Positive birth coaching and hypnobirthing Tenerife

Positive birth coaching and hypnobirthing Tenerife

Your birth becomes positive, focused and relaxed with your mind and thoughts full of positivity, beli Nice having you here! I am from Holland.

My name is Elianne, I have a great passion for new life, birth and pregnancy. I am a positive birth coach, hypnobirthing practioner & doula. I almost live in Spain for 10 years now. First 8 years on the mainland, and now since 2 years in Tenerife. I have two precious children, both born in Spain. And as an expat I know how hard it can be sometimes to be pregnant in this country and
give birth. Th


Hi dear power wo(mam), just want to let you know that 2023 I am here to help you to prepare for your positve & relaxed birth. DM me is you want info about my online powersession!

Hi powerfull mum (to be)!

Nice having you here!
My name is Elianne, I have a great passion for new life, birth and pregnancy. I am a positive birth coach, hypnobirthing practioner & doula.

I am from Holland. I almost live in Spain for 10 years now.
First 8 years on the mainland, and now since 2 years in Tenerife.
I have two precious children, both born in Spain.
And as an expat I know how hard it can be sometimes to be pregnant in this country and
give birth. The culture, language and habits. In my case very different than in my country.

Having my first baby I was pretty un-prepared to give birth. The experience was ok, but after birth I didn’t feel like it was a very positive and empowering moment in my life. I really don’t like hospitals and they did a lot of things I didn’t want to and it took a long time before the baby was born. I even had the epidural (with 7cm) which didn’t had any effect.. So when I got pregnant of my second baby, I knew that this time I needed to do something to feel more secure, confident, and in control to give birth in a faster and more relaxed way. And over all to feel positive about it after birth.
I googled and found something I never heard of: Hypnobirthing. I started to read about it, and new this was wat I needed. I took a course in Holland and I decided at that moment: If this will work for me, and the birth will be as I am preparing for it (in control, calm and positive) than I will find a way how to become a hypnobirthing teacher.
After a very quick, calm, super in control and positive birth(I arrived at the hospital with 10cm dilation and gave birth in 10 minutes after I arrived)
I found a hypnobirthing practitioner training in Holland and became teacher in 2015.
After that I did different studies and became a positive birth coach & doula. The combination of all these knowledge and my crazy passion for how the brain, thoughts and mind works I made a mix of all.

I wish every woman a great birth experience. In control, confident, calm and positive!
If you have any question about positive birth coaching & hypnobirthing courses you can PM me. I am available to give private and groups courses on the whole island :-) In English, Dutch and Spanish.