Sweet Annie Sounds

Sweet Annie is a musician, sound healer and spiritual coach from Oslo, Norway.

Sometimes the Grass Is Actually Greener… 24/05/2024

Another Friday is here, and although I’m more or less well from my cold or flu that I had when last writing, I again find myself on sick leave. I guess I hit the wall a little bit. I’ve been pushing myself a little too hard, apparently, thinking I’m able to do more than I actually am, and so here we are again....

Sometimes the Grass Is Actually Greener… Another Friday is here, and although I’m more or less well from my cold or flu that I had when last writing, I again find myself on sick leave. I guess I hit the wall a little bit. I’ve been pushin…

Identity, Mission & Expressing Your True Self to the World 10/05/2024

I took a break from writing last week, as I’ve come down with a pretty nasty flu (or Covid, maybe), and been quite sick for the past couple of weeks, roughly. I even had to take some extra time off work this week, even though I didn’t go in the last couple of days of my shift before then either. This rarely happens when sick with just a respiratory illness, but it did happen the first time I had Covid a couple of years ago, and apparently, now it’s happening again....

Identity, Mission & Expressing Your True Self to the World I took a break from writing last week, as I’ve come down with a pretty nasty flu (or Covid, maybe), and been quite sick for the past couple of weeks, roughly. I even had to take some extra time off…

Freedom, Expansion & Anchoring in the Power of Love 19/04/2024

So I got a prime seat today at the library, overlooking the harbor, and providing some nice, inspirational views for this new blog post. Although Spring is here and the temperatures are warming up, the weather is still moody. We’ve had many sunny days lately, but there can still be quite a chill in the air at times, and this morning we woke up to a bit of snow here in Oslo....

Freedom, Expansion & Anchoring in the Power of Love So I got a prime seat today at the library, overlooking the harbor, and providing some nice, inspirational views for this new blog post. Although Spring is here and the temperatures are warming up,…

Easter, Resurrection & Eclipse Season 05/04/2024

Sitting at my favorite coffee shop overlooking the Oslo harbor, I watch the ferries come and go, and the people bustling about. The day started out quite gloomy, but seems to be clearing up now, as the sun is peaking out from the clouds. This apparently goes right along with my mood today, as I felt quite gloomy and down, actually, when I woke up and during the first half of the day....

Easter, Resurrection & Eclipse Season Sitting at my favorite coffee shop overlooking the Oslo harbor, I watch the ferries come and go, and the people bustling about. The day started out quite gloomy, but seems to be clearing up now, as…

Equinox, The Astrological New Year & Reevaluating Life 22/03/2024

I write this blog post on the day of the Equinox, a little earlier in the week than I normally write, as I always publish on a Friday. I felt called to do so, however, as the energy of the Equinox, which also ushers in the new year of the Zodiac and Aries season, called on me to do a little reevaluation of where I am at in my life, and where I want to be heading in the coming turn of the Zodiac wheel....

Equinox, The Astrological New Year & Reevaluating Life I write this blog post on the day of the Equinox, a little earlier in the week than I normally write, as I always publish on a Friday. I felt called to do so, however, as the energy of the Equinox,…

Spring, Equinox and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening 08/03/2024

I’m back at my usual haunt, the Oslo library, for a new round of introspection and blogging. Spring is finally here, and after a rain filled last week that melted most of the snow, at least here in the city center, this week the sun has come out, and the temperatures are warming up a little. It’s a shame to be sitting inside and write in this fine weather perhaps, but I’ll get outside and enjoy the sun later, when I’m done, soaking up the much needed rays and vitamin D....

Spring, Equinox and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening I’m back at my usual haunt, the Oslo library, for a new round of introspection and blogging. Spring is finally here, and after a rain filled last week that melted most of the snow, at least here in…

Relationships, Trauma Bonding & True Confidence 23/02/2024

It’s a pretty gray day here in Oslo, Norway, as I write this new post. I’m back at my old haunt, the library, and looking out at the city and harbor below me. There is ice on the fjord, and quite a bit of snow, as we’ve had the coldest and most snow-filled winter in memory. It really has been a bit much at times, and I’ve been seriously thinking about finding a way to work in warmer places during the winter months going forward, but… I’ve also survived it, and there’s something to be said for adversity making you stronger....

Relationships, Trauma Bonding & True Confidence It’s a pretty gray day here in Oslo, Norway, as I write this new post. I’m back at my old haunt, the library, and looking out at the city and harbor below me. There is ice on the fjord, and quite a…

New Moon in Aquarius, Solar Flares & Personal Shifts 09/02/2024

Today, as this new blog post comes out, we have a new moon in Aquarius, kickstarting the Chinese New Year, which begins tomorrow. Many strong energies seem to set the tone for this year of 2024. Pluto has moved into Aquarius, which for many signifies the real start of the Age of Aquarius, and the new consciousness that we’re shifting into....

New Moon in Aquarius, Solar Flares & Personal Shifts Today, as this new blog post comes out, we have a new moon in Aquarius, kickstarting the Chinese New Year, which begins tomorrow. Many strong energies seem to set the tone for this year of 2024. Pl…

A New Year & New Beginnings 19/01/2024

After a short hiatus, and a little down time, I finally feel ready to blog a little bit again, and so I’m back at my favorite spot at the Oslo library, enjoying my view of the opera house and the harbor. The sun is setting over in the hills in the distance, and it’s been another cold day here in the capital of Norway....

A New Year & New Beginnings After a short hiatus, and a little down time, I finally feel ready to blog a little bit again, and so I’m back at my favorite spot at the Oslo library, enjoying my view of the opera house and the h…

Out with the Old, In with the New 29/12/2023

As I write this new blog it’s two days away from the new year of 2024. I’ve spent a few days at my brother’s place over Christmas, with him and the kids, and that has been lovely, but this evening I will head back to Oslo. Ever since the new moon in Sagittarius earlier in the month I felt the energies building up to the Solstice, and since the Solstice I’ve basically been trying to integrate them....

Out with the Old, In with the New As I write this new blog it’s two days away from the new year of 2024. I’ve spent a few days at my brother’s place over Christmas, with him and the kids, and that has been lovely, but this evening …

December, Solstice & The Light of the Season 08/12/2023

So we’re in December and the final month of this year of 2023. This year has just flown by. To me it feels like time just keeps speeding up, each year flying by faster than the one before. Especially since my journey of ascension began nearly 7 years ago. I can’t believe we’re just about at the end of another year, and that it’s actually been almost 7 years since my kundalini and twin flame awakening and all the craziness that came along with it....

December, Solstice & The Light of the Season So we’re in December and the final month of this year of 2023. This year has just flown by. To me it feels like time just keeps speeding up, each year flying by faster than the one before. Especial…

Gratitude, Sociality & Sagittarius Season 24/11/2023

Today, as I begin to write this post, it’s Thanksgiving in the US, and although I don’t celebrate it anymore, as I now live in Norway, it’s still nice to take a little time on this auspicious day, to reflect on what I’m grateful for. This is something that I don’t do enough, so it’s a good reminder for me, as I believe that the more we focus on what we have in our lives, and what we are grateful for, as opposed to focusing on what we lack or long for more of, the more we attract good things into our lives....

Gratitude, Sociality & Sagittarius Season Today, as I begin to write this post, it’s Thanksgiving in the US, and although I don’t celebrate it anymore, as I now live in Norway, it’s still nice to take a little time on this auspicious day, …

November, Scorpio Season & the Significance of 11:11 10/11/2023

We’re in the month of November and the end of the year is fast approaching. November tends to be a dark and dreary month in the parts of the world where I’m from, which may go right along with the fact that much of the month is in Scorpio season. Yet if you know anything about numerology, it’s also the 11th month of the year, and the carrier of the frequency of master number 11....

November, Scorpio Season & the Significance of 11:11 We’re in the month of November and the end of the year is fast approaching. November tends to be a dark and dreary month in the parts of the world where I’m from, which may go right along with the …

Eclipse Portal & Scorpio Season: Deep Transformation & S*xual Power 27/10/2023

As I write this post we’re in the midst of a powerful eclipse portal, with the partial lunar eclipse in Ta**us coming up in a day or two (and a solar eclipse in Libra occurring a couple of weeks ago). The energies have been strong and transformative, as they tend to be during eclipse season, and this week in particular, I’ve been feeling that quite strongly....

Eclipse Portal & Scorpio Season: Deep Transformation & S*xual Power As I write this post we’re in the midst of a powerful eclipse portal, with the partial lunar eclipse in Ta**us coming up in a day or two (and a solar eclipse in Libra occurring a couple of weeks ag…

The Libra Solar Eclipse: Losing Yourself In the Other vs Staying True to Yourself 13/10/2023

So fall has definitely arrived here in Oslo, Norway. Within a week or two of getting back from my holiday in Greece, the temperature dropped markedly, and I had to dig out some warmer coats and the like from my closet. Normally, I love the different seasons here in Norway, and I don’t mind winter and snow. Perhaps that is partly because I lived overseas in warmer countries for many years, although from what I can recall, I enjoyed all of that when I grew up here as a child and teenager, too....

The Libra Solar Eclipse: Losing Yourself In the Other vs Staying True to Yourself So fall has definitely arrived here in Oslo, Norway. Within a week or two of getting back from my holiday in Greece, the temperature dropped markedly, and I had to dig out some warmer coats and the…

Karma and Karmic Connections: How They Heal Us 28/09/2023

So I’m back from my holiday in Greece, and although I had meant to write last week, I found that I needed a little bit more time to digest and process everything, both from the trip but also other things that have been happening in recent weeks. The island of Crete was a magical place, and the trip felt healing for me in so many ways....

Karma and Karmic Connections: How They Heal Us So I’m back from my holiday in Greece, and although I had meant to write last week, I found that I needed a little bit more time to digest and process everything, both from the trip but also other …

Retrograde Season & Working Through Our Wounds 08/09/2023

I’m not quite sure where to start today, with this new blog post of mine. So I guess I’ll just have to jump in. There seems to be a lot of emotions coming up in me today, and I’m not sure what it’s all about yet, but I still feel the urge to blog so we’ll see what comes of it....

Retrograde Season & Working Through Our Wounds I’m not quite sure where to start today, with this new blog post of mine. So I guess I’ll just have to jump in. There seems to be a lot of emotions coming up in me today, and I’m not sure what it’s…

Venus Retrograde Continues: Relationship Patterns Unraveling 25/08/2023

I’m back at my favorite spot at the Oslo library as I write this new post, up on the 3rd floor, overlooking the harbor and the Opera House. It’s a relatively nice day here in Oslo today, weather wise. Enjoying a bit of sun and some clouds mixed in, during these last days of summer. We’re still in Venus retrograde, and this week Mercury also joined the retrograde party....

Venus Retrograde Continues: Relationship Patterns Unraveling I’m back at my favorite spot at the Oslo library as I write this new post, up on the 3rd floor, overlooking the harbor and the Opera House. It’s a relatively nice day here in Oslo today, weather wi…

Breaking Free of Victim Mentality 04/08/2023

I’m sitting on the train as I begin this new post. It’s a little shaky, so I’m having intermittent issues with typing as my hands keep being jolted in one direction or another, but I’ll get by. I’ve always felt kind of inspired to write whenever I’m traveling, especially by train. I don’t know if it’s the movement, or perhaps the feeling of freedom as you’re going to new (or old) places, but somehow it opens up something within me....

Breaking Free of Victim Mentality I’m sitting on the train as I begin this new post. It’s a little shaky, so I’m having intermittent issues with typing as my hands keep being jolted in one direction or another, but I’ll get by. I’v…

The Nodal Shift & Venus Retrograde: Independence, Co-Dependence & Interdependence 21/07/2023

We’re in the midst of a very busy week in the astrological heavens as I write this post, and I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely feeling it! I think the energies have been intense for me since the solstice, really, or perhaps even before that. Easter, perhaps? I can’t even keep track anymore… 😅 I keep waiting for things to slow down, yet they just seem to keep intensifying....

The Nodal Shift & Venus Retrograde: Independence, Co-Dependence & Interdependence We’re in the midst of a very busy week in the astrological heavens as I write this post, and I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely feeling it! I think the energies have been intense for me sin…

Cancer Season: Nurturing Your Inner Child 07/07/2023

By the time I write this post, we’re deep into Cancer season, and for me, the wave of energy that began at the Summer Solstice has just been continuing to work on me, in both positive and challenging ways, although it’s all a good thing really. I’ve had trouble sleeping because of these energies and what they have brought up for me, although last night I was finally able to sleep, and so I think I ended up overindulging a little, so today I felt a little bit heavy and lethargic once I finally got out of bed....

Cancer Season: Nurturing Your Inner Child By the time I write this post, we’re deep into Cancer season, and for me, the wave of energy that began at the Summer Solstice has just been continuing to work on me, in both positive and challengi…

The Summer Solstice & Celebrating Our Gifts! 23/06/2023

As I write this new post it’s the June solstice, which is a summer solstice for me and those of us who live in the northern hemisphere (winter solstice for those in the southern hemisphere). Although by the time this new blog will be posted, the solstice will be over, yet I feel called to write about it today regardless, so let’s see what comes of that....

The Summer Solstice & Celebrating Our Gifts! As I write this new post it’s the June solstice, which is a summer solstice for me and those of us who live in the northern hemisphere (winter solstice for those in the southern hemisphere). Althou…

Love, Relationships & Venus is Leo 09/06/2023

Summer is here, at least in my part of the world (which is Oslo, Norway), where we’ve had some really nice, sunny weather over the last few days, and it seems like it will just keep getting warmer. The sun is our life-giver and energizer, and I’m looking forward to spending some more time outside, on the beach and generally out in nature, to soak up the healing, uplifting rays and just enjoy life and what this season has to offer....

Love, Relationships & Venus is Leo Summer is here, at least in my part of the world (which is Oslo, Norway), where we’ve had some really nice, sunny weather over the last few days, and it seems like it will just keep getting warmer.…

New Moon in Ta**us: Slow Down & Smell the Roses 19/05/2023

Today is the new moon in Ta**us (as I write this post), and it’s time to take a breather and ground your energies. At least that is what my intuition is telling me, and that is what the energies of Ta**us is all about, too. Coincidence? I don’t think so, but I’ll let you be the judge… Although this need to slow down and nurture myself already made itself known a couple of days ago, with Jupiter moving into Ta**us, and expanding all things Taurean....

New Moon in Ta**us: Slow Down & Smell the Roses Today is the new moon in Ta**us (as I write this post), and it’s time to take a breather and ground your energies. At least that is what my intuition is telling me, and that is what the energies of…

Eclipse Season, Dreams & Dragons 28/04/2023

Another Friday is upon us, and I’m back at my favorite coffee shop by the harbor as I write this new post. We’re in the middle of Eclipse season, and boy, are the energies intense! Well, I suppose in some ways I never quite came down from the Easter energies, but just keep riding the waves, which don’t seem to let up....

Eclipse Season, Dreams & Dragons Another Friday is upon us, and I’m back at my favorite coffee shop by the harbor as I write this new post. We’re in the middle of Eclipse season, and boy, are the energies intense! Well, I suppose …

Easter, Resurrection & the Importance of Grounding 14/04/2023

Easter is just behind us, and here in Norway, Easter is kind of a big deal. We get an extra long weekend, with both the Thursday, Friday and the following Monday off work (for those that work a regular workweek like that, I personally don’t, but I still had those days off this year, luckily). Since I moved back to Norway, my brother and his kids, and myself have made it a bit of a tradition to hang out for Easter, and go up to the mountains, when possible....

Easter, Resurrection & the Importance of Grounding Easter is just behind us, and here in Norway, Easter is kind of a big deal. We get an extra long weekend, with both the Thursday, Friday and the following Monday off work (for those that work a reg…

The Power of Crystals + Essential Oils as Vibrational Healers 24/03/2023

It’s been one active week on the astrological front, with the equinox ringing in the astrological new year, a new moon in Aries and Pluto dipping its toes into Aquarius. So if you’ve felt a shift in energy, and hopefully positive shifts, these may be the reasons why. I’ve certainly felt the shift, and after a few weeks moving through some challenging triggers and heaviness things are beginning to feel lighter, albeit still intense....

The Power of Crystals + Essential Oils as Vibrational Healers It’s been one active week on the astrological front, with the equinox ringing in the astrological new year, a new moon in Aries and Pluto dipping its toes into Aquarius. So if you’ve felt a shift i…

Patience & Perseverance on your Healing Journey 10/03/2023

I began writing this blog post about a week ago, but after I had written a couple of paragraphs, all of a sudden everything stopped up, and I couldn’t write anymore. I realized that emotionally I was a bit all over the place, and some old wounding was pushing up towards the surface. When we’re in that state of mind, it’s often better to take some time out and go through the motions, and clarity will come in time....

Patience & Perseverance on your Healing Journey I began writing this blog post about a week ago, but after I had written a couple of paragraphs, all of a sudden everything stopped up, and I couldn’t write anymore. I realized that emotionally I w…

How Physical Pain May Originate from Emotional Trauma 17/02/2023

We’re closing in on Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and although there’s still snow on the ground many places, in the city center of Oslo, the ground is mostly bare and dry, and the temperatures are above freezing, so that’s a step in the right direction. Although I don’t mind winter and the snow, it’s always nice when nature begins to come back to life, and plants start to grow....

How Physical Pain May Originate from Emotional Trauma We’re closing in on Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and although there’s still snow on the ground many places, in the city center of Oslo, the ground is mostly bare and dry, and the tempera…

4 Keys to Fulfilling Your Potential 03/02/2023

I'm sitting in my new favorite spot, the Deichman library in Oslo, looking out at a snowy view of the harbor and watching the people walk by on the streets and walkways below (I'm on the 3rd floor). It's a somewhat gray and cloudy day, yet the snow lights up the landscape. We had a fresh snowfall over night, remininding us that even though it was Imbolc yesterday, winter is still very much here (here in Oslo, anyway)....

4 Keys to Fulfilling Your Potential I’m sitting in my new favorite spot, the Deichman library in Oslo, looking out at a snowy view of the harbor and watching the people walk by on the streets and walkways below (I’m on th…

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Ekelyveien 8C

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Olaf Schous Vei

Baardsen er en norskspråklig pop/rock/viseartist fra Stavanger, nå bosatt i Skien.

Aleksander With Aleksander With

https://aleksanderwith.no [email protected] linktr.ee/aleksanderwith

Heidi Marie Vestrheim Heidi Marie Vestrheim

Music and words

Hariton Pushwagner Hariton Pushwagner

Perception is everything!

Queen of Norway Queen of Norway

Welcome to my page! I'm the Queen and talk show host for the Queen of North Norway Show.

Lasse Passage Lasse Passage

Lasse Passage is a singer, songwriter and producer from Norway, dwelling between folk, lo-fi and pop.

Arifur Rahman Arifur Rahman

Arifur Rahman is a Bangladeshi-Norwegian political cartoonist, illustrator and animator.

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Fetter Tom Fetter Tom

100% ærlig Norsk garasjepønk Rock med fengende låter og norske tekster fra Fettern’s eget univers 🎸

Modus ensemble Modus ensemble
Saxegaardsgt. 15
Oslo, 0192

Based in Oslo, Norway and founded in 1999. Modus Ensemble reflect it's medieval specialization.

Anette Schive Photography Anette Schive Photography

Oslo based photographer, art director, retoucher and photo editor of HOPE ST magazine.