Simona Style & Soneterapi

Kontaktinformasjon, kart og veibeskrivelse, kontaktskjema, åpningstider, tjenester, stjerner, bilder, videoer og kunngjøringer fra Simona Style & Soneterapi, Refleksolog, Ensjøveien 14, Frisørsenteret AS, Oslo.


We honor all those who are in Hospice care, their families and loved ones as they go through this journey of life.

Sending our aroha to you all ❤

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Tikai viena diena " divi vienā". Skati komentos.. Piesakās un


Refleksoterapija, kinezioterapija novembrī, Oslo. Piesakies!


Lietišķā Kinezioloģija ir visu funkcionālo sistēmu diagnostika, kas atrod iemeslu veselības traucējumam organismā. Tas ir tik lieliski, zināt iemeslu. Nav jācīnās ar simptomiem. Varam restartēt funkcionālās sistēmas iedarbojoties uz iemeslu. Interesē! Nāc ,izbaudi, pārliecinies. Tas ir sistemātisks, regulārs darbs ar nervu refleksiem, kas atjauno organisma adaptīvās robežas un paplašina tās. Piesakies! Neatliec uz vēlāk!


No. Massage and reflexology have a different approach to how a health complaint is managed.

Massage, according to the definition at the Mayo Clinic website, is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body: muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. I would add that it is performed locally all over the body based on the client's complaint. Both therapies use the skill of palpation to locate problem areas. Reflexology though, is specifically performed on the feet, lower legs, hands, ears and face. It is a means to reach and affect other parts of the body, glands and organs through the application of pressure on the reflexes located on the aforementioned areas.

As an example: if a client goes to a massage appointment for neck pain, the massage therapist will work directly on the neck and upper back. A reflexology therapist will work on the appropriate reflexes found in the feet, lower legs, hands, ears or perhaps the face to create an improvement for their client. Reflexology has multiple remote locations to provide relief for a complaint.

I have a client who had been experiencing discomfort in the shoulders and arms and required lymphatic drainage. She was not able to get manual lymphatic drainage from a trained massage therapist because of a contraindication concerning applied pressure in that area. Through the feet, I was able to relieve the discomfort. The client received the benefit of lymphatic drainage without disturbance to the contraindication of pressure on that tissue.

As you can see, reflexology is much more than a foot massage for tired, sore feet. As a by-product of a solid foot session though, it will help your feet feel renewed and ready to carry you happily through the rest of your day!


Most of my posts are about what 'Reflexology is'. But here's one about what 'Reflexology is NOT'!

Reflexology is not a massage and not a medical treatment!

Nope, it's not!❌

First and foremost, reflexologists do not diagnose illness, nor do they practice medicine. Only licensed physicians are allowed to do that according to law. Neither does a reflexologist treat specific diseases. (Even though most of my clients tell me very specifically what their problems are, and I may know medically what ailments they suffer from.) Reflexologists never proceed as if reflexology is going to cure the problems. We may spend extra time working the reflex area on the feet (hands/ears/face) that correspond to the part that is portraying the symptoms, with positive results, but our work can not be classified as a medical treatment as such.

Yes, people do report experiencing relief from symptoms, reduction in pain, balancing of imbalances and improvement in many areas of their health and wellbeing.

Reflexology interrupts the patterns of stress in the body. Both external and internal stressors. It gives the body the opportunity to tap in to its innate healing abilities, and thus be able to get on with trying to heal itself!

So, reflexology does facilitate healing, and very often that may be alongside the medical advice and treatment you are receiving from your doctor, or other medical practitioners.

And finally, just as you carefully select your doctor, please do the same when seeking your natural therapist. Be sure to select a reflexologist who is properly trained, certified and a member of their country or regions professional reflexology association.

Here in New Zealand that is RNZ, Reflexology New Zealand, and I’m a member. 💙

x Karen x


Es tikko sasniedzu 100 sekotāju atzīmi! Paldies par atbalstu, tas nebūtu bijis iespējams bez katra no jums. 🙏🤗🎉


Vai zināji, ka refleksoterapija nav tas pats kas masāža ?! Piedāvājums -refleksoterapija imunitātes stiprināšanai ( tikai 400, nok līdz 20.dec., 30min.terapija).


Kā ir ar Tavu imunitāti? Ikvienam ieteicama profilakse imunitātes stiprināšanai. Piesakies tagad!

Vai zināji, ka refleksoterapija nav tas pats kas masāža ?! Piedāvājums -refleksoterapija imunitātes stiprināšanai ( tikai 400, nok līdz 20.dec., 30min.terapija).


Vai refleksoterapija ir tas psts kas mssāža? Nee..nav.

No. Massage and reflexology have a different approach to how a health complaint is managed.

Massage, according to the definition at the Mayo Clinic website, is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body: muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. I would add that it is performed locally all over the body based on the client's complaint. Both therapies use the skill of palpation to locate problem areas. Reflexology though, is specifically performed on the feet, lower legs, hands, ears and face. It is a means to reach and affect other parts of the body, glands and organs through the application of pressure on the reflexes located on the aforementioned areas.

As an example: if a client goes to a massage appointment for neck pain, the massage therapist will work directly on the neck and upper back. A reflexology therapist will work on the appropriate reflexes found in the feet, lower legs, hands, ears or perhaps the face to create an improvement for their client. Reflexology has multiple remote locations to provide relief for a complaint.

I have a client who had been experiencing discomfort in the shoulders and arms and required lymphatic drainage. She was not able to get manual lymphatic drainage from a trained massage therapist because of a contraindication concerning applied pressure in that area. Through the feet, I was able to relieve the discomfort. The client received the benefit of lymphatic drainage without disturbance to the contraindication of pressure on that tissue.

As you can see, reflexology is much more than a foot massage for tired, sore feet. As a by-product of a solid foot session though, it will help your feet feel renewed and ready to carry you happily through the rest of your day!



What Is a Muscle Cramp?

A muscle cramp is a hyperexcitable neurologic phenomena of excessive, involuntary muscle contractions. It is important to distinguish between myogenic and neurogenic muscle cramps, because each has unique pathophysiology and management. The conventional definition of a muscle cramp is a painful contraction of a muscle or muscle group, relieved by contraction of antagonist muscles.

Care must be taken to avoid confusing muscle cramps with other phenomena including central hyperexcitability (eg, dystonia, spasticity, seizures, and stiff person/stiff limb syndromes) and peripheral processes, including tetany, myokymia, myotonia, neuromyotonia (focal muscle stiffness), or myalgia.


The origin and propagation of neurogenic muscle cramps localizes to peripheral and central targets, including the neuromuscular junction, where mechanical disruption and electrolyte disturbances can influence hyperexcitability and cramp generation. Injury to peripheral nerve components including the motor neuron cell bodies or the motor axons can result in ephaptic transmission and development of muscle cramps.

Dysfunctional intramuscular small fiber sensory afferents (eg, mechanoreceptors and spindles) are also proposed to be involved in cramp generation. Centrally, persistent inward currents mediated by GABAergic transmitters at the spinal level can amplify incoming sensory input and lead to the propagation and amplification of cramp potentials. Disruption of chloride, sodium, and potassium channels and inadequate amino acids concentrations (eg, taurine) disrupt membrane currents to generate muscle cramps.


The pathophysiology of myogenic muscle cramps, in contrast, is usually the result of disrupted energy production in muscle cells and occurs most commonly in metabolic myopathies associated with disorders of glycogen, lipid, or mitochondrial metabolism. Metabolic myopathies cause deficient ATP levels. Because muscle relaxation is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent active process, actin and myosin chains do not disengage, causing an electrically silent cramp (ie, contracture). The metabolic defect may also cause accumulation of potentially toxic metabolites that further aggravate ATP deficientcy. Myopathic cramps are also a potential symptom of myopathies linked to muscle membrane or intramuscular structural dysfunction in acquired and hereditary myopathies (eg, muscular dystrophy, congenital myopathies, and inflammatory myopathy).


Physiologic stressors are a common precipitant to muscle cramps. The most common is dehydration, in which electrolyte loss disrupts neuromuscular junction function and membrane stability. Other physiologic stressors include unusually prolonged or strenuous exercise, particularly in a deconditioned state in which muscle tendon shortening is common.


Infrequent cramps that do not interfere in someone’s life rarely need investigation or treatment. There is no evidence that recurrent muscle cramps lead to significant long-lasting damage to muscles, and serious harm from muscle cramps (eg, tendon ruptures) is rare. If treatment is needed, the avoidance of the offending agent or appropriate electrolyte and vitamin replacement to treat the root cause are warranted. There is level B evidence that vitamin B-complex supplementation can reduce cramp frequency in people who experience at least 6 cramps per week.

In individuals with prominent dehydration (eg, athletes, malnourished individuals, or members of vulnerable populations), care must be taken to ensure adequate electrolyte-rich solutions, particularly high-salt formulations. In pregnant women, there is ample evidence that magnesium replacement is helpful in managing muscle cramps.

Reference: Practical Neurology


Kas ir lietišķā kinezioloģija? Tā ir progresīva nākotnes medicīnas diagnostikas metode.Manuālā muskuļu fasciju ķēžu testēšana palīdz atrast iemeslu muskuļu sāpēm, stīvumam . Vai tev ir sāpes, stīvums muskuļos? Zvani +47 40582473, testēsim , atradīsim kur slēpjas iemesls sāpēm, stīvumam. Un kinezioloģija ārstē gudri, bez zālēm. Zvani šodien un saņem izmeklējumu un terapiju lētāk līdz 29.novembrim.



Most people do not pay enough attention to their daily posture and everyday movement habits, and it can have long-term health consequences if left unimproved. Your breath and posture are undeniably intertwined. Good posture cannot happen if the breath is trapped, restricted, or underused.

What’s more, your posture directly impacts the way your body breathes. Excess pressure on the body’s respiratory diaphragm and intercostal muscles alter the ability of those muscles to dynamically contract and lengthen to their fullest. Ever heard the term “chest breather”? This implies that a person is not fully using their diaphragm and has limited their breath’s movements to the rib cage, neck and shoulder muscles that kick in to help the body breathe when the diaphragm fails.

A chest breather’s posture will alter over time to accommodate the habit of “bad breath.” Bad posture follows you around like a shadow. It shows up in the way you stand while cooking breakfast, waiting in line, or working at your desk, in your form while you exercise, within your yoga routines and even in the way you sleep. Our physical structure begins to adapt to our inefficient position and over time we can develop chronic aches and pains that are directly related to how we carry ourselves in the world.

The spine is intimately connected with the respiratory diaphragm, and understanding their symbiotic relationship will help steer your posture improvement in the right direction. The diaphragm is a parachute-shaped muscle that lines the lower six ribs and the last six vertebrae of thoracic spine. (The thoracic spine has 12 vertebrae, all of which attach to ribs.) The diaphragm also hooks into the front side of most of the lumbar (low back) bones.

Organizing these bones and toning the diaphragm helps rearrange the tension patterns of the spine from the inside-out and provides a more efficient lattice for the diaphragm to elongate and contract upon.

The following exercise targets the back of the diaphragm and the spinal bones and joints that connect with this most important breath muscle.


1. Lie on your back and place two tennis balls along the left side of the spine in the mid-back region.

2. Breathe slowly into the ribs and rock from side-to side and allow the balls to massage in towards the rib joints. Do this for 1-2 minutes on left side of spine, then switch sides. Next, move the balls slightly lower or slightly higher along the thoracic spine and ribs and repeat.


This exercise uncorks tension along the upper back and spine so that the spinal bones regain fluidity and mobility. This frees up trapezius, rhomboids, erectors and intercostal tension, mobilizes rib joints, spinal joints, and posterior diaphragm rib connections, and massages deep back musculature.

Soneterapi - 17/10/2022

Soneterapi - Soneterapi er behandling der soneterapeuten trykker på punkter på kroppen som representerer ulike soner og organer. Behandlingsfilosofien tar utgangspunkt i troen på energistrømmer i kroppen.


📢New Research out of Australia!
🙌This study conducted throughout 2022 indicated that acupuncture and reflexology administered alongside chemotherapy may reduce patient reported symptom burden and patient global symptom related distress.
💚Read more here:

Soneterapi - 01/10/2022

Labākais veselības restarta veids, kas ir baudāms refleksoterapijā. Neatliec uz vēlāku, nāc tūlīt!

Soneterapi - Soneterapi er behandling der soneterapeuten trykker på punkter på kroppen som representerer ulike soner og organer. Behandlingsfilosofien tar utgangspunkt i troen på energistrømmer i kroppen.


Hvordan føler du deg? Ønsker du å forbedre ditt velvære? Send sms 40582473 og søk, kom og nyt en fantastisk behandling ☯️☀️👣☀️

Påfør, kom og føl deg bedre allerede etter 90 minutter. 29/09/2022

Påfør, kom og føl deg bedre allerede etter 90 minutter. Søk og få en rabatt på 400 kroner for den første terapien.

Påfør, kom og føl deg bedre allerede etter 90 minutter. 28/09/2022


Påfør, kom og føl deg bedre allerede etter 90 minutter. Søk og få en rabatt på 400 kroner for den første terapien.

Photos from Simona Style & Soneterapi's post 27/09/2022

Soneterapi, øreakupunktur, andvent kinesiologi,FDM - et fantastisk sett med terapier som jeg bruker i mine terapier for å oppnå , om mulig, et bedre resultat i klientens helse generelt.

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Ensjøveien 14, Frisørsenteret AS


Mandag 09:00 - 17:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Fredag 09:00 - 17:00

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