NOSE Network
The Netherlands Olfactory Science Exchange is a multi-disciplinary enterprise that brings together r
Happy International Women’s Day!
The Netherlands Olfactory Science Exchange is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of olfactory science. We believe in a world where everyone, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, has equal opportunities to pursue their passions and achieve their goals. We recognize that biases, stereotypes, and discrimination can hinder progress towards gender equality and we are dedicated to addressing these issues. Collectively we can all .
Our mission aligns with the vision of a gender equal world where women's achievements are celebrated and discrimination is eliminated. We believe that embracing equity means valuing and respecting differences, including those related to gender, and taking action to create a more equitable society. As a multi-disciplinary enterprise, we strive to promote gender parity by encouraging research collaborations across disciplines related to olfaction and supporting the professional development of women in the field. Today, on International Women's Day, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting and advancing women in the field of olfactory science.
Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity.
International Women's Day 2023 campaign theme: Embrace Equity International Women's Day 2023 campaign theme is Embrace Equity -
Anosmia Awareness Day 2023!
Although the corona pandemic is over, that doesn’t mean smell loss is no longer an issue. For a lot of people, anosmia but also other forms of smell dysfunction, such as parosmia, are still real, and could be long-lasting. Smell is important for many aspects in our daily lives – food, social behavior, avoiding danger – so please beware, and appreciate your nose!
To ‘celebrate’ anosmia awareness day, the Global Consortium of Chemosensory Research (GCCR) organizes a webinar that is open for all: Prof. Carl Philpott and Dr. Oghogho Braimah will talk about “COVID-19 related smell recovery” and “Clinical approach to a patient with chemosensory dysfunction: lessons from COVID-19″. The webinar starts at 8:00 am EST (US), 13:00 London and China 21:00.
After more than 30 years it is with great pleasure to welcome ECRO back in the Netherlands. Please mark your calendars for September 18th – 21st for ECRO 2023.
The Netherlands was in fact the ‘founding country’ for ECRO back in 1970, when it held the first ever ECRO constitutive assembly in Woudschoten, Zeist. This first meeting was partly hosted by eminent researcher Professor E.P. Köster. Ep, who passed away in August 2022, was a significant and inspirational member of our community. Based on Ep’s initial work, the Netherlands now boasts a successful and active chemosensory community, ranging from human flavor perception, gut nutrient sensing, and gustatory and olfaction receptomics, to social chemosignaling, language, cognition, and neuroimaging, as well as insect pheromones, glucose metabolism, and the humanities.
Inspired by the diversity of research within the Netherlands, the theme for ECRO 2023 is ‘Diverse flavors’. With this theme we aim to prioritize diversity in topics, speakers, attendance, and social program.
We look forward to seeing you in Nijmegen in September!
ECRO ###III - 2023, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ECRO 2023 Program Chair & Committee:
NOSE mourns the loss of Prof. Ep Köster (1931 – 2022)
It is with profound sadness we inform you of the passing of Prof E.P. Köster (emeritus Professor) who was Professor of Fundamental and Applied Research of the Chemical Senses (1971-1993) and of the Psychology of Food Behavior (1993-1996) at Utrecht University. Prof. Köster, also referred to as “Ep” lay the foundation of human chemical senses research in the Netherlands and beyond. Ep was also one of the founders of ECRO, the European Chemoreception Research Organization, in 1970 of which organization he is an honorary member.
Importantly as well, Ep and Howard Moskowitz were the original editors of Chemical Senses, the flagship journal of Achems (Association of Chemoreception Sciences). Their first editorial appeared in 1974, in Volume 1 Number 1 of the journal (
In 2019 our organization, NOSE, organised a special session at the meeting of the Dutch Society Of Brain And Cognition (NVP) to honour Ep’s contribution to olfactory science and to thank him for his inspiration for the scientific study of the relation between olfaction, cognition and behaviour. At this meeting he received an “olfactory” award: a perfume specially designed for him by perfumer and neuroscientist, Spyros Drosopoulos. The perfume was inspired by Ep’s work, his personality and some of the olfactory notes he used in his work. It was the first-ever award that can only be appreciated through the sense of smell, and so the audience attending the session shared the pleasure of sniffing this delightful award which was dispersed across the room.
We remember the first words of Ep in his addressing the audience of this session: “Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Ep referred to the fact that some of his colleagues in Experimental Psychology had laughed at him when he – it must have been in the 1970’s- announced that he would devote his perception research to the sense of olfaction, not taking this topic very seriously. “Now it is my turn to laugh at THEM.”. Ep mentioned that, back then, only Nico Frijda, who was working in the area of emotion, understood Ep’s choice and was supportive. Both would become world-famous in their respective fields in the years that followed.
This story highlights two of Ep’s characteristics: a sense of humour, and a perseverance in an area he believed in. Many of us can relate to Ep’s sense of humour, sometimes difficult to follow, but always making you smile and think. And we now know, through the work from Ep and his students, how the sense of smell is entwined with our emotions. It is ethereal, important, directly linked to behaviour and very difficult to study.
Besides to olfaction, Ep has also contributed to the fields of sensory analysis and food consumer science. He always favoured a strict scientific and methodological approach. Many a study was dismissed by him on grounds of methodological weakness or scientific ‘nonsense’. His work with Per Møller and Jos Mojet on the “Misfit” Theory of Spontaneous Conscious Odour Perception (MITSCOP) highlights the importance of ecological validity. Ep believed scientific studies should be about something real, i.e. they should address (everyday) behaviour. Telling is Ep’s comment that “Fundamental research is difficult, but applied research is much more difficult”. Another remark reflects Ep’s unrelenting critical attitude towards most ongoing consumer research: “In the old days, some 65% of new food products failed on the market, then the market researchers arrived on the scene,… and now it is 85%.” A bit exaggerated perhaps, but it clearly highlights his view on consumer food research. His 2003 paper on “The psychology of food choice: Some often encountered fallacies” is a very well cited paper. Ep started displaying a critical attitude to much traditional consumer research long before the now dominant view that many food choices happen automatically and are not easily accessible to conscious elaboration by consumers themselves. Everybody who has ever had a scientific chat with Ep knows how he used to emphasise implicit processes and the unconscious nature of most olfactory perception. As said, all this makes olfactory, but also food choice, research very difficult, as well as expensive. “Good research is costly, but cheap research even more so” another great statement from Ep, referring to the fact that it is not uncommon that million-dollar decisions are based on bad research.
Besides being a remarkable and visionary scientist, Ep was a brilliant lecturer, who was able to completely captivate his audience and is still remembered by many for this.
We mustn’t forget about a whole different side of Ep that was equally important to him, especially when he was younger, though it is lesser known fact. Besides a successful academic Ep was an artist; an award winning poet to be precise and he often referred to this fact to those who knew him well. He was literarily involved with De Luis (The Lice) and the famous Dutch movement ‘De Vijftigers’. In this period he also befriended the renowned architect Gerrit Rietveld, who lived next to him in Utrecht, and the poet Lucebert. In 1955 Ep published a collection of poems with images by William (later Dirkje) Kuik called ‘Kruisiging in Utrecht’ (‘Crucifixion in Utrecht’) based on paintings by the famous James Ensor. While many poems were lost, some were (re)published in 2013 by De Utrechtse Boekhoudpers. Ep had wanted to continue down this road but -luckily for anyone studying the sense of smell- decided to become a scientist instead. In both capacities he touched minds and hearts.
Ep laid the foundations for an applied psychology of smell and taste and in doing so he left a legacy. He has inspired many scientists to embark on a career in these areas. They, and their students again, will continue to reap the fruits of Ep’s vision, for decades to come.
We remember him fondly,
On behalf on NOSE (Netherlands Olfactory Science Exchange),
Monique Smeets, Caro Verbeek, Garmt Dijksterhuis
Thanks to Didier Troitier, Annick Faurion and Claire Murphy for their contributions
Our member CSGA offers an exciting position: tenure-track junior professor "neurobiology of olfaction" ->
Very interesting longread by the Guardian, on how we lost our sensory connection with food.
Smell, and our other senses, are so so crucial for our eating behavior, the choices we make, the pleasure and enjoyment we get from food. Don't miss out on this!
How we lost our sensory connection with food – and how to restore it The long read: To eat in the modern world is often to eat in a state of profound sensory disengagement. It shouldn’t have to be this way
Het is vandaag Anosmia Awareness day: de dag om aandacht te vragen voor (de gevolgen van) reukverlies. O.a. RTLnieuws besteed er aandacht aan, in een interview met 2 patienten die hier last van hebben, en reukexpert en NOSE member Sanne Boesveldt:
'De zegen van covid': eindelijk aandacht voor het missen van het reukvermogen Op zondag 27 februari is het 'Wereld Anosmie Dag': de dag waarop aandacht wordt gevraagd voor het verlies van je reukvermogen. 'Dankzij' het coronavirus weten nu veel meer meer mensen hoe het is om - even - niets te ruiken. Joke en Charlotte ruiken hun hele leven al niets. "Ik moet heel vaak zeggen....
Uw hulp wordt gevraagd:
Neusgierige wetenschappers verzamelen geurtaal en geurgebruiken
Hoe ruikt januari voor u? Zwavelig naar vuurwerk en ranzig naar oliebollen? Heumig of muf vanwege het binnen zitten? Drassig naar regen en modder? Aromatisch omdat alcohol tijdelijk door rooibosthee wordt vervangen? Branderig naar stookkachels; voor de een balsemiek en voor de ander een meur? Of is januari geurloos omdat u met reukloosheid bent getroffen?
Als u denkt: wat een vreemde vragen, leest u dan vooral verder. Een groep wetenschappers wil alles weten over geuren – vooral over woorden voor geuren – en uw hulp is daarbij meer dan welkom.
Muf, dompig, duffig, vaats, verdossemd, huim, brak of pismuffig: het Nederlands is ooit heel rijk geweest aan geurwoorden. Niet alleen voor muffe luchten en bedompte ruimtes, maar ook om de rijke, aromatische geurcultuur van het dagelijks leven te beschrijven. Een groep ‘neusgierige’ wetenschappers – taalkundigen, historici, etnologen, psychologen, biologen – doet in samenwerking met geurontwerpers en kunstenaars onderzoek naar geur als belangrijk onderdeel van de natuur en het cultureel erfgoed. Ze onderzoeken geurgebruiken en geurtaal, en gaan op zoek naar hedendaagse en historische woorden die gebruikt worden om geuren te beschrijven. Ze zijn speciaal geïnteresseerd in geurbeschrijvingen in dialecten en talen zoals Fries, Limburgs, Nedersaksisch, Jiddisch, en Papiaments.
Om de Nederlandse geurcultuur in kaart te kunnen brengen heeft de onderzoeksgroep een vragenlijst over geurgebruiken en geurtaal ontwikkeld. Welke rol speelt het ruiken in ons dagelijks leven? Welke woorden hebben we om luchtjes te beschrijven? Welke geur verbindt u aan een bepaald begrip, bijvoorbeeld thuis? Bestaan er in uw dialect bijzondere woorden voor geuren? Doorbreek de wintersleur met geurlust en vul de NeusWijzer-vragenlijst in!
De ingevulde vragenlijsten zullen worden gebruikt voor de Neuswijzer die in 2023 zal verschijnen: een geurig standaardwerk over reuk in taal en cultuur, evolutie en biologie, geschiedenis en psychologie. Een primeur voor het Nederlandse taalgebied.
Naar de NeusWijzer-vragenlijst
Wilt u meedoen aan de vragenlijst? Dat kan nog de hele maand januari via deze link:,
of surf naar de NeusWijzer website:
Duidelijke animaties hoe corona je reukvermogen kan aantasten:
Met dank aan Digna Kamalski en Elbrich Postma
NOSE member Caro Verbeek published a book... about noses!
Onlangs positief getest voor COVID-19 en nu langdurig reuk- en/of smaakverlies? Doe mee aan de COVORTS studie van Wageningen Universiteit!
Patiënten die maximaal 3 maanden geleden een positieve coronatest én minimaal 1 maand last hebben van reukverlies kunnen zich aanmelden. Je wordt tijdens dit onderzoek een jaar lang gevolgd door middel van reuktesten en vragenlijsten.
Voor meer informatie:
COVORTS-studie: onderzoek naar reukverlies na Covid-19 infectie, deelnemers 18-60 jaar In het afgelopen jaar kreeg naar schatting 2 van de 3 patiënten met een COVID-19 infectie te maken met reukverlies. Bij het merendeel van de patiënten keert het reukvermogen binnen een aantal weken terug, maar er zijn ook patiënten bij wie de klachten aanhouden, of die te maken krijgen met een ve...
Exciting news! NOSE member Sanne Boesveldt-de Gier received a major grant from , to continue the research on (longterm) smell loss and in -19!! Together with , UMC, and .nl
Funding for large-scale research into loss of smell and taste due to COVID-19 The Dutch health organization ZonMw has awarded funding for a large-scale study into loss of smell and taste as a result of COVID-19. During this research, the development of loss of smell and taste (anosmia) and olfactory distortions (parosmia) are examined. Little is known worldwide about this las...
Many people suffer from smell and taste changes following COVID-19. Research from the GCCR has revealed that while many people recover after a few weeks, for about as many patients, the changes in smell and taste are persistent. Are you experiencing this form of smell and/or taste loss following COVID-19? Do you want to be able to track any changes and/or recovery by smelling and tasting a few items from your own kitchen, in the comfort of your own home? Sign up for the new GCCR study! The study takes about 20 minutes to complete, and you will be asked to do this task 9 times. After each time, you will be able to see the changes in your sense of smell and taste!
English Participate in the GCCR studies!
WIOS is supporting four young researchers with travel fellowships to ECRO 2021 (13-16 Sept, Cascais, Portugal)!
If you are a junior researchers (up to 7 years after obtaining their PhD or MD), an active advocate for female scientists, diversity and equality, are member of ECRO, and if you are planning to attend in person, we are looking forward to your submission!
For more details have a look at the file attached to this post. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your WIOS Executive Committee (Veronika Schöpf, Valentina Parma, Sanne Boesveldt)
Please share and spread the word!
Are you looking for an introduction in the world of sensory science with a focus on eating behaviour? Would you like to broaden and deepen your theoretical knowledge and gain the latest insights from present real world research? And are you looking for an integrated approach where food technology, consumer and nutrition science interact? Then this university-level online course is something for you!
Online Course Principles of Sensory Science Are you looking for an introduction in the world of sensory science with a focus on eating behaviour? Would you like to broaden and deepen your theoretical knowledge and gain the latest insights from present real world research? And are you looking for an integrated approach where food technology, c...
Vandaag is het Anosmia Awareness Day! Op deze dag vragen we aandacht voor mensen met een reukstoornis en staan we even stil bij de impact van reukverlies.
Interesting long read on our sense of smell, in the New York Times®i_id=155373171§ion=topNews&segment_id=50563&te=1&user_id=52144d7b78223637e99a6ecb990fff61
What Can Covid-19 Teach Us About the Mysteries of Smell? The virus’s strangest symptom has opened new doors to understanding our most neglected sense.
Doe mee aan de Reuk & Smaak Challenge! Ruik en proef een maand lang iedere dag je ontbijtdrankje, en test en volg op die manier je reuk en smaakvermogen:
Het kan een manier zijn om al vroeg COVID-19 op te sporen
Kijk zaterdag vanuit huis mee met onze Vriendendag! Vanwege het hoge aantal geïnteresseerden en omdat er nu zo’n grote groep mensen is die te maken heeft met reuk- en smaakverlies na COVID-19, zenden we dit jaar een livestream van onze Vriendendag uit.
Bekijk de livestream zaterdag 3 oktober hier:
Een groot deel van coronapatiënten heeft te maken met reuk- en/of smaakverlies. Hoewel dit bij een deel van de mensen binnen een paar weken herstelt, is er een grote groep die veel langer te maken heeft met dit verlies. Voor deze groep start patiëntenvereniging een online campagne. Bekijk hier alvast de trailer:
En zie ook
Trailer - Reukverlies na COVID-19 Gemiddeld 50 procent van mensen met een coronabesmetting krijgen te maken met een reuk- en/of smaakstoornis. is de patiëntenvereniging v...
Reuk- en smaakverlies kunnen symptomen zijn van -19 of andere ziekten. Wil je je reuk- en smaakvermogen testen? De Reuk & Smaak Check van is eenvoudig zelf thuis te doen:
Nederlands Doe mee aan de GCCR onderzoeken!
In dagblad Trouw een mooi artikel over reuk- en smaakverlies en de relatie met het COVID-19 virus. De ervaringsverhalen zijn herkenbaar en indrukwekkend.
Mensen raken smaak en reuk kwijt door corona. ‘Het maakt me wanhopig’ Veel coronapatiënten verliezen reuk en smaak, tot wel maanden nadat andere klachten zijn weggetrokken. Onderzoeker Sanne Boesveldt: ‘In het begin s...
Wooww.. Self-reported loss is the best predictor of !
According to the latest study from the international collaborative team
The best COVID-19 predictor is recent smell loss: a cross-sectional study Background: COVID-19 has heterogeneous manifestations, though one of the most common symptoms is a sudden loss of smell (anosmia or hyposmia). We investigated whether olfactory loss is a reliable predictor of COVID-19. Methods: This preregistered, cross-sectional study used a crowdsourced questionna...
Hoera! Het Reuk- en smaakcentrum© bestaat 5 jaar!
Een mooie samenwerking van Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei (Ede) en Wageningen University & Research. Inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een uniek expertisecentrum, met nationale en internationale samenwerkingsverbanden, om zo te komen tot de beste zorg voor patiënten met reuk- en smaakstoornissen.
Reuk- en smaakstoornissen zijn een onderbelicht probleem in de zorg. Dit terwijl in Nederland naar schatting 16% van de mensen aan een reuk- en/of smaakstoornis lijdt. De impact op de kwaliteit van leven is vaak groot en het brengt gezondheidsrisico’s met zich mee.
Reuk- en smaakcentrum© 5 jaar! - St. Alliantie Voeding in de Zorg Het Reuk- en smaakcentrum©, opgericht door de Alliantie Voeding in de Zorg, opende in juli 2015 haar deuren. Inmiddels is het uitgegroeid tot een uniek expertisecentrum. Het is het enige centrum voor patiënten met reuk- en smaakstoornissen in Nederland.
If you want to acquire expertise regarding sensory perception and food preferences; obtain knowledge and experience in different methods on how to measure (and analyse) these aspects; connect with other professionals/colleagues in the field:
Come join the graduate course Sensory Perception & Food Preference: into the Future!
Organized by Wageningen University and VLAG graduate school, Dec 7-10 2020, Wageningen
Sensory Perception & Food Preference: into the Future! This course is to acquire expertise regarding sensory perception and food preferences; to obtain knowledge and experience in different methods on how to measure (and analyse) these aspects; to connect with other professionals/colleagues in the field.
Do you want to keep track of your sense of smell? NOSE supports the newly available self-check and monitoring tool by the Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research - GCCR!
Please participate and share. Dutch and other languages will be released very soon!
English Participate in the GCCR studies!
NOSE lid Sanne Boesveldt-de Gier werd geinterviewd door over reukverlies bij covid19.
We at NOSE can imagine that when staying inside and keeping your distance, your is getting dull. Why not diversify your with songs and listen to our playlist instead!
NOSE members Sanne Boesveldt and Monique Smeets featured today in EditieNL, on smell loss in relation to covid-19/corona infection.
Onderzoek naar reuk- en smaakverlies coronapatiënten: 'Ik lustte niks meer' Ruik je die stinkende vuilniszak niet meer? Of proeft je eten opeens smakeloos? Het verliezen van je smaak en geur kan mogelijk een vroegtijdig symptoom zijn van het coronavirus. Het wordt nu onderzocht in een grootschalig onderzoek.
Last (gehad) van , of verlies van en ? Vul deze vragenlijst in en draag bij aan wereldwijd onderzoek naar . Het invullen kost maar tien minuten. Graag dit bericht delen!
Home Website of the GCCR. Participate in our study on respiratory illness (e.g COVID-19, influenza, flu) and their effect on taste and smell !