Thomas Justad - Transformational Coach & Trainer

Independent coach, trainer and speaker with The JOHN MAXWELL Team. Facilitator of mastermind groups.

Licensed to offer professional coaching , seminars,workshops, personal development and leadership training to companies or private.


My favorite quote:

« There is a Choice you have to make in everything you do, so keep in mind that in the end the Choice you make makes you»

- John Wooden

Listen deeper to it😉


Every person wants to be valued.
Every person wants to be respected.
Every person wants to be appreciated.
Every person wants to be understood.
-John C. Maxwell


"People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound."― John C. Maxwell


1. How much of your full potential do you bring
to your work?

2. What gets in the way of your full potential
being realized?

-Two very important questions to ask



I Cannot always choose what
happens to me, but I can always
choose what happens in me!


1)I think this person is a problem.

2)I think this person has a problem.

3)I think this person is on a learning jurney
and is capable, resourceful and full of

Experience the different mindsets.


Take any way and the right way will find you!

What action do you want to take to start seing who you are?

- TJ


The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your communication period.
But not communication to others🤔
First how you communicate to yourself😉 Because you can not give what you do not have! You got to master the skill of guarding your self talk.
You will only give who you are to others🦋


Try this exercise when you talk with someone:

1 Don’t compare yourself with them and the things they are talking about .

2 Don’t think about what you will say back to them.

3 Don’t be afraid of loosing the words ,if it comes something to you that you have to ekspress at ones😉.

If you can help yourself and others with this
, just be there and listen to them, be curious like a child to what they have to say, then you become a healer for you and others🦋


Remember ! You can not give what you do not have!
So start thinking about what you need to become in order to give what you want to give.

Because first we want to learn.
Then we want to apply what we
have learned, if not it get lost
very fast.

Why do we want to do these two first steps
of life?

So we can do what we came here to do, to give what we have become🦋

Thomas Justad- Life Coach & Trainer 13/11/2020

Thomas Justad- Life Coach & Trainer I am passionate about adding value to people and helping them grow and achieve higher standards of success across all areas of their life. My greatest joy is empowering people to step outside their comfort zone with more confidence and self-leadership to be the best that they can be.



Globalization, demographic changes, the further integration or disintegration of Europe, immigration, and multiple effects of the internet and instant communication oblige businesses to change their style.

The biggest challenge to hit business comes from the demands for legal and social responsibility that follow the expert consensus that climate change is both real and man-made. It is imperative that we find ways for businesses to succeed that are in harmony with the planet.

Many companies have already identified that COACHING is the LEADERSHIP STYLE of a transformed culture, and that as the style changes from DIRECTING to COACHING ,the culture of the organisation will begin to change.

❓What important skills or experiences are you missing that will prepare you to LEADING via COACHING?

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Tirsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Onsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Torsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Fredag 08:00 - 16:00
Lørdag 10:00 - 16:00

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