Healthcare for internationals - H4i

Healthcare for internationals - H4i

This page is for everyone that wants to see Dutch healthcare better meet the needs and expectations of internationals living in the Netherlands.

Decision time: Health insurance 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals 10/12/2021

It's time to decide: to change or not to change your policy or provider. This checklist may help you.

Decision time: Health insurance 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals There are only 3 weeks left to make changes to your health insurance. Maybe you are very satisfied with your current package and decided to stay put. If you haven't decided yet, however, this post may...

Newsletter Health Insurance 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals 13/11/2021

All health insurance providers have announced their 2022 premiums. If you want to change your policy to get a better deal, do so before January 1st.

Newsletter Health Insurance 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals Option to change your policy before January 1 If you have a mandatory Dutch health insurance (‘Basisverzekering’) then you have the option to change your health insurance policy and/or provider once every year. This newsletter will...

Newsletter Autumn 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals 15/10/2021

Our Autumn Newsletter is now online. Read about the launch of an H4i 'App', the release of Healthcare videos and much more.

Newsletter Autumn 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals Providing decent and timely information to internationals is vital to make Dutch healthcare better accessible to internationals. This is shown not only by research performed by H4i amongst migrant workers and expats, but also by a...

Utrecht Region Study Event 07/10/2021

Healthcare for internationals is participating in the Utrecht Regio Study Event next week. Join our webinar on Navigating Dutch Healthcare.

Utrecht Region Study Event 11 - 15 October 2021

Healthcare costs rise in 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals 22/09/2021

Healthcare costs rise in 2022.
Do you get value for your money?
How well are you informed about your healthcare options?

Healthcare costs rise in 2022 - Healthcare for Internationals Yesterday Dutch government announced its budget for 2022. As in previous years insurance premiums will rise again, but the mandatory excess is expected to remain unchanged at 385 €. The average increase is expected to be...

Newsletter Summer 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals 16/08/2021

Our Summer 2021 newsletter is online. Read about the opening of H4i Limburg, first internationals finding employment in Dutch healthcare and the Dutch healthcare survey by the International Advisory Group. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

Newsletter Summer 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals During the summer, many people enjoy a well-deserved holiday. This is different for many internationals. Due to Covid restrictions, a trip home is still difficult for some. Others, on the contrary, are stepping in to fill...

Mind the ‘Oak Processionary’, when you are outdoors - Healthcare for Internationals 24/06/2021

Mind this caterpillar! In summer it can really be a nuisance.

Mind the ‘Oak Processionary’, when you are outdoors - Healthcare for Internationals The oak processionary caterpillar is a caterpillar that lives in some oak trees during spring and summer, usually in May, June and July, but due to the colder spring weather in 2021, most nuisance this year...

Healthy employees in a vital organization - Healthcare for Internationals 28/05/2021

Agile organizations need vital employees to remain creative, flexible and on top of the game. This case shows what employers can do to keep their international staff vital and energized.

Healthy employees in a vital organization - Healthcare for Internationals A constantly changing world requires that companies adapt to their challenges. Be it climate change, globalization or the current pandemic, organizations need to keep changing to meet the expectations of their customers and society as a...

Getting a Covid vaccination or test - Healthcare for Internationals 21/05/2021

Are you interested in how to get a COVID test? Would you like to find out if you are entitled to a vaccination? The Dutch Red Cross is providing detailed informaton in 6 languages.

Getting a Covid vaccination or test - Healthcare for Internationals Are you interested in how to get a COVID test? Would you like to find out if you are entitled to a vaccination? Even if you don’t have a Dutch BSN (Citizen Service Number) or residence...

Newsletter Spring 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals 01/05/2021

Our Spring newsletter is online. Read about working in Dutch healthcare, building a mental health provider network, healthcare for migrant workers and much more.

Newsletter Spring 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals Spring seems to be really here, with the opportunity to have a drink at a terrrace in the sun. Despite strong concerns of healthcare providers, curfew and some other restrictions have been lifted. Vaccination is finally...

Promising results GPinfo pilot - Healthcare for Internationals 09/04/2021

Have you used GPinfo, the information site about health, disease and treatment? Maybe you did and provided your feedback.
Many internationals have rated GPinfo and the results are promising!

Promising results GPinfo pilot - Healthcare for Internationals In September 2020,, an English version of Dutch was launched. Thuisarts provides information about health, disease and treatment that is consulted 5 mln times monthly by the general public and GP's. was started...

Healthcare costs explained - Healthcare for Internationals 02/04/2021

How much do really pay for Dutch healthcare? Read about all the costs that you may incur.

Healthcare costs explained - Healthcare for Internationals If you have Dutch health insurance and visit your GP, pharmacy or a medical specialist, you are not likely to see what they charge for their services. You just present your health insurance card and any...

Your medical record online - Healthcare for Internationals 05/03/2021

Your medical record is available online, accessible through a secure website or app.

Your medical record online - Healthcare for Internationals Your GP keeps information about your health in your medical record. You can view that information at the doctor’s office or ask for a hardcopy. Since July 1, 2020, GP’s are required to also give online...

Mental health services network - Healthcare for Internationals 19/02/2021

Are you providing services that support internationals in coping with mental challenges? Are you a psychologist, a yoga teacher or coach? We are planning a mental health and well-being provider network for internationals, but we are looking for your input first.

Mental health services network - Healthcare for Internationals Are you a provider of services that support internationals in coping with mental challenges? Are you interested to join a provider network, that allows internationals to look for services that are best suited for their situation?...


Living in Utrecht? How do you rate its healthcare services?
Please complete this short survey!
Your feedback will help healthcare providers in Utrecht to improve their services.

Utrecht healthcare survey - Healthcare for Internationals 08/01/2021

Living in Utrecht? How you rate its healthcare services?
Please complete this short survey!
Your feedback will help healthcare providers in Utrecht to improve their services.

Utrecht healthcare survey - Healthcare for Internationals Healthcare providers in Utrecht and Healthcare for internationals are conducting a survey on the experiences of internationals with healthcare services in Utrecht region. We invite you to participate in this anonymous survey, that can be found...

Health insurance 2021: Time to decide - Healthcare for Internationals 18/12/2020

Decision time: if you want to change your health insurance policy or provider, you have less than 2 weeks left to decide. Read about your options.

Health insurance 2021: Time to decide - Healthcare for Internationals There are less than 2 weeks left to change your health insurance. Maybe you are very satisfied with your current package and decided to stay put. If you haven't decided yet, however, this post may help...

Residents are organ donor by default - Healthcare for Internationals 04/12/2020

If you are a resident in the Netherlands, you will become an organ donor by default. Read what you should do to record your preferences.

Residents are organ donor by default - Healthcare for Internationals A new law, in force as off July 1st of 2020, makes all residents a potential donor of organs and tissues after their death. A new donor register records by default for all residents, 18 years...

Current Survey — International Community Advisory Panel - Amsterdam 01/12/2020

Corona survey: How is Covid-19 impacting you?. The International Community Advisory Panel is carrying out a special survey to identify the main issues internationals are facing and find out what local governments and community organisations can do to help.
Please take this, anonymous, survey.

Current Survey — International Community Advisory Panel - Amsterdam 2020 has been a year few of us are likely to forget soon. For internationals living in the Netherlands, we are curious: how has the epidemic had an impact on YOU. 

Finding a job in Dutch healthcare - Healthcare for Internationals 27/11/2020

Are you a healthcare professional looking for a job in the Netherlands? This artcicle tells you how.

Finding a job in Dutch healthcare - Healthcare for Internationals As you may know, Dutch healthcare is truly in need of more healthcare professionals. Not only due to the coronavirus, as there was a shortage of qualified healthcare personnel long before the Covid-19 breakout. If you...

Breda surveys healthcare needs of internationals - Healthcare for Internationals 20/11/2020

Are you living in Breda region? Complete this survey to help improve healthcare for internationals. Share it with internationals living in that region.

Breda surveys healthcare needs of internationals - Healthcare for Internationals Breda region is the home to many internationals. They work at organizations such as Amgen, Lamb Weston, Zimmer Biomet, Ericsson, are self-employed, or study at Avans and BUAS. Many brought their families to the Netherlands. Healthcare...

Newsletter Health insurance 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals 13/11/2020

Monthly insurance premiums for 2021 are increasing 5 € in average. Should you change your health insurance provider or policy? Read about your options in our Newsletter!

Newsletter Health insurance 2021 - Healthcare for Internationals Option to change your policy before January 1 If you have a mandatory Dutch health insurance (‘Basisverzekering’) then you have the option to change your health insurance policy and/or provider once every year. This newsletter will...

GPinfo: does it meet your needs? - Healthcare for Internationals 06/11/2020 provides online information in English about the most common health complaints. But does it meet your needs?
Help us expand and improve

GPinfo: does it meet your needs? - Healthcare for Internationals provides online information in English about the most common health complaints. For example: What to do if you have Covid-like symptoms? Should you call the doctor if your child runs a fever? How to deal...

Newsletter Autumn 2020 - Healthcare for Internationals 23/10/2020

Interested in mental healthcare for internationals, getting a job in Dutch healthcare, increase of health insurance premiums or healthcare for migrant workers? These are all topics in our Autumn Newsletter.

Newsletter Autumn 2020 - Healthcare for Internationals Access to healthcare you can trust is a basic human right. So is reliable information about health, disease and healthcare services. H4i is striving to make sure that more than 1.1 million internationals in the Netherlands...

GPinfo: check it out! - Healthcare for Internationals 09/10/2020

GPinfo, a new online service from Dutch GP's. Provides information about the most common health complaints and tips on what you can do yourself if you feel unwell.

GPinfo: check it out! - Healthcare for Internationals The Dutch College of GP's and H4i (Healthcare for internationals) recently introduced a new online service GPinfo provides online information in English, such as: Information about the most common health complaints Tips on what you...


Join this event on healthcare and much more....

The online Living & Lifestyle Event for internationals has a lot to offer!

👩‍💻 Join fun and informative webinars, workshops and quizzes - check out the programme below
🤝 Meet and chat with local international-minded companies
🙋 Meet new people and enjoy one-on-one conversations in our virtual Network Café

And everything is for free! Register at to receive your ticket.