Eero Kujala Lydproduksjon

Location sound, audio editing, mixing and sound design for film and TV. Located in Oslo, Norway.

Photos from Eero Kujala Lydproduksjon's post 04/03/2023

This is goodbye for Seillans for now. Went on a trip to Fayance, Callian and Mons yesterday. Crazy magical scenery along the whole province here.

Photos from Eero Kujala Lydproduksjon's post 25/02/2023

First American feature movie. Dialog editing in France, one week down and a final week to go!

Banana for scale.


I haven't posted for a while since I don't really like social media, but will try better to keep this up to date for the future. I'm alive and well and the times are busy. 😊

Fishing for magical boat splashes and subtle breaths flowing downstream.

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Akersgata 73
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Steinliveien 10b
Oslo, 1185

Velkommen til Facebook-siden for produksjonsselskapet ARKETOLA AS.

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Hegermannsgate 23B
Oslo, 0478

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