

Artists collective Satellietgroep (2006) explores the sea, coastal transitions, climate change and the role of mankind in these processes in NL & abroad.


Come and enjoy the works of 2nd year students iArts - interdisciplinary arts Maastricht on Nov 10 at LBB: doors open 16-20; presentations 17-18:30

° The water seemed to still be flowing ° yet the frail streams of the river Geul ° could no longer tend ° to the instinct of fish °
° If blood vessels are clogged ° how long will your body be able to function ° and what happens to earth ° when rivers are polluted and constricted? °


Vanavond om 20:00 Zaal 3 Den Haag

Denken over de planeet
Filosofie in Den Haag
Een avond met filosoof Vincent Blok en kunstenaar Jacqueline Heerema.

Denken over de planeet - Filosofie in Den Haag 01/03/2023

Denken over de planeet

Filosofie in Den Haag
27 maart 20:00 Zaal 3 Den Haag
Daag je denken uit over (toekomst van de) planeet. Een avond met filosoof Vincent Blok en kunstenaar Jacqueline Heerema.

Denken over de planeet - Filosofie in Den Haag Filosofie in Den Haag organiseert filosofische evenementen voor iedereen die niet bang is om van mening te veranderen.


Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat
Deelname gratis, aanmelden
Participation is free, register
satellietgroep [at]
Field lessons about time, sea and climate


Twee zondagmiddagen vol veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat op de Zandmotor, voor jong en oud, leek en professioneel. Deelname is gratis, graag vooraf aanmelden.


Celebrating 15 years #3: BADGAST at urban surf community F.A.S.T. (Free Architecture Surf Terrain),Scheveningen (2009-2015. Kick Off with ’To whom belongs the sea?' at Sea (27 international participants, 2009), Talks & Publication Badgast (2013).

5 years international artist-in-residency and public programs in one-and-a-half stacked recycled shipping container, build by Refunc Recycle Architects in the middle of the temporary surfing village called F.A.S.T. Arts and science can express the spatial and social and ecological qualities - as well as the problems - of our coastal areas, and make them engagingly accessible to the public. These works can transform a destination normally marked by consumption and recreation into a platform for critical communication and serious reflection. This timely reflection on spatial transition processes may act as a strong catalyst in generating public and professional discussions and connect contemporary research and new works to historic and future works and coastal transitions.
Artist collective Satellietgroep explores the sea, coastal transitions, climate change and the impact of mankind on these processes, in The Netherlands and abroad. The team of Satellietgroep creates conditions for artists and designers to work on site during artist-in-residency programs, collaborate with the extensive network of locals and scientists, to develop new works and insights to be shared with broader audiences during public programs in the Netherlands & abroad.

What has changed in the meanwhile?