Milla Millano Yoga

Multi-passionate human and yoga teacher. RYT 200 Vinyasa & Ayurveda
Restorative + Yoga Nidra

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 04/12/2023

Happy Monday and welcome to another day of GIVING! 🎄
Today our small business collaboration is gifting one of you 's 💛
This year we are teaming up with , , , .ytterhus and plus some surprise guests to give you a magical December full of PRESENTS 🎁✨
Every day Dec 1st through Dec 24th you have a big chance to with a gift provided by one of us.
How to participate:
🌟 Follow all hosts: ytterhus
🌟 Like this post
🌟 Tag a friend who you want to wish Merry Christmas
We pick a winner every day!

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 30/11/2023

Hey IG friends,
It has been a while since my last post, and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to re-introduce myself 🙋‍♀️
I am a student + teacher of Yoga and Ayurveda. Besides that, I have a background in Aromatherapy and run my own holistic skincare brand . And if you think that sounds like a lot already, this has been my wellness journey for the past 8+ years 🌿🧘‍♀️
I am a very creative and intuitive person who discovers different media and forms of self-expression through movement, breath, stillness, aroma, and visual arts 🤸🏾‍♂️ 📸
My happy place is when I practice and teach, dance, where my camera takes me or in the lab creating new potions or by the ocean 🌊
My HD is Manifesting Generator, and I am a Libra sun, Capricorn rising, and Cancer Moon for those familiar with Human Design/Astrology. Oh, and I live traveling & exploring different cultures and places 🌍
Thanks for reading, and thanks for being here!
You’ll find me teaching at , , or SiO Athletica. Let’s flow together or find stillness 💓



Starting in January ✨

Let’s begin our yoga journey at QI ZEN 🤍🙏🏼

Heal your body and mind during VINYASA yoga with who is going to bring up to your practice Restorative & Nidra elements to rich a deeper connection with inner self and be fully present at this moment. Join our classes or become a member!

Sign up link in BIO 🌸

Date: every Tuesday
Time: 17:00-18:00
Adress: Holtegata 45

Drop in - 199 nok
4 clips - 739 nok
8 clips - 1399 nok

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 12/10/2023

I used to think smoothies and salads were healthy, but once I started practicing Ayurveda, my understanding of "healthy" changed.

Food is medicine, and so is movement, rest, and even breath.
Each of us is a unique individual with distinctive needs that change with age. Our needs also differ from one season to another. Knowing yourself on a deeper level and flowing smoothly with the rhythms of nature is an art in itself, which can sometimes take years or even a lifetime.

Join me for a five-week course on Ayurveda and dive deeper into its secrets for maintaining health, beauty, and youthfulness.

Each week will focus on different wellness or rejuvenating practices while also exploring our unique nature and learning some of the principles of this ancient healing modality.

What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine, that originated in India around 5,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge), and its literal translation means "the knowledge of life". According to this ancient healing modality, dis-ease starts with imbalance or stress in the person's consciousness. Ayurveda encourages particular lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain/maintain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.

Swipe to see some of the highlights and why you should join
Book your spot by DM or by using the link in my bio.


Hey lovely people👋
This post started as an IG story, but as it happens sometimes things transform and progress, just like us as individuals. 🌱

Why am I writing this? Keep reading and you'll find out.

Every week, I have the privilege of hosting the most amazing yoga class in town. 🫶 Why I say it's the most amazing is not because it's mine but because I do it from my heart, and I bring several of my passions together into something unique and remarkable (that probably no one else does). And I can say that wholeheartedly because it's true. We call it Blush Yoga Spa, and there, I unite my love for wellness, beauty, and yoga all in one place. One of my students wrote that "this is the most SPA yoga spa class she’s been to".

Thank you for saying and feeling it that way! I appreciate your words with all my heart, and your comment made my day brighter.🙏🥰

But this didn't happen overnight. It takes time, and it's a process for each of us to achieve what we strive for. For me to get to this point, I had to walk through a lot of lessons, years of trial and error, a few thorny paths, challenging uphills, and slippery downhills. 🥹

Again, why am I telling you this story?
To encourage you to be true to your heart. Do more of the things that bring butterflies to your stomach. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you for who you are. Let go of everyone else. Nurture yourself and everyone you love. Be courageous. Fear less and judge less. Jump off of cliffs. Know that mistakes are lessons. Not everyone will like you, even when you have the best intentions, and when you act with integrity.

Join me at on Sundays 🤍
Stunning 📸


As I approach the end of my summer holiday and have a few days to reflect on the past months, this SELF-LOVE LETTER found me, and felt compelled to share it. 🤍
We all need to read a letter like this to ourselves some days.
If you are having one of those days this message is for you. 💕


Day 7 of
Hip Opening Pose: Anjaneyasana 🧘🏻‍♀️

Hip-opening poses offer many benefits and are an integral part of a balanced yoga practice, yet for many people, hip-opening asanas feel uncomfortable and challenging. I remember my experience the first time I came into pigeon pose. It felt awkward and even painful, but I am sure I haven't been the only one to have similar sensations. These poses stretch the muscles around the hip joint and pelvis, including the buttocks, hamstrings, inner thighs, groin, and abdomen. For most people, these muscles are tight from sitting at a desk all day.

Here are 4 reasons to practice hip-opening poses in every yoga practice🙌

🤍 They offer physical well-being

🤍 Encourage emotional release

🤍 Offer stress relief

🤍 Unleash our creativity


Day 5 of
Urdhva Dhanurasana ✨ 🤸🏽‍♂️

"You are as young and healthy as your spine is strong and supple." says an ancient yogic proverb. 🧘🏻‍♀️

That's why in various yoga styles like Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga we practice backend poses (heart openers). As with all other asanas they build resilience and flexibility physically and emotionally. 🤍 🙌

For now, I'll focus on the physical benefits of these poses.

Physically backbents counter our daily activities that often involve bending forward and sitting for extensive hours. This compromises our posture and can cause misalignment + pain in our bodies. Heart-opening poses like Bridge, Cobra, and Full Wheel strengthen the back, shoulders, chest, and hips. They lengthen our spine, increase flexibility, improve mobility, and relieve tension, tightness, and pain.

Stay tuned for the emotional aspect of heart-opening poses.


Day 4 of
Viparita Virabhadrasana ✨🧘

The Vira poses also called the Virabhadrasana series are five postures from the yogic tradition: Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, and Humble Warrior. They are some of the most popular and used asanas in a vinyasa practice.
The Vira poses were named after the legendary warrior Virbhadra, who was created by the god Shiva. Shiva was married to Sati, whose father did not approve of their union.
Sati's father, Daksha refused to invite his daughter and her husband to a huge sacrificial festival he held, which prompted Sati to confront him. Her father humiliated her, which left her feeling sad and shameful which eventually led to her killing herself.

Shiva was devastated when he learned about his wife's fate. He got furious and ripped a deadlock from his head and threw it on the ground. A massive creature sprang from Shiva's hair. He had three eyes, a thousand eyes, and wore a garland of skulls. His name was Virabhadra.

Virabhadra went to the festival to slaughter everybody, including the gods. When it was all over, Shiva felt remorseful for the destruction he created and his anger turned to compassion. He ended up restoring the lives of Daksha and the gods.

The moral of this mythological story is to transcend our anger, fear, hurt, and insecurity by activating our inner power, strength, courage, and devotion. When we practice these warrier poses we embody the heroic energy of a warrior. We connect to our strength, confidence, and compassion.


"Everything is within your power and your power is within you."
Janice Trachtman

day 3: Inversion



= $100

= 6 months


day 3
Eka Hasta Bhujasana - Elephant Trunk Pose

Arm balances look amazing but can also be intimidating for most of us. How do we start? First, we need strength in our core and upper body. Work on that and the rest is techniques and practice.

Move past fear, build better balance, and strengthen your body with arm balance yoga poses like Crow Pose, Headstand, Firefly Pose, and more.

Do you practice arm balances already? What are some of your favorites?


Day 2 of
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana✨

"Sthira Sukham Asanam" or building strength in our body and mind yet remaining at ease, says one of Patandjali's yoga sutras. This balance between stability and flexibility is what our asana practice gives us. 🤸🏽‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️

Extended hand-to-big-toe pose is an excellent example that requires a lot of effort in both legs (strength and flexibility) while also trying to balance.

Why practice it? The pose strengthens your legs and ankles and improves your balance ⚖️

Beginners: Use a yoga strap or a belt to reach your big toe if you can't.

Try it today, let's practice together in my classes 🤍


Day 1 of Baddha Konasana ✨🧘

Seated yoga poses are grounding, nurturing, and appropriate for practitioners of all levels. Suitable does not necessarily mean easy or comfortable. Some of the "easiest" poses for some people can be the most challenging for others. But as I like to say: "Practice makes better" and in the end, we need to be aware that yoga practice is not one size fits all.
You can often hear me saying in my classes: "Listen to your body." I say this as a reminder to my students to stay present in their bodies, in their experience, rather than mimicking others. And that's hard to do as a beginner when all you want to do is feel good and fit in.

Whether you choose to practice your seated asanas with the help of props or not, they are a great way to improve the flexibility of our muscles and the mobility of our joints.

This particular one, called Baddha Konasana, (also known as Butterfly Pose is great for opening our hips and stretching our inner thighs. Be sure to raise the hips by sitting on a folded blanket or a block if your spine is rounding when seated upright.
To join the check out my previous post.


It's time for a ✨NEW ALO CHALLENGE✨

August 1st - 8th, 2023

It’s no secret that we LOVE to LIVE in our ALO. Let’s celebrate August 1-8 & show you exactly why! This week, you will have complete creative control with posts, while we spotlight our favorite ALO ‘fit combos!

I don't have any ALO but fingers crossed I'd win some, and you can too!

Join our challenge on August 1-8.

AUG 1: Seated

AUG 2: Standing Balance

AUG 3: Arm Balance

AUG 4: Inversion

AUG 5: Warrior variation

AUG 6: Heart Opener

AUG 7: Hip Opener

AUG 8: Flow of Choice



= $100 💳

= 6 months


1. Follow all hosts and sponsors❣️

2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends to join along.

3. Keep your account public so that we can see your posts.

4. Post daily using and tag your hosts and sponsors in the caption.

5. Have fun and try to connect with the hosts and other participants!

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 31/07/2023

🌟 Know Your Worth! 🌟

In a world that's constantly trying to define your value, remember this: YOU are the author of your worth! 💎✨ Don't let anyone else determine your potential or limit your dreams. Embrace your uniqueness and let your light shine!

🔑 Your worth is NOT defined by external validation or societal standards. It's about embracing your strengths, acknowledging your growth, and celebrating your journey. 🌱 Every step you take, every obstacle you overcome, adds to your value.

Join my last three classes before I leave Oslo

Monday - 19:00 IR Hot Yin📍
Tuesday - 10:00 Yoga Flow 📍Athletica Domus
18:30 Yogalates at 📍

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 30/07/2023

🇬🇧 8 tips for cultivating a more positive body image part III

🇧🇬 8 съвета за позитивно възприемане на нашето тяло част III

6. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people: Spend time with friends, family, and loved ones who appreciate you for who you are.

7. Practice mindfulness: Breathing exercises and meditation can assist you in staying in the present moment and cultivating positive body awareness.

8. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Focus on your progress and personal growth instead. Remember that everyone is unique, and everyone is on their individual journey.

6. Заобиколете се с позитивни и подкрепящи хора. Прекарвайте времето си с приятели и близки които ви оценяват, такъв/такава какъвто/каквато сте.

7. Практики за осъзнатост: Практики като дихателни техники и медитация могат да ни помогнат да живеем в настоящият момент и да култивираме позинивна настройка за нашето тяло.

8. Не се сравнявайте с други хора. Концентрирайте се върху вашият напредък и личностно развитие. Запомнете зе всеки човек е уникален и неповторим път в живота.

On the second 📸 you see Agata or Easy Life Yoga a fellow yogi friend who makes the best Kobido massages in Oslo.
#здраве #любов #личностноразвитие #осъзнатост #йога

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 30/07/2023

Part II of 8 tips for cultivating a more positive body image

🇧🇬 Част II от 8 съвета за позитивно възприемане на нашето тяло

4. Practice gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for your body by acknowledging all the amazing things it does for you. Focus on its functionality, health, and vitality rather than solely on its appearance.

5. Engage in self-care: Take care of your body by participating in activities promoting well-being. Go to a yoga class or spend time in nature. Exercise regularly, eat nourishing foods, get enough sleep, and prioritize relaxation. Having a daily self-care routine fosters a positive body image.

Visit my IG page to read part I

4. Бъдете благодарни: Култивирайте чувство на благодарност за вашето тялото, като се замислите за всички невероятни неща, които можете да правите благодарение на него. Концентрирайте се се върху неговата функционалност, здраве и жизненост, а не само върху външния му вид.

5. Полагайте грижи за себе си. Участвайте в дейности, насърчаващи вашето благосъстояние. Отидете на йога практика, масаж или прекарайте време сред природата. Спортувайте редовно, яжте здравословни храни, спете достатъчно и поставете времето за отдих на преден план. Наличието на ежедневна грижа за себе си ни насърчава да виждаме себе си по по-положителен начин.

Посетете страницата ми в инстаграм за да прочетете част I

#здраве #любов #грижазасебеси #личностноразвитие #осъзнатост #йога

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 14/07/2023

Can you believe it's the middle of July?
😌 Time flies when you are an adult!

🏖️ While many of us here in Norway are away on our summer holidays, I will spend this month in Oslo. You will find my classes in and Athletica gyms.

🔥 This month we'll focus on working with the fire element. According to Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, everything in nature is made of the nature elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Human beings are also seen as a sum of these 5 parts. Each person has a unique combination of nature's elements, and when we go through the seasons, one or more of them may go out of balance ⚖️

☀️ During the summer, the fire element dominates, and heat from the outside environment builds up in our bodies. That is why we need to counterbalance the heat with cooling practices.

🪭 Here are some cooling practices to try:
•Swim in the ocean.
•Do appropriate pranayama: nadi shodhana or sitali breath
•Do light exercises in the morning or the evening: moon salutations
•Eat cooling foods: juicy fruits, salads, water-rich fruits, and veggies.
•Hydrate with cooling herbs: mint, fennel, dill, and cilantro.
•Reduce the intensity of your mind and life with meditations.

My practices will incorporate some of these techniques, and I can't wait to share them with you. See you on the mat 😉

Swipe left to see when and where to practice with me 🧘🏻‍♀️

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 29/06/2023

Hey People! 🙌 I am super excited to share my first online offering, for which you can tune in from any place in the world. 🌍 This will be a 30-minute mind-body practice to set a positive tone for your new week. 🧘🏼‍♀️

What to expect:
• short meditation
• breath exercises
• mindful movement for pitta season

🇧🇬 Здравейте приятели! 🤍Много се радвам да споделя първата си онлайн практика, на която можете да се присъедините от всяка точка на света. 🌎Това ще е 30-минутна сутрешна практика и един прекрасен начин да започнете вашият ден с добро настроение.🌸🧘🏼‍♀️

Какво да очаквате:
• кратка медитация
• дихателни упражнения
• раздвижване на цялото тяло съобразно летния сезон

🇬🇧Практиката ще бъде проведена на английски език. 🇧🇬За предстоящи практики на български език пратете запитване на DM 📧

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 25/06/2023

This a gentle reminder and the coming week's mantra 🤍✌🏽

Join my last Monday morning practice at before the summer schedule kicks in.
Tomorrow at 8:00

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 22/06/2023

Back from my holiday and back to teaching this week hasn't been as easy as I thought. Jumping back into the groove felt like jumping ship in the wide-open ocean 🌊

This is where regular practice comes into play 🤸

When we are in the groove and have a routine, things flow with ease. It's almost like how muscle memory works. However, many people fear following regimes as they try to avoid falling into them at any cost. People fear being bored, living mundane lives, or even growing old 🧓

BUT, routines are good for us, as they give us some framework of stability and certainty. In a world that is ever-changing and always going, we need things like stability and certainty as something to fall back on when the ground is shaking💥

⚓ Regular practice acts as our anchor and our safe space. When life becomes uncertain and overwhelming this is where you can come back to and feel ok. Commitment to our well-being takes dedication and self-discipline. It also looks and feels different for everyone. For some, it can be running 5 km a day, while for others, it can mean breathing deeply for 5 minutes every morning or giving yourself a self-massage each evening.

Self-care is a crucial part of living well. As some people say, "We can not pour from an empty cup."

How are you taking care of yourself? What is your self-care practice?
Comment below ⬇️

Swipe ➡️ to see my schedule this week.
Join me on the mat today or during the weekend.

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 28/04/2023

I keep reminding myself to be kind no matter what. Even in the moments when it seems the toughest thing to do. You know, in those moments, when someone snaps at you for no reason, or when they treat you like an object rather than a person. 😤😢

Then, remember these words and keep in mind we don't see the full picture. We only know a fraction(if even that) of that person's life. We don't know what they are going through right now. It cost us nothing to be kind, yet it could mean the world to someone on that day 🤍✨

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 10/04/2023

Happy new week! 🌸 I hope everyone had a nice Easter break 🐣 and you feel recharged & ready to get back to sharing your amazing gifts with the world ✨

Beautiful words by

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 26/03/2023

I am excited to greet the new week with you and some feel good yoga on the usual spots. Swipe ➡️ to see where to find me.

On Saturday we start a new month and a fresh new theme 🥰

🙌 Also there are a few new classes in my schedule. For a few weeks you will see me Monday morning to teach Yoga Classic and Monday evenings I start a brand new for me Yin yoga.

Join me for a sweaty vinyasa 🤸🏻‍♀️or a relaxing Yoga Spa 💆🏻‍♀️

Book at .norge or at the studios mentioned here ➡️


Ahimsa in its purest form.
Олицетворение на ахимса. На 🇧🇬 четете по-долу.

🇬🇧 In yoga this is the first and most important Yama, which besides compassion is also non-violent, kind attitude towards others and ourselves. The Yamas are the first segment of the 8-limbs of the yogic path. They are the universal morality a yogi should follow and tell us that our fundamental nature is compassionate, generous, honest and peaceful.

🇧🇬 В йогата ахимса е първата и най-важна яма. Тя означава мило, състрадателно и ненасилствено отношение към всички други същества около нас, но същевременно и към самите нас. Ямите олицетворяват етичните норми, чрез които светът би могъл да съществува в мир, благодат, изкоренявайки първопричините за страдание и невежество.

Jacqueline Nyetipei Kiplimo did something that stunned the world during the 2010 Zheng-Kai Marathon when she witnessed a disabled competitor struggling to drink water who was a double amputee.
Instead of seeing her moment to run ahead of this struggling athelete, she ran along side of him from the 6.2 mile mark to the 23 mile mark (10km mark to the 38km mark), helping him drink water at all of the watering stations. The aide that she so compassionately provided her fellow competitor slowed her run time down and caused her to lose her first place position and place 2nd in the race — costing her the win and the $10,000 cash prize.
Jacqueline Nyetipei Kiplimo showed the world that day that to her, being compassionate and helping one another was more important than winning a race that she had been preparing for her entire life.
Now this is what a true leader looks like, one that never leaves someone disadvantaged behind❤️


This message is for everyone who needs to hear this now.

You are not alone. 👭
You matter. 🫂
You are seen. 👁️
You are heard.🗣️
You are loved. 💕

Join me and Agata this Sunday at 12:30 at BLUSH Yoga/Skin for Embodied self-love workshop.

These will be the best two hours of your week. Only a few spots left.

Book yours by sending a DM to me or Easy Life Yoga

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 26/02/2023

Intention for the week ahead: Trust

Trusting ourselves❤️
Trusting others🤍
Trusting the universe 🥰
Trusting our timing.
And staying true to authenticity.

Group classes next week ⬇️

8:00 Sunrise IR Vinyasa -
12:30 Blush Yoga Spa -

10:00 Yoga Flow - Athletica Domus

Join me for this week's only Yoga Spa or come & flow with me!
Book at .norge, .app or at the studios mentioned ⬆️

Photos from Milla Millano Yoga's post 22/02/2023

6 tips for better skin
Tip 2: Elastin
Like collagen, elastin is a significant component of the tissues in our body. It is one of the most abundant proteins in our body, which gives stretchiness to the tissues that require volume increasing and decreasing, like the lungs, bladder, blood vessels, or ligaments. The skin and ear cartilage also contain elastin. The body naturally produces this protein, but with age, its levels decrease.
To keep healthy levels of elastin, we need to supply our body with the necessary amounts of supplements like vitamins A, E, and C. Adding healthy food such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, fatty fish, and nuts to your diet can help you increase and maintain a proper amount of elastin in your skin. In addition to that, using skincare products adapted to your needs may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, aiding the repair of damaged cells. Skincare products rich in vitamins A, E, and C will help you have hydrated and firmer skin.
That is why, at Neven Body Care, we formulated Rejuvenate antiaging serum with ingredients like rosehip, apricot, sea buckthorn, frankincense, and rose. These carrier and essential oils contain high amounts of these vitamins, making Rejuvenate serum your #1 friend to defy the signs of aging. It will give you nourished and younger-looking skin, by just applying a few drops of the serum on your skin daily.
Hand-crafted in Oslo
💯% natural
Shop locally at , , , or internationally at
Get yours now!

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Videoer (vis alle)

Started my day mindfully: A quick asana practice to wake up the body 🤸🏻‍♀️ followed by my favorite breathwork done in a ...
Self-care comes in different forms in different times. This is mine tonight 🧖‍♀️ with @nevenbodycare What is yours? #hom...
Yoga benefits us in more than a few ways - physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. We practice asana to keep ou...
Vinyasa Flow for Energy




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