

Experience is Knowledge! Maximize life's full potential with Total-Xperience.


Learn to be Purposeful with your Actions!

Everything you do produces some kind of outcome!
Please note that taking action in the wrong place is a guarantee, Miss Hit!
Shooting an arrow from the wrong angle, you will most likely miss the target!

Don't just act carelessly!
Remember, you are created on purpose, so Act on purpose!
Always consider the consequences of your actions, words, thoughts, or decisions in advance, to ensure you create the successful impactful, and meaningful outcomes you desire.


Let me share with you Divine Wisdom of my Spiritual Father about success.

Watch and listen careful!

Success has a Track record.
You must find it and Follow and you will end up where other successful people are🙏🔥


Everything produces its kind!
Normal will never produce extraordinary!

Mediocrity result in a monotone life, which eventually leads to laziness and not living up to your potential.

Be reminder that your expectations shape your vision.
It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

Don't be stuck in your comfortzone..
Always challenge You to manifest greater versions of you!


Have you taken out the Trash?

During the year we Take In so much information and things.
Its so important that before you enter the New year and Season, take the time to detoxify both Spiritually & Physically🙏


Have you taken out the Trash?

During the year we Take In so much information and things.
Its so important that before you enter a New year or Season, take the time to detoxify both Spiritually & Physically🙏


Happy Weekend🙏💗



Hello Monday!

Let this weeks Success Factor transport you from Dreaming to Achieving!

💡Most people spend a lifetime dreaming about success...
💡Successful people are intentional and work to make
success happen!

Having success is one part, maintaining it is even more important.
*If you are not working to keep it,
your working to lose it. There is no inbetween.

The week is yours! Own it, or it will own you😉!


Happy New Month!
Here is an important nugget to consider and work on!

Time is your most Valuable & Scarcest resource.

You can’t buy it, stop it, or save it, but you can live it.
If you do not value your time, you will squander it!

Not everyone or everything is deserving of your time!
Learn to say no to things & people that does not support your goals or vision.
Understand that each commitment of your time is a lost for other opportunities. Invest your time prudently!

The more intentional you are about the best use of your time, the more productive and successful you will become.



"Let your behavior emulate that which you desire to become!
Life will always match your energy."

Syncronicity of the Mind, Body and Spirit is Key for a well balanced outcome!

*Anchor your values, desires and make a firm commitment to the behaviors you want to emulate.

*Don't just let life happen!
Life is in your hands, so Innovate your life.

Choose every day to become a better Version of you!


You are more than how you look!
More than your Age or Beauty has to show!
More than a scale can measure.
More than the status of your relationship, money or career.

Don't fall for the trap and enslavement that can come with Comparision!
Or living by society's expectations.

Remember; You are what you think!
So let your thinking be in alignment with who you ARE!

Is good to learn from others in a healty way.
But stop comparing yourself to others.
Don't down play You!

*Practice gratitude - Dispose of the negative!
*Work on becoming a better version of you!
*Grant yourself Grace - space to grow, make mistakes and learn from them.

Its time for a SPIRIT RESET!
A reset to it original state, as how God purpose it!


God's fingerprint is on you.
His DNA in you!

You are one of His best ideas and the result of His finest craftsmanship.


The Choice is yours!

Where you are right now is a result of the Choices and Decisions you have made.

Life goes beyond just finding yourself.
Life is what You make of it!

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭30:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

The quality of life of your offspring and generation is dependant on the standard of life YOU Choose!

Each day the heavens and earth ATTEST to that which has been GIFTED to you.
Life and death is set before you...
Meaning each day you MUST choose.
Choose to design your day with Purpose, Godliness and Full of life!

Today is the start of the best day of your life😉🙌



't miss the SUPERNATURAL move of God, for the trill of the SPECTACULAR!

1. Goosebumps is not Evidence of the presence of God.

2. Anyone & Anything is useful in the hands of God.

3. Don't presume because God did it one way before, He'll come through the same way!

1 Kings 19:11-13, Matthew 6:33

Action: Expand your Awareness to SEE👀!

This day, God is moving on your behalf, in ways and forms you have never Seen or Experience before🙌!

Videos (show all)

Have you taken out the Trash?During the year we Take In so much information and things. Its so important that before you...
Have you taken out the Trash?During the year we Take In so much information and things. Its so important that before you...
Happy Weekend🙏💗#WeekendMoodActivated!
WEEKEND TEASER! "Let your behavior emulate that which you desire to become!Life will always match your energy."Syncronic...
Today is the start of the best day of your life😉🙌 #Total-Xperience

