Modern Mystic Arts

Modern Mystic Arts

✨ Enter the Field of Change✨
Modern Mystic Initiations

Modern Mystic Arts is an Institute dedicated to collective awakening. The founders are Itay Ganot and Dara Shaa and together they envision a world in which the lost art of ritual is available again as powerful medicine for society and culture. The method is cutting edge and highly innovative - a kind of modern martial arts of consciousness, a training for the soul. The rituals are activated by spe


THE CUP OF ABUNDANCE - Mystic Transmission with Itay Ganot
Thursday 29. August | 20:00 CEST | Free online

In the teachings of the mystic Kabbalah, life is a vessel—the cup—in a constant relationship with frequencies of light that shape our reality.

The more light is in the vessel, the more abundance we experience.

How does the light enter? 
What are its frequencies?
What does it mean when our vessel is empty? 

The shamanic body develops our skill of attracting more light into the vessel - the most fundamental medicine for healing at the root. Everything is renewed in the light.

It prepares for takeoff, as we are approaching the 3 Day Ceremony in The Field 13/14/15 September [If you wish to jump into utter metamorphosis at nervous system level, those are the last days to join us - See Bio]

Invite a friend & bring your pressing questions to Thursday’s transmission.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Free transmission sign up [Link in Bio]



The digital age is truly fascinating. The possibilities it created for us are beyond imagination.

This is a historical period to live in.

Along with innovation, there are aspects that we did not take into account -
For example the effect of the digital age on our brain and our nervous system.
Will the digital bridge collapse our possibility to communicate as humans?

The intimate space was almost completely torn apart - and we are the ones who strive for an awake consciousness.
We must make that connection today more than ever.

For this we need to understand what intimacy is almost from the beginning.

Let’s dive together Thursday 20:00 Cest into the most critical craft of our time “Mastering Relationships” - A Transmission & Q&A with the Itay Ganot that will illuminate an utterly fresh perspective on Intimacy 🍀🍀🍀

[link to register in bio. It’s free]

Modern Mystic Arts ✨ Enter the Field of Change✨
Modern Mystic Initiations


MASTERING RELATIONSHIPS - Transmission & Q&A Session with Itay Ganot

22. August | 20:00 Cest, Free Online

In- To- Me- See

We all are in this game called relationship.
A lot of time in a ship towards a glacier.

We long for a connection. We give up on a connection. And deep inside we know, it is the main portal in life.

What is intimacy?
Why do we fight it?
Why is it our essence?

We are looking forward to seeing you for a special meeting based on your questions ❤️❤️❤️

Sign up: [link in bio]

Deutsche Übersetzung:


Can you tell me where your past is?
The same past that you live everyday.
Where is it?

In fact, it is gone.
It has no meaning.

It has only one source of life - your memory!
Which too, is in constant motion.

This means that memory is not your past either.

So where on earth is this past?

That is most of the time our main point of view in the present.
Feeding of our perspective on the memory.

If you can change your point of view,
you changed your whole being- instantly.

The shamanic body is a master of perspectives
that not only change glasses
but create a holistic view that changes our entire being.

Instead an identity of a painful memories it creates -
Transcendence from every existential situation
and endless development.

A feeling that is more euphoric than any drug!

The shamanic body longs to awaken-
we will follow its quest in our upcoming Field 13/14/15 of September, Berlin.

It holds only one promise: it will leave you utterly reformed!

[Link in bio]

You are invited, sincerely


Bono sings:
You’re stuck in one moment, and you can’t get out of it.
A sentence that describes the whole typical struggle of a person in an average healing process.

Please, Mr. Therapist. Release me from this moment!!
Please my psychologist, my psychiatrist, let me go!!
Mushrooms, L*D!! I’m stuck here!

There is only one that can free you out of the moment that hurts.
Her name is you!
Or more correctly called - your shamanic body.
The one who knows how to wake up the eyes of the eagle.
The transformation of the serpent.
The imitation of the monkey.
The touch of the water,
the heat of the fire,
the wisdom of the great grandmother,
the courage of the tribal chief.

All of them and more exist inside you.
In a treasure box called the source of your consciousness.

Stuck in the moment?

We will enter the portal outside of time in our next Field into radical change, where your moment will melt into new lifetime.

You are sincerely invited 13/14/15 September, Berlin!!!

Comment field for more details ❤️❤️❤️


When was the last time you felt hope explode inside you, like a wildflower growing through the cracks of a sidewalk?

Children have the magical ability to plant gardens of possibility -
With an absolute conviction that any dream can be fulfilled!
They are a master of hope.
Without being convinced that he good will win we cannot hold hope.

If trauma dims our inner light, taints our brain, body & soul, the future fades
& reality is painted 👈👈👈 backward.

So how, as a society with a post-traumatized body/ nervous system,
can we awaken the body of hope
and move forward? 👉👉👉

Through our mighty intelligence to adopt Knowledge of animal totems.

The snake totem is a gate into the shamanic body. Constantly pealing of archives of data stored in the body.
Reclaiming the relationship with hope.

The monkey teaches us the art of imitation, with the right actions, turning hope into consistent action.
Allowing for new frequencies to enter our nervous system & create neurological changes.

If we stand innocent in front of this Knowledge & let ourselves be swallowed by it, we begin to create the body of hope.

The replay of the transmission „The Body Of Hope“ with Itay Ganot is up on the website.

Mark the date for Thursday 15. August 20:00pm Cest to dive into „The Shamanic Body“ 🔥
[Link in bio]



The word initiation has become very fashionable among the spiritual bubble.

But what is actually a ceremony, an act of initiation?

If we want to study it on an anthropological basis and absorb knowledge that comes from ancient and tribal traditions, we need to get to know several aspects in depth.

1. Apprenticeship is a face-to-face meeting with the feeling of competence.
The whole purpose of the initiation is to create autonomy in relation to knowledge and its application.
Therefore the manner of education is significant: How the initiate meets the knowledge.

2. The encounter with the knowledge cannot be based on general experience.
The experience of knowledge should be based on a direct connection with the nervous system and brain function.
Specifically on its relationship to the body, mind and meta tree system.

3. Initiation cannot take place without the initiate choosing to enter the ceremony to be reborn in it.
Initiation is not an event to check out.
It is a one-time encounter with knowledge.
And it is an event that does not repeat itself.

4. Every initiation ceremony is built in an absolute and holistic contradiction to every representation of trauma.
It must allow the system to be reprogrammed in such a way that the frequencies that enter are new to the nervous system and allow for it to be reloaded.

5. In a human condition that has forgotten what hope is.
The awake person is obliged to choose hope.
Not only for his own life but so that children can sing, a song of hope.

Awaiting you in the Field of Modern Initiation.

Comment hope for the details to our upcoming ceremony.


Ever felt the secret to change your reality
from traumatic lense
into one of aliveness
is just a heartbeat away,
it feels impossible to jump the fence?

Join in Thursday for The Body Of Hope 20:00 Cest -
an utterly fresh mystic perspective on trauma & aliveness with a practical part
that arrives just on time 🔥
[link in bio]


Our consciousness constantly moves between two central axes:
We are where our thought is.
And we are present where our body is.

On this axis between the mind and the body,
the whole spectrum of the past, present, future exists.

Being without presence is a continuous past.

A body governed by an attacking mind is a chariot without a rider.

The more the body is loaded with trauma, the more difficult it is to be present.
Present in front of the other, present to my feelings, present in my actions.

The traumatic thought will lead the body towards endless repetitions of pain. The traumatic memory of the body will lead the thought into an infinite abyss.

It’s a loop.

The body needs hope.
A neural pool that creates frequencies of light.
The body is a vessel waiting for an eternal liquid of love to flow through the blood.

It’s already here, inside you.

Coming Thursday 8/8, we’re opening the gate to the shamanic portal of the snake totems.

It’s an invitation into radical change from the a life in the past and into a future brimming with hope!

THE BODY OF HOPE: Webinar with Itay Ganot 8. August 20:00 Cest [free sign up Link in Bio]
We are gathering in great anticipation of the Field- The Shamanic Body 13/14/15 September - don’t miss Thursday’s opportunity to get a glance of the magic awaiting in the Field ahead 🔥


Are your relationships about patching up the void, stuck in attachment OR dancing in the realm of magic & awakening?

The awakened relationship isn’t just a concept— it’s a radical shift where my every need, my thought, my will,
my problem, my emotion, my advantage & disadvantage is awakened to Self,
to my deepest source of guidance &
my need is nourished;
The temple of wholeness is being build within!

& let’s be honest-

To live an awakened relationship is challenging!

Quite bluntly, few of us know what that could even look like.

AT ALL, can we move from attachement into a connection build on love?

Living with a nervous system that carries a lack of attachement in its meta-tree inheritance.

In a body that is terrified of reject.
Terrified of abandonment, terrified of pain?


Let’s become master of connection,
stop playing it safe behind the need,
dare to challenge
& to change
& let’s do it with JOY

What do you think?

Join us Thursday 8/8 8 PM Cest in anticipation of the upcoming Field September 13/14/15, Berlin
[link in bio]

The Field is an initiation into our endless ability to rehab & create connections in the realm of magic- you are invited!


THE BODY OF HOPE: A Special Webinar with Itay Ganot
Thursday 8/8 8PM CEST | Free online

Transition From Trauma Into Aliveness!

Join us for an immersive live transmission with Itay Ganot, where we will delve into:

• What is the Body of Trauma?

• Why is the Body the Main Gate to Healing?

• Where is Hope Being Born?

Experience a deep dive into the mystical wisdom of the Kabbalah, offering practical insights for modern life,
a profound connection to the hidden dimensions of existence,
your inherent capacity to heal
& means to liberate the energy held captive under our traumatic memories!

Channeling on Individual Questions: After the transmission, we’ll dive into your personal questions (it’s a live, unrecorded part)

Bring a friend or loved one and together,
let’s unify with a body made of hope!

✨ Free sign up:
[link in bio]

Who is Itay Ganot?

Itay is a multi- diverse artist, creator and modern mystic.

He is the co-founder of Modern Mystic Arts, dedicated to innovative natural ways for changing states of consciousness.

His methods include Modern Initiation, psycho-magical rituals, and the Mystic Movement Keys.


There is no greater celebration
than one where we meet our spirit so deeply
in connection
that Knowledge of source opens
& awakens in our every cell
beyond the imagined
Leaves us changed!

Come on join us in a dive into the mystic tonight 20:00 PM CEST: Navigating relationships! Transmission & Q&A Special with Itay Ganot
[free sign up link in bio]


Shaming people into change won´t work.
Inspiring people into change will!

Inspiration rooted in actions that are painted in the name of our spirit & celebrated in connection,
Changes everything we cling on believing on the level of identity!!!

Its the kind of inspiration, when it strikes, that lights you up with an unbound joy that longs to be shared,
multiplied in connection &
Creates an endless desire to give

So remember: The action is the medicine 💚

Choose it wisely.

Having a difficult time there?
Got that!

Our nervous system is most of the time not on board with the actions requested by your spirit.

👉 Let’s change that!

If you are burning for utterly fresh,
progressive & highly efficient action-based tools-
Check out the next Field of Initiation 13/14/15 September!
Link in bio
P.S. DON’T MISS TOMORROW’S Q&A Special with Itay Ganot: Navigating Relationships 1/8 | 20:00 Cest | free online
Link in bio



There is the ‚I need you because I’m incomplete‘ version, I seek to fill the void

then there’s the transformative ‚I need you because together we create magic’ version!!!

When we unite, we balance the cosmic forces and build a powerhouse of spiritual energy.

The collective field is key to activating the Merkaba, the chariot to higher realms!

Through a powerful field of collective synergy we can unlock elevated frequencies, bring profound healing in the speed of lightening & download divine wisdom into the body!

That’s our favorite way to celebrate in the Field.

The next ceremony opens in Berlin 13/14/15 September. Check out the link in the bio.

May it find you right on time


We are absolutely thrilled & deeply touched!!!

Get ready for a hot summer-
We are HONORED for so many friends of the Field to open Pre-Fields ACROSS EUROPE in the coming weeks!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Those are amazing opportunities to connect, touch this knowledge,
experience the magic of movement Keys first hand & meet tribe organized by the people for the people.

Here are the first ones with confirmed dates:

✨ This week 4. August ✨

Essen 4/8 3-6PM led by Franz & Friends

Glasgow 4/8 3pm - 6pm led by Vari & Robert
Location: thedreammachine

Portugal, Aljezur 4/8 6- 8.30PM (local time) led by Anika

✨The week after 10. August✨

Luxembourg 10/8 3-6 PM
led by Veronika

Berlin 10/8 afternoon 5-7PM
led by Mira, Markus, Manuel
Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme

Save the date & spread the word 🙌❤️‍🔥🙌

Send us a pm or email to [email protected] for the details to each gathering


A meeting of questions is a celebration of Knowledge.

And the starting point is - the relationship - me and you. You and I.

From there, the spiral will take us to the place where the thought ends and the source awakens and knows.

Bring your questions, we will hug them on
Thursday 1. August 20:00 Cest

Navigating Relationships: Transmission & Channeling Special on Individual Questions with Itay Ganot

[Link in Bio]




Save the date!

This Thursday’s session is an extraordinary opportunity to connect & gain deeper insights into your most pressing questions about (but not exclusive to) relationships.

Join us for a free live session in which Itay will answer individual questions from a certain stream of consciousness,
that speaks to the deepest parts of our being
& always offers a fresh perspective,
that comes just on time.

Receive personalised guidance &
transform your understanding of relationships in real time.

A meeting of questions is a celebration of Knowledge.

Bring your questions, invite a friend or partner &
let´s reach for more meaningful connections together.

We are looking forward to seeing you dearly!

Free sign up: (link in bio)


When we were little, perhaps someone told us „don’t ask too many questions“.

Perhaps because that person was afraid to be exposed to everything he did not know.

Yet, the question is a wonder.
It is a gateway to Knowledge.

One question can accompany a person for a whole lifetime and can be enlightened by a new answer every day.

When I ask I am not only interested.
When I ask I open up.
I yearn,
I order.


Your Point of View Reveals Where Your Eyes Are

Our eyes are a gateway to knowledge-
Through physical sight, we perceive the wonders of the material world.

When we dare to see through the eye in the heart we connect with the mystic!

The sight from the eye in the heart, is the key to understanding what we genuinely need to DO
To still our spirit’s longing.

So, let’s go ahead— & give our heart the front-row seat it deserves & open its vision in the name of life.

Comment Key to try out a Key,
a practical efficient tool that can support you in the total ‚unconventional’ way
to open your heart while growing your ability to protect your garden 🙌
Photo caption in the Field Light my Fire


I was born to hold you in my arms as my own son,
as my own grandson, as my own grand grand son, as my own daughter, my own grand daughter, as my own grand grand daughter!

There is no field that does not awaken inside our bones the archetype of the mother, the archetype or the father & create the conditions for our spirit to dance in this body - every ritual in its own unique version.

To hold ourselves, and another in our arms
as the great mother, as the great father
that NEVER leaves the room is nourishment
For the deepest parts of our being,
a revolution inside our consciousness &
Fundamental nourishment for our nervous system.

I hold you, as I know nothing about you,
but that you long for love
& I can give love
Photo caption .com during the last field of initiation


Our doctor? The precise symbolic action, a movement sequence on straight lines!

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that a simple precise movement along straight lines can be our biggest doctor!

Bypassing all narratives,
bypassing all resistance,
bypassing all difficulty &
connecting us in simplicity with source,
the light of our spirit &
the grace of existence.

Taking us home.

Tonight Itay will gift a movement KEY
to open the eye in the temple of the heart!
20:00 PM CEST

Let’s celebrate love together!

Bring your children, families & a friend, the more the merrier.
Golden nourishment for our spirit ✨

Link in bio
Photo caption .com


Dream for a moment - Men and women bowing in front of each other, the flame of spirit burning high, meeting beyond any story,
beyond identity, beyond gender and in the presence of guidance repeating & programming

„Your mana is my mana, I respect your mana“

For most, if not all, it was the first time in their lives receiving this nourishment during the last field.

Of an absolute respect in front of each other, an absolute care, an absolute love.

One women shared in the circle on the following morning:

„Based on a certain trauma I thought I would never be able to trust men again.
Last night after the ritual I went to a restaurant -
I was served by all the men and able to receive love, the care & the nourishment of the masculine“

This story speaks to the essence of the work - a real impact.

No action in the field is random.
Every action taken is science.

It drills beyond our narratives & beyond our resistance,
and in the artistic way of beauty,
opens our subconscious,
changes our neurology,
cooks our cells open to life

& makes miracles come reality.

Don’t miss the next one: 13/14/15 September, Berlin


“Open your heart” they say & sometimes that seems like a far away dream

Someone shouts at us &
no matter how much Rumi I read 5 minutes ago, our nervous system reacts, our heart contracts,
fear is leading the ship.

What if we knew how to open sight from the eye in our hearts,
to plug into eternal maternal compassion -

in any moment,
under any circumstance
& condition?

In one action.

Let’s get equipped &
dream a world lead by the heart into reality.

You are whole heartedly invited
Thursday 25. July 20:00 Cest
for the free Webinar with Itay Ganot
For one Mystic Movement Key to open the Eye in the heart.
Link in comments

Please share the word!


it is stronger than any narrative.
It is stronger than any idea.

The heart is our only way to feel each other.
The more open the heart, the more the boundaries between us melt.
The more I know about my relationship with you, the more alive I am.
The more I love, the more free I am.

Let’s open the eyes of the world together.

We will give our children a KEY that will pass from brother to sister, from friend to friend, from neighbor to neighbor.

And we will create a beautiful network of light.


Thursday 25. JULY 20:00 CEST
Link in the comments


Trauma is a Neurological Response.
It’s roar becomes a distant echo ONLY
if we address it on a neurological level!

In our modern society we have largely forgotten and not been educated how to learn from all dimensions of existence.
We are disconnected from nature, from each other, from our spirit.

That changes when we move on from healing to awakening, beyond therapy into Initiation!

As a modern human, we need modern tools for initiation that are practical & efficient now!

Are you ready to turn that roar into a silent whisper & go on a ride in the name of your spirit?

You are invited!

In the Field ancient wisdom is forged into practical technology for nervous system reformation &
the download of new Knowledge into your temple of intelligence.

The next Ceremony in the Field opens 13/14/15 September, Berlin
LINK in bio

May it call you from your bones

P.S. next week we turn two and celebrate with A FREE MYSTIC MOVEMENT KEY WEBINAR with Itay Ganot Thu 25. July 20:00 Cest!

Join us for a hands on experience
Link in bio


Impact is the essence of the work.
A glance into one of the various magical testimonies we received after the Field:

„Being in the Field is coming Home!
My nervous system knows something is about to change....
My body always reacts.
I always cry.
Then the cry becomes a laughter.

In time I changed from a needy child…
desperately seeking for approval...
into a mature woman.

I feel worthy of living. Worthy of loving.

I got married (1st time at age 55).
My relationship with my parents became one of compassion.
My sister is back in my life.
My dad has been home for 9 months now (since 2016 he was in the clinic with severe depression).“

Photo .com


The Field Berlin 13/14/15 September
is a homecoming.
A mystic circus.
For the spirit, a ride on a flying carpet made of magic!
And a fresh breathe through the branches of your meta tree.

Let’s climb the ladder together, in the name of life, of our aliveness, in the name of your lineage & in the name of your spirit.

Register here:

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✨Free sign up:
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Join me & Inga Beeck Embodied Transformation for a conversation on trust after the Field of Initiation✨✨✨

