Siden Karina Hollekim

Siden Karina Hollekim

Keynote Speaker and Co-Founder of Young Happy Minds. Ex BASE jumper and Freeride Skier.


Noen mennesker har en innstilling til livets utfordringer som er verdt å ta med seg…
Anders Backe , Sigurd Backe og faren dere Tollef har en unik evne til å se muligheter når andre gir opp.
Få med deg vår aller siste episode av Klok av Skade.

Da Tollef falt stygt på ski i den lokale skibakken i Vikersund hvor han hadde arbeidet som ildsjel i mange år, var det aldri snakk om å gi seg. Til forskjell fra mange andre historier så har Tollef sammen med sine to sønner samarbeidet godt med NAV om utvikling av nye Reodor Felgen løsninger slik at Tollef fortsatt kan kjøre gravemaskinen og bidra på gården.

Det hjelper litt å ha Supervention-stjerne og multikunstner Anders Backe på lag, som alltid ser det mulige i det umulige. Møt de to til en prat om gårdsdrift, skistunts og gravemaskin.

Se siste ordinere episode av Klok av Skade sesong 2 med vår alltid engasjerte Karina Hollekim

Lenke til episoden finner du her:
Klok av skade er støttet av Helsedirektoratet via Stiftelsen Dam, og Stiftelsen Sophies Minde i samarbeid med Personskadeforbundet LTN .

Foto: Coyote Film

Timeline photos 31/01/2021

The most beautiful diamonds in the world!


Ekstreme situasjoner, som den vi er i nå, bringer frem det beste og det verste i oss, og for mange er det vanskelig å balansere hjemmekontor, familie og eget hode.
Frykten og usikkerheten om hva som venter oss rundt neste sving er reell og vi blir ikke kvitt følelser, men vi kan skape oss omgivelser som gir de gode følelsene vi trenger.

Vi i Young Happy Minds har laget et kurs for nettopp dette.
Bli med oss på vårt 12 ukers digitale program og få en verktøykasse for livet!

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 18/01/2021

This is what my workout session looks like in my mind...
➡️ Swipe for reality!

These days I can feel the importance of keeping a positive mindset... but it’s not always easy!

I think most people have experienced the effect of a positive mindset and how it affects our life. No matter if our goal is to climb Mount Everest or just make it through the day, our mindset decides the quality of our journey.

The cool thing is that we can grow and cultivate a positive mindset through our focus and actions.

So I’ve decided to keep this image in my head to motivate me to keep going...
Even though the reality is quite different. 😅

@ Drøbak, Norway

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

My plan was to slide into 2021 like...!!
Unfortunately it didn’t quite start off the way I planned.
More lockdowns, more isolation and more uncertainty...

It is not what I wished for but I have a dream.
I have a vision.
This time I know where I’m going. And I know I will get there! With time.

Knowing where I want to go gives me motivation. It makes it easier for me to make more of the right decisions every day. It makes it easy to choose.
And it feels good having a compass to guide me whenever I’m in doubt.

I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I believe that we are going towards brighter days!

Do you have a dream? Do you have a vision?
What will be your compass to guide you through 2021?

Timeline photos 24/12/2020

Merry X-mas from all of us to all of you! Feeling fortunate to spend it with the ones I love in a place that makes us happy.
Take care and stay safe. ❤️

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

It’s a wrap!
12 hours of filming done today...
A total of 5 days and more than 40 hours of footage is edited down to a 15 hours online course brought to your home!

Because what could be more relevant than speaking of resilience and happiness in these uncertain times?
We need it now more than ever before.

And did you know that happiness is a skill that can be learned and cultivated all through life?
If you want to know more, check out my free webinar and our online course!
(Link in Bio)
Happy, grateful, proud, honored, tired and now ready for Xmas!

Thank you

Timeline photos 10/12/2020

The mountains are calling!
Finally it’s that time of the year when our world gets covered with that soft white blanket... spreading light, lifting our spirits and allowing us to play!
This year we need it more than ever before...
I’m ready. ❄️❄️

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 09/12/2020

This guy...
My sunshine, my roller coaster of emotions, my bundle of energy, my affectionate little monkey.
Every day you teach us to be passionate, to enjoy the little moments and to play!
You have an ability to challenge us beyond our imagination and force us to push boundaries and grow as a tribe. I wouldn’t want it in any other way.
Happy birthday my love!
You rock our world! ❤️❤️

@ Bekkestua

Timeline photos 01/12/2020

What if we made these special days of Advent special for someone else?
What if we made it a time for random acts of kindness...?!
Kindness for yourself or just a random act of kindness for someone else. But watch out, kindness has a tendency to be quite contagious...
Happy 1st of December! ❤️

Timeline photos 29/11/2020

We are ready! Ready to ski. Ready for winter. Ready for some fun!
Ready for a new normal... Are you ready?

Timeline photos 23/11/2020

At this time of year I normally chase the snow somewhere in the mountains...
but this year is different.

Even if I can’t do what I normally do I try to find opportunities to play elsewhere.
Why is play so important to me?

For me playing is about who I used to be as an athlete. Play is what refuels my energy and makes me happy.
It gives me a lot of joy knowing that I still have a kid in me.
From the outside I might look like Pinocchio but on the inside I feel like a champion.

Let’s embrace different and surf this wave and believe that everything will fall into place...

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 07/11/2020

Vi skulle hatt mentorsamling i helgen, men valgte å avlyse. For selv om mange av oss kjenner på den psykiske belastningen av isolasjon og usikkerhet, og hadde hatt et stort behov for en samling, er vi rollemodeller og må ta vår del av det kollektive ansvaret for å begrense smitten.

I stede valgte vi å bruke dagen til en smittevennlig innspilling til nye episoder av «Klok av skade» og lage materiale til vår nye dokumentarfilm som kommer i 2021.

For når landet stenger ned blir de digitale møteplassene igjen ekstremt viktige!

Nå går vi hjem hvert til vårt - klare for en ny dugnad.

Hold avstand. Ring en venn. Ta vare på deg selv og dine. Dette klarer vi! ❤️

**kcorona .center @ Modern Activity Center

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 03/11/2020

Every once in a while I feel like the queen of the ocean but today I felt more like a kitten in a washing machine!
Still super happy with tons of vitamin sea, D and WE!!

@ Saltstein, Nevlunghavn


On this weeks Happy-list my youngest son wished to fly like he’s mom used to.
Tricky, I thought... Then I remembered this place!
To see the stoke in his eyes is both exhilarating AND frightening...
Gotta love this place.


Det mangler ikke på engasjement når Marianne Holt Dybwad
og jeg fikk en mulighet til å snakke til Stortingets Helse og omsorgskomité.
Sunnaasstiftelsen har stor gjennomføringsevne og har utvidet tilbudene i takt med brukernes behov. Vi håper derfor politikerne ser at det er god samfunnsøkonomi å øke støtten til Sunnaasstiftelsen så vi kan hjelpe flere!

Timeline photos 25/10/2020

Sometimes it’s hard.

When I woke up this morning to pouring rain and blasting winds.
When I had to convince my kids that it’s fun to play on the beach even when the weather is bad.
When I had to convince myself it will be worth it...
It was hard.

But slowly it crept up on me...
the joy when I could feel the elements. That smile each time I rode a wave.

An enormous gratitude crept up on me and I realized how fortunate I am to be able to ride waves like this, play and feel happy.

The truth is that even when it’s hard I never regret the activities that puts a smile on my face.

Få trollene ut i sola 17/10/2020

Vi er alle hele mennesker. ❤️

Få trollene ut i sola Troll sprekker i møte med dagslys. Vi håper lyskasterne rundt Birgit Skarstein på dansegulvet har samme effekt på alle trollene som har poppet opp på nettet.

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 16/10/2020

What would you do if speaking was your job but suddenly you could no longer speak...?
Would you cave in or aim for the Parliament?
I know what I would do...

Stay tuned to learn more.

Timeline photos 13/10/2020

Åtte millioner tonn plast havner i havet hvert år. Plasten truer ikke bare dyrelivet, men også oss.
Med konkrete tiltak der problemene er størst, skal årets TV-aksjon ta plasten ved rota.

Jeg skal være digital bøssebærer for årets TV-aksjon og jeg håper at du også blir med på en av årets viktigste dugnader!
Gi ditt bidrag; VIPPS til 2133!

Sammen skal vi redusere plastutslippene og ta vare på verdenshavene!

Timeline photos 11/10/2020

It doesn’t take long to recharge my batteries... A few rays of sun, a taste of the ocean and the kids playing joyfully makes a moment to remember!
Visiting some of Norway’s most beautiful beaches in Mandal this weekend... Love it! ❤️

Timeline photos 10/10/2020

Today is World Mental Health day 🙏
Unfortunately, mental health is one of the most neglected areas of public health...
Close to 1 billion people are living with a mental disorder and sadly the numbers are alarming amongst young people.
And now, billions of people around the world have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a further impact on people’s mental health.

Young Happy Minds is on a mission to positively impact the lives of at least ten million people by teaching researched based positive psychology.

We are starting a new course on October 19th with focus on parents and their children.
We have made a special World Mental Health Day-offer and would love to make a positive impact on you and your family!

We hope you want to join our course and let us make a positive impact on you and your family!

This course is in Norwegian, but we will launch a course in English in early 2021. In the meantime, let´s march together for a better Mental Health and join World Health Organizations 24 hour virtual march to learn about different calls to action. It´s on!

Join our course here!

Timeline photos 04/10/2020

Some days it rains, some days it doesn’t... Some paths are easy, some are not.
No matter what I prefer... as long as I go outside I know it will make me happy!

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 29/09/2020

Not all days are sunny...
So I choose to bring back yesterday’s memories and relive this moment!

And maybe today’s rain teach me to appreciate the sunny days even more!

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 29/09/2020


Timeline photos 28/09/2020

The mountains deliver! (as always)
Every time we are in the mountains, we are just so thankful that we are there!

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 22/09/2020

Being a Keynote Speaker after COVID-19 is different...

To exist as a speaker I had to change. I had to challenge my beliefs of the importance of presence when creating emotions in others...

We keep saying how hard change is...
But what if we could look at change as an opportunity to do something new?
To create something great!

I still prefer face-to-face but I have to say that this digital world is not all that bad. A good thing is that I get to share my story with you, in your living room, in the kitchen, at the subway... wherever you may be.
And I think that’s pretty great!

@ Oslo, Norway

Episode 10 - Den nakne sannhet med Trond Hammer 20/09/2020

Han var første politimann på Utøya 22. juli. Supermann og superpappa. Så skadet han seg i en sykkelulykke og fikk en ryggmargsskade.

I dag er han fremdeles leder i beredskapstroppen, supermann og superpappa. Hans erfaring med omstilling og ekstreme situasjoner gjør han til en viktig mentor og rollemodell.

Møt den myke siden av Trond Hammer, avkledd i boblebadet, med meg i sesongens siste episode «Klok av skade».

Episode 10 - Den nakne sannhet med Trond Hammer This is "Episode 10 - Den nakne sannhet med Trond Hammer" by Sunnaasstiftelsen on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Lær hvordan du blir mer robust, mestrer stress og finner livsglede i vanske 15/09/2020

Nytt Webinar nå førstkommende lørdag! Meld deg på for litt påfyll og inspirasjon, det trenger vi alle! ;)
Vi launcher nytt kurs med oppstart 5 oktober.

Lær hvordan du blir mer robust, mestrer stress og finner livsglede i vanske ✨ Få en introduksjon til hva positiv psykologi EGENTLIG er, og hvordan du kan hjelpe deg og dine barn til økt livsglede gjennom en konkret 6-stegs metode.

Episode 9: Funksjonshjemmet med Gunhild 11/09/2020

When you start looking for opportunities there is a whole world that opens up... This weeks episode I´m visiting Gunhild Bottolfsen to check out her house filled with technicalities!
Come join us for inspiration...

Episode 9: Funksjonshjemmet med Gunhild This is "Episode 9: Funksjonshjemmet med Gunhild" by Sunnaasstiftelsen on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 07/09/2020

Laugh -Love - Live!
How often do you get a weekend
(or week-days) that is all about refueling your energy?!
Take some time to invest in yourself or your better half, invest in your team or coworkers... I assure you, you’ll come back a different you!

@ Canvas Telemark


This week we were all supposed to be in Barcelona... The camp is an amazing experience for us all and it opens up a whole new world of opportunities! Due to Covid-19 it is not possible this year but let´s feel the vibe and look forward to next year...

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

Slipping into a sink-tub by a lake is the perfect after-bike and just what I needed this weekend...

Bli toppidrettsutøver i eget liv ! - med Birgit og Tommy 24/08/2020

Through our program series "Klok av skade" I get to meet so many fascinating people with stories we can all learn from.
Listen to Tommy Rovelstad and Birgit Skarstein share experiences from their lives as top athletes and how it influenced and changed their everyday life for the better... Tommy Rovelstad Birgit Skarstein

Bli toppidrettsutøver i eget liv ! - med Birgit og Tommy This is "Bli toppidrettsutøver i eget liv ! - med Birgit og Tommy" by Sunnaasstiftelsen on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people…

Photos from Siden Karina Hollekim's post 20/08/2020

August 20th 2006... it’s been 14 years already! Looking back at these photos I realize I’ve come a long way... Who would have thought that these legs would not only return to walking but skiing, rock climbing, surfing and even further...
Getting the opportunity to start over with blank sheets is a privilege, so today I want to celebrate!

Timeline photos 15/08/2020

Sometimes I have to remind myself to take some time to just enjoy the moment and take it all in...

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

Savoring that moment when hugging your best friends was still a normality...

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

Getting back to the regime after weeks of socializing with good food and wine was a bit tougher than wished for... But now it’s on! Who’s with me??

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

To all the women supporting their sisters... There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish! quote: Live Landmark

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

To all the women supporting their sisters... There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish! quote: Live Landmark

Videos (show all)

Hva gjør at noen velger å gi opp, mens andre kommer tilbake enda sterkere når de møter motgang?