Nordic Stunt Riders
Welcome to the official page for Nordic Stunt Riders! Representing the sports within Trick Riding, Dzhigitovka and Tentpegging 🏇🏇
Vi gleder oss masse til å trene barn og ungdom imorgen på Gullbjørn Islandshestgård!💪🙌
Deler noen av de gode minnene fra sommerens Dzhigitovka trening!🌞
Fortsatt noen ledige plasser, kontakt oss på DM eller mail: [email protected]
Har du eller noen du kjenner lyst til å lære den nye hestesporten Dzhigitovka? ⚔️🐎
Bli med på spennende og lærerike kurs denne høsten på Gullbjørn Islandshestgård med gruppe- og privattimer!
Første kurs for barn og ungdom førstkommende fredag. Ta kontakt for mer informasjon og påmelding 🤗
Hjelp oss gjerne å dele 💞
Norway's largest trade and agricultural fair is hosted on September 13-15 at Seljord, Norway. The Norwegian Tent Pe***ng team will be there the 14th september to show off some skills💪🐎⚔
This year we competed in the Dzhigitovka World Championship in Moscow 🏇🏹
Amazing being back meeting our Dzhigit family again. Inspiring to see so many great talented people having such a huge passion for the sport, helping each other learn new tricks, pushing their limits and growing the sport further. Looking forward to next year meeting both new and old friends! 🙌❤️🐴
Being able to compete in Tent Pe***ng World Cup in Abu Dhabi 2018 was an amazing experience 🏇🏇
Team Norway was not only the only team from Europe, but also the only team with women competing. Being able to do what you love and at the same time meet so many fantastic people is a true pleasure. 🐴⚔️
Get more information about the team and the Tent Pe***ng sport at Norway Tent Pe***ng Federation
Sharing some memories from the Dzhigitovka World Championship in Moscow 2017 🏇🏇
This was our first year competing internationally in Dzhigitovka. Fantastic experience being able to meet, learn from and compete with other people from around the world having a huge passion for this awesome equestrian horse sport. 😍🐴
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