Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao Ceremonies Nederland For nearly 4.000 years many cultures have used Cacao for Ceremonial purposes. Nowadays described as "Food of the Shift'. E.g.

The most famous are the Mayans who described Cacao as “Food of the Gods”. The cacao we use is of ceremonial grade quality which contains many active compounds that benefit our body and energy system; opening the heart and quieting the mind. Pure cacao contains a spiritual power which energizes our subtle and physical bodies and opens our heart chakras to Unconditional Love. Working with cacao can

Kid Learn A Very Hard Lesson About 100% Unsweetened Cacao 20/10/2018

A Cacao Powder Dragon

Kid Learn A Very Hard Lesson About 100% Unsweetened Cacao An exasperated mom with her kid's begging for a taste of the 100% cacao powder finally gives in and lets him teach himself a lesson. The results tiptoe the l...

Timeline photos 12/06/2017

New Arrivals!

A fresh batch of Cacao directly imported from Guatemala!

There where 5 blocks of Cacao, Lola's Alchemy took a block to make "Cacao Enhanced Products"!

Next up: a private Cacao Session for Earthkeepers which will be held on the 24th of June in Amsterdam.

Timeline photos 31/03/2016

This Saturday (2nd April) will be another Cacao Ceremony Chocolate Club

Please feel free to feel free :D

Timeline photos 26/02/2016

Here is a picture of Vincent hosting a Cacao Ceremony at Chocolate Club on the 4th of Feb...

Next edition: 5th March....

Tickets online are cheaper! #!tickets/nivt6

See you there!

How does the cacao tree grow? 17/02/2016

Money does grow on trees!!

The Maya's used "Cacao beans" as a barter currency!

Noticeable fact about Cacao is that the flower and pods both grow on the trunk and not on the branches.

How does the cacao tree grow? Joseph has taken a break from Kew's Great Plant Hunt to find out how the cacao tree grows. His quest takes him into the rainforest where he finds out how pla...

Join us on 3rd Feb! 27/01/2016


At the moment we are really busy with the Re-Branding and Positioning of (by doing this the site etc. can look a bit messy)

In the meanwhile:

On the 3rd of February we will host a Creative Workshop. The Newsletter has already been sent, people who have subscribed to the Newsletter get priority to the reservation.

Limited seats available and 40% has already been sold.

Don't worry if you can't make this one or it's sold out, because on the 6th of February we will also be hosting a Cacao Ceremony at Chocolate Club

Join us on 3rd Feb!

Timeline photos 23/01/2016

Valentines Day, coming soon!

Deepening relationships?

The last couple of Cacao Ceremonies that we have held, have been private ones.

This week we had an amazing session with a mother and her daughter who wanted to strengthen their relationship, because they felt a separation the last couple of years. The results where amazing!

We have also done a couple of Ceremonies for loved ones: Boyfriend & Girlfriend, Husband & Wife. It's really nice to see what happens during these kinds of sessions.

Want to treat your loved one to a private session? Feel free to contact us: Contact [at]


The "Experiment" at Chocolate Club was a great succes.

There where about 10 people walking around the space doing all kinds of EnergyWork / Singing Bowls / Didgeridoo / Physical massage.. All of this for over 100 people.

Interested in these kinds of events?

Then don't forget to like the Chocolate Club page, they have a lot of fun events coming soon.

Chocolate Club Tribe of Free spirits and Wild flowers creating gatherings that make health contagious

Timeline photos 06/09/2015

Yesterday Vincent hosted a Cacao Ceremony at Chocolate Club / Club Lite Amsterdam

Interested in more Cacao Ceremonies? Sign up for our newsletter at: