ACE Alumni

ACE Alumni

Alumni association of the International Faculty Association ACE & Supervisory Board of International Stay tuned for nice activities and ACE-news!

We are the alumni association of International Faculty Association ACE. We will organize some great activities for our alumni students. Besides, the board of Friends of ACE functions as a supersvisory board for the association ACE. Our experiences in our ACE board years will help us to advise and control the board of ACE.


Only a few more days to apply for the Supervisory Board! The deadline is the 1st of June. Send your application to [email protected]


We are looking for new Supervisory Board members for next academic year. The Supervisory Board advises and controls the current board of International Faculty Association ACE and is also responsible for the alumni of the association.
Are you a former board member, interested in controlling and advising the board of International Faculty Association ACE and do you want to bring the alumni association to a higher level?

Please send your application to [email protected]. The application deadline is the 1st of June.



We are looking for new Supervisory Board members for next academic year. The Supervisory Board advises and controls the current board of International Faculty Association ACE and is also responsible for the alumni of the association.
Are you a former board member, interested in controlling and advising the board of International Faculty Association ACE and do you want to bring the alumni association to a higher level?

Please send your application to [email protected]. The application deadline is the 1st of June.


The Application Committee is recruiting a new member!

So far the committee consists of current board member Danielle van Kalken and former board member Sophie de Winter.
We are looking for a third person interested in handling the application process and forming the 36th board.
Are you a former board member of International Faculty Association ACE/Histartes and motivated to find ACE a new board?
Apply by sending an email to: [email protected]

DEADLINE: 18th of February 2017 at 22:00


Tonight we celebrate 35 years of ACE at the official Opening of the Seventh Lustrumweek. This evening is also our alumni drink. Are you a Friend of ACE? Then you will receive free drinks! For all our Lustrumfriends we have a free Prosecco in the beginning of the evening! See you there!

Tomorrow is the start of the ACE Lustrum Week! Join us for the official opening and opening party at The Machinist! 🎉

Event ›


Last General Assembly Sophie de Winter was installed as our new treasurer. Last year Sophie was the treasurer of the 34th board. We are very happy with her and we are looking forward to her contribution to our team!

From now on the new composition of the Supervisory Board will be (from left to right): Jaime Verbij-pr/marketing manager, Xerena Pols-secretary, Jeroen den Breejen-chairman, Lisa de Schepper-vicechairman, Sophie de Winter-treasurer. We are ready to make this year another great (Friends of) ACE-year!

This academic year ACE will also celebrate its Seventh Lustrum. At the facebookpage ACE Lustrum you can find all information about the planned Lustrumactivities.


The Lustrum committee is searching for old party pictures of Histartes/ACE. Pictures like this one! Can you help us? You can send your pictures to [email protected].


Only two more days to apply for the supervisory board 2016-2017!

We are looking for a new Supervisory Board member for next academic year. Are you an old board member, interested in controling and advising the board of ACE and do you want to bring the alumni association to a higher level?

Please send your application to [email protected]. Deadline is Monday the 16th of May 23.00!


Friends of ACE is recruiting! We are looking for a new Supervisory Board member for next academic year. Are you an old board member, interested in controlling and advising the board of ACE and do you want to bring the alumni association to a higher level?

Please send your application to [email protected]. The application deadline is the 16th of May.


Did you miss our last alumni drinks? No worries, join our next one during the ACE Career Days! The drink will be at thursday the 14th of April (next week) at 16.30 in the Erasmus Paviljoen and will be the closing drink of the Career Days programme, scheduled right after the Alumnipanel. So this is your chance to get in touch with both the new students and the alumni!

We can not wait to see you there!


Look how they partied in the old days! Do you miss your Histartes/ACE-time? We will reunite you with your old friends at the ACE Alumni Experience. Share your memories and enjoy the food! Join us at the 4th of March for a great dinner at De Stoep! We will be happy to welcome you all. (New) Friends can order a 2-course dinner for only € 11,50 (old members pay €23,50). We hope to see you all at the ACE Alumni Experience!

All current ACE-members are cordially invited to join us at the drink afterwards in Cafe Pardoen. We will play beerpong, listen to a college-tour with some of the alumni and party the night away!


Our new posters just arrived! ACE is looking for Friends. Are you an old ACE boardmember, old member or faculty member and do you want to support ACE with 25 euros a year? As a friend you will get nice discounts on our activities, at least one free drink at our drinks and you will receive the magazine EmbrACE four times a year! Subscribe as a friend right now and we will give you a 50% discount on the ACE Alumni Experience Diner.



ACE Career Days

ACE Career Days 2016! 12th, 13th and 14th of April. Orientate on future jobs or activities next to your study! Get to know great companies, socialize with alumni.

For alumni: ACE is still looking for companies that would like to present at the Career Days 2016. This event will take place at the Erasmus University Rotterdam on the 12th, 13th and 14th of April. We organise this event for all students of the faculty, both of the bachelors and masters. This means a target group of over a thousand enthusiastic students who are willing to work hard on their future!

Are you interested to present your company during this event or do you know someone who is interested? Please send an email to [email protected]. If you have any further questions or wish to know more about the event, do not hesitate to contact them.


ACE Career Days are bringing students of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and companies closer together. Organized by I.F.A. ACE & ESHCC


6th of February! It is the 34th birthday of ACE. We wish all old and new ACE members a happy ACE birthday and we hope to welcome you all at the Dies drink coming wednesday the 10th of February:).


Throw Back Thursday! Freshmen weekend 2007:)


Save the date!


Are you curious how your fellow board-mates or ACE-friends are doing? Would you like to get in touch with alumni in an informal way? Are you up for a great night with nice food, good conversations and cool games? Join us for the ACE alumni experience on the 4th of March!

More information about location and activities will follow soon! For now, we can tell you that there will be a great dinner for all alumni and a party afterwards for all alumni and ACE-members!


Throw Back Tuesdaythe lookalike edition!
We found this picture from 1994 and we thought it was one of our current members.

Do you know the lookalike AND the person on this picture? Let us know in a comment, you can win one free drink at the Friends of ACE event in March, the ACE Alumni Experience! Stay tuned, more information will follow.


Friends of Ace wishes you a merry christmas and a wonderful 2016! Soon we will announce our first event on this page, so stay tuned.

See you in 2016!


Happy throw back thursday! Today we look back at one of the short trips of last years. Do you know when and where this picture was made? Please react and tag the persons in the picture!

Next week, on 26th of November, the 34th Board of Ace will announce the destination of the short trip 2016. The social drink will be in Paket. Be there if you want to know which city we will discover this year!


International Faculty Association ACE

Next year is a LUSTRUM YEAR as our association turns 35! In February 2017 this will be celebrated with a whole week of activities and events. The lustrum committee, that will start already beginning of 2016 and will run until the end of next academic year, will help prepare for this. You can now apply for this committee! Send an e-mail with short motivation to [email protected] and help make this a great lustrum!


Throw Back Thursday! Today it is exactly one year ago that the ACE> office (or "Hok") moved from the L-building to the seventh floor of the M-building. >

Do you have a nice picture for ? Please send it to [email protected], then we will post your picture on the next tbt!


It's throwback thursday! From now on we will post every two weeks a nice ace-related picture on this page and throw back to a moment in the history of Ace. We found this picture in the Ace office. Do you know the name of this famous old board member?

Do you have a nice picture for ? Please send it to [email protected].


In the General Assembly of the 11th of March 2015 the Foundation 'Friends of ACE' (Vrienden van Histartes) was cancelled and instead a Supervisory Board was established as part of the association ACE. The function and tasks of this Supervisory Board are equal to those of the previous foundation. However, this new construction clarifies the role of the foundation and simplifies its relationship with the association.
The Supervisory Board will still advice and monitor the board of ACE. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board will keep its function as a recruiter of 'Friends of ACE' and will organize a lot of great activities for alumni.

As of the General Assembly of the 22nd of September 2015 the composition of the Supervisory Board changed. We said goodbye to Eline Vaessen en Alexandra van Strien-de Groot and we would like to thank them for their dedication in the past years. From now on Lisa de Schepper will take over Eline’s position as chairman and Jaime Verbij will replace Alexandra as the PR/Marketing Manager. We are welcoming Jeroen den Breejen (treasurer and chairman of the 31st board) and Xerena Pols (secretary 33rd board) as new members of the supervisory board.


The first Ace Eshcc pubquiz was a success! Thank you all for a great evening! :)