Caracola Art Studio

Caracola Art Studio

Visual artist

Photos from Caracola Art Studio's post 29/01/2024

🇪🇨Con la vista al Monte Esja desde Reykjavík, empiezo hoy mis 4 semanas de residencia artística en Islandia. El clima hizo que mi vuelo a Ísafjörður se cancelara, sin embargo aproveché las primeras horas de la mañana para hacer algunas tomas de mi razón de estar aquí, el paisaje.
🇬🇧With the view of Mount Esja from Reykjavík, I start today my 4-week artist residency in Iceland. The weather caused my flight to Ísafjörður to be canceled, however I took advantage of the early morning hours to take some shots of my reason for being here, the landscape.
🇳🇱Met het uitzicht op de berg Esja vanuit Reykjavík begin ik vandaag mijn 4 weken van mijn Artist in Residence in IJsland. Door het weer werd mijn vlucht naar Ísafjörður geannuleerd, maar ik maakte gebruik van de ochtenduren om foto's te maken van de reden om hier te zijn, het landschap.


🇬🇧Inspired by Vincent van Gogh's longing for a starry sky, I'm reminded of his words, 'It often seems to me that the night is even more richly colored than the day, colored in the most intense violets, blues, and greens.' Searching for inspiration, he looked for the sun in the south.

As artists, we chase the perfect spot, the place where our creativity ignites. For Van Gogh, it was the warmth of the south. For me, it's the blue and darkness of the north. Here, I find the canvas of my imagination, where every stroke of paint brings the night to life. In a week, I’ll be very north. Do you know where?🌌🌟

🇪🇨Inspirado por el anhelo de Vincent van Gogh de un cielo estrellado, hoy recordé un fragmento de sus cartas: "A menudo me parece que la noche está aún más ricamente coloreada que el día, coloreada de los violetas, azules y verdes más intensos". Vincent buscó la inspiración del sol en el sur.

Como artistas, perseguimos el lugar perfecto, el sitio donde se enciende nuestra creatividad. Para Van Gogh, este era el calor del sur. Para mí, el azul y la oscuridad del norte. Aquí encuentro el lienzo de mi imaginación, donde cada pincelada da vida a la noche. Dentro de una semana, estaré muy al norte. ¿Sabes dónde?🌌🌟

🇳🇱Vandaag, geïnspireerd door Vincent van Gogh verlangen naar een sterrenhemel, herinner ik me een fragment uit zijn brieven: "Het lijkt me vaak dat de nacht nog rijker gekleurd is dan de dag, gekleurd met de meest intense violetten, blauwen en groenen". Vincent was geïnspireerd door de zon in het zuiden.

Wij, als kunstenaars, zijn op zoek naar de perfecte plek waar onze creativiteit kan ontbranden. Van Gogh voelde zich het meest thuis in het zuiden. Ik zie het blauw en de duisternis van het noorden voor mij. Dit is het canvas van mijn verbeelding, waar elke penseelstreek de nacht tot leven brengt. Ik ga over een week naar het noorden, weet je waar?🌌🌟

Photos from Caracola Art Studio's post 18/01/2024

🖤 A monochrome photoshoot that embraces the rebel spirit.  As a portrait photographer, capturing the essence of bold souls is my passion. This leather-clad series was taken months ago in my studio in Best for . Beyond my love for painting, I also channel my moody aesthetic into photoshoots. Join me in this visual rebellion. Share your thoughts in the comments below! 🌑

🖤Een monochrome fotoshoot die rebelse geesten aantrekt.  Als portretfotograaf vind ik het leuk om mensen te fotograferen die lef hebben en durven te zijn. Ik heb deze fotoshoot in mijn studio in Best maanden geleden voor gemaakt. Naast het schilderen, kan ik mijn stijlvolle esthetiek ook in fotoshoots toepassen. Doe met me mee in deze visuele rebellie. Wat vindt je over de foto's? Laat het me weten in de opmerkingen. 🌑

🖤 Una sesión de fotos monocromática que abraza el espíritu rebelde.  Como fotógrafa, capturar la esencia de las almas audaces es mi pasión. Esta serie fue tomada hace meses en mi estudio de Best para . Más allá de mi amor por la pintura, también canalizo mi estética temperamental en sesiones fotográficas. Únete a mí en esta rebelión visual. ¡Comparte tus pensamientos en los comentarios de abajo! 🌑


🇬🇧 A photo taken in an early autumn morning, where the purple heather paints the meadow in a symphony of serenity. Music is my constant companion on these photographic journeys, and this time, 'Lonely Soul' by UNKLE encapsulates the solitude of mist-kissed landscapes. Do you have a favorite outdoor melody? 🎶✨

🇳🇱 Een foto van een vroege ochtend waarop de paarse heide de weide schildert in een symfonie van sereniteit. Mijn fotografische reizen worden altijd begeleid door muziek en ik heb 'Lonely Soul' van UNKLE gekozen om de eenzaamheid van mistige landschappen samen te vatten. Is er een liedje dat je graag zou willen horen buiten?🎶✨

🇪🇨 Una foto tomada en una temprana mañana de otoño, donde el brezo púrpura pinta el prado en una sinfonía de serenidad. La música es mi compañera constante en estos viajes fotográficos, y en esta ocasión, "Lonely Soul" de UNKLE encapsula la soledad de los paisajes besados por la niebla. Tienes alguna melodía favorita al aire libre? 🎶✨

Photos from Caracola Art Studio's post 16/01/2024

🌙✨ ¡Redescubre el arte en Caracola Art Studio! De regreso con una mezcla de moody landscapes, fotografía artística y retratos. Acompáñame en este viaje creativo, donde cada imagen cuenta una historia. ¿Quién soy? Sumérgete en el mundo de Caracola y explora más el arte.


Do you think photography and, overall, the arts would disappear with the rise and popularity of AI? 😱 Here is an example of what AI can do with photo editing. This picture of me standing on the roof of the Opera House of Oslo in Norway was a bit different from how it looks now. I was surrounded by people, and my husband, who is not a good photographer, took it by cropping my feet. So, no, I was not standing there with a paper bag and definitely not with a cat (which I wish I were, though!😹).

A friend edited this picture using AI in Adobe Photoshop, and it only took him a few seconds to remove the people, but it took longer to find feet that could suit me here. If I did this using the tools I've used for years, it would probably take me hours. I know for many retouchers, digital artists, and digital photographers, this would be a menace for our jobs, but is it actually a threat?

I mean, creativity will always be a human trait. Let's use technology to be more efficient, let's use it in our favor.

What are your thoughts about AI in the arts and photography? I'd love to hear your opinions! (See the original picture in the comments)


Let's celebrate the power of art together! 🎉 In the comments below, share a piece of artwork that has deeply moved or inspired you. It can be a painting, a sculpture, a photograph, or any form of art that has left a lasting impact on you. Don't forget to tell me why it's meaningful to you! 💫 Let's create a thread of artistic inspiration and discover new masterpieces together. Can't wait to see your recommendations.


Step into the captivating world of my mixed media art as I invite you behind the curtain of my creative process. 🎥✨

In my studio, a mysterious dance unfolds as I combine various papers, paints, and textures, crafting artworks that evoke emotions and spark imagination. I manipulate textures, play with colors, and let my favorite music guide my hand.

My process is a balance between spontaneity and careful deliberation, a dance between chaos and control. I embrace the unknown and let inspiration guide me, resulting in art that is filled with depth and soul. Experience the textures blending, colors intertwining, and the rhythmic harmony emerging from my artistic expression.

Stay tuned for more peeks into my creative process. ✨🖌️


Mixed media made me discover a world of artistic possibilities. It's an ongoing exploration of adding depth and evoking emotions.

Each painting tells a unique story, drawing inspiration from moody landscapes and introspection. It's an opportunity for me to bring a new dimension to my artwork and express myself in fresh and intriguing ways. 🎨

Can you guess which materials I used here?💬 Let me know in the comments below.


✨ Hey everyone! It's been a while since I last connected with all of you, but I'm finally back after a period of personal growth and artistic exploration. During my break, I took the time to reflect on myself, my passions, and my art. It was a journey of self-discovery that has had a profound impact on me.

Throughout this time, I found new inspirations and embraced a fresh direction for my art. I've been trying out different techniques, experimenting with various mediums, and fully immersing myself in the creative process. As a result, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and an outpouring of creativity that I'm excited to share with all of you.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support and patience during my hiatus. Your love and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I'm truly humbled by your continued presence in my artistic journey.

Thank you for being a part of my artistic journey, and I'm eager to embark on this next chapter together. I can't wait to inspire and connect with you all! And if you're curious to see a glimpse of my new artwork that I've been working on, visit my website for a sneak peek. 🎨✨

Photos from Caracola Art Studio's post 22/10/2022

Second day at 🖼️ It's so lovely receiving so many visits in my stand ❤️

Photos from Caracola Art Studio's post 21/10/2022

Wonderful opening at Art Shopping Paris . My booth received a lot of attention on just three hours of vernissage. I'm so greatful with all the lovely comments, especially from André Fernandez, Commissaire d'Exposition. There's still two days more to come! 🖤


This amazing experience has started! Finally the day that I'm exhibiting my artwork at has come. It's gonna be 3 intense and fun days I bet! 🤓🤪


I took several weeks of break from social media because I've been getting ready for my first international in and I knew that it was going to be busy, but I didn't expect THAT busy! 😅 I'm looking forward to be at ! 🤩

I'll be posting more updates soon! 🔜


Do you remember what you enjoyed doing as a kid? I do. It was painting. 🎨 Honestly, as a kid, you're not aware of what you want to become or if it's gonna happen. But I can tell, my mom noticed I was really into drawing and painting and she kept buying me more art supplies or those coloring books that you just have to add water and the paint is already printed there. Some kind of watercolor childproof or so. 🖌️

I don't know if some of you have childhood memories, but I have some. 👧 This picture is from 1993, when I was 5 years old, there was an art exhibition for kids somewhere near my school. It was either July or October (I can tell from the paintings, I can't remember that good!😅) and we had to create a landscape inspired in our city. It was one of those national holidays to celebrate the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador). 🏙️ My teacher knew I was one of those artistic kids so she sent me to represent my class with 5 other kids.

Of course, after finishing our artworks, we have to paste them on a wall to exhibit them but before that, a group photo! 📷 (see the original picture).

I have to say, we were not sad or mad, Guayaquil is a sunny and warm city, if you take a photo outdoors, most of the people will have that face because of the sun! ☀️😬

Did any of your childhood hobbies become your career? Tell me in the comments. 👇

Timeline photos 10/01/2022

It was 2013 and I was unemployed back then. I had a lot of free time so I decided to go back to my passion: painting. My plan was to practice again the techniques I learned in college in the same order: watercolor, acrylic and oil. I started with watercolor because it was cheaper and faster (I don’t have much patience to paint for weeks the same thing). I posted my first paintings in my social media and I noticed people liked them a lot. I kept painting watercolors until I started painting portraits…I couldn’t stop. I’ve been doing that for years. I was selling some custom portraits from time to time and I would say that was my source of income during my first year living in Europe. I lost count of how many I did.

In 2020, I became a ZZP’er here in The Netherlands which means zelfstandige zonder personeel or "independent with no staff". Yes, I work alone. Actually, I love it. I have a part-time job doing something completely different but I hope in the future, I will finally become a full time artist.

What's your current job? What do you want to become? Share in the comments!


When you’re planning to paint something… but the cat has other plans with you.


Is anyone still there? 🤔 I know, I've been away for weeks trying to balance side-jobs, personal life and of course, my own business. It's hard.😓 After my last exhibition, I decided to slow down to think about my goals for the upcoming year and how to achieve them.

And here I am.😀 My goal was to work on my website. I didn't want just a portfolio showing my paintings because that's not all what I do.👩‍🎨 When you have a small business, most of the time you have to do a lot of things by yourself, sometimes you have the skills, sometimes you have to learn them...and sometimes you just need some help.

👩‍💻 So I've been designing my webshop until I'm finally satisfied with the result. I found an amazing writer who turned my simple words into beautiful content for my webpage. (If you're reading this, thanks Hanifa, you're the best!🙌). Everything took time because as I said before, I also had to make my own photoshoots and so.

Do you want to see the result?🤓

Happy 2022 to everyone! 🥳Hope to talk to you all more often!

PD. The amazing necklace I'm wearing is made by Bijoux Malou


One of the pictures from the opening night of the summer art exhibition of .internationalegalerie this last Friday. Such an exciting experience!😀

I was telling my mom that same night by phone that life has this funny twists: I used to work as graphic designer for a german company in a building called "Hamburg" in my hometown like a decade ago...and now my paintings are actuallly in Hamburg 🇩🇪🤩 I would never imagine that.

Exhibition will be open until August 25th, if you're reading me from this great city, visit it! Thanks again to Marion Zimmermann for this invitation 😉


Exhibition started! 🤩👩‍🎨

Andrea Salas

Andrea paints from her studio in Best. Originally from Ecuador, she comes from a long line of famous Ecuadorian artists. With art running in her blood she paints her passions: portraits, animals and landscapes. At her home studio based in Best ( The Netherlands) she finds inspiration in nature to create and connect with her cultural heritage and her current influence, the Dutch nature and culture. Her large experience as a photographer and graphic designer, evokes -the appreciation of beauty- in her watercolor-technique paintings and artwork.

Her cultural diversity and her apprise in aesthetic details, make her work unique, colorful and something for everyone. Andrea also works on self portraits for animals and people. A unique and exclusive artist: An Ecuadorian talent inspired by her love for the Netherlands!

Videos (show all)

If you wonder where this place is, it's Ecuador.• #artisticphotography #photographyeveryday #natureinspiration #naturein...
Art exhibition in Hamburg, Germany
Orquídea para @vivienvacamakeup. Soundtrack de esta madrugada: Desire de Meg Myers. #watercolor #watercolorartist #aquar...
