ComNet Research Group

The Computer Networks (ComNet) research group at the University of Stavanger (Norway) finds innovati


Last week Prachi Wadatkar has successfully presented a demo titled "MigraMEC: Hybrid Testbed for MEC App Migration" at the Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom) in Madrid, Spain.
Read about the demo:

Introduction to 5G 29/06/2023

Great opportunity to learn 5G!

Introduction to 5G Wireless communication has achieved ever-greater popularity in the last two decades and has already become an important part of our everyday lives. This course will give you an overview of the most important principles and underlaying technologies that make 5G possible.

5G Multi-access Edge Computing: a Survey on Security, Dependability, and Performance 22/06/2023

Good news!

5G Multi-access Edge Computing: a Survey on Security, Dependability, and Performance The Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile networks offers new and advanced services with stricter requirements. Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is a key technology that enables these new services by deploying multiple devices with computing and storage capabilities at the edge of the network, close to e...

Distributed Ledger Technology Based Integrated Healthcare Solution for Bangladesh 05/06/2023

Good News!

Distributed Ledger Technology Based Integrated Healthcare Solution for Bangladesh Healthcare data is highly sensitive and must be safeguarded. Personal and sensitive data, such as names and addresses, is stored in Encrypted Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This paper proposes a Blockchain-based distributed application platform for Bangladesh’s public and private healthcare ser...

5G-MEC Testbeds for V2X Applications 09/05/2023

Good news!

5G-MEC Testbeds for V2X Applications Fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks fulfill the demands of critical applications, such as Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC), particularly in the automotive industry. Vehicular communication requires low latency and high computational capabilities at the network’s edge. To meet...

Pages on Security 02/05/2023

A useful source to learn about information security:

Pages on Security Pages on Security is an educational blog about information security.


Another good news!

A paper titled "Revenue Maximization of a Slice Broker in the Presence of Byzantine Faults" has been accepted at a workshop of the Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). The paper is authored by Muhidul Khan and Gianfranco Nencioni and will be presented at the workshop on June 27.

Availability Model of a 5G-MEC System 27/04/2023

Good news!

Availability Model of a 5G-MEC System Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is one of the enabling technologies of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. MEC enables services with strict latency requirements by bringing computing capabilities close to the users. As with any new technology, the dependability of MEC is one of the aspec...

An Isolation-Aware Online Virtual Network Embedding via Deep Reinforcement Learning 03/04/2023

A paper titled "An Isolation-Aware Online Virtual Network Embedding via Deep Reinforcement Learning" has been accepted at a workshop of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID). The paper is authored by Ali Gohar, Chunming Rong and Sanghwan Lee and will be presented at the conference on May 1-4.
Read the preprint:

An Isolation-Aware Online Virtual Network Embedding via Deep Reinforcement Learning Virtualization technologies are the foundation of modern ICT infrastructure, enabling service providers to create dedicated virtual networks (VNs) that can support a wide range of smart city applications. These VNs continuously generate massive amounts of data, necessitating stringent reliability an...


Good news!

A paper titled "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Selfish Nodes Detection in a Blockchain" has been accepted at the third French Regional Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS). The paper is authored by Muhidul Khan and will be presented at the conference on May 31 - June 2.

Resource Allocation in Multi-access Edge Computing for 5G-and-beyond networks 19/03/2023

Good news!

Resource Allocation in Multi-access Edge Computing for 5G-and-beyond networks Innovative services with strict requirements are expected in the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks and beyond. For example, the Ultra-Reliable …


Good news!

A paper titled "MEC Application Migration by using AdvantEDGE" has been accepted at the 2022 EAI International Conference on Tools for Design, Implementation and Verification of Emerging Information Technologies (TRIDENTCOM). The paper is authored by Prachi Wadatkar, Rosario Garroppo, and Gianfranco Nencioni and will be presented at the conference on November 23-25.

Experimental comparison of migration strategies for MEC-assisted 5G-V2X applications 22/10/2022

Another good news!

Experimental comparison of migration strategies for MEC-assisted 5G-V2X applications The introduction of 5G technology enables new V2X services requiring reliable and extremely low latency communications. To satisfy these requirements …


Good news!

A paper titled "Revenue-Model Learning for a Slice Broker in the Presence of Adversaries" has been accepted at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). The paper is authored by Muhidul Khan and Gianfranco Nencioni. It will be presented at the conference on December 18-21.

Improved Security Solutions for DDoS Mitigation in 5G Multi-access Edge Computing 18/10/2022

Published paper

Improved Security Solutions for DDoS Mitigation in 5G Multi-access Edge Computing Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is a 5G-enabling solution that aims to bring cloud-computing capabilities closer to the end-users. This paper focuses on mitigation techniques against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks in the context of 5G MEC, providing...


Yesterday there was the second ComNet team building: escape room competition between black team and white team. For the record, black team won.


A paper titled "Experimental Evaluation of Handover Strategies in 5G-MEC Scenario by using AdvantEDGE" has been accepted at the 2022 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom). The paper is authored by Rosario G. Garroppo, Marco Volpi, Gianfranco Nencioni, and Prachi V. Wadatkar. It will be presented at the conference on September.

Using Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Resource Orchestration in a Network Slicing Scenario 05/07/2022

Using Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Resource Orchestration in a Network Slicing Scenario The Network Slicing (NS) paradigm enables the partition of physical and virtual resources among multiple logical networks, possibly managed by different tenants. In such a scenario, network resources need to be dynamically allocated according to the slice requirements. In this paper, we attack the a...


Within a collaboration project, there will be two presentation where 5G-MODaNeI will be mentioned. On June 2, there has been a presentation on "Wireless Communications for the Future Smart Cities" at Universitetet i Stavanger. On June 9, there is a presentation on "The Applications of 5G Wireless Technology and its Relation to the Environment" at CTU Prague.
Read more at the collaboration website:

Joint Multi-Objective Request Scheduling and Traffic Path Computation in 5g-Mec Systems 27/04/2022

Joint Multi-Objective Request Scheduling and Traffic Path Computation in 5g-Mec Systems The paper considers the joint solution of the request scheduling problem and the traffic path computation problem in the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) scena

Call for Expressions of Interest - MSCA PF 2022 (221641) | University of Stavanger 16/03/2022

The University of Stavanger (UiS) is looking for outstanding researchers wishing to apply for the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for a period of two years. Search and select "Gianfranco Nencioni" as supervisor for a postdoc on topics that are the extension of 5G-MODaNeI towards 6G. Researchers of any nationality are welcome to apply by 31st March 2022 on

Call for Expressions of Interest - MSCA PF 2022 (221641) | University of Stavanger Job title: Call for Expressions of Interest - MSCA PF 2022 (221641), Employer: University of Stavanger, Deadline: Thursday, March 31, 2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (216854) | University of Stavanger 11/01/2022

Two new open positions at our department:
- Ph.D. Fellowship in Computer Science (5G Vehicular Communication), deadline 16.01.2022
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, deadline 30.01.2022

Postdoctoral Fellow in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (216854) | University of Stavanger Job title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (216854), Employer: University of Stavanger, Deadline: Sunday, January 30, 2022


Due to the pandemic situation, the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) has extended the 5G-MODaNeI project to the end of September 2024. Stay tuned!


God Jul og godt nytt år!

Modern Sensing, Communication, and Learning technologies for advanced “smart” services 30/11/2021

The video of the guest talk at the University of Stavanger on "Modern Sensing, Communication, and Learning technologies for advanced “smart” services" by Andrea Zanella and Federico Mason from Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) is now available online.
The event has been co-organized with Stavanger Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and UiS smarte bærekraftige byer - UiS Smart Sustainable Cities.

Modern Sensing, Communication, and Learning technologies for advanced “smart” services Digital technologies are undoubtedly the drivers of some interesting paradigms, ranging from Smart Cities to Industry 4.0. These scenarios offer countless po...


New accepted paper!

Our paper titled "Improved security solutions for DDoS mitigation in 5G Multi-access Edge Computing" has been accepted at the 14th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications – SECITC 2021. The paper is from the project partner of the Universitatea din București, Ruxandra Olimid, together with one of her master students. The paper will be presented at the virtual conference on November 26.
Read the preprint on:

Teknologien bak smarte byer 18/11/2021

Next week at the University of Stavanger, there will be a guest talk by Professor Andrea Zanella and PhD student Federico Mason from the University of Padova, Italy. The talk is titled "Modern Sensing, Communication, and Learning technologies for advanced “smart” services". The talk is organized by the ComNet Research Group together with the Stavanger Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the UiS smarte bærekraftige byer - UiS Smart Sustainable Cities.
More info:

Teknologien bak smarte byer ComNet-gruppen fra Stavanger AI Lab inviterer til en åpen formiddagsforelesning om matematisk modellering av LoRa.

5G Multi-access Edge Computing: Security, Dependability, and Performance 29/07/2021

If you want to know more about 5G MEC from security, dependability and performance perspectives, have a look at the manuscript that the 5G-MODaNeI team has recently submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials:

5G Multi-access Edge Computing: Security, Dependability, and Performance The main innovation of the Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile networks is the ability to provide novel services with new and stricter requirements. One of the technologies that enable the new 5G services is the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC). MEC is a system composed of multiple devices with computi...


Welcome to the new ComNeter!

Annisa Sarah has joined the 5G-MODaNeI team. She is a PhD student that will be working on the 5G-MODaNeI project to develop solutions for the resource allocation in 5G MEC. Welcome to the team!


Welcome to the new ComNeter!

Muhidul Khan has joined the 5G-MODaNeI team. He is a postdoc that will be working on the 5G-MODaNeI project to develop ML-based solutions for the resource allocation in 5G MEC. Welcome to the team!

A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Architecture for Network Slicing Orchestration 22/06/2021

Watch Federico Mason's presentation at Medcomnet 2021 on "A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Architecture for Network Slicing Orchestration":

A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Architecture for Network Slicing Orchestration Federico Mason, Gianfranco Nencioni, Andrea Zanella


Welcome to the new ComNeter!

Thilina Pathirana has joined the 5G-MODaNeI team. He is a PhD student that will be working on the 5G-MODaNeI project to evaluate the security and dependability of 5G MEC. Welcome to the team!

The Role of 5G Technologies in a Smart City: The Case for Intelligent Transportation System 07/05/2021

A new paper with main author Ali Gohar, PhD student working within the UiS Nettverk for smartby - UiS Network for Smart Cities, has beed accepted.
The paper is titled "The Role of 5G Technologies in a Smart City: the Case for Intelligent Transportation System" and is available here:

The Role of 5G Technologies in a Smart City: The Case for Intelligent Transportation System A smart city is an urban area that collects data using various electronic methods and sensors. Smart cities rely on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and aim to improve the quality of services by managing public resources and focusing on comfort, maintenance, and sustainability. The f...


Within a collaboration with the University of Padova, a work that uses Reinforcement Learning to orchestrate 5G Network Slicing has been accepted at Medcomnet 2021.
Stavanger Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Edge Computing & 5G: Opportunities in our future cities 28/04/2021

The video of the talk about Edge Computing and 5G at the Innoasis Science Forum is now available online.

Edge Computing & 5G: Opportunities in our future cities What new business models and opportunities will the combination of 5G and Edge Computing create? And what challenges will arise related to security, dependab...

Smart City Research Symposium | University of Stavanger 09/04/2021

The University of Stavanger and Nordic Edge are organizing a research symposium on smart city during the Nordic Edge Expo 2021 on September 22. Within the symposium, there will be 12 different panels. One of the panels is on "Enabling Smart Cities: From current communication technologies to 5G and beyond", which is including topics related to 5G-MODaNeI. The deadline for abstract submission is June 1.
See the call for abstracts and more information:

Smart City Research Symposium | University of Stavanger Organized by the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities at the University of Stavanger, Norway and Nordic Edge Expo. Publisert: 30. Mar 2021 Endret: 06. Apr 2021 Facts WhenSeptember 22nd, 2021 WhereHotel Victoria, Stavanger Call for abstracts OrganizersUiS & Nordic Edge The Smart City has bec...

Edge Computing & 5G: Opportunities in our future cities - Nordic Edge 29/03/2021

A nice opportunity to discuss about 5G Edge Computing and 5G-MODaNeI project.
Organised by Nordic Edge and UiS Nettverk for smartby - UiS Network for Smart Cities.
If you are interested, register here:

Edge Computing & 5G: Opportunities in our future cities - Nordic Edge EnglishInnoasis Edge Computing & 5G: Opportunities in our future cities 20 April 2021 13:00 - 14:45 Digital Free What new business models and opportunities will the combination of 5G and Edge Computing create? And what challenges will arise related to security, dependability and performance? Welcome...


New accepted paper!

Our paper titled "Minimizing the Cost of 5G Network Slice Broker" has been accepted at ICCN, an IEEE InfoCom workshop. The paper is in collaboration with Ali Gohar, PhD student working within UiS Nettverk for smartby - UiS Network for Smart Cities. Ali will present the paper at the virtual conference on May 10. Stay tuned!

Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi (programvareutvikling) (198429) | Universitetet i Stavanger 15/01/2021

New open position at our department.

Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi (programvareutvikling) (198429) | Universitetet i Stavanger Stillingstittel: Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi (programvareutvikling) (198429), Arbeidsgiver: Universitetet i Stavanger, Søknadsfrist: 8. februar 2021

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