
Professional Coach and Mentor
Speaker Coach I am devoted and passionate to be of service and set others up for success! Extensive network.

I am a Co-Active Coach graduated at Co-Active Institute. Through my inspiration, support, trustworthiness and determination I inspire people who want to change, be challenged, or wants a push so that they believe more in themselves and take necessary steps to create a better life, develop their dreams and reach their goals. I am also a speaker coach helping to transform messages and how they are d


What´s your vision?
My powerful vision: “- from spark to fire !”
symbolize my drive and how I support leaders and their organizations. 💫🔥
We know it in our heads and too often forget it in our hearts. ♥️
When heart and mind are united in harmonious balance most things in life become clearer. 🤩

We are all leaders in our lives and if you long to let go of your limiting beliefs and experience full transformation, coaching is for you who want to invest in your future. ✨

Coaching in nature is for you who love to move your body and get connected with the energy from nature. If you can dream it, you can do it. I did Kilimanjaro and hiked the Dolomites, now I long for Tour Month Blanc. What about Svalbard or Sirdal? ⛰🥾😍

Are you still wondering if you are going to enter the stage and do that talk or take more space when entering the room? 💥

I am passionate about people, love supporting you and your vision.
Are you courious what we might create together through coaching?
Contact me and let´s schedule a good time!

Yesterday I was launching my web page, link in comments, made by Fotograf Siv Sivertsen to who I am so grateful. Thank you, Siv, for picking up on who I am and make it so powerful! 🌟🌟🌟

Karrierekick will be paused and I ask you to follow me on instagram on


It is time to slow down, to speed up ❌💯

While plans are presently in the making for 2022 this page is temporarily paused ⚓️

To get in touch;- please DM me 🙌🏼


For deg som har noen års arbeidserfaring er dette en mulighet for å formalisere

Photos from Karrierekick's post 26/12/2021

Beautiful sunset over Sinnes in Sirdal ❄️❄️❄️
Photo taken from the great restaurant Slottet‼️
The restaurant offers great food, an amazing atmosphere in addition to this lovely view 🤩✨💫


Ho-ho-ho. . .🤶🏻🎅🏻🧑‍🎄

Are you ready to soon close this chapter and move on to another year?

Thankful to everyone who has been part of my journey this year ‼️

Wishing you all lovely holdays with your loved ones ❣️❣️

Stay safe 😷


Reflect ✨
Reset 💫

Have you thought about some of the wins that you have had this year?
What can you bring with you into 2022 and grow bigger?


If you continue what you are doing,- will you be satisfied in the next few years?
If you want to make any changes and need support or someone to challenge you, I would most likely be able to do that ⚓️


Celebration time 💃✨💫

I am so happy and proud to share with you that I am now a
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) ‼️

I am honoured to have earned and received this badge which is so close to my heart ♥️

Receiving this badge means going through over 200 hours of coaching and certification training, individual and group supervision, exams and more than 100 hours of coaching clients, being coached for hours and passing an oral exam.
A lot of skills have been brushed up and includes accountability, coaching, collaboration, communication, conflict resolution, interpersonal skills, leadership, listening, planning and strategy.

A big thank you goes to my son Andreas German Gjesdal for supporting me all the way, to my certification coach Marte Aarsland and my individual supervisors Eva Bonnevier, MCC, CPCC and Anne Eggen-Johansen! Thank you also to Co-Active Training Institute for supporting all the way❌💯

Thank you to my wonderful Bahlsen Pod for all your support, the fun and the deep learning Audrey Zander, Catherine MacGillivray-Prantl, David Braun, Eugene Nkomba, Li Helen, Jennifer Paster Detmer, Lindsey Eynon, Maxime Tielman and our lovely pod leader Almudena Amores Sanchez! I'm also now a proud member of International Coaching Federation. I have really loved this journey and all the learning and I am so much looking forward to continuing this path of my life! 💥💃✨⚓️

While coaching may be an unregulated industry, this badge is my promise to my clients and colleagues that I am upholding the highest standards of professional practice and etics.

I coach leaders, professionals and humans 1-1 or in-company, empowering them to be their authentic self and courageously discover and create their own path.

Are you curious to find out more? Please PM me.
Looking forward to supporting change for you and your organization.

Wish you a lovely weekend!


Do you need a coach to support you?
Have you ever worked with a professional coach?
Do you have a lot of changes in life, as a human, as a leader or as a professional?

As a coach I can help you to recharge and refocus and reach new heights of success ❌💯

Please join my mailing list

"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together."
African proverb

Send me a PM and let us meet 💥💥

🎥Jess Loiterten, Pexels


The founders of Easee, Jonas Helmikstøl and Kjetil Næsje have hired a "Head of Love" ‼️⚓️

The company is one of the fastest growing start-ups in Norway. The company has developed a charger robot which is an electric car charger with a software which will increase the capacity over the mains. The charger is only the start of something bigger.

On the website designated career it says (translated) "Shaping the future is not easy and it is not done overnight. We must therefore bring with us the best of the best, and those who are passionate about making the world a better place. People who are interested in sharing and playing each other well. Everyone who works in Easee must be prepared to become the best version of him/herself and to be given the freedom and confidence to do the best "job" of his/her life."


The founders says that they wish to establish love as a common truth in the world. They aim to train and be proven to focus on the positive in life and show gratitude for it. Employees coming from other companies need to go through a period with learning. Every week the company arranges "culture box", where they talk about culture and emotions. The aim is to create security between the employees to share all of the worries and feelings so that they can take part in the Easee culture.

Note: "Head of love" meditate with the employees in groups.
I love this‼️

Is this a start of a unique company culture⁉️⁉️


What is coaching and what can it do for you?
As a leader, a professional or as a human being?

In a guide of frequently asked questions International Coaching Federation addressed common questions leaders and managers often ask about coaching, its process and rewards. Conclusion:

⚓️ “An investment in Yourself”⚓️

«Coaching is a way to invest in yourself and your future.
Working with a coach is tranformational experience.
Coaching empowers you as a leader, a professional, and a human being.

Coaching can enhance your impact within your organization,
bolster your team, and advance your career. And, these benefits can positively impact your life beyond your career, helping you to find improved work-life balance and communicate better with loved

Coaching can help you recharge, refocus and reach new heights of success.»
Please find link to the full guide in the comments field.

📷 Siv Sivertsen

eli gjesdal 23/11/2021

Please sign up for newsletter in the following link:

eli gjesdal eli gjesdal Email Forms


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.



📷Siv Sivertsen


«I may not have gone where I intended to,
but I think I have ended up where I needed to be»
Douglas Adams

Are you where you need to be?
Your life is what you make of it ⭕️
Do you live the life of your dreams?

What are your inspirations?
What can you do to feel inspired in your life?
Is there one single step you can do❓❗️

Slow down, reflect, to speed up ❌💯


What does success means for you?

"Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue."
- Victor Frankl -

"The difference is in the attitude. If pursuing success at whatever cost is your only goal, then you will be tempted to take shortcuts to achieve it. This will prevent you from building solid foundation that can sustain success over the long term."
(from: 100 Truths You Will Learn Too Late. by Luca Dellana)


What foundations are you working on for your success?


Let me know if you want support to work on your potentials or reflecting on what you want to be success for you.


📷 Siv Sivertsen


I am longing for getting even more connected with the wild side inside me!

Go dancing in the rain and around the bonfire
and getting people dancing together
with me! 💯❌

I have this dream about coaching in nature;-
to invite people up in the mountains,
be dancing around the bonfire, 🔥
dancing on top of the mountains. 👣
And invite people by the ocean;-
to run in the cold sea, 💦
and to dance on the beach. ⚓️

I would love to be someone people come to
when they need help,
when they need support
when they need to be
and to get to know themselves even better!

If you need any help to dive deeper into your dreams or your leadership and are willing to invest in your growth, please do not hesitate to contact me for a sample coaching session.


We all have a story to tell ⭕️🗣

Are you making any changes to your story?
What about your leadership?

What is the story you have made up about your circumstances?
What feedback do you get from your team?

What role are you playing in your story?
We are all leaders!
Are you the leader you like to be?

What choices are you making?
We can consciously choose to live into an empowered story, - or not ⁉️

If you want to make any changes to your story or your leadership and are willing to invest in your growth, please do not hesitate to contact me for a sample coaching session.

📸Siv Sivertsen


Hey, how many days left of this year?

As always, - time is flying and we do not understand how fast time is going by and . . . bla-bla🗣

Slow down ⚓️
Yes, it is that reminder, again

How is 2021?
How was the first 10 months?
Would you do anything differently the last 2 months?
Overall, how satisfied are you right now?

How will 2022 be?
How will you prepare for next year?
Would you do anything differently than this year?
Overall, how much influence will you have on your choices for next year?

There is 59 days left of this year💫

Let me know if you need help with sorting 🦋

📷 Siv Sivertsen


Are you sitting there on the dock of the bay?

Are you still wondering what to do?
The process of completion may start today, tomorrow or next week AND here is a reminder of the POWER OF NOW 💠

The process starts now and there are so many choices to explore before you make the commitment and sign the contract . . .for

* a job
* a different job
* a different company
* a different place to live
* a different country to move to
* a different way of living. . .

I just did it and If you need help, drop me a PM 🌐

📷 Siv Sivertsen


If you wait until everything in your life is perfect before you begin something challenging and new, you will be waiting forever.

The best time is NOW.


(Bill Phillips/Calm)

📷Siv Sivertsen


Do you need clarity on a specific issue?

Do you know the feeling?
You know how it is!
You go on and on for days, weeks, months and sometime years?!
Have you already given up?
Are still dreaming of creating?
Are you soon ready to claim it?
What are you willing to say YES to?
….and it continues 🗯💬💭

Remember the power of choice 🟣⚫️

Do you need help to get clarity, send me a PM and I will support you!

📷 Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash


"What are you hungry for"? 🤩💫✨

Being an assistant with Co-Active Training Institute at a Fulfillment course this weekend made my realize even more how much we all are longing or dreaming for something else in life! This goes for all humans and is not related to your role at work.

If you have dreams, something you are hungry for, that you need some help with, send me a PM and we can schedule a free session‼️


What are you experiencing after you have taken big decisions which are influencing every day of your life?

I am experiencing gratefulness for an amazing first week after the leap! 🙏🏼

I am so grateful to everyone who have supported me this first week,
I am also grateful to myself! ✨💜💫
One of my latest most used sayings are that
"we have to slow down, to speed up"
and that is exactly what I am doing these days. 🐌🐢
My intention every day is "Ease & Grace"🦋

Going into the weekend I want to share this quote from Marianne Williamson:✨💫

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?" 💫✨

Wish you a wonderful weekend

Photo: Kieren Ridley

Ledige stillinger – Risa 03/10/2021


Risa tar inn lærlinger i følgende fag:

Ledige stillinger – Risa De som jobber i Risa skal merke en forskjell! Vi vet at motiverte medarbeidere er medarbeidere som får tillit og tar ansvar. Vi skal være bransjens mest attraktive arbeidsplass. Det betyr at lønnen skal være konkurransedyktig, men det betyr ikke minst at vi legger stor vekt på at du skal trives...


Happy for this recommendation 🔝


Vacation time‼️
How do you “land” or get connected with yourself?

Yesterday, I finally “landed” on my vacation🍀 🦅🏔

I love hiking 🥾🥾
The mountain top is the goal and I have to figure out how to get there;- I use the map as my tool, I stop and reflect on the way, am I going in the right direction?

Life is the same…. as time goes by; stop and reflect - are you going in the right direction? 🗺🧭📍

If you need help to check it out send me a PM 👍


Who are you inspired by?

I am inspired by my coaching clients!

I would encourage you to spend some time this summer to reflect over some impactful questions:

🍀 What do you do which is meaningful and how do you contribute?

🍀 What are you proud of?

🍀 Are you aware of the contribution you have?

🍀 Are you a place where you get to execute impact?

🍀 Do you contribute to the success of others?

🍀 What about the company's success?

🍀 What steps can you take for greater impact?

🍀 Are you contributing to your success?

Several of my coaching clients have already taken big steps out of the comfort zone! 💫

Today they operate at a different level than they did when we started a few months ago. 💫💫

Now they see what impact they can have and furthermore the next step becomes even bigger, and the fear becomes less because they experience all they master!💫💫💫

If you want to level up your inspiration and contribution or your life is filled with these questions without any answers, send me a PM and we can have a chat how we may work together.

photo: Siv Sivertsen


Today I am so happy and excited!
Today I started my Certification with Co-Active Training Institute.

Thanks to you who have supported me on this journey, so far!
Thanks to Altera Infrastructure for the agreement of working reduced hours during Certification!
Thanks to the clients who have signed up with me!

If you are interested in a complementary session, drop me a message!


Do you believe in the stories you tell yourself every day?

Every day you are shaped by your own stories from the past.
The moment you think about doing something different;
fear pops up!

Fear, you hate fear, so what do you do?
You jump in to your story where it is much more comfortable and safe!
We all do, and it is possible to get over it, make changes and create new stories which serve us better.

If you want to change your thinking and behaving, and stop going back to the same old story, just for sake of comfort -
Send me a message and I will give you a complementary session.

To support my certification I also offer very good packages to clients who want to set up an agreement after the free session.

Do you want to change your stories?
I know it works!
Let us grow together!

Dette studiet gir nesten garantert jobb og høy lønn 15/04/2021

15.april er fristen på å søke til neste skoleår!

Siste dagen og du har ikke bestemt deg?
Sjekk ut denne linken!
Lykke til!

Dette studiet gir nesten garantert jobb og høy lønn Natt til fredag går fristen ut for å søke høyere utdanning og eksperter forventer høye søkertall. Lisa Flage valgte en lite kjent utdanning som gir både gir høy lønn og nesten garantert jobb.


Hvordan går det?
Prøver du fortsatt å endre deg selv?
Ikke stå i veien for deg selv ift forventninger og frykt.
Husk, det er din jobb og om du vil kan jeg hjelpe!

What is your next step? | by Eli Gjesdal | LinkedIn 12/03/2021


What is your next step? | by Eli Gjesdal | LinkedIn Published: March 12, 2021. What decisions have you made lately to put your changes in to action? So many people are presently in a life reflecting bubble due to the pandemic or due to personal reasons, or a mixture of both? As a coach I do listen to similar stories again and again. " I need...


Står du ovenfor valg?
Finner du ikke ut av det?!
Senk farten, ta en pause og reflekter over valgene.
Bruk tid! Det er du tjent med om du kan,- det er en styrke å stå lenge i valgprosesser!


Risa søker lærlinger🙌🙌

Rekruttering starter tidlig, og små «Risa-fans» er noe av det kjekkeste vi vet💯
Vida (7) er en av spirene som har en plan om å jobbe i Risa når hun blir stor. Det er stas, det🔻🥰

Har du en drøm om å jobbe i Risa? Sjekk ut lærlingordningen eller ledige stillinger på www.risa.no


Foredrag på Solborg Folkehøgskole i går!
Flotte unge voksne som skal velge neste steg i livet ✨
Lykke til med valg - gå for drømmen 💫


Mekanisk bedrift søker lærling 👇

Vi søker lærling. Er du Anja sin etterfølger? Vi er en allsidig mekanisk bedrift med spennende maskiner, kjekke kolleger og lærerike oppgaver. Søknad med CV sendes til [email protected] innen 10.03.2021. Del gjerne 🙂

Vil du plassere din bedrift på toppen av Bedrift-listen i Stavanger?
Klikk her for å få din Sponsede Oppføring.

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Reflect ✨Create💥 Reset 💫Have you thought about some of the wins that you have had this year?What can you bring with you ...





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