

Laboratorium gespecialiseerd in chemische en microbiologische analyses iQ-Laboratory was founded by Rakesh Autar and Lucien Helstone.

A combination of academic and practical knowledge that guarantees a high quality service.
- works 7 days per week, including all public holidays
- is situated near offshore supply bases, harbour and heliport thus allowing for samples to be analyzed quicker
- uses the certified OSPAR method
- grants access to analysis results by Smart LIMS (Lab Information Management System) to all their customers
- is ISO 17025 certified ! Always thrives to the highest customer satisfaction !

RIVM waarschuwt voor legionella via waterzuivering - iQ-Laboratory B.V. 14/01/2020

Zo’n tachtig waterzuiveringsinstallaties in Nederland geven een verhoogd risico op verspreiding van de bacterie legionella, waardoor mensen ziek kunnen worden, blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM. Het gaat om installaties voor de zuivering van industrieel afvalwater en rioolwater.

Volgens het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu zouden de betreffende zuiveringsinstallaties maatregelen moeten nemen om verspreiding te voorkomen. Daarbij zouden er beschermingsmaatregelen voor medewerkers nodig zijn.

Legionellabacteriën kunnen onder andere ernstige longontsteking veroorzaken. In 2018 waren er bijna zeshonderd patiënten met longontsteking door legionella in Nederland, twee keer zoveel vergeleken met vijf jaar eerder. “Meestal kan niet achterhaald worden waar de ziekteverwekkers vandaan komen. Maar de afgelopen jaren is een aantal patiënten ziek geworden door het inademen van legionellabacteriën die waarschijnlijk uit een afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie komen”, aldus het gezondheidsinstituut.

RIVM waarschuwt voor legionella via waterzuivering - iQ-Laboratory B.V. Zo’n tachtig waterzuiveringsinstallaties in Nederland geven een verhoogd risico op verspreiding van de bacterie legionella, waardoor mensen ziek kunnen worden, blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM. Het gaat om installaties voor de zuivering van industrieel afvalwater en rioolwater. Volgens het Rijksi...


The results are in: 8,1 for overall performance IQ-Laboratory - iQ-Laboratory BV

The results of our Client Survey 2015 are in !! An 8.1 overall result makes us proud and shows we are on the right track but there still is some room for improvement ! Over 94% would recommend IQ-Laboratory to a colleague Proud of their results, IQ-Laboratory shows great improvement in their overall performance, raising their quality score from 7,8 in 2013 to 8,1 in 2015. IQ-Lab commits itself to customer satisfaction. Twice a year it turns to its customers for…


Last weekend we had our anual iQ-Lab weekend. This year at Preston Palace in Almelo!

Wanna take a peek ??


iQ-Laboratory BV -

Our new website is up and running !! Check it out on !!!

If you have suggestions on items you want to see on the site, let us know !!!


The audit went very very well ! Minor points to work at but both the RvA and IQ-Lab are very happy with the level of quality control !


We are ready for tomorrows RvA Audit ! Lets kick some quality butt !!


Proud to present our very first company car !! Now to get our logo on the side !


Iq-laboratory's five years anniversary ! No clue who send us the cake but many thanks from the iq-crew !


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IQ-Laboratory's cover photo


iQ-FTIR: Self research

To meet the ships and platforms in their need to actually be constantly aware of the quality of the process water,
IQ Lab has designed IQ-FTIR. This device, in contrast to the laboratory on land used FTIR, does not work with toxic
solvents and thus may be used offshore.

The IQ-FTIR gives a fairly accurate result of the amount of mineral oils in the water to be discharged within 5 minutes and thereby a good indication whether the process can be proceeded.
The official measurement still has to be completed on land, but this way a platform or ship can intervene itself when
they observe that the measurements goes beyond certain values .


Starting a new marketing campaign to inform the world about our ISO 17025 accreditation. A new bi-monthly advertisement in the "offshore newspaper" and a one-off editorial in the HOV-magazine !


IQ Laboratory enjoys international confidence with ISO 17025 accreditation.

Friday January 27th 2012 Rakesh Autar and Lucien Helstone of IQ Laboratory celebrated reaching an impressive milestone. One month before the third anniversary of IQ Lab they received the official ISO 17025 accreditation on behalf of the Board of Accreditation.

This international certification guarantees the quality and reliability of both the management and technical competence of the laboratory. Thus IQ Laboratory is the third laboratory in the
Netherlands that has obtained this prestigious qualification. The ‘business statement’, as both founders formulated
in 2009, can already be adjusted: the first major objective is achieved.
