Non-profit Organisaties in de buurt

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Nieuwe Keizersgracht, Amsterdam

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Together with environmental justice groups around the world, Both ENDS works towards sustainable, fair and inclusive societies.


”I am truly grateful for the unique opportunity that the Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative gave me. This experience has already improved my professional development and I am certain that it will continue to shape and trigger my impact in the environmental sector in Mexico for many years to come. Please consider me, my work and the organization that nominated me, allies of this initiative.”

Both ENDS: ‘Dare to Trust’: Both ENDS and the Dutch Postcode Lottery team up to show the power of trust-based partnership 08/08/2024

The power of trust-based partnership: dare to trust

🌍 For over 30 years, Both ENDS has worked with global partners to promote environmental justice. Our long-term relationships are built on shared values, respect, and trust. Together, we're enhancing knowledge, networks, and advocacy for a more just and sustainable world.

Last year, with support from the Postcode Loterij, we launched the "Dare to Trust" project, distributing grants to 14 grassroots women’s groups with no strings attached. We believe in a chain of trust—from donor to intermediary to local partner.

Maaike Hendriks, our project lead, says: "The core of Dare to Trust is letting go of control. Local groups know best how to use their funding effectively." These grants empower women’s groups to improve their communities and environment on their terms.

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Both ENDS: ‘Dare to Trust’: Both ENDS and the Dutch Postcode Lottery team up to show the power of trust-based partnership For more than thirty years, Both ENDS has collaborated with partner organisations around the world to advance environmental justice. Our relationships with partners, many of which span decades, are...


In the Netherlands and around the world, there is growing awareness that the current economic system is not working. Diverse social movements let their voices be heard in 2023, calling out loud and clear for justice and systemic change.

Our annual report features some of our best stories from 2023, which together show our achievements 🤝 Read more


During my experience of working with ecology and agroecology in Yucatan I have learned that education is based on adequate and contextual information and that it has taught me better about the small producers of Mexico.

Pablo González Moctezuma


"We must end the fossil fuel era. Power to the people!"

Through a cinematic journey, "Shifting Power" provides an intimate lens into the lives of African communities, whose existences and futures are being reshaped by the gas boom. The documentary positions itself not merely as an observer but as a narrative woven from the fabric of the affected communities, offering a humanizing perspective on the socio-economic and environmental upheavals they face.



The overall goal of the JWHi grant was to develop Olfa Jelassi’s advocacy capacities in international climate politics as well as to increase her skills to transfer the knowledge gained on international level to the national and local level. The grant enabled her to take part in the COP22 in Marrakesh. She attended the first week of the COP-session and that helped her to understand in a better way the negotiations process, the work regarding different agenda items and how to balance attendance between negotiations and side events.


Wat heeft Nederland aan uitgaven op ontwikkelingssamenwerking? Nou, heel veel:
✅ Zekerheid van levering grondstoffen, bijvoorbeeld voor jouw mobiel
✅ Veiligheid & (politieke) stabiliteit
✅ Kennisdeling
Kies voor internationale samenwerking en teken de petitie:


JWHI supports the next generation of environmental leaders by driving change in the environmental sector through tailored small grants. Unleash your potential by applying for a JWH Initiative grant!

We support individuals to pursue personal development through diverse activities such as courses, internships, conferences, and more, without being tied to organisational projects. Read more >


A sustainable, fair and inclusive world! ☘

To achieve our vision Both ENDS works to empower civil society, to change the system so it prioritises people and the planet, and to support transformative practices. Read more:


Abhishek Shrestha is a young climate activist passionate about youth, climate policy, development, sustainability and governance. He holds masters in Climate Change and Policy. He is a Co-founder of the Nepalese Youth for Climate Action and played an instrumental role in building the youth climate movement in Nepal. Currently he works for the Climate Justice Programme of the Digo Bikas Institute (DBI) based in Kathmandu. The DBI is a research and advocacy organization committed to promote ecological sustainability and social equity at policy and community level.


Joint Call to Action: International Civil Society Demands Justice for Berta Cáceres' Murder Victims in Honduras

8 years and 4 months have passed since the crime against Berta and the Honduran justice system has not confirmed the sentences of those convicted and has not prosecuted the intellectual authors. We are extremely concerned that independent administration of justice and international agreements on human rights are not being upheld. More:


🏵 To achieve our vision of a sustainable, fair and inclusive world, Both ENDS works to empower civil society, to change the system so it prioritises people and the planet, and to support transformative practices.

This annual report features some of our best stories from 2023! More:

Both ENDS: EU Exits Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): A Milestone for Climate Action 17/07/2024

📣 EU Exits Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): A Milestone for Climate Action

The European Union's decision to exit the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a landmark victory for climate action. For years, the ECT's Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism has enabled fossil fuel companies to challenge climate policies, hindering progress towards sustainability.

Both ENDS: EU Exits Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): A Milestone for Climate Action The European Union's decision to exit the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a landmark victory for climate action. For years, the ECT's Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism has enabled ...


🤝🏽Another way of funding: dare to trust.

We are developing a chain of trust! Last year, Both ENDS teamed up with the Nationale Postcode Loterij to show another way of funding: trust partners to use their resources wisely,

With a special project grant, we distributed grants to 14 grassroots women's groups worldwide, no strings attached on administrative requirements. We aim to show donors that a chain of trust is possible.

Maaike Hendriks, senior expert at Both ENDS and project lead of the Dare to Trust project, explains: 'The core of Dare to Trust is letting go of control. We cherish our long-term relationships with partners and we fully trust them to make the best decisions about their funding'.

Read more:


🤝🏽Another way of funding: dare to trust.

We are developing a chain of trust! Last year, Both ENDS teamed up with the Nationale Postcode Loterij to show another way of funding: trust partners to use their resources wisely,

With a special project grant, we distributed grants to 14 grassroots women's groups worldwide, no strings attached on administrative requirements. We aim to show donors that a chain of trust is possible.

'The core of Dare to Trust is letting go of control. We cherish our long-term relationships with partners and we fully trust them to make the best decisions about their funding,' Maaike Hendriks explains.

Read more:


🌍🔥 Hittegolven, eindeloze regenbuien en constant noodweer: de klimaatcrisis wacht niet. Teken het burgerinitiatief en roep de Tweede Kamer op om zich in te zetten voor een bindend internationaal verdrag voor het !✍️

Marius Troost: "Ondanks decennia van klimaatonderhandelingen op de klimaattoppen - waar wij als Both ENDS ook elk jaar aan deelnemen - is er nog steeds geen bindend verdrag dat het blijvende oppompen van fossiele brandstoffen aanpakt. Zo gaan we klimaatverandering nooit stoppen. Een internationaal verdrag is de enige manier om het eeuwige naar-elkaar-kijken te doorbreken!"

Bezoek de website, lees meer en zet je handtekening:



Ben je ondernemend, enthousiasmerend en planmatig? Heb je affiniteit met internationale milieuvraagstukken, mensenrechten, vrouwenrechten, klimaatrechtvaardigheid en duurzame ontwikkeling?

Both ENDS is op zoek naar een collega die PMEL en Kwaliteitsbeheer mede-coördineert en een aantal projecten actief ondersteunt in PMEL en projectmanagement. Lees meer en reageer via


Karin van Boxtel (35) is the new director of environment and human rights organization Both ENDS. Karin has been running the organization temporarily, together with Annelieke Douma, since the departure of the previous director, Danielle Hirsch. She has now been appointed permanently to make Both ENDS stronger and more future-proof. Karin will take up her new post on 1 September. Until then, she will continue as co-director on an interim basis.


De Tweede Kamer heeft afgelopen jaren grote zorgen over dit project geuit. Ze toonde betrokken door het stellen van vragen (mondeling en schriftelijk), moties in te dienen en het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken om een onafhankelijke evaluatie van de besluitvorming rondom dit project te verzoeken. De Ministeries en Atradius DSB lijken echter niet tot actie over te gaan.

Both ENDS: Illegal logging is devastating Suriname's forest: The Saamaka and their fight against deforestation 03/07/2024

The Saamaka people in Suriname have long resisted the government's violation of their land rights. Despite a 2007 ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) against such violations, the government continues to grant logging and mining concessions on Saamaka territory without free prior and informed consent (FPIC).

New report shows this has led to deforestation, land dispossession, and disruption of their livelihoods >

Both ENDS: Illegal logging is devastating Suriname's forest: The Saamaka and their fight against deforestation The Saamaka people of Suriname have long resisted the government's violation of their land rights. Despite a 2007 ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) against such violations...


Both ENDS is looking for an experienced fundraiser.

Do you thrive on fundraising for a sustainable and fair world? Do you know how to convincingly translate complex issues into a financeable project? Is proactively building relationships with donors second nature to you?

Then we'd like to hear from you! Read more:


I am Scovia Ampumuza, originally from Rwanda, and currently deeply engaged in climate justice and environmental sustainability efforts. My involvement in this field traces back to when I was just 13 years old.

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Jonila Castro works for AKAP KA Manila Bay and/or Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE). The livelihood of the majority of the Filipino people depends on the environment, on the seas and the lands and mountains. So any threat of the environment is really a threat to the lives of the Filipino people. Something Jonila and her friend Jhed experienced first hand when they were abducted. Jonila works daily together with other concerned Filipinos to defend the rich biodiversity and environment of the Philippines. A story about her dream for a world where we prioritize the protection of the environment because protecting the environment and upholding people's rights and not the profit for the few. At Both ENDS, our aim is to connect people for change. Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, we work towards a sustainable, fair, and inclusive world. Jonila and her organizations are one of our .

Watch the whole interview:
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De nieuwe coalitie gaat flink bezuinigen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Dat zijn investeringen in miljoenen mensen. Mensen die te maken hebben met klimaatveranderingen. Die duurzaam en eerlijk voedsel produceren. Vrouwen die opkomen voor hun rechten. Zij worden keihard geraakt door die bezuinigingen.

Lees meer in de blog van Karin van Boxtel:


Ben jij een creatieve communicatieprofessional die moeiteloos complexe onderwerpen vertaalt naar pakkende teksten? Ben je thuis in online marketing en heb je ervaring met vormgevingstools? En wil je deze skills inzetten voor een duurzame, sociale en rechtvaardige wereld?

🌟 Wat ga je doen?
In deze rol werk je nauw samen met onze senior communicatieadviseur, waarbij je haar ondersteunt in alle communicatieactiviteiten. Dit betekent dat je betrokken bent bij:

💚 Het ontwikkelen van campagnes
💚 Het organiseren van events
💚 Het beheren van onze social media kanalen
💚 Het creëren van online en offline communicatiemiddelen

Lees meer en reageer >


Interim co-director Karin van Boxtel: "De nieuwe coalitie keert de wereld de rug toe. Het gaat flink bezuinigen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking, tot maar liefst 2,4 miljard euro. Dat zijn investeringen in miljoenen mensen. Mensen zoals jij en ik."

📣Teken de petitie:


My name is Claire Lokeris P**o working with Girls for Climate Action as Green Master Program Coordinator, a program that focuses on climate education and awareness in schools.

read more:


For public development banks that see it as their mission to fight poverty, you would think that the way they finance infrastructure, such as power plants or dams, would involve the resettlement and full economic rehabilitation of the people affected.

In reality social and environmental safeguards policies in place for the protection of people and the environment far too often are treated as add-ons.

Download the 6-pager: Displaced in name of development >


Droogte, overstromingen, geweld, conflicten en armoede komen steeds vaker voor. Dit vraagt om méér internationale samenwerking, niet om minder. Teken - net als al deze organisaties - de petitie ⬇️


In the context of Shell's imminent divestment from onshore oil industry in the Niger Delta, Both ENDS partner Kebetkache Women Dev. & Resource Centre publishes a new report showing severe health and environmental challenges faced by the women of Otuabagi in the Niger Delta due to Shell's crude oil exploration.

Read more:

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Connecting people for change

Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world. We gather and share information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihood, we engage in joint advocacy, we stimulate the dialogue between stakeholders and we promote and support sustainable local alternatives.

Our vision and mission

The vision of Both ENDS is a world where long-term environmental sustainability and social equity take priority over short-term profits.

Both ENDS strengthens global civil society to gain decisive influence on the use of nature and the environment, thus contributing to societies that stay within our planetary boundaries and respect all human rights, including the rights to water, food and a safe living environment.

Video's (alles zien)

In the Netherlands and around the world, there is growing awareness that the current economic system is not working. Div...
JWHI supports the next generation of environmental leaders by driving change in the environmental sector through tailore...
A sustainable, fair and inclusive world! ☘ To achieve our vision Both ENDS works to empower civil society, to change the...
🏵 To achieve our vision of a sustainable, fair and inclusive world, Both ENDS works to empower civil society, to change ...
Karin van Boxtel (35) is the new director of environment and human rights organization Both ENDS. Karin has been running...
Jonila Castro works for AKAP KA Manila Bay and/or Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE). The li...
Interim co-director Karin van Boxtel: "De nieuwe coalitie keert de wereld de rug toe. Het gaat flink bezuinigen op ontwi...
Laat de wereld niet in de steek, teken de petitie om de bezuinigingen op internationale samenwerking te stoppen!https://...
Charity Migwi  works with Oil Change International as the Africa campaigner and she is based in Nairobi, Kenya."One of t...
Stemmen is een recht én een verantwoordelijkheid!  Stem voor een toekomst waarin solidariteit, mensenrechten en klimaatr...
Both ENDS envisions a world where human rights are respected, gender justice is realised, and the environment is fostere...
At the moment, Argentina is going through difficult times in terms of politics, related to the growth of institutional v...


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