the psyche is transformed or developed by the relationship [of the ego] to the c...