

Treeway is a pre-clinical bio tech company founded by two ALS patients, Bernard Muller and Robbert Jan Stuit.

In their quest for answers they have decided to look for it themselves. Supported by people from the industry and research world they aim to develop an adequate therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and move into clinical phase within 18 months. Both founders are also the initiators behind Project MinE, the largest genomic research project to date for their disease.


There was a beautiful interview in the Financieel Dagblad with one of our Founders; Bernard Muller. You can read the full interview from the picture below or via the following link:


The Treeway Climbers will climb Mont Ventoux today for TOUR DU ALS! The weather is definitely not helping, so it is going to be a very tough climb. Help to raise more money to find a cure for ALS, donate to our team:

Press Release: Treeway Announces Promising Data from Phase I Clinical Trial of Lead Program TW001 for ALS | Treeway 29/05/2018

Press Release: Treeway Announces Promising Data from Phase I Clinical Trial of Lead Program TW001 for ALS

Press Release: Treeway Announces Promising Data from Phase I Clinical Trial of Lead Program TW001 for ALS | Treeway Press Release: Treeway Announces Promising Data from Phase I Clinical Trial of Lead Program TW001 for ALS by newtreeway | May 29, 2018 | Uncategorized | –Study suggests that novel oral formulation of edavarone improves bioavailability while remaining well tolerated– Rotterdam, The Netherlands, M...


Gisteren hebben de Treeway Runners deelgenomen aan de ALS Lenteloop. In totaal is er € 175.000,- opgehaald voor onderzoek naar ALS, een erg mooi resultaat! Ben je vergeten om ons team te sponsoren? Volgende week zullen de Treeway Climbers deelnemen aan de Tour du ALS, waar zij de Mont Ventoux beklimmen. Donaties zijn van harte welkom!



Op maandag 9 april wordt in samenwerking met het Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis een maatschappelijk symposium georganiseerd rondom het thema ALS. Vanuit drie invalshoeken zal het thema worden geduid.

Doelgroep: Zorgverleners, patiënten en hun familie en overige belangstellenden
Locatie: Auditorium Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis
Tijdstip: 15:00 - 17:45 (Toegang vanaf 14:30)


5 years Treeway!

"One (wo)man can and will find a way, why not be that (wo)man..."

Cover - Update November 2017 01/12/2017

We are proud to be mentioned in the latest issue of Health~Holland about our worldwide fight against ALS.
Read this interesting article and many more in the latest issue about Life Sciences & Health. #

Cover - Update November 2017 In this edition: the new Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2018-2021, Learning Communities, a highlight of prestigious awards and much more!


It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of


Garmt had an endless ambition to find a cure for ALS. We are dedicated to continuing his mission.

We extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Iris, his daughter Zoë and his family. May memories of Garmt offer comfort and strength.

Bedrijf van de Maand Oktober 2017 Treeway 11/10/2017

Proud to be the company of the month in Tilburg. Look at this video and see how we collaborate and make our mission possible Citymarketing Tilburg

Bedrijf van de Maand Oktober 2017 Treeway Bedrijf van de Maand oktober 2017: Treeway Bedrijf van de Maand oktober 2017 is Treeway. Ze slepen de prijs in de wacht omdat ze van grote betekenis zijn in ...


Throwback Friday... We're proud of this Treeway team! They have joined the to . Well done & thank you for supporting!


Success today to all participants of the charity London City Swim

Charity Swim in the Royal Victoria Docks for Motor Neurone Disease Research | London City Swim 2017 21/09/2017

Tomorrow - Friday 22/9 is the day Team Treeway will raise money for by swimming 500 meters in the Royal Victoria Docks. Will you support us by sponsoring via:
Thank you so much!

Charity Swim in the Royal Victoria Docks for Motor Neurone Disease Research | London City Swim 2017

Counting Down to 22 September | London City Swim 2017 18/09/2017

Team TREEWAY is looking forward to jump in The Royal Victoria Docks in London! This Friday 22/9 we are joining this charity swim to raise money for ALS. Stay tuned for more news!

Counting Down to 22 September | London City Swim 2017 Wetsuits are not compulsory. The water is currently around 17 degrees, and may get a little cooler. If you are not acclimatised to swimming in cold water without a wetsuit, we recommend that you wear one.

Photos from Treeway's post 03/09/2017

We wish all swimmers, volunteers and the ACS organization good luck today @ Amsterdam City Swim 2017

Photos from Treeway's post 21/06/2017

Today is World ALS Day and we are happy to announce this year’s winner of the Treeway Graduate Reward Program:

Congratulations Steven Boeynaems!

Steven has been interested in ALS for quite some time and he wrote his thesis about his research regarding the link between mechanisms in C9orf72 and ALS and FTLD. This summer he will join the Gitler lab at Stanford to work further on the mechanisms underlying the onset of the disease. The grant that Steven won with the Treeway Graduate Reward Program will be used to fund experiments for his research.

We wish Steven the best of luck in his career and we truly believe that his work will be of great importance for the ALS community.

Timeline photos 08/06/2017

All participants du ALS lots of success today!


Information regarding Radicava® approval in the United States

On May 5, 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Radicava® to treat patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the United States.

The active ingredient of Radicava® is edaravone. Edaravone was originally developed by the Japanese pharmaceutical company Mitsubishi Tanabe for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. Subsequently, clinical trials in ALS patients demonstrated that the progression of ALS with edaravone could be delayed. These trials were all carried out in Japan.

Since 2015 edaravone is on the market for the treatment of ALS in Japan under the brand name Radicut®. Hereafter, FDA approval was requested for the US market which has now been obtained. Radicava® is administered directly into a vein by means of a 60-minute infusion. Dosing is done in repeated treatment cycles of 28-days. Infusions are given in 10 of 14 days in the first two weeks, followed by a 14 days drug-free period ‘(drug holiday’). Radicava® may be administered in a hospital or by a health care professional at home.

Treeway is pleased with the approval of Radicava® in the United States. We feel supported by the recognition of the efficacy of edaravone by the FDA. The approval of Radicava® does not interfere with Treeway’s plans for TW001, the treatment we have in development for the oral administration of edaravone.


Informatie met betrekking tot goedkeuring Radicava® in de Verenigde Staten

Op 5 mei jl. heeft de FDA goedkeuring verleend om het medicijn Radicava® voor te schrijven als behandeling van ALS in de Verenigde Staten. Radicava® heeft als werkzaam bestanddeel edaravone. Het is ontwikkeld door het Japanse farmaceutische bedrijf Mitsubishi Tanabe. Radicava® is een medicijn dat oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld is voor behandeling na een beroerte. Mitsubishi Tanabe heeft daarna in klinische studies in ALS patiënten aangetoond dat de progressie van ALS met Radicava® kan worden vertraagd. Deze studies zijn allemaal in Japan uitgevoerd en sinds 2015 is Radicava® in Japan op de markt onder de merknaam Radicut®. Vervolgens is er bij de FDA goedkeuring aangevraagd voor de Amerikaanse markt en die is nu dus ook verkregen.

Radicava® wordt direct in de bloedbaan gegeven door middel van een 60 minuten durend infuus. Hierbij wordt eerst gedurende 2 weken op 10 dagen een infuus gegeven. Vervolgens stopt de behandeling gedurende 2 weken (“drug holiday”). Deze cyclus wordt telkens herhaald. Tijdens de infuusdagen moeten patiënten veelal naar het ziekenhuis of wordt het medicijn thuis toegediend.

Treeway is verheugd over de goedkeuring van Radicava® in de Verenigde Staten. Wij voelen ons gesteund door de erkenning van de FDA over de werkzaamheid van edaravone. De goedkeuring van Radicava® verandert niets aan Treeway’s ontwikkelingsplannen voor TW001, een orale (via de mond) formulering van edaravone.


Treeway's gene therapy partner published promising results with their vector also used in our TW002 program.

uniQure Publishes Data Demonstrating Wide Distribution of AAV5 in the Central Nervous System LEXINGTON, Mass. and AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands, April 04, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- uniQure N.V. (NASDAQ:QURE), a leading gene therapy company advancing transformative therapies for patients with severe medical needs, today announced the online publication in 

Timeline photos 05/04/2017

Our CEO, Inez de Greef, at the gong ceremony of Euronext this morning to conclude their techshare program.

‘’TechShare has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and capabilities of the financial markets more. I found the content of the program and the guidance from the partners very valuable. It is an accessibly way to, when the time is right, make a well-informed choice on the possible funding of Treeway.’’

PressReader - Connecting People Through News 31/03/2017

'Always look at the bright side of life'.
Great article in today's Telegraaf about our company with Bernard Muller & Inez de Greef

PressReader - Connecting People Through News

Timeline photos 19/01/2017

Nice to meet patient organization ALS patients connected today. Our first meeting together to introduce ourselves and to explain our mission - developing therapies to cure ALS - was a success. Treeway has realized a strong patient empowerment within the target market and patient participation is important to us. Together we can make the difference and beat !

Timeline photos 22/12/2016
Doneren - Amsterdam City Swim 11/09/2016

Good luck today to all swimmers on a successful Amsterdam City Swim !

Doneren - Amsterdam City Swim Beste donateur, Vanaf donderdag 11 februari is het mogelijk om via deze pagina een donatie aan een van onze deelnemers over te maken. Alle donaties gaan voor 100% naar Stichting ALS Nederland.


Just a few days before the
Together we beat !


Have you done the ? Look what can happen in two years. Thank you & keep beating
Garmt van Soest Bernard MullerRobbert Jan Stuit
One man can and will find a way, why not be that man...


Bent u ALS-patiënt en wilt u ons helpen onderzoeken hoe we medicatie zo gebruikersvriendelijk mogelijk kunnen ontwikkelen? Vul dan deze patiënten enquete in:

Wilt u even de tijd nemen om mijn enquête in te vullen? De naam van de enquête is "ALS". Uw feedback is belangrijk!

Timeline photos 27/06/2016

Treeway supported the first Spanish ALS National Congres (Seville) last week in June
