TOPOS, online medium voor de studies Landschapsarchitectuur, Ruimtelijke Planning en Culturele Geografie van Wageningen UR.

TOPOS is een gratis toegankelijk blog gemaakt door studenten Landschapsarchitectuur, Ruimtelijke Planning en Culturele Geografie van de Wageningen Universiteit. Het blog is een medium tussen de studenten, universiteit en professionals. Eens per jaar verschijnt een Jaarboek waarin alle artikelen op het blog worden gebundeld en dat wordt uitgegeven voor de kerst. TOPOS is a freely accessible blog ma

Campanhã Urban Park: activating the potential of the terrain vague 12/11/2018

Porto’s scenic landscape is very easy to fall in love with, with its winding river, picturesque city centre glued to the escarpment and vistas to the sea. You easily get mesmerized by its charm. However, it is a superficiality that hides the complex situation the city is dealing with. For years, attempts to recover from industrial decline and economic reinvigoration placed a great importance on the revitalization of central city districts. This caused a disregard towards peripheral areas and their ‘terrain vagues’, and resulted in the loss of significance to local communities and an unequal distribution of public space.

Campanhã Urban Park: activating the potential of the terrain vague _AFSTUDEERWERK_ door Stijn Lanters Porto’s scenic landscape is very easy to fall in love with, with its winding river, picturesque city centre glued to the escarpment and vistas to the sea. You easily get mesmerized by its charm. However, it…

Landscape Aesthetics Reflections (3) 23/06/2018

Finishing this interesting series, Kai van Reenen shares his insights. After the course ‘Landscape Aesthetics’ in the WUR bachelor program of Landscape Architecture, students wrote essays on their insight and perception of aesthetics. TOPOS will publish three views on aesthetics in a series. This is the third and final essay in the series. Enjoy your weekend!

Landscape Aesthetics Reflections (3) _ARTICLE_ by Kai van Reenen After the course 'Landscape Aesthetics' in the WUR bachelor program of Landscape Architecture, students wrote essays on their insight and perception of aesthetics. TOPOS will publish three views on aesthetics in a series.

Physical modelling in landscape architecture: exploring a design tool for the explorative phases in dynamic landscape design 22/05/2018

- Why do landscape architects not always consider the physical model (“maquette”) as a design tool in the explorative phases of the design process? There must be a reason for this – or even better: a solution to it. As literature did not provide an answer, I started interviewing in practice and experimented with materials and techniques. My curiosity nourished my drive to explore more, to rethink and to reflect. All in order to explore the physical model as a design tool for the explorative design phases in dynamic landscape design. To grasp – at least a small part of – the design process. - Jolanda de Jong summarizes and shares her graduation work for us. Enjoy!

Physical modelling in landscape architecture: exploring a design tool for the explorative phases in dynamic landscape design _AFSTUDEERWERK_ door Jolanda de Jong Why do landscape architects not always consider the physical model (“maquette”) as a design tool in the explorative phases of the design process? There must be a reason for this – or even better: a…

Landscape Aesthetics Reflection (2) 16/05/2018

After the course ‘Landscape Aesthetics’ in the WUR bachelor program of Landscape Architecture, students wrote essays on their insight and perception of aesthetics. TOPOS will publish three views on aesthetics in a series. This second essay is written by Alex van Zyl.

Landscape Aesthetics Reflection (2)

Landscape Aesthetics Reflection (1) 30/04/2018

After the course ‘Landscape Aesthetics’ in the WUR bachelor program of Landscape Architecture last year, students wrote essays on their insight and perception of aesthetics. TOPOS will publish three views on aesthetics in a series. First up is Niki Kampen.

Landscape Aesthetics Reflection (1) _ARTICLE_ by Niki Kampen After the course 'Landscape Aesthetics' in the WUR bachelor program of Landscape Architecture, students wrote essays on their insight and perception of aesthetics. TOPOS will publish three views on aesthetics in a series.

A landscape framework for informal settlements to facilitate urban metabolism in Tete, Mozambique 23/04/2018

The percentage of the African population living in informal settlements is increasing. The quality of the public spaces in these informal settlements is decreasing because of uncontrolled open defecation, waste dumping and lack of a sewage system. This thesis by Josje Hoefsloot is a research in how existing public spaces can be protected, improved and used to improve the urban metabolism in Tete, Mozambique.

A landscape framework for informal settlements to facilitate urban metabolism in Tete, Mozambique _GRADUATION WORK_ by Josje Hoefsloot The percentage of the African population living in informal settlements is increasing. The quality of the public spaces in these informal settlements is decreasing because of uncontrolled open defecation, waste dumping and lack of a sewage…

Roaring Reporters – A Long Winter 17/04/2018

A new Roaring reporters article has arrived!

Since this year, Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning students report from a broad scope of places where they are based during their international exchange and studies. This results in a series of local reports concerning spatial issues from around the globe. This time, David de Boer reports the situation during winter in Stockholm, Sweden’s capital. The city’s climate and latitude have caused a certain urban culture that deals with the challenges posed by a long and dark winter. But not everyone can harness themselves against the cold in Stockholm.

Roaring Reporters – A Long Winter _COLUMN_ by David de Boer As continuation of the Roaring Reporters series, a report of the situation during winter in Stockholm, Sweden’s capital. The city’s climate and latitude have caused a certain urban culture that deals with the challenges posed…

100 years of Landscape Architecture in Wageningen? Pt. 2 06/04/2018

This year we celebrate 100 years Wageningen University, but wat about 100 years of landscape architecture in Wageningen? As landscape architects we have to be conscious of the tradition we stand in, and who’s shoulders we stand on. To refresh our memory Topos asked Michael van Buuren (Alterra) to write this article about 100 years of landscape architecture in Wageningen. Here is part 2!

100 years of Landscape Architecture in Wageningen? Pt. 2 _ARTIKEL_ door Michael van Buuren This year we celebrate 100 years Wageningen University, but wat about 100 years of landscape architecture in Wageningen? As landscape architects we have to be conscious of the tradition we stand in, and who's shoulders we stand…

100 Years of Landscape Architecture in Wageningen? Pt. 1 28/03/2018

This year we celebrate 100 years Wageningen University, but wat about 100 years of landscape architecture in Wageningen? As landscape architects we have to be conscious of the tradition we stand in, and who’s shoulders we stand on. To refresh our memory Topos asked Michael van Buuren (Alterra) to write this article about 100 years of landscape architecture in Wageningen. Here is part 1, next week part 2.

100 Years of Landscape Architecture in Wageningen? Pt. 1 06/03/2018

Next in our Roaring Reporters series: Tim den Duijf dived into the post-industrial city of Narva. Located in Estonia on the border with Russia, this city has been shaped and influenced by foreign forces constantly. What has this done to the identity of the city? Enjoy!

Pier + Horizon: in lijn met de plek 13/12/2017

The BuitelHucht organizes a movie night which will be featuring 'Pier+Horizon: The Spirit Of The Place'. The showing begins with an introduction and after the movie there is an open discussion with Paul de Kort. The movie night will start at 19.00 HR on december 14th.

Last year, Linde and Josselin held an interview with Paul de Kort, which you can find on TOPOSonline!

Entrance is free and drinks and snacks will be available during the movie. Dinner (French fries) will be served at 18.00 HR in GAIA. You can subscribe for dinner at: [email protected]. See you there!

Pier + Horizon: in lijn met de plek

Roaring Reporters – The City of Steel 04/12/2017

Since this year, Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning students will report from a broad scope of places they are based during their international exchange. To kick off the series, Gerben Hartgerink will dive into the revitalisation of post-industrial Sheffield. Enjoy the series!

Roaring Reporters – The City of Steel _COLUMN_ by Gerben Hartgerink To kick off the series about international exchanges from Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning students, this column will dive into the revitalisation of post-industrial Sheffield.

No prize, but there’s a future for pergola panels 27/06/2017

No prize, but there’s a future for pergola panels Although pergola panels, the finalist from Wageningen in the Post-Fossil City contest, didn’t win first prize, there’s definitely hope for these sun shades.

De Liefde voor Virtuele Plekken 07/06/2017

Aileen Hallie schreef voor het vak Human Geography een essay over de beleving van virtual landscapes door gamers. Als toetje van onze themaperiode maakte ze een mooi artikel voor ons!

De Liefde voor Virtuele Plekken

The Landscape Speaks 02/06/2017

Volg de blog van het project The Landscape Speaks,
over onderzoek naar het landschap vanuit bewoners, kunst en wetenschap in het Altaj gebergte, Siberie.

The Landscape Speaks _OVERIGE_ door Marjolijn Boterenbrood Onderzoek naar landschap vanuit bewoners, kunst en wetenschap, om de verschillende lagen van perceptie van het gebied te doorgronden.

Goryōkaku 30/05/2017

Goryōkaku: verwesterlijking met een Oosters sausje


The Tragedy and Beauty of Being a Landscape Interventionist 24/05/2017

This week, Maarten Jacobs from Cultural Geography supports TOPOS with his column on public trust in science: “If we look out of the window, we do not directly see the climate changing. Yet, if we look out of the window, we directly see the landscape”.

The Tragedy and Beauty of Being a Landscape Interventionist

Book Review: Henry David Thoreau – Walden 19/05/2017

The RUW Foundation developed a sustainability book club! They have read Walden, which might teach us about escapism. Read the book review and see for yourself:

Book Review: Henry David Thoreau – Walden

Sahara Lake, the Solution for Sea Level Rise? 16/05/2017

Will a massive lake in the Sahara be a solution to the rising sea levels? Find out in our latest column!

Sahara Lake, the Solution for Sea Level Rise?

Comic Books and Their Incredible Landscapes 09/05/2017

This week's chair group support is represented by Paul Roncken from Landcape Architecture! His column is about comics and their impressive landscapes:

Comic Books and Their Incredible Landscapes _COLUMN_ by Paul Roncken For those of you who haven’t spent time in really good comic book stores, these examples will hopefully improve your status anxiety and increase the respect for the work of illustrators and their scriptwriters.

Mind Your Gap 19/04/2017

Next in line as support from our chair groups is Marleen Buizer, representing Spatial Planning. She wrote a column about battles, sudoku and mountains!

Mind Your Gap _ARTICLE_ by Marleen Buizer Some metaphors work brilliantly well. Take tips of icebergs, or glass ceilings, or better still, the cherry on the cake. Other metaphors are less friendly. Did you notice, that war-terminology is on the rise?

The problem police and the problem of problems 12/04/2017

Because TOPOS is supported by the chair groups Landscape Architecture, Spatial Planning and Cultural Geography of Wageningen University, we thought it would be nice to let their voice be heard on our blog. Every month lecturers from each chair group will deliver a column about what’s amusing, irritating, surprising or keeping them busy in their area. Keep an eye on this initiative, it's very promising! First up is Martijn Duineveld from GEO:

The problem police and the problem of problems _COLUMN_ door Martijn Duineveld Since the creation of problems is deeply related to funding (for research and other projects) and can have many societal and political consequences, it would be great if we would invest a little bit more effort…

Movie night Virtual Landscapes: The Wolfpack 04/04/2017

Read our review on the documentary 'The Wolfpack', within the theme period Virtual Landscapes!

Movie night Virtual Landscapes: The Wolfpack _ARTIKEL_ door Josselin Snoek During our theme period ‘Virtual Landscapes’ (in cooperation with BuitelHucht) there was time for a decent movie night. After we enjoyed some pizza, we sat down and watched The Wolfpack. It isn't your typic Lord of…

Symposium Virtual Landscapes 24/03/2017

Ons schrijversduo Gerben en Nienke heeft verslag gelegd van het symposium Virtual Landscapes! Check it out:

Symposium Virtual Landscapes

Timeline photos 23/03/2017

At 19.30 this evening we will have a movie night as a part of our theme period on 'virtual landscapes'. We will watch the movie 'The Wolfpack', looking at how virtual worlds shape young minds. Be there a little earlier and have a slice of pizza with us! The movie night takes place at GAIA 1 at the WUR campus.

About the Movie
THE WOLFPACK is a coming of age story following the six Angulo brothers who have spent their entire lives locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. All they know of the outside world is gleaned from the films they watch obsessively and recreate meticulously, using elaborate homemade props and costumes. For years this has served as a productive way to stave off loneliness — but when one of the brothers escapes, everything changes. 15/03/2017

Geen artikel van ons dit keer, maar sluit wel mooi aan op het symposium over virtuele landschappen van gisteren. We hebben de mogelijkheden gezien, maar er zijn dus ook gevaren!


We're off! Can't make it tonight? No problem, watch the livefeed of the symposium here:

Presentations 2Go Player Presentations 2Go is an innovative solution to simply capture presentations and/or lectures on video. The video image of the presenter is linked with the presentation and stored for later (re)use.

Timeline photos 14/03/2017

Kickoff in 15 minutes for the symposium on virtual landscapes! The speakers are getting ready. If you come in after 19.30, please enter through the 3rd floor! See you in c222!

Photos from TOPOS's post 14/03/2017

We proudly introduce our speakers for tonight! Be there tonight at 19.30 @ Forum room C222!

Our first speaker Joske Houtkamp is a researcher at the Spatial Knowledge Systems group at Alterra, specialised in visualisation and communication and in human interaction with virtual environments. During her talk she will approach the possibilities and limitations of virtual and augmented reality from an environmental psychology perspective.

The next guest at our symposium is Neelson Witte. He is an archaeologist and policy advisor at The Missing Link, a Dutch consultancy office that specialises in heritage management. In his work he uses several 3D visualisation techniques, which are used in place branding and spatial development.

The last speaker at our symposium is Jolanda de Jong. She recently graduated in landscape architecture at the WUR and is currently working as a junior researcher at NRGlab/LAR, a research group about energy landscapes. In her graduation work she explored the possibilities of physical modelling in the form of models and maquettes as a design tool for dynamic landscapes.

Move on: research-through-drawing for flood resilience at the Galveston coast, TX 02/03/2017

The graduation work by Heleen van Boxelaere on a design to improve flood safety at the Texas coast.

Move on: research-through-drawing for flood resilience at the Galveston coast, TX